■ • . i -Tit.iis-^.i^‘♦^G '^VJ^ .*'-,^■11 •. • ' • \ .- tr. '/-/'. ^^ -WV*'*^''- , ^ ...— ,l/\ ■- 'j- M ■« CAMbni, SOUTH CAJIOUNA. FMBAY. AUGUST ^ IMS » B«Bf oL ’The only iwnmUma” aM Mr. Rkharda. ”wlll be MMih^mplu Crom the second grade the ftoject For Dim At Confluence Congaree And Wat^i& Revived . The people of Camden and of the rural areas of Ker shaw county which would be affected will make the same bitter fight against the revived project for building a dam at the confluence of the Congar^ and Wateree rivets that they made when the project was considered several years ago and rejected, it *was stated this week by Mayor Henry Savage, Jr., and othen. ChrotUde ^ 79Th0 UnMlm Ohrenlele this .iBiilued the feUewtns X. N. Hervin, die- ef Bhe Cerellna ‘ewer, Cempeay, '^s rf aa Orehld alveii The telumbUi saner. am anthled te the Or> OHSHi mferrsd te a miaiaim m Maenrd abitfl The Chrentele vMeh The Reeerd aald mat tt "epsmi te « Uie host weekly iiierw^ seen ta the stale, ih leverada, In Hi ■ - - Town and County.... •GMpelFilMs Bhwmth grade irbe haW at cS|an I Irq, other candSdatee situatlon'Hadlrectly •^tlng Wednesday drew ’ mao site crowd aa the which was held *• The candidates, except •PMches noted abowe, m ‘ •atae speeches they haws >n« durtng tho campalfni. aacrunj presided owfr the « Of World -irectorg ^her Here ^»»ntion of the fMd ' the Modem Weed- will be held fai ^J^taarters at the fc®* will briag oww. Ud !!!.* order ta ,2*Htloned Hunt rocM. , is to bfl^ Hunt pool 'Awlifaatwud in ^ rttualietlc urail I eelmia. ♦ attendtag tbn |mar achooL ‘Tha trueteee asl • ItendenC haws made w goede. breaek ef trust wrlth freudu- lent IntMit, fomieatiou, aodbmy, incest, amauk wrtth intent te raw* lah. miscegenation, laneeny. ’’And I do farther solemnly swenr that I am a peraon at aonnd naind, and that I am not inpported and cared for at public expenao., "I do furttier solemnly swear that I hawe reached the ago of twenty-onen(81) years.” The instituetloua sent to the elec tion mauagerrTbliOw: No assistance should be render ed to any voter who flila out the enclosed oath and meets the re quirements ns to reading and wrrit- ing. Those who cannot read or write must plnoe their mark on the correct blank and hawe it sigued by a witness, provided if they hawe a registration certificate or a tax receipt. ’’A voter poeeeeslng a rerikfra- tion certificate who cannot read or white may be assisted by aome r^ sponaible person when marking hia ballot If ttie voter requests such ’’AD wotsrs must reed and sign the before being Iseued a bal lot nnleea they present a reglstra- tiou certificate Sigaature mutt be tegible hut reaminder of blank not be fUled In by the voter. The managers are reqneeted to com plete the remalnlBg hlanhe below the algnatbre. ., •Ifaiiacers dre requested te tohop on file one of the abowe p^efiDed pit aud elcsed IBT tho;^ « proof that svgry by a qaaMOeA^sleclor. K, howew, /▼oter vnimU hie certiftcateVhe wtU net bo required to sign the oath, bet the »w«^ ^ hie certificate taheuld plaoed on tho polling Ust opposite hia «r her name. AU baUot pnm mat k^J®*®** ed to ths'^ourt house by Wednee* day. Afloat 11 at U noou. ^th to be sigued by the maoagees fODows: e do eolemnly swear *h*t ^ will conduct thie to the rulee of party decMoas of the allow no peraon to vote whd^ aame Is not regularly enroOad tu this club. We voter ee to how he MWiid vore *t Oli WiMnr, uor •» W voter to preiare hie hatM. Qoepel films wiU be sbeeu Sunday ewening ha Angnat o'cloek at Frieadahlp Chasm sniTsy and fninrt vm BBTrliniliiin *• vkhln this tarrhoiTirSm ne ease dlauy invited. | he over a mile troui dhe Pine Tree - ., «. „ . ,Hai eekoel. It M fiiS wkfc of the; •McCogUe At Kawhew (trustees to bnQd up eurelmeat of ^ .. . . Ithe Pine Tree HiS babeol to ttst fTencla N. McCorkle bps 'eo-|ca|wclty within a f< cepted an Invltntlon to fiU the ^01*1 ‘"The 1848-48 ....... 3^. _ _ . - . IWfb boheol, VIke TTe4rWt?eMiool, him PITPPau SoMny |Jackson high edwol, Jneksou «... J. U SudlK pM^or .f SST “*** Uble it Oolambla Colle8e,i.wlU oo*j "pattoas of the schools ere re* cupy the imlpit at Ulnded that the Uw requlree aU Stteet Method^ churoh Buuday Uhool dilldren to he vacetoated I for the prevention of smeUpox.” , ....... ...... IMBssFewellNamed James Clyde Walton, of Camden, ^ ^ waa awarded the degree of Master ll|i|;o^||^|||y |||mA of Bdttcatioa and Jack dareball the degree of Master of Icienoe at the Hnivertity of South Carolina Sommer School gradua tion exercises on August t. mcmixif. •Two^G^ Dsfrana (ploMe tew tu yjutsn) Burgiari Fail In Effort To Crack Safe; Lwve Note eeheoL Owgi.,, M the ofdar^mttMl ^ laeedfMr win hel'mo is a to hs ipted to rob the Mtai. , wo oouM edt Wa dameied It h the • Wow. ef ' ^«k the aole Camden WOl Fight It Stains i^Vay Program In This' I County b Giyw Many Projecta Wore Either Completed Or Started la 1948 Profraiii;--*Profr%|n, For New Yesur To Be Drawn « SI ’f 'yilh ^ Hi ’ \ Legion Post b Being Formed By BeUiune Veterans Application For Charter To Be Filed On Aug. 12 —• Next Meetiaf To Be Held On Auf. 11 Approximately 25 vet erans of Bethune and vicini ty met last Friday night, July 30 and unanimously de cided to orgsuise an Ameri can Legion post. Promoters of tha new poet said that they hope to be nUe to file an application for a ehartw about August 12. The name of the new poet has not yet been decided upon. Harold Cop^nd, Bruce Jones, J. M. aybure. J. D. McLswriu and Nail Ratcliff hat's been named aa racrult committeemen and all eligible veternas in the Bethune area are asked to contact one of the oommltteemaa before August II no that their named will ap- per eon the charter. The next meettag of the vet- eruM will be held in the Bethune school gymnnstum on Wedasniay. August 11 et 8 p. B. AU vetaraas III the aaua are Invited te attend thla meeting. Enrdineiit For Tse^dsy . The hearing on tha oonatruc- tion of the dam which Was te have been held before United gtatee army engineers In Co lumbia on Thuroday of wooK hao boon poetponad 11 a. m. on Soptoipbor 2. Of the 11,344,000 allotted to Kershaw county in the state highway program of 1947-48, contracts have been let and the work completed or started on projects to- . $1,094,000. The pro- that day R Is expoeted that fects for which Contracts there will be large delegatibne. ihave not yet been let will, from this ontiro option ^p- of »vay department haw ' Sftiu wIB dftPI I flHwdiii AM# m stmwbW aiinm|»i ■ etam rr. siu; ^ tm of u>. Cllr ot C.m >• « ui. «.d Muutio. « I WemmiMA BAA AAA rebuilding bridge at litde Lynches river, al> He .aid that whm» the propol-1 reJi.^ tK oi“SS2id‘JISll U. 8. Hoitr?:qimK>«mtinction of attended^a^irtM‘^h!Sf^J^j5ll®’^**^*** Blanoy, allqlmem |80.- attended a hoaring which wae heM|poo contract |154.880v Work pUc- tteally completW. tion at Sumter and that after the evl deuce wee praeeated the vote against the conetraction of the dam was unanldtotta. ’The aame evL dmioe that wae presented then holds good today but has been greatly strengthened by develep- mente since that time. When the dam was first NMd it ingham dam project tor granted that the revived Agent In Hie State A record smashing enrolment in excess of 888,080 wne to ppoepect today for BouA rareUmi Aagnst 10 and 24- Democratie party prim- arleS. Reports from eight oouatlee ahowpd e^lmente totaling 88,880 compered wiUi M,008 two yenre ago. Should the aame proportion bold true thronihout the state, some 800,000 persons ere enreled: This wouMN^pare with the id IWl «ad Wateree rivets. Bofredier Coiune Be Pht On Here 458,508 enrolled two yeers ego, a In a recent meeting the South Cartdlna Home Demonstration Agents^ Aseoelathm elected Miss . Margaret FewMKthe most Outstand- TheCatodqn Kindergarten which hug home demonatratton agent in win be under the dtreetlon ef ifra.|the eUte. She was chosen en the Donglae McArn this year, wttl open bpets of yean eervloe. outstanding on September IT. Mra. McAm ad-1 work, travel aad pereouqUty. vises that prompt enrolment te ad: Mtee PeweU win represent the vteable es only a Umlted number | mate at the National CenvehUon will be taken. tof Home Demonstratloii Agents . this toll. •To Ho!4 Fiold MeeHxf ' ( * Miss Pewell te toktog a Carrl- There wlU be a field meettog at on the 88 I^ J..L, Sweet’s tonn nt Boykta on ** Wednesday, Angust 11 at 18 a. m., < to discuss and observe soH oon-U«tart 10. servatlon prnctloes on Mr. Sweet’stJ®“ torm. R. Y. Bailey, reggional ag- Barbados. Trtnldad and Brit ronomtet of the Soil Conemvmtloo Oulena. Service, will be present to dtecuis crop'rotation and other related eon coueervatlon practScea. •us^Bii ’thuubday niqht States Rights Democrats of Lu- I Mott and Casaden win hajto a amp- •DXBfnriB Swiramiac per at Ona Ward’a on Thtareday The Kershaw county chaptar of | night for the purpose of retetog the Amerlcain Red Cross received I mtmey tor the campaign fund at the fallowing telegram Wednesday I'lhurmond aad Wyl^t A large frem ITaacls P. Stmerville, region-1 crowd to expected to attend, al director Southeeetern area: ’’Dr.f Ban F. Wyman, state baalth offleerl r m ^ ot South Carolina, sent this ofneejjLfOCw GoVtTfUnSHt (/wUOi0€$ following wire: Haquaet that -*■****«■**»• Red Cross swimming clssess be dteoontlnued a toroughout South Carolina.’ Suggeat in intarest ofj pabUc health chapters cosaply with this order.” The Kershaw chapterl has ne awimmtog classes to prog- w. The reference te course to the polio sltaation. Savage, McKain, Raresh Sworn In As City Goes Under Commission Fon Routes IIT and l4f--Tyom Ker- w to Route 84i at Mount Ptagah 11.1 miles, anotment 1187,- 888, coArnct mJlSf. Route til f»em Lugeft to Fair- flaM oouxIr Hie, 11 mfiee Inolod- oam waa nrac dltetenn tltMOQ. con- . te the same *8*8i(S!!?m ST*”** Buckingham dam waa to be loeated | at the confluence of the Connaree I ^ abA WlAiAffAA rlvAm I fliilli BpilT eenneetlon toom Route Mf te U. B. Rente f|l.^allarntenil* town of Kenhaw At mllee, anotment $147,- 8IB, oped by the loeal chapter to|9M88. ' restrlethms. Recent toderal eourti*Rov this film to the eehooto of I Road No. 78—Pine strea In Town orderToSned foU party membar- the county this tofl. bf KerShsw trem Bsmpten atrebt ship to them. ^Mas were made for a two weeks (to Minor street. 8 J lAe, allotaept The only statewide nomtaatlon eatoty contest to be taught 198,800, contract 98,888. race te be settled te that for the In Camdep to June of next ymrl Road No. 78 — Fbem Hampton U. S. Senate seat held by Burnet I the servieee of Mr. F^l street southerly to Ptoa street to R Maybank of Charleetou. He and ^ available for It, too, the town of Kershaw, 8.t mfle. nl- NevlUe Bennett of Clio, D. B, Rep The meeting wae wen attended. I lotmcnt 92.088, oontrnet 98,808. W. J. B Dom of Oreeawood, Aten Pnoeat from the oounty sdioolsl CoBstraction Proflvnm C. the Johnstone : lDie$ lii California Camden people wbo met Mr. and PromiMiif full publicity rogardiiig all of the 2Sk«*S*terSJ“JSite*tti le cHy, Caiiiden4 new cHy admliuitratioii took office I Forum lo Held At Legion Meeting 'A pahUc torum. ^0 thei^^ the cue eontected at the Camden Rot-rXonday mornliif whiB Henry Savage, Jr., was sworn in of the latter at her hom ein Faim ary 0Mb a abert time hack, wasiRS msyor and Joe E. HcKain and A. Sam Karssh as com- Rwtesa. 'Oattf^ recen^ ^ ^ cohdimteR by Mayer Hyry gavay (piMiopCTp, l%ere wss no fanfire in oonnection HKh the . ttn^faraul Imnrinrt of ^ CSttbaad waa a frequent vtetter at pledge to the new adsatatetrettoa' hie support aad ,■3 2iebsnge of the J. Le^ Balk post to the Amerf-|tli« commMon-city iQBiiafec ftMnm of fovernmeot reS^*nimM^alnnirl 41awit the first act to the new outUaed worm to the nsugram wan to Hiiutelly sleet the hew etty admtolatratlea andlTaileat, to tor enmmsnt ce saum. | Bpaitanburg te be the eliy*s find ■««. U H. nr- mtoteniiat to Mnaielpel UMlItlee. nimNOMir cmaiw. lyjnSwStrtS. L. Hstoy, Jfb -Ike elwtoImpMlMter L 18 I. m. ' r stoh to pMee wto 8 p m., "Atitolmd to Mmto BavafiriF iutlr> TMe to Ms Pfaatms.” AowtaeJ^ Iftow F- IG MoOerkla a , . t p m- wm every possihle way uST^gteUltf iBfoiOn Vse-Of Water ULUUi and Roy A Matela. The new oouaea then retloefed ajl eity employsee to serve at the pliiiusi to the It was annouaeed that oil will meet regnlarly every fueu- day mbrtoig trem 8 te 18 etoeeh to&rFr Friday aiunmeen at 1:18 L. H. Hprdlm to Muiit^ UtMftlaa, naameed Thursday that tha has en tha uae to uiaim>'hi'Mw oily Mh baaa lifted, county Hnp 0.8 mOe. 95,000, ooBtreet 94,189.41.. compleUid. Roads U aad 84 dtetance to 7.0 mnee northeasterly, afietment 970r 000, contract 988.080. Work eom- stated. , ' Bead 18—Northerly to Road 84. 4 miles, anotment 940.888. oontrect 818488. Work No. iO-ftem Route 818 Latoff to H. B. Route V 84 ailetmsgt 11488, eefttreet Work eompleted. Route 84 to Ipa a 9U.80O. Ooatreet not lot . Bead No. 18-Flram Roa^ 11 to Lae ooorty Bam nSotmeat^i^ fSottCreet not tat Boto NO. 88 ftem V. 8. Bouts <8it 'hQr4beclpte Routo 18-1 mfite, aUetment hit let