Social and Personal News1 By Mia* Loui*? Nettle* ' . 'I'll#* Oirwuirlt* lUMnn to iiiuk?? tli** MM'lttl hiiiin a* iiihI u h ?!???' >?>> |M WOi|t?l?* 111*' I Nfinllnu <>t nrtirlt-s fn fhls "flier ur to Mi** NuliM- WtlU'H. Slit'll IU ?IIIH ulli '11 !?! Im* Ml;t l \ Ilia 1 1 wlltMl nf iiii\ li'iiirtli iii> i( 1m almost IjujhmhIMc In hikt iImmu r li t- |ii|4M' (h nit! I.t* ! I si ? ! f ??!? that \\ V will I. ot (m- Imi|h llirin i "rrivs|M?ii "III" I *1llr ?>f I In* | >ji | m * i ; 1 1 . < I iii?l I" ?i -? ? ilL J I > I'l* \ ill I i ili'U I h?*?r the wind Thai i dii. I * ink /?"iMlof'k trr>? 1 JOT m li?' i I ??. ?!???? Mi i lie tr??? ?? 1 1 Im t ? niKi-i'ly I ?<*iii l<> In it Mm r un hi iik wh vit I heard nut at ???*?. ( itarltfi Warren flloddur^ I ... ? IIMIiOl) IJI'KKAKY MIIIKI\ I ?? I hgli S luxil is doing -oine sph-n ! Mul work iJns nchmIoIi In, Hi"* Ttmrod I .?)??? (* ? .t Niil.\ k?*?*| ?>? tln-ni well j piitl i'il |?II <**ar I't'll I events, hut leaeheM l lu'iii <*\ pri'.+Kioii lii reading writing, allll V|N'j| llillg. Several llll'll II ill I WntlM'H | who an* m?vv tilling useful. -i l * ? I impor t nut |H?sltlinis in tin* wl. we 1 to keep 1 1 1 ? w ith Ihio | . 1 1 ,t ???? ..[? tlir ..ool , w ork wrllr up i-u-!.\ meet hit: W r tieliev*' thai lln v liaii1 two ra< li iiioiilh. So. girl* ? n > do r \oiir liest to win I'"' nH'daN and wo will lid ,vniir| friends km?w a l>< >ii l il Itcinciuher that j T ill ."U If. -ii 'I I'' iic.iriirt grow." ill i : x! I t >. ?: .Hi j iMMible to i Ihim win) 1 1 > . it' limy only try banl enough The soend of sikiivs Is con stuiniuk' to purjn vm-. ami tin* Tinirod Idti-ran Soeh-ty will give you tin* llrst irainhm tor patlm thai lead through tin* life now Nt retelling out la-fore you. fall- and 4iiiiliiijC- And full of posslhlll tics, Mr John ?lel/oaeh Is President j <>f tin- SiK-li*t> and Mr. H. It. CJark. dr.. Is .Si-eretar> . The follow ing: pro gram was vit) ercMilahle and well ? arrled out. at the last navtlng: (.Jiiorj Hesoh ed : t luit HUrh School .ithU't1<*> arc a hindrance to J.lternry Allii'inat ivc llanmih laizarus. ami * lamie I ludson , Negative Ki'lai'i a del. oath. Hiram I Net I li" The .iudgt*-; ilc Agju-ss HePuss. J T J Ions- i ton, Misses Mario Shannon and Willie' Mell Maekiiy Modal won l?> Miss' Marie Shannon I leclaimei h were M'isxn Helen \Vil-! .ams and Malwd (illl'ord : William I ?e Loathe llenr;. Hwi'ii) Medal won 1 -,\ M1s> Mulicl (iitYord These medals l>e(? ug lo (In- socio! \ ami are worn hy 'lie w iint.-i IToni oj^e Iiieeliusr until, ! he ni'vi t ?i i-f t'he honor of winning' 'o ju>t great -ownership does not i i: u-rea-oe i'. I'he I mm <>r girl who wears lite nie-l :? !u!' t \\ 1 1 week-> di-ser\eo just ( as niu?h 11 I'll e I MAJESTIC PROG R A M 1 txlii \ Friduj Dec. 7( li. Sim the 1 '? ?\ I'ilin Kiddie Star* in "Aladdin ?nrtnip" l ' 1 1 1 i ? I in <'aiu l> ii should -?v 1 1 1 i > | M in i ? i r? .\\ n uj ^ will 1 i 1 1 ? I ;i - liui> li !n ' >v i ; i i ? i tin.' i-lii M JIM I VN ill Saturday !>???? 8t)i. / l'< i.? njjlc Ka \ H Sena Owen ii-. <> llinr\ '*? I Mi^lit fill Mrrnino "M.ADA.MK HO-I'DKI'" It > human It'-> It'* f I ! 1 1 ?! wv!!j .hi > 1 1 < >i' and tlirilK ami inin mi ? l!'- real lift- A mrrl 1 It'll i\\ knrw it A ls? ? "\ CI.KVKK 1)1 M.MV" MoimIh) 1 )?'(?. 1 (Uii. N "4 1 1 i : HZ sihii|i||i.t f . . t!ii?- da.v Tu?'>da> I >?? i ii-iit'd Thi% I >clni! i>t Aiiii-rii ji > Slrt c < '?? mi lii-ii :.?? MAlHii; KI,\\K1'\ V r>1tiiLT, Iti'Hiilifitl :? l>? I I'ull <>t I'. in " B A lt\ M 1 N K " It) MiuvHit*' Ma\ !>????. 12 111 Tl.i- tiKMi fiuirly f?'ririi i ?ln v iM'fnri* (.ht? A.u??'rWvut l'n!?li. i.> : > should this sjuvlrtl pro d action KKI) CKONK NOTKH 'ITte lecture Kiv*'i? tin* Court IloUMe on Wednesday ovculiiK hy l>r. Joidali I Morse, was ?t it in tolkH'tuul trout for all who were ho fortunate u? to nt tfunt. Ttw? H|H*ukHr w#g Introduced by Di A \\\ HunnMr Chairman of the local Hed rnwi Clmj>U*iv Dr. Morijtt 1m a foreeful and brilliant speaker. ami held his h?mII?'?mv from start to UfiUli. lit* lolti of (lie una I ml* *lon of t Im* lied Cross and of ^ the w oiitlerful work il Is dollIK for sUlTvf Inu ti i?iii4i til I > 1 1 ?? also told of tilt; needs ??f i ht< organization anil the ur j u'i-iii ml l f ? ?r volunteer worker*. The 1 l{( x Mr (iravcs of tin* Mot hod In t < t ? ii i*? * ti Mimic ii beautiful pniM'i for llir sin < of l In* otuani/iif loll and tin* m*|'? ice.* closed w t (Ii a prayer by l(ov. Mr. liciisoti ni' t lit' Itaptist Church. The e lasso* ut 1 1 1? * I ted ( 'loss work room, iiintflit by M ik. Morgan ajnl Mr?j, ttnrnct. tti'lt* formed iin?l?'i* . Tin* members M'Oiu* ? *i I Interested ii iii I fill hilsed, jiiiiI will no doubt aiiiku a icroat success. We linn I Im t i Im* Instructors hit willing to teiufli a i Ii i it I class 1 1 a sufficient 1 1 1) in I M*r tolunlocr |o ?.?;n Mrs. S. It. Attain*, so we)l roiuomltcred anil mUeli beloved In Camden has given a large -ion1 whirh will make I h?- Work room \erv oMiifortable. Mrs. .Vilnius also sent >i donation "f $??.00 to tin* Chap ter Tin- follow lug i-oiil riliiil Ion- have t ? cent l> been i nil ? l? - Mr- It W \N' lii I ?? Jfo.tM) Mrs \\ It i itfi'ilii ii $1.00 1 1 1 1 1 ; i line Williams . LW I'll., foiiou lug don, 1 1 ions atv request ? ?I for | In- work room: black board, t liuik nml eraser - two scrap baskets; Hi'iiii new spapcrs ami w rapping |mi|h,i'; two \ a nl sticks; two rulers; pair of IC\rliaiiKt' Now Open. Tin* Woman's Kxchange Is now oja'ii 1 r > their attractive new quarters in j rhi? till t Pax is house pu Itroail Street. I In- tea room has been beautifully dylie over, iiihI the hnlies will l?cgiu to serve teas next week, also lunehes for auto parties, if engaged beforeluillii. Con- | ? liniments are solicited ? ? f fanc> work, home liuule cmitlies. pickles, preserves, Christinas cake, old furniture. rare books, old coins, brasses. Indian relies, etc. Season tickets rl.iMi. Ten per cent, commission on sales. Come and *-ee the "King' Haigler Tea Room" and \ the Kxdia nge. The Detachment Quilt. A i ilw .lnlv mooting of I >ctachmeiit No rj it \\ ji decided that t lu* ladle* wi.iilil make shirts for t lie soldiers, tjuite a number of shirt* wore made. After i !??? cutting tin* -H-raps were gath ??nil ,'incl distributed 11 in* *i i ii goodly iiiuiiImt of |1h> members and made Into a very neat attractive ? j4i i It t>r coverlet. It is 1 1 1<* jiui'ihw of the Detachment to *ell this coverlet and to iim1 tin* ???? m \ for war purposes. The Armenian Relief Fund. Tin- contribution- during tin* past week have not hern *n proportion to tho wi itig need nor the ability r?f our | hm ?pli* to do their part. Knots i tv facts. An America n oonsumr agent r? |Hirtf? that in Ids dail\ walk from f i i Iioiim1 to tin* consulate lie counted :is tnanv as twelve bodies of |X'rsons u lio had 1 1 ie< I of starvation the pre ?edlng night. Sueh is only one ex 'lerieinv of the great Heed. .More p'li ? i .i I ami more generous giving will help us do our part. The following ?? nl rilnif ions are gratefully hilled : MNn K.t In I Yates ( 'ash Krojn tin* Boxe 'In lire 11 iV; Mfo. !.a:i::'s eer\ I i I ' I iruee Phillip- \ < V >. Hank of Camden ' ':iimI\ K itehou ''ir?t National Hank W li. Xemp's I'rev imi-i y acknowledged I't >t a I K. II Harding. Dead Knitn Injuries. !lij>c:?t I'idwell. the negro who w.;s ? >?,re|\ l.iuned at Waferec a few ' \iil.v lien when a derrick I ? i r . : ? *? 1 over ! 'ii w hi Ii a young man was killed, died i from hi- injuries on Tuesday The 1 >> l\ w is s,ii|>|>,(| tn < in/at Kails, s I C. for iui rial ( hrisfmas \d\ crt isin^. I'he < hr i.icle will Im ahic !?? tak ? ii ire if ail ilic <':ristmis ad\ ? ? r ! isiug that in.i.x i nine im the nr\t two weeks. I liotw ithsiandim: the fa ? *t that lit - i considerable extent. The uief j chants- have two more weeks in which I to get their wares before I he puhlie If \"ii arc interested call this ollice and 'our ad\ ert isinc man will call upon you. Ked Crovs Meet Dig. i 'e Camden Ked Cross Chapter will me* i ?it* v T Thursday afternoon Decem ber 1 :tf h. it the work room on North l.\M>cfo|t s; ? | \ full attendance nf 1 1 ' members retpicsit'd Ma) Sol*?> Fuel Problem. Mr i M Coh-iaaii tins been demon -(rating ;i Kericis" burner at hi.s shop ? ?ii DeKalb street the | *;i s t feew days Test imolii lis from tlufsc win have used r lie burner state that if wi!! de all that i- promised b\ the ma mi fact u rers. The burlier uses kerosene ;iiid can be plac ed i i .in} ordinary coek -ti>\c.' rango ? ?I )i. .iter and i- s;iid :?> cut down fuel ? ? ? - ? - ,-iderabi.x Mr- I ? 1 1 !in_'teii of Mleiidaii who !i.-it. tieefi \ isiilng Mr-. Villi Jordan has returned ii ??me Mrs. Darlington taught in the tirade! S?-honls ef thi< city for se \ era I jeurs and i< pleasantly remem Itered ; i s Mis- I.:zzic Stoney. W \NTFI> ? Parties who borrowed wirr stretchers from IVarrr- Young Co? to rrttirn *an?e at onco. ackm >w .* 1 IMI 1.(1(1 1 !."? 1 on i in r.s .m .,"?(! tr, i . l PERSONAL MENTION* U 111 I HI I .r Mr. T. I?. Aucruiu in visiting Itt lerdon 0 ? ^ Miss KraiK*# Adlekw iipcut the week CUll Ut lM?|- l?? fork. I ?r. ami Mrs. It. K, HtcveuHvn were week end visitor* at Clover. Mr. Joltn C. del a inch apciit several ilav.N in ritrtfU-MloH Inst wotfk. Mr- Maektvy < ?f Heath Hprlng* is 1 \ 1*1 Hug lw?r son Mr, Jpbii T. Mackey. Ml mm Mary Wit horn Klrklnnd wu? a ' visitor lit York last week for several i lay >?. Ml.*. Maude Mowi'i1 went home t|,t liif week end with her parents Mr. a nil Mrs. | ). Taylor. Mr. .lolin Jtoykln ail(l Mr. Mortimer Hoykin left yesii'rday for an autnino* hlle trip to Atlanta. The lie v. and Mrs. J. II. Holle.\ of Hcorgia, are visiting Mrs. Ilolle.v's mother Mm M. S. Howell. Mr. ami Mrg. Hold. Muekey of Lan caster were guests t Mr. ?i M IS. John T. Mackey this week, Mr. ajpl Mrs. Win. Hates of Orange burg are visiting Mrs. Hate's parent* Judge ami Mra. al. 1*. Smith. Mr. and Mrs Walter rshjroek of Char lottc, N. ('. have Imhmi si>ciidlug some time with relatives in Camden. Miss Margaret Taylor sjierit the week end at home. She was accompanied l?y a college friend Migs Rwiiy l'latt. Mrs. Frank L. Zcmp visited lain easier this week to attend a reception wiven 1?y Mrs. Joseph Kershaw (."-tuners. Miss Rosa itadelirr wiio 1m teaching in \ewl>erry County s|>ent Thanksgiv i UK witii her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Uadellfr. Judge M. L. Smith is scheduled to deliver an address at New Hoj>e Church in Lancaster County on Sunday De cember Oth. Mr. ( Jeo. 11. Dunncll, of New York, arrived in Camden this week He will have charge of The Kirk wood stables for this season. Mr. Henry I', heard, formerly of Camden, but now residing at Hurts vllle, was a visitor to relatives in Cam den the pant w?*ok, Lieut. Kershaw dcLoach, Clybnrn Taylor. Mi*s Willie Watkins and Hliet ta Ik* Lou die attended the opera in eidllng Thanksgiving in Charlotte sjK'nt the week end with her parents before ie turning to Coker Cidlege. Mrs. Ilolft. Kennedy and children are at home again after spending some time in Chattanooga while Mr. Ken nedy was at Ciunp < >glethorpe. Miss Mary Kirkland has returned to her home in Oamden after impend ing the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Minnie deFoix ? I took Hill Uecord. The Maj?>stic promises today in "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp" one of the best fairy stories ever of fered in that house. It intensts alike ls?th old and young. The Mioses Lona Hale and Mllen Dane- Hilton of Westville. S. ('.. sjient Thanksgiving day' with their friends the Misses la'ila and I.ila Smith on Magnolia St reet. ? Sumter Herald. Mr T. C. ( iladdcn, who has for a ni:nrber ?>f years Im-cii a sale-man at I 1 1. ( . Hruce s I'u re Fihul Store, has re ? signed his iMisition to a ecept a position , with the National HUcuit a> travel j ing sji lesinan. Miss Virginia Ta\ lor lias accepted a position in Florida, and we under stand will be there for the winter. Miss Taylor is verx |>opuiar in edu cational and social circles and t'aiuden j regrets to lose her even fi?r ;i while, j she will leave for Florida l^ie tirst of I January. s Among the arrival- at the tourist | hotels are: Mrs. C II Suioot. Miss linbbv .nil Masters Charlie and Hilly j Smooth, of South (trance. N J.. at > Titnrod Hall, and Mrs. s s Kusscll. I New York. Mr. and Mrs F l.c ,H.S. , Woi'ivster. Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. S. j ojM'ratlons ?tf great magiil i tude in progress on any of the ni: | tnerou- battle fronts indi'-a t i.nis .ire j not wanting that shortly the Caati.r.ii ; -ei-tor in France and th ' north. "u ine in the Italian theater will again wit j nes- the titanic struggles wit.i the ? iernians and the Austro-Hungarians ; the aggressors. I Already the Hermans in the brai region have brought up reinforce ments with the ? ?ltJ(S't of blotting out 'the -alient driven into their line by j'.eiieral I.^vng's dash a small |M>rtion jot which they have reconquered but 'at a fearful yirivv. In Italy, along the j Set t ?? < "< >tii ii ii I and the Asiniro plateau, u,\ -i ti n - of all calrTires ha\e open ? ! Tire on ? the Italian i?osifions. and \ e r . 1 1 hill positions have been cap < tore. | ui small attacks. Hoth before ' ? in 'r.ii and in the Italian region the ? .?'! ii lines are awaiting with coni i-!.i*' ii?-v the enemy's assctults. I ? i Maliry. of ( 'nnijM >bol In, was killfl I riila\ afternoon when his an j t ? ?i 1 1 ? >t ? i !. xiruck by the Carolina >!>??< Ui. *.f r li?- Southern railway. TJh? i . 1 1 ? ?? l at a crossing. u .. i.i i. \\ <"iark. a well k j > vn < "-imLinti. met a trade ilcath ! Friday iiinrniii^ u lien motoring toward ! (*nni|> .la' Tin- car In which ho | wit" rnliii^' ? ? ? ; t : ? 1 1 ' ! with terifli* furre into a >t rift . >?r Clark died a few hour* afterward at a hospital. I>i?ng las IlarhhsOn an?l J. A. Weston were hot h tU'-rt- i>: U ? . injure] in Can be gathered in bunches, not necessary to pick^dach pod separately Also in market for corn, either shelled or ear corn- State whether vou corn is white, yellow or mixed- Ask for prices when you are ready to ship nam! ing uantity you have. m t Call us over long distance phone or wire us at our expense. ADLUH MILLING CO. COLUMBIA, S. C. | MKKT1NU OF I". I). C\ : on MimhIm \ afternoon the bright ?un j >hine and lull my air tempted < i n i 1 1* a i number of the members of tin* John I'. Kenneth Chapter to avail themselves ' of tht? charming hospitality offered ?it ! iin' home of Mrs. I.. A. Wlttkowsky, with Mrs. (ieo. K. Taylor" ami Mrs. j Jas ( Myhurn as assistant hostesses The i ronded t ? > the roll ? ailed by the Secretary Mrs. .John Can tey. Mr?. Zenip as chainnan of com mittee ??n marking graves reported that work was progressing and it would not be long Iwfore markers would he in ?place. The names ??f Mrs. Margaret C. Miller. Mrs. XimI Williams. Mrs. W. It. Watkins were proposed for member ship. and accepted. The registrar. Mrs. X. K. < >ooda le wass instructed to for ward application blanks to each of these ladies- The Chapter elected Mrs. \V. .1. I Minn to till the otlice of N ice president. The delegates were to lew ye the next day for the State Convention, land ih?' Chapter discussed several tpies ? t ions to come up at that Convention. : It was at last decided to leave every j thing to the judirimyit of the rep resen , ratives. After luariug these questions | discussed pro and con the\ are to vote : ii- they think l?cst for the good of the I organization. After business a delighl j ful social hour \va> spent. Mrs. Hiiddiu | reading a poem nio-t suitahle to the [times and period in historx and .Mis, T. Mills pleasing the coinpauv with | a beautiful vocal solo, and graciously j reN|K)nding to an encore. with a lieau t i fill old Southern song. The hostesses served refreshments consist jni: of hot chocolate with whipped cream and cake. While enjoying the delicious cake, if* was interesting to know that the iein^ was made from the same reci|K> Used for I'rr.sident Wilson's wed ding cake, and^ given to the hostess by the < ieorgia lad.\ who iced it. The Chapter will !>y the Insertion of tin- line after each advance adver tisement indh-utini: its titness for iwr cnts to take or send their children to see. It is a great assistance to those who seek er ones can 1>e clean, wholesome, and amusing, and often in structive. and when the more expensive A Club Plan Resort near the SarsfieM Coif Course. ones come none, I am .sure, will repl t lie small extra expense when tbejij assured of the compensation, for 1 these time# of our country's burden < care amusement for her people Is 'it most as necessary as food. Mostktf Uly I applaud the good work and top for its continuance. A Friendly Critic. . J Christmas Vigor The Christmas Holidays al t ways call for more or less stren uous living. You cannot escaj* the social features of the y tiro is the first thought of the successful business man. , ? J. Assets aggregating iriore btan one hunureu I T1IK COST i< insignificant when compared with loss. ___ . lion dollars is tin* security we offer the insuring public for hi surance placed with this agen<*>. \VK I'.I V ASH SKI.F. UKAI. KSTATK and have the following f.^nw for quick salQ*. i-dldin?*J 17i> ;?f < :ninlen on public road. one mile from Church two-horse farm oja-n. $l-\."?o per acre. ?.? ~ * # vood- - 40 acres .'{ miles east of Camden od community. Price $3,000. nanture. si> acres !? miles soutli of Camden on Spring Hill road. JVO acres oiwm,- good buildings* ^ good land l'rii-e $ lo.uo |?*r acre * ^ t _ 11? acres on Wire Koad l>ctween Caiuden and Cassatt, 3 miles from Cassatt, W> a(reS?o>roO anre well wooded. all sand\ loam jjihhI stream runnhig through. Good buildings. 1'rlle nottH1 ?> 42b acres on I*?ekhart Road. 10 miles north of Camdou. 11)0 acres open land, balance wooti . ?. ??? good timber. cihkI stream running through the place. Price $15.00 per acre. - i?ik1 r I'Jfl acres southeast >r Camden. 00 acres open land. good dwelling and tenant house, open - j der good wire fence. Price $18.?rt) per acre. , I-et us fijrure with . y. j>er either tc? buy or soil. :amden loan & realty Office Man Bldg. A. J. Beattie, Manager Telephone