;(UT I JHK a WATCH jUrwU>?- MA* A1?*"' N#t V" """' . , .iriiliiii''- u" - indue *om<*thln* of <" ? ?"*?' f .V"?r ?>?? iruel.- <""" ?IW i|4' I mil|( It will uveratfe from f1M.U.-I MI the lowest. I*'' nirnliim- emdncs run less than Kuml* i"'1 h4?,,"t' power 4U,i be ?|i?lt*? literacy, '"djil H?lverli.seiiieut used to nay, like ? watety." tliat the Ford engine does ^>>1 In iiimiitlt.v vor.v much over Tlwt "hout -- rated horse r vi present a high powered ulr 'tllSl I he best type?say "r, j,to horse power?can not he ?luHil f"i mneli icss than $.'1,000. Li riit- whole airplane. a 'hi# one. f( mullb ?"s< to $20,000. rc;i 11 i I a >ee why the cou Lii.in ?t <>iiI\ 15.000 airplanes, as [fturlaiid*^ program would easily aj, fm a i*?ial expenditure for men ,niii|H ?"'l hangers and repairs #:isimore than a half billion ir.?. f?si iiiixli'i'ii airplane has an av lifo almost unthinkable, jt js \*h\ warfare In the air for length of time would bankrupt iworld. And that, in turn, Is why jrfure in Ilu- air means the end of warfare. Ilrlil On Bribery Charge. Isiivaiiiiali. Sept. 7.?W. H. Brown, of iDiinlt, Kntanuel County, was yester afiiTiiiuni held for the federal lint jury under a bond of $2,000 for i alieirer. 1). 1). pith of tin* Kuianuel Comity military injiiiaticii hoard. Dr. Smith states it Hrown sent him word he would tyr him $r?(Ki if lie would declare his mi j?li>>i?*all\ uiitit for service in the inuy. Tin' tliM-ior sent for the sheriff the ?-oiiin\. concealed him in his for ami Inn I Hrown rejH'at the offer the dierirt's hearing. The matter i? r?'i?.rii'il to the authorities and ?;:rr.si mn.I preliminary hearing fol ium! 'Ilii- i< tlif first instance of Iks kiit'i reported in this section of |N' Stale. |vi.itt\ Slcriiv .lini Will in ins lnis kr.v .fin!> f?"i ..f manslaughter in co? ^vt!"ii wiili III,, killing of Mmnicy l'il*.n M;i\ L'l in Anderson. Ac I^T'lin- i" ilf "levtimony the men had l^n 'Iriiik:I ,i ma it-a uin^er and weri* it v-niii,. w 1 s??:i Williams pulled his ft: :in''i throe times. Avkfc A Few Corrections. The Chronic!? la tir reemut of the following communication from Mr. Newton Kelly, 4?r ioigoff, unking iu> to inuke a few correction* in our ro* pprt of his hj)(hh'U (it Pine llrovc Sat unlay of last week ; "After reading my spetn h at Pine Grove I find thai you made soiuo mis take*, You said 'that If the preacher preached tlity MMdulteniUKl gospel that tlu\v would have |o m> out of business', when I said *1 believe that wo should put tlieiu to prcuchlug w as t<> what tho lady Isahl : 'those who differed with me said that 1 could not go to IJeaVen unless I attended church, and In answer to that 1 said that 'if 1 oould not get to Heaven without hear ing lndltlcs iu the church that 1 would have to go to hell.' That was what I said and what I meant "A* to file preachers In my home that you referred to: 'The preacher said that we must do what our rulers say do. ri?ht or wrong." "Take John the liaptlst for an example. When he differed with the king he lost his head, hut who was right. John or his rulers? 1 told him that was absurd, lie sold It was not, and we parted, and I have no apologies to make for it/ ''Will you plcasi- make those correct ions for me and by so doing you will keep the record straight* "The lady referred to was Mrs. Fanny l*eak- my sKter?as it hap|M>iii ed to l?e." 4 Equestrianism has limmie fashion able among tin1! ladies of Toklo. Notice To The Fuhlir. I wish to say that 'I am again as soelated with The Jtuckeye Cotton Oil Co. us their agent for this and ad joining counties and to say to those that have so liberally patronized us In the jHist that we rt^e using this method of thanking them and also to say that we are asking ? contin uance of their confidence and patron age and promise you the siline liberal treatment in the future as we have given In the past. Atul to those that have not as yet found It convenient to do any busi ness with us to give us a trial and we will do our best to make any business transaction with theui both pleasant and profitable. Try us one time. We also wish to state thai after the first of September our ofllce and scales will be located at the rear of Zeiup & DePass Drug Store, the store room formerly occupied by W. R. Roberts Meat Market. Please note this change. Mc irrisf and feed mills will also he located at this place, along With I he Studehnker automobile agency. Any time you have cotton and cot !<>n seed or corn to offer for sale. < r vnu want le buy or trade for a ?rood automobile we invite you in to see us and if you have no business to transact <-all <>n us anyway as w? v i!l be tr'.M?1 to talk 'with von. Respectfully. It. L. Moseley. Auenev. Banker?professional man contractor ?farmer?or wage earner, ?whatever your business may be, a motor car will save time for you and increase your efficiency. And we recommend the Maxwell to yon as the most economical car on the nurV?* today. Thousands of Maxwell owners operate their cars at a cost of $6 to $8 a month. The Maxwell retains its efficiency for years and has a high second-hand Tslue. t The Maxwell is a genuine buutness asset * r for any man. Cm* $746 t MOTOR SALKS COMPANY ? -? - o W. R. DeLoache, Manager I'hone 42 .. Camden, S. C. KAIBti MORE IHMJH , Is Atlvke of Ntate Owm-il of National - <* Columbia. S. C? September 10, - An at re of wheat ikm- <>urH4? crop was t he policy Indorsed l?v tllO State council or defense ai I ho Stumor con ference, H.\ resolution rhe farmer* of tho State vv? re urged to grow all of tho Ii\ > stock possible. I?nvld It. Cokor. chairman of tho council of defense. discussing tho ne cessity for more hogs said: "1 havo before mo quotations of tho Haltlmoro market *?f September .'I, quoting me hogs (*J|IN> to JMK> |K>unds in weight > at llUlft to 11).70, live weight., If tho farmers aro tfolug to ralso hogs for tho market they should form com inanity clubs ano urged to plant good lauds and fertilize as lib erally as circumstances will jiermlL J "He It resolved, further that. In order to in some measure idlovlate the actual famine of meats* aud fats, the South Carolina farmers lie urged to raise all the live stock possible, but esiKK'lnll.v ,to Increase their pro duction of hogs. "lie it resolved further that we de precate the killing of young and im mature live sttwk. and that we urge that this practice be done away with wherever possible. "He it further resolved that the South Carolina Live Stock Association be requested to take up at Its approach ing meeting the matter of the ship ment out of the State of large num ber of young calves and to make a recommendation to the Stole council of defense as to how this practice can be stopped. '.Revolved further that the commis sary departments of the various camps bo requested to purchase food products direct from tho farmers wherever pos sible." u.Mystery in Murder Cast*. Mis'. Maude A. King, widow of n Chicago millionaire, was' killed at Concord. N. C.. early In the night of August and although a coroner's Jury found that the killing was the re sult of an accident, there is now in progress :i new investigation that is working on the Uio.ory of murder. At time of her death Mrs. King was at a spring in tho country with her secre tary, (iiistou H. Moans. Mean- said that ho put an automatic pistol in the fork of ii tree and started to the spring to get a drink of water. He looked around and saw Mrs. King with the .pistol in* her hand, lie Informed her that the pistol was loaded and danger ous and told her to put it down. She did so. Ho then turned to the spring ??gain, and a moment later ho heard i pistol shot. Looking around. lie -an Mrs. Khig falling to the ground. She died without spenkiiig. The coro ner's jury returned a verdict of acci dcntal killing. Chicago relatives havo brohght about a re-opening of the case. Charle# S. Dev. who lives near the spring, hus tostitiod that ho heard two pistol shots, whereas the men who wore in the party with the woman said there was only one shot. Examina tion of the woman's body disclosed that her ankle had been broken- just before her death : but there is no tos tlinony us to how this may have been done, (iaston H. Means, the secretary, denies any complicity in the ilentli of Mrs. King. "No Taste For Defeat." In n sjvcch at Birkenhead. Fug land. last Friday. Lloyd George. the British premier. said *that "defeat would be a new exi>erionce for Amer ica and she has no taste for it." He mi id that America would convince Oer inan.r that she cannot l>e defeated. Ho said that Russia is not done yet; flint sho will he worth more to the j cause of the Allies ttout she has heen i Worth up to this time. "Russia still has a great part to play." he said. Continuing as to the part that Fng laud is to play, he declared: "I ask vou to ho of stout heart. There may ho sfoiiey paths to hut we will climh them. Our footpaths may he stained with hlood. hut we will reach the height*, and then lit front we will ?eoplo we will win. hut we sjmjl only juvt win. It will need ?ill of our strength, so don't let us throw it away. It is a mighty foe which has set itse)f to destroy.* this empire, and it will take nil of our strength to heat it." Opening Hooks of Subscription. Book-* ?if srhscrlption te to the amount of Two Thousand Hollars, di vided into twenty shares of the par value of one Hundred Dollar* each. T/. A. McDowell. F. W. Bond. Corporators. ."Liberty Motor" Complete Sumw. VVyMblntfton. Sept. 1'y* The lllH?rty motor, tin airplane upon which the I'aUtul Slates l*> wljTto In rxtabll^h .definite air n)i|iWi??c,v over | (lit* tiel'UMn* oVor tile haftlollohls of FVtUUH** has passed Its limit lest ami Is a complete and unitifylug success See rotary ltakcr announced todu,\* ( Swt'earj HakoV* statement In |?|TT followx: "Tin' United Stales aviation engine lias passed its dual tests. They wore siicitfssfnl ami urallf.\ liiu' Tito now motor, designated b> tho signal sorv loo as the i.ihert,\ .Motor', Is the main ?tdlauoc ldg accomplishments of the United Slate* sinoo its entry Into tho war. Tin- engine was brought ahout through the cooperation of more than a score of engineers, plio p??olcd their skill and trade secrets in the war eiuergenc\t working with the encoiir agomont of I he Aiivraft Production Hoard, the War Ucpartment ami the Hureau of Standards. Prof. Mills (Jets Commission. James K. Mills, Ph. U.. prof??ssor of eheiuistr\ at the L'nlversity of South Carolina, has received notice of his apiKtlntinent as captain of engineers In the otlleers' reserve corps., United States Army.. He has not been In structed when or where to report, but such notification will likely l?o re ceived within the next few days. Prof. Mllb. will probably ho given work where his training and experience a a chemist will he most valuable. The appointment of Professor Mills as oaptain will deprive the university (>f his services as professor of cliem Istry during the coming session. Klw tion of a succesor will bo considered at a meeting of tho executive com mltteo of the hoard of trustees held Unlay. Professor Mills, a native of Cam den. has been professor of chemistry at the university for some years. Ht tilled the same i?ost at the University of North Carolina prior to be<*omlng a member of tho faculty here, /lit has . been a frequent contributor to Melontilie journals and is recognized as a profound student of chemistry lie will return to the university at the conclusion of his military xerviei ?Tuesday's State. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on Monday Oc toher 15th. 1!H7 1 will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County my liual return as Administrator of tho estate of (Jen. John H. Villepiguo. de ceased. and on the same date I will apply to the said Court for a tlnal discharge as ^ald Administrator. John Mec. vii.ij:pn;ri:. ('anideii. S. ('.. Sept. 115th. 1P17. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF (< 'onipla ill! Served State of Soutli Carolina. Cocnty of.. Kershaw Court of (*11111111.in l'U'i'! 1\ \\\ \Va j?euc r. Julius I >. Kost.er and !?'. \V. Wajrener. Jr.. co-partners in business ns F. \V. Wact'iici' & Coin pauy, Plaintiff again*! -I .-In) Itcujamiu I defendant. T<> TIIK IIKFKNDAXT Von lire hereby summoned and re quired vto answer file complaint in this action of which a copy is here with served upon you. ami to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint 011 the suhsertlver at Ids otlice at Cannlen South Carolina, with in twenty days after the servl ?(> liere ?f. exclusive of the day of sueli ser vice; and if you fall to answer the ?oinplaiut within the time aforesaid the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. W. M. SHANNON. IMalntiff's Attorney". To defendant, John Benjamin Take* notice that the Summons atid Complaint in this action were tiled in the office of the Clerk of Couri^for Kershaw County at Camden. S.*(V this 12th day of Soptem1>er. 11)17. \V. M. SHANNON, Plaintiff's Attorney. Ihited at Camden. S. C.. S??|>t. lli. 1J)17. *?*> To The Farmers of Ker shaw & Adjoining Counties I have severed my connection with the Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. and will this season buy seed for SWIFT & CO., one of the largest cotton seed oil companies in the South. ..My scales ami warehouse will be right behind the store of L. Schenk & Co. right at the cotton platform where all cotton must he weighed by the Sworn Weigher. I expect at all times to pay the highest market price for cotton seed and will great ly ajpreclate a share of your basi net*. ..My phone in No. 117. ..Call me anytime you want to know the market. Yours respectfully, HERBERT A. CAMPBELL. unirnxir'w YOUR INCOME The best way to piece out a small income is to reg ulate the outgo. Not that you need to be a miser, but you can be sure that all of your dollars do full service. THIS STORE MAKES YOUR DOLLAR DO ITS DUTY We have a stock of goods that for real bed rock value can't be duplicated, anywhere in this community. The prices are based on the actual worth of the ar ticle, not on what we think we can get. Buying at this store is the surest way of piecing out that narrow income. Springs & Shannon The Store That Carries The Stock. THE UNIVERSAL CAR TOURING CARS, $392.25, DELIVERED RUNABOUTS, $377.25, DELIVERED Complete stock of Genuine Ford Parts and an experienced man to do your repair work. The Ford Company advises use of Ford parts from factory because they are made of better material. KERSHAW MOTOR CO Phone No. 140 East DeKalb St. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF BANKS Do your banking in our National Bank When you