4 1 A county Rod Crooa t w*if from the Southeoot* C Atlanta roqnosUnc that ha asalgned to hi. North. Oproltna, CaroUna t aa the need wae After a aurvey of the. local ooarcaa, no names worn found to bo available. r-four nurses from the it hare been recruited for Carolina alone. Through the service of the Red Croes the organisation re cruits professional names for ter So’ Red Cross home naralng classes by local cbaptara to to giro staple nnrsti t6 membem of a family un- dar the doctor's gmMssoe. To car* for outbreaks of potto- myelitis In 1147 the Red Cross re cruited ItS names to supplement i S< cities. Of to Iradoh, tit in Boise. To Akron and Cin cinnati went 14 names each oat of 64 aeelgnal to Ohio. Twenty-two nerved la Now York state. The Red Cross also recruited nurses for ser vice in Pennsylvania, Now Jersey, Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Rhode Island, North Dako ta, Illinois, Arkansas, Minnesota. Tanas, New Mexico, Oregon, CaU- torn la, Oklahoma and South Da kota. PRIKNDtHIP CHAPEL • Supply, Prank c. Parry, Jr. Sunday school, 16 a. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Gospel Heaven." Maybank Make* Another Protest On Buckingham United R . • svw Si SmWlWrsI al® the United Statoe dletrlot an- glnaar reiterating big a tlon to the Buckingham I lug daan project. In his telegram Senator May- tank aaMi <■ • 4d"V"BnA gamAdbAta *% el® ham Land inland 1 therCoghl agree with them and will op pose the development of Buck- in the United that K valuable timber which In turn duetry throughout the section. It la unnecessary and 1 sea na good that would to our people by its tlon.- Cassatt News Conunftal services for Radas West, who died In the U. B. A. In 1644 worn conducted at Providence Baptist charch Sdhday afternoon. Life Underwriters Association Bolds Monthly Meeting The Ufa Underwriters Associa tion of Camden held He monthly meeting Tuesday evening at Gas Ward's and notwithstanding the fad that H was elactiou night there warns fairly good attsndahoa. This is one of Camden's organisations bat it is going for ward and membem of the aaa tlon are pleased with the progress it la diaking. It is organised for tho purpose promoting high ethics among the underwriters and Is af filiated with the state and national organisations. H. A. Elliott is president of tho association, L. B. Mayer, vice dent, and W. Shannon Hepth, taiV-treaaumr. Charter men Natl tabem Anderson, Nations] life Co.; David Baum, United Co.; Edward Croiley, Pilot life In- > Co.; Basel A EUIott, New berry life ft Health Insurance Co.: L. C. Elliott,) a B. Elmore, B. H. Harris. J. P. Jonas and Hugh Matthews of ^ta JAAte Co. of Georgia; W. Shannon Heath, Fidelity Mutual; L. 8. Mayer, Now Wednesday Morning 8:30 A.M. to 1P.M. Moat of tho copper from the U. 8. need In — Tho United States produces more of the total value of s mineral prodneta. Racine waa the youngest son of thel York Life Insurance Co.; L. A Ute Mr. and Mm. William West. M unn> Public Savings Wadnesday evening, 7 p. m Bible Club Recreation and Bible Study. The public la cordially Invited to attend they CARD OF THANKS I went to tbanh Ute voters of Betbune and Eastern District of Buffalo Township at largo, for the splendid vote given me Tuesday In my rase for re-el action to tho Mag- ; istrate Office at Betbune, giving me a largo majority. Itp JOHN A YOUNG, 8. C. MILLER’S for Lumbar s. c Frida riday, August IS M RELENTLESS** Robert Young Marguorlte Chapman Saturday, August 14 “Tha Bold Frontierunaii” Allan Lano Sat., Aug. 4—10:30 P. M. “SPEED TO SPARE” Richard Arien, Jain Rogers Mon. - Tues., Aug. 16-17 la^ Aug. “TO THE END OF THE EARTH” Dlek Powotl, Slone Haseo T Wednesday, August «18 “MV DOG RUSTY” Ann Damn, John Lite! Thursday, At Thursday, August 19 ^WOMAN IN WHITE” 19 Alexia Smith Sydney The multitude of friends and rela tives and the lovely floral offering bore evidence of his popularity. A. A West who had bean a patient in the Camden hospital for the .peat ten days, died Monday afternoon. Ho suffered a heart at tack Friday morning. His relatives were all called to the hospital Fri day and continued to be with him. Funeral services were conducted at Beaver Dam Baptist Tuesday afternoon at 8 o’slock, conducted by Dr. Canton, Rev. Montgomery and Rev. King. , Mine Ruth Walter* of Columbia spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. end Mr*. F. M. Walters. Miss Walters leavsa Friday for a visit with friends la PennaylvanlA Bernice Snlllvan and Alice Bruce of Columbia, Miss El la Catherine, McLaughlin, Stewart Teal 'and Donald Holland spent Sunday at Soger Loaf Mountains and the Forty Acre Rock. Paul Spears of Miami, Fla., visit ed friends ham Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowen and small daughter of. Florence spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mm. Steve Bowen. __ Reynold* returned recent ly from a trip to Nashville, Tmn. We are delighted to report the condition of Arthur Dodge West, who .was seriously in Jared la an automobile accident la Ft Lauder- Fla., Is steadily Improving. Mm. X. M. West and children spent several days last wash In Colnm- bl®. / Jim. Lola McLaughlin is a patient in the Camden boepltal. Lawrence Stokes was Injured In an automobile accident recently. Misses Elisabeth Lee, Kate France# Lee of Camden spent .the weekend with Mias Wllhemenia Gariaev. . Mm. J. C. Momler and son, Joseph Momler of Charleston, spent Sat urday with the former’s sister, Mm. H. B. Gardner. Mm. Trlmnal Is visiting her granddaughter. Mm. Murrel and family In Wilmington, N. C. J. W. Young, who Is In the U8N, stationed in California, spent his furlough with relatives here. Miss Florence EUIott of Newi Co.; J. H. Reese, Capital Ufa In surance Co., and Hastings Wyman. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. NOTICE OF SALE la hereby given that un- I by vlrtna of an exeention la the caae of Anna Stew art Neiaoa vs. Georgs Nelson, pur suant to the Decree of the Court of pleas tor Kershaw Coun ty, tatsd March X 1848, in said 1 have levied upon and will at Public Auction before the House Door, in Kershaw , Booth Carolina, on the legal ikies day In September Tuesday, the 7th day tho legal boom of lent. property of Cershaw described Nelson: that parcel or lot of land a ’residence thereon. In the of South Carolina, County of haw, located Just North of the Of Camdi len, being a portion of land formerly of March Adams, being a portion of shown oa plat of survey by A B. Boykin. Surveyor, dated April 12, 1938, commencing at an iron comer m feet north ef the aoutheramoet point of said property of March Adams and extending northward for a distance of 145 feet on the West side to an Iron comer; thence South 89 S-4 degrees East 11* 1-2 feet to an Iron corner; thence along the Eastern side of said March Adams proparty as shown on said plat. South IS 1-2 degress Waal 150 feet to an Iron cooler; thence Westward 81 faet to an Iron corner, tho point of beginning. ‘Said lot U bounded on the North by atrip of property 25 feet In width and the remaining portion of tho March Adams Home Place, ai to :VA' a V a— '■ - '■ .'"l < For rur v WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Men’s Summer > - % ■ sett; Sooth by a triangular tract, being portion of said March Adame Tract; West by lands of Saepor- taa, formerly Moore. 1 ' > G. B. DeBRUHL, Sheriff of Kershaw County Camden, 8. C., Aug. 12, 1242, Mm. Mendel 1, Robinson and son. David Horasgy of Brooklyn, N. Y., la expected to arrive this week to spend his vacation with his family who are visiting bar moth er, Mm. C. A Birds branched off from tha same subgroup of reptiles to which crocodiles and dlnoasaara belong. WEDNESDAY, MORNING, AUG. 18 .MILLER’S for York City Is visiting relatives here, j Mrs. Coyt Wilson of Warrington, Va, has Juet returned to her home eftre a visit with her mother. Mm. Fists West and family. She was aroomnanled home by her sister, COMING ATTRACTIONS Haigitr Theatre FrL-Sat, Atag. 13-14 Kddie Daan and his Wtrtto Cloud—in “BLACK HILLS” with Ataa, Shirley Added: “Echo Ranch” ~ Last Chapter, “Dick Tracey” 'fo99999&99999999999&9€ Mon.-Tues., Aug. 16-17 Maria banka, ' Spaeiall “THE EXILE” Montes, Douglas Fair- Jr., and introduces Paul# C roast Also Warner Paths News WEEWIgqigigBaiaaiBBMijiiita Wed.-Thurs., Aug. 18-19 Nightmam of Terror! Mystery I ’THE RETURN OF THE WHISTLER” with Michael Duane, Lanore Aubcri Also Serial and News COMING "THE WHITE GORILLA” Greatest Wild Animal Picture ever Screened! ’ 1001 thrillsi Watch for Data SPECIALS FOR rt Ladies’ Panties 39c Regular 98c Sellers , ' Slips—Extra Long Lace Trimmed Top and Bottom in Tearose Sizes 32 to 40 $2.00 ' Star Dust Tailored Slips. White and Tearose $2.00 Extra size, 44 to 52 in Tearose $1.49 Cotton Print Pajamas $1.00 Dress Shop : V e 943 Broad Street / ? -aw- Note how the metal crow pieces — l *' -*■ Theae SPECIAL ON i Floor Covering 6x9 linoleum • aeeeeeee# $3.00 We have 9x12 Rugs in Paboo, Bind and Gold Seal. See our selection of many patterns in regular linoleum and inlaid • . ■ » * by the yard. Boykin Furniture Co. Broad Street run in both direction*. provideTirm, yet resilient, Bex- ibie platform aupport for your mattresa ... make* It aorv comfortably. v. For Wednesday, August II 8:30 to 1 o’clock PITCHFORKS, fight and sturdy v ., 4 y^. . BALING WIRE,500strands. • t - f- • Feed & —C (Just South of Coca Cola Plant) 11 ‘TAKES AW ACE SPRING to km you BETTER SLEEP! Get more comfort... better sleep from your mattresg by supporting it with an ACE Spring. Sturdy, flexible metal bands over coils furnish "platform mpport" and prevent mattress tags and Hollows which rob you of your proper rest. For total comfort, extra life from •to the modern ACE i - i rw - — — HALF HOLIDAY Wednesday, August 18 A* / 9x12 Fek Base Rugs. .. ■ . u . ' ' ■ Eye Diapers, 27x27 . f— • WEDNESDAY MORNING Oil I -4 One Silvertown Tube with ew J l f ' g. >, ♦: “’y ■ ’ V" •• Goodrich Tire purchased for ct REFRESHING? AH, YES! Ice Cream... All Flavor* •Frozen Custard •Sincy Sherbert For that Tired Run-dovnf ing on these hot days, snap back i delicious dish of ice cream, from cus* or sherbert We also sell ice