IJCK COUNT* NKWN Itrmn of iiitcml <;?lbrrrd From Hlnh opvltlf Vindicator. Mr. Sinclair Ueiiim-M, who Ik Iii tin navy .s4-i s Irr i >n the \%'M rx>lil|* IVnimyl vanla, In hi home on a hI.\ ?Jay furlough lit* ilu |?1ctur<4 of I li'ii It h ami Iiim >< lx will Im- i>l?tiKr w?-?-k l ? ? | join ihf- llrlllsJi arm: Mi'. Shn-hln has I *4*4*11 III t 111' I io\ I'l'll llM'li I Mill Ml I' v?*y anil has driven ii|> a Imratlve |h? ?lth>li to jjn hark ami tltflil Tor his ohJ home it 1 1< I hiimanlt.v . ( ol J. A Khuinc ami Mr Jtih* M<: \h-l were in town l?>f t lit* lire nt I ?\ lu'hhn rn tt.iit f hrrn l?*n?*l al olid 1 1 1114* to uijM t-siiv hillhllli^ oil iHfUth mJiIc of in llro.i.l from f? ?{ m ? r to tin* Metlt ? rfll.f Clnirrh a- l !??? vs in h.inl work on j?art of tlu* i ly.fi!-> hnffi \% h i ( ? ? ami nilontl ami from The Store th.tr in well lighted i.-> invariably the most j tro jktous. DELCOLIGHT will light your store, Biip t !v power for t lie? colic : iiuier, electric fans and other ft in- crate it. Runs en i;a?ioline, kerosene or Will {>ay foritself ina .short time. I .< t it (!?. urai ntiate its wondertul value. HOMi: l l(. HI nritl POWKK COMPANY Charlotte, N. C. RUB OUT PAI with good oil liniment. 1 1 the surest wny to stop th I he best rubbing liniment is ]| MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Cjopd for your own A chcs, Pain*, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. ; fix? fHet ( lui t the hrtok #tore* of tho Mcnsr*. Mtokwui caused an Mtmteinont of 111** Intensity of tho heat. although iM>rh of the?e *?ore# wore lmmed, the (I r** wax gotten undor control. The wind blowing from t lie ?Ic|m?i enabled theui 1 t<> save < Iih l with lis content*. Tho I lire started In a negro hartiOr whop ' \> li t !?' ho was gone lo dinner. A few ' had 'inall Insurance. while the lllck .?iis !jie?sl that Iho merchants an* get ting In <>ii onli'i'M from farmer* indi < it (?? thai the lure's! area ever plant ?-ii in wheat In l,ee eoillit.v Is being *? wii this ami next month The sit uation Ik getting serious in South Car olina ami In the South, ami the mat ter Lm appealing to thosi? who an- eharg cd with I oo k I n g after tin* situation iim was deiiionxt rated a Cow days ago when' .Mr. YV. YV. l,ong ami Mr. I> It. Coker met In Columbia to discuss tin* matter. Those gent lemon lliivo gathcivd tin* ln foruia I Ion to I In- HToot that lens grain Iiiih thus far I ?? ?*?! i planted than In any year (luring tho last live, ami that hogs mi- .scarier now than they have heen in se\oml yitirrt. This Is serious ami rlwse Kent lemon are aware of the fact that the South can not depend mi) longer, at hvist as long 'is the war lasts. upon the wheat ami hog raising states for these supplies. The high prl<-e eotioii, wo an* glad to state, has not Induced the farmers hack again lo nil cotton, hut ax we have said they are planting and getting ready to how more wheat than ever and to raise l heir own hogs. Next to the bread prohh in Is that of the scarcity of hogs. As a war measure and Just at tills time, we would urge the town council of llishopviile. who arc practical busi ness men and who realize H,)e lni|?or taiK'e of Increased incut proorianco of passing an ordi " nance allowing people In town to raise one pig under certain rest fictions as fo fhe projH'r ?*are of |h*iis for safety of health. This in our opinion will do as much to relieve the meat shortage as any other that could l?e taken. KKI'OKT ALL OVKKCllAKCiKK Inited States Will Stop Kxtortion Ii Sugar, Salt find (iasolliic. Columbia, I ?ec. 1 )ea lers in sugar salt ami gasoline, in a statement is sm?d today by l?a\id It. Coker Stati food administrator, are warned agains I'xaoting extortionate prieesl^or thei' products. Mr ( 'oker requests that al eon sumers who think that execssivi priees a re being chlirgeil to eolnuiuni | ?-ate with Columbia otlle^? so that actioi '?an be taken Such * ot the | x '"pie will protijihly lin in ( ?o|iiuil>ia gi\-? i:ig instances where extortionate prices arc charged the consumer.' CHRISTMAS JEWELRY Ymii uist simply can't think of the one without think nur ? > i t he other. * Tlu'.v together as naturally as the sj.in with the day or t h<- mf>on with the night, CHRISTMAS JEWELRY FOR EVERYBODY We have a ta>teful well selected stock of watches, clocks, and ieuclry. cut glass **nd general silverware. You can find in this collection suitable presents for all youi^ family and friends Many of the valued family heirlooms were gnen to some ancestor as a Christmas present. Follow the t ime-honored custom. Our stock is at your service. G. L. BLACKWELL Jeweler and Optician Camden, S. C. Killed By live Wlr* Florence* Nov. 20. ? W. H. Horn, a well known ??|(i*en of TiinuuHJMvUle, WttM killed nit the tdreetn of Tlimnou? vl|lo thl* afternoon by a live electric wire- He vvuh walking along the ntreet when thw aelng ?llghtly deaf In* >11(1 not hear her and hacked Into the *w I nul i>k wire. lM-atli, Ih undenitood to have Ihmmi Inslantancon*. Mr. Horn leave* n wife and olio aou, who In In jIh' l nll.il Statue Army. Wliite Ways Hark Aftlw 11 I*. M. Anderson, 1 Hx\ l.-? In aihington, H. H Uen the houjra <>f 7.45 'and II p. m. Supervisors Report. Following in u list of claims passed upon and paid by tiie County Hoard of Commissioners at their meeting held Monday 1 N-cUHkill, salary and Court expenses ttamuel N. Nicholson, salary .... # I. F. Mateiuan, salary {WUKi \V. F. Russell. salary .'J7.No f. C. Hough, salary 200.10 W. I.. MeI>owell, salarv 10. (Ml Commissioner^ of 1'ubln- Works water and light ,'M.SMl NV. U. Clyburn, M. !>., ex lun Ol'.oo It. 10. Sjwrmw work at jail l.oo If. It. Tiller. supplies l?ewls A Christinas, supplies l'l>..'?i I. S. Kluune, supplies l.oO VV. ( ielsenhelmer, supplies 7U.75 1. F. Clark, supplies > Mel.eod & Mcl.eod. supplies N.00 W. T. Smith supplier l.YOO lolin M. Vllleplgue, supplies lO.oo Macke.v -Jones Co.. supplies ?J.'I.VH I'he Rluekinan tV>., supplies 77 1. W. Jon cm, supplies* 07. oO I. M Carson (V>. supplies l.'io.oo 'thame Hros. supplies 'J1 l.N.1 '0. J. Cojndand. supplies fi.07 (turns A Itarrett. supplies lJo.oi Champion Supply (V>.. supplies ixo.'io VV. |{. Roberts, supplies N.-K> ''lyburn Drug Co.. sufiplies ILMo '. .1. Wfwt, supt hired gang li'-l.io II. 10. linker supt hi ml mini; 1 t if .71 'I 10. Munn. supt chain gang .... 100. II Henry Rmey. lumber Ifi. I 'J I. II Cobb. lumber .'!0..'H I. .1 Young. repair on bridge ... I. M. Rmslngton. black smith work .... lo.()o : \V. S. (Raskins. bla<'ksmltb work lU.Noj riios. .1. Williams, hhiek vnuith work ,'M (10 ; II. C Meiiiiott. black smith work 7.."?() W. .1 Watson. Iila k Miiith work lO.-lo I < ' road work 7.(H> ; \u-tin Hies river bridge ."i, 1 Sr?.l!{) I ? ! 1 1 1 Wis ?i i .* work ill Court Hon*.. :?.< h ? i'li ?>- .1 kilkl.tli I. .\ ! t ? ? ri i? ? \ IfiO.OOi To'. 1 1 sui?.o:? I M. c. W 10 ST. County Supervisor. in : CITATION St ;i to of Son t h < a rolina . < "oiiii l \ of K< r-li - \\ 1 1 \ W I. M. I ?ow.-:: i:-.|iiiro I'ro .hi dire .. I WIMORIOAS. .1 I Tit. ii ion made j -ui! to iin* to grant bun Loiters of Ad ?iiiii '*4 ii t ion of the IO-tat? "l and ? ? f - j feet- of .1. M Thornton. These .in-. Theref 'if. itc and ad ! miouUIi all and -iir^uut: 1 1 . ? ? kindred I .mil creditors of lb.- v.ti.i .J \j . Thorn j ?on. deceased. ilmi tln\ be and ap l?ear 4*efore me in t!u- Court of l'ro bat*', to In* held at < a mdoii. S. < on I >?>.'? mh?>r l!Mh next r.rtii imblical ion thereof, a t 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if :in.\ ilicv have, why the said Adinini-t nil in; -hoiild not Is1 granted. (Jiven under m.\ I i .i i . ? I :bi- oth day! of I icceinlH-r A . I ? I'll 7 W. I.. M. I n iW i;i,L. J in lure of Probate for K<'i-b:i\v Count \ l'ubll>hed on the 7tli in. I 1 4-t 1 1 < I a ,\ > of I >e4^euilM>r 1 ! ? 1 7 . ii : lit* Cauulen Chronicle xinl p??stei| :u :be Court House door for the Time pro^rilsvl by law. FINAL DISCHARGE \oti?*e is hereby given that one mouth from this date on Tuesday January 8th. Ibis. I will make to the l'robate Court of Kershaw County my final return as 10 x eeu tor of the estate . . f Mrs. Edith A. Mills. deeeas??d. and on the same lay I will apply to the' said Court for I .offers I Msmissory n? -aid TOxeeiltor. r.AUmONS T MILI^S, Rxeo\?tor. Camden. S. C.. N<#\ .'5otb, 1017. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereb\ sriven that one month from this dale, ^n Monday I >e viiiInt .'list. 1017, I \\ill make to the l'robate Court of Ker-haw County my tinal return as AdtninUt ratrlx of the est a te of J. H. Mel ?oii; ran. deeea.ied. and on the same da\ I will apply to the ?aid Court for a tin.i discharge as -aid Administratrix MRS. LOIS \ MdfODOAN. Administratrix. C. linden. S. C., N'oveiijln'r J7th. 1017 FINAL DISCHARGeT Notiee is hereby given that one nior.rli from this date. <>n Monday. I>e eem'n-r 17th. 1017, I will make to the l'robate Court of Kershaw County >n.v tin. it return as Rxecntor of tlie estate of Monroe Carter, deeeasmt. and on the ?*ame day I will apply to the said Court for a final discharge from my trust as said Executor. JOHN M. I 'OUTER Executor. Camden. S. O.. Nov. 13, 1017. I MKH. DeSAt'MJCN AWM'IHKU W?? Tried For Murder of Her Divorced v lluhomid. . _ ... ; ? .Mineola. N. V . Dec. 1.? It requirotf tint out* hour and forty-three for a jury In Supreme Court here to night in reach n verdict of not guilty in i lie t ria 1 of Mrs. Mama l?? Saul let* for 111.- murder of her divorced hus l>auuii' near Wetjtiuirj, I.ong Island, the m^lit iJ August 3. In i 1m- xerdlct n?? referent what v ? - 1* w . t made to insanity, it wan a pita of tcni|*?rary hiss of accounta bility which formed the basis of the defendant's niM-. Mrs. 1 >c Saulles, who hail main tained ah air of extreme self -posses sion throughout the two weeks of the trial, rn-t-htil the verdict smilingly, She >hiH?k hands with each of the Jurors as they left the 1h?\ ami to leach k'ii ^ *' ?? no?l of appreciation. As Mrs He Saulles left the court loom, a newspaper photographer touch ed oil a Hash light. The shock of flu- explosion, ctMipled with the young woman's heightened nervous tension, caused her to stagger, hut she was prevented from falling by l>r. J. Sher man Wright her physician. She was taken into a nearby room, where she soon recovered. Mrs. I >e Saulles, who, prior to her marriage, was Mlgs Mlanca Krrnguriz. was horn near Santlagoll Chile, April ?JJ*. 1M?I. She si km it t hree years in an lOugllsh convent and after returning to her home, met DoSaulIos, who ha& won laurels as a Vale football star, at a raee meeting in 11)11. They were married in I'aris late the same year. The defutulant maintains that when she gave her huslaind $1(HMMH> worth of securities, which she lnherlteos#esxloii of her property eventually led her to apply for a divorce. Joan Sawyer, a dancer, whom In* Saulles is alleged to have "enter tained" in a New York apartment throughout one winter, was n 'lined by the defendant In connection with her husband's alleged unfaithfulness. She said her huslMtnd also cavorted about with the Duke of Manchester and that their conduct brought her distasteful notoriety. Mrs. 1 >e Saulles' acquittal automat ically established her pis the only legal custodian of her son, John L. he Saulles. Jr.. a soon a>. she has cleared up all right to the possession of the child she will take ! . 1 1 1 1 back to Chile, her native land. \\ lioii < ? llcUI'y wrote ".Miiiliiiiif Jlo I'eep ho wrote a good one. When rriaii^'U' featured Seeua Owen in the screen plav b\ the >ame name they l"'t ni-t the riirlir star there to make ? f i-!>f a < ?. Henry would have it. 1' -'hcduled at The .Majestic Sat ! t'i ui \ I ii ?< -. S| || , ... Chief CvftfttuWe'M Import (VluiuMi, Dee. 1, ? T, J. tymyrl, chief st?tv? constable, today nubndtted hl? monthly iviH>rt ft* (iovurnor Manning showing that during November bin de fauiyieut st'lxtHl 142 gallona of whU key, which WHS Ih'Ihk tranaported into the stall* Illegally; destroyed woven t,r ? i IIIh. ranging In , ? Charleston, W. V*. Richmond, V*. Charleston, S. l*