<;KI(MAN AMI SWKIHHH KMIT Argentine Ntemnerw Of?ier?l Sunk | Without True* lleiiig I-efi. . ?" . WuflilllUlttn Sept. S,?Mow X\v?' legation In Argentine. acting nsj ;i"*"s'eeret tueii ns of communication ???*- j f\\tin* German charge In lluenos| Aires and tli?* llel'lln foreign oMco, ; t I'll IIMIIlit t ?*< I i II f' ?rina I i? Ml of I he m? I link,' j of ?1111unit directions for their tie- i >11111 tinn hy Hiihuuirlnes, was rev t?u 1 j | 11iiIti\ in ottlclul dlspai?h?'s made l?tiI?)i<- h\ tin- slate department. ??The si'rri'iui'.v of state today uiade; the following statement : "Tin* depart 1111*111 of state has #ecured certain ; telegrams from Count Lux burg, tier iuiiii charge d'atTatre* lit Iteunos Aires, to tin' foreign olliee at Merlin, which I regret to nay, were dispatch ? ?ii front iU'tnio.s Alms hy tin* JSwed |sh legation as their own ollichil mcH sages. aihliesscd to ( Im* Stockholm for eign olllcc. -rill* following Jiri' translations of tln> Herman text . 'May 111, HUT. Nnin l.iM :tj This goveminent has now re lt*xsimI < ??teainiMK Oran ami 0. Learn from a reliable source that the acting mlirlster for foreign affairs, who is a notorious a?s 1imI Anglophile, ileelared in a secret ?4t's,sio.n of the senate that EUREKA SHOP The Prettiest, Most San itary and Best Equipped Shop in Town, with^ep arate Shower Bath Room Shave 10 Cents ACROLINE for Ladies Shampooing TELEPHONE No. 211 J i. B. ENGLISH Proprietor : In?* would domain) fi'oui Berlin a promise not t?> sink more Ar^?llut> ship*. If n?'t itgr?*ed to. relation* ! would br lurtken tfiY. I m unimiunJ ! refusal and. if nece???ary. Ilinic in 1 tin- mediation Of Spain. " Liixburg.' ?\lulv !?. 11*17. Number 01. With i mil mIiusv lug aiiy tendency to make | eoncesslotol, post | tone IVply to Argejfl 111h? ii.ih> until receipt of further re I ports. A change of ministry I* prob able. As regards Argentine steamer*, I 'iniiifinI cither <*??n?|H'lIi11n1 them to tu in 1 >a ?-k. sinking them without leaving any traces, or letting tliem Iliroii^h. Tlwy are nil quite small. '? 'Luxhuru,' " Sensation lii IxumIoii. London. Sept. H. Tin- Washington stale lUiMii'tnu'iitV revelation of a Swedish diplomat in Argentina acting us an liiterineillary for Iransforring tier man messages to Berlin lias created mil1, of tlii* greatest international sen sations of i lit* w ?? r. Tlx- development ilsi'If i.s not, however, a great surprise, tin* chief surprise lacing tlu't the American olllcials were ahli* to ob ? ?? in the inrxsa^ini as iln*y did the Zim 111?* r n i a mi noli* <>f last winter regard ing lii'i'iiian ??v ertarcs to Mexico. The Swi'ill r11iiii>i11. with tin* in >.nirch\, tiir .*rhtocracy and tlit*' army ultlcers. has hi*i*ii rated strongly j pro Io'linan throughout (in* wau. and t^iiccn \ ietorla. In several puhlic lit - tcranccs lias proclaimed her German sent intents as strongly as any German rouhl. . The Swedish ]>enp|c. on the other hand, an* reported as leaning strongly against Germany in the more recent stages of the war, partlenlarly s i i'm'i* i lie unrest rifted submarine cam paign began Sweden's leaning to ward < Serin any was regarded as a natural compliment to her old fear of the Busshin autocracy, hut the entente nations held the hope that when the cause for that distrust was removed hy the revolution Swedish feeling might undergo a radical change. The suspicion has been current in Kngland throughout the war that Ger many wax obtaining much informa tion of military movements which could not be secnrel through orlinary spies, the spy industry having hocu pretty well stamped out here for more than a year past, after several, executions in the Tower of London. The belief that Lord Kitchener's death when the Hampshire went down wm?? the re suit of information t ransmittol t < > Germany of his departure litis been I ?er.sisteiit. Compliments |.> American diplomacy for the skill displayed in M*eui'ing the messages an* a part of nil tin- comment ? 'he affair. Washington \nl Looking For Break. \\".i-h51?-_rI? ? n. Sepi !? The govern uicnl's- e\posiire of how Sweden's lega tion in Argentine acted as a sccre' channel of ?'ouimunicat ion for Count I .u\i>iirg. 'o-rman charge in I'.cniios Aire,. ; 111 ? I I he Berlin foreign otJice. has reached a sensation which absorbs the diplomatic corps and ail o||ie';al i i of the mach i ita t ion s of licrman diplomacy it takes rank second ?? 111 \ to the celebrated /.iin nierina im note plotting war between 'he I nited States-, .lapau and Mexico State department otlieiats |i>d)|\ con tiioie.l their poliex of absolute sjlenec. Cotton Buyer 1 wish to inform t he public that I am now in the cotton market for the season. Can buy your* Ioiik staple cotton as well as short. Also handling nitrate of soda and all other kinds of fertilizer. J. L. MOSELEY OWN YOUR OWN FARM PAY RENT TO YOURSELF \\ hy kt'i'j) on renting a farm and paying rent to the other fellow when we ?-aii -ell you a very desirable one on very advantage his terms? The rental you are now poying would wipe out much of the principal an.! interest on a splendid farm we have listed with us and offered for sale at a ver low figure. It you are a renter we suggest that you have a t ilk with us. It may mean the opening up ??f a more profitable future for you. If you are open to ?>. proposition on a town houst- and lot that will prove a paying investment, see u without delay. The price is right and this property will alwavs he in demand. C. P. DuBOSE & COMPANY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CROCKER BUILDING PHONE 43 till t It WHH l>l(lil? I hey deplored H U at tempt to color the incident as fore cu?llng , a diplomatic "break Itetwecn tlir I'liltH Stale* and Sweden. No wueli development 1h even thought i>f at this Juncture. At the present stage It i?? wholly a mutter l>etwoeii \ igen t i11h. fcwwden and Ueriuany. with ihr lolled Slate*. her allies aUr lira It with by the llirw govern incuts. Syrians Clash With (ieorKlans. Ilawkintiville. i Syrian, called for the draft army In spite i>t ,bln claim that fa l?r\?t)iei* In thp Turkish army made i him an altt'ii enemy, wan killed with hi* wife here lam night while resist ing arrest for assaulting a member of j the exemption hoard. After the as sault Sliuon, Ills wife and a brother I barricaded themselves In their store ami greeted a i>osse of otHcers ami idtlJccUN with a volley from rifles ami pistols. When the lire was returned Simon and his wife fell dead, tin* hit ter still grttMplng a revolver which she i had emptied. The Ihrother encaped through a hark d??or. Thw mem hers of the poKxe were wounded, one of ih?*nt Verhmsly, with a bullet in his lungs. SetHlin^ Ahrttezi Kye. Aluuzzl rye slm'.Jd be Mowed fr >ni SeptemlH?r 1 .*? to October 15 far best reMiilts as a cover crop or grazing erop. If sowed earlier than September l.r>. the young plants are very apt to he killed by the hot sun and If sowed much later (loin October t5. the plants will not have time to make their ?>est cover crop growth l>efore time to turn tht>i11 under. We recommend plant ing in cotton tlclds after the first or second picking. Sow the rye hrortd cast Ix'tween the rows, and turn under with a large sweep. ??ne furrow to the row. The rate of seeding for a cover erop should be about one bushel to the acre. For grazing purposes, two bushels to the acre will Rive better results. N For grain product inn we recouiinniil | sCe the 15th of November in thej upper half ?>f the Cotton licit. and 1 two wwks later in the lower half. The rye is considerably earlier than our native varieties, ami if planted earlier1 than thi?\ ii will head out \eiy ???? r *y in the sprinir. and may be injured by cold w eather. We prefer plant in:; here ;is near November 15 as possible, and advise a strict adherenre to the above rule for best results. After conduct iiiL' exiH-riments for -eyrral years. \\>\ ti:111 that a seedim; of one-half bushel pel* ;nre on. good soil a lid tlll'ee fourths bushel pel" acre "II light soils, t >!' No veinber 15 planting, will give best grain \ iebU Very late plantings, however., will not give satisfactory result < >f < oni's??. tlie-e light seeding- require ;i good ?eed bed. and we :;dvisc a tlior ? >U-h preparation of the I.-1n?1 before pin111 imir. Break and harrow y our hind thoroughly. and use a" grain drill. I? It Cok?T. in the Progressive Far lliel More \iresfs Made in Sims Case. York. S. r. Sei t. 7 Meek Mctiill. . ue posjmaster of in kory f?rove ? ? ml a \. ?!! K owe iner< I;.lilt of t'wlt t m and ; :i r.son I .a t J i more, iil'c '_,v\ policeman of 11 i.-kory ?.rove. were lodged in jail lliis afternoon on a i ??!.:? rge of eoinpljt-ity in ih Sine, lynch ing Tin* arrest of Mm -' well known j ei I i/.ei i s of western Vnrk created a { ?-eiisa t io here. I >ick Norman, who was released on iSI.ihhi bond, is reported to have told. | all the details of the ly n of the nation. The government's September croj) report today forecasts , prtxluction of 'l.'JIS.OtHt.OOO bushels, which is 12-1. (KKi.tMKi bushels uiofc than prodiu-eil in the record year. IM2 I KK COl'NTY NKWN Item* of Interest (iathfted From Hlsli opvlUc Vindicator. Mr. in Wilson ??f St. Charles, ! Mr It. M. Josey, of Una, Mr. W. W. ; wayor of Kiilotr. Mr. s N. Welsh! County I leiiiomd ration agouti Mr. L. ' t.. Maker. who travel* all ovw th? ! state. Mr. well as extensive farmers, all iii'ivi' that from clone examlnatIon. the cotton crop in l.oo County has lvoon i riu short fully one-third. Mr. Baker sitys it is even worse than that In the I upper ami western parts of tho State, hut tho sivtlonA that are least hurt by tho drougth ar?\ those sections of Clar endon. Williamsburg, tJoorjfetowu, Florence ami Marion that wore hit ho har?l hut year l?y tho .Inly storm. In aihlltlon to thoir tino tobaeoo er?/p already sold, thoy have, splendid corn ami oottoii crops. Last Wednesday morning about ft o'eh?ok soon aft or the cook had made up tiro in tho stovo to got breakfast f??r tho olialn gam\ rho kltohen on wheels that goes with tho gang, wan found to ho on tiro and was enveloped so soon with the tlainea that nothing was savod iiikI tho prison cage was so noiirhy. It came very uonr being burn ed also. Tho gang was up near Luck imw and Mr.-*Outlaw had to send to lilshopvlllo for a fiosh supply before tho convicts oouhl get hreakfast. How j it ealight is no; known as tho eook 1 had gone out for water. ! Messrs. Frank and Claude Dos j Champs accompanied hy their mother | Mrs. W. A. I>esChiunps and Mr. (loo. jCousar returned a few days ago from a two weeks trip to Waynesvllle. Mon ! treat and other places in North Caro Una. They \votit in their ear and re port excellent roads except a few place*. They m.ido the trip In a day Im?111 going u?? and coming hack. Mr. Furinaii Peebles loft last Tues day for Pitts. to spend a month . two with hi< sop William to assist him in gathering his crop. t Mr. Victor Myro-s of tho 1". S. Navy is spending a short time with his sis-, ler. Mrs. Cora Craham. The friends'of Mr. Alex Thompson.) of I >al/ell. the popular cotton weigher | for Sumter county, will he sorry to j hear that he has heen seriously ill at i the Sumter hospital whi"'e Ik under- ( went an operation for aopendicitis. I We are glad to report that he is get- j ting ::loiiir so liieely he wo* aide to leave the hospital last Moij lay and r?Mnin. home. The Second Liberty I^oait. It is contemplated tl:at tho Second j Liberty Loan campaign will close on j tho 1 i of XoMMiiher. next, and that the activc campaign will hegin not later 1 than i let''I>or 1 >t. I The details of the loan cannot he ?gi\eii .iiii until the Congress ha> acted upon ihe hond hill now {.lending. As Mton ;i> the new law has been passed i:i:ioiincoiiH'iii of t he details of the loan ! v i! I l>e ma do o|i\ii>uv|y nil siihscrip- | ! i? 'Ii- will he received or '"1111 he re- | ? !\o.| t.. (lie new loan until the Con- J -?i' -^ !i1- acted upon tho pending men- ; -lire . i! i < I a li I roil i m ouieiit of the issue j made I ? ? i r 11?? -1 i\ hope that 11 I.iherty i 11 '?oiuniitices already existing will perfect their organizations immediately ! ? U'd themselves in readiness for the ne\; I.iim? rI x l.oan campaign, ami j I hat new organizations will he effected I will level possible throughout the co||!l- j ' r\ for furthering this great service1 > i he Nation. A?. ;it the pi-ovum* loan. the gen ? direet i? in i*trict as the tiseal agent of the i loverinrteiit. and all Lib- i orfy Loan committees are urged to get iii touch with the Federal Itosorvo I'a nk of their 1 district and actively engage in the preliminary work of preparing for the next campaign.? William < < MeAdoo, Secretary of The Treasiirv. (iovemnifiit Employe For Many Years. Henneitvville. Sept. 7?Funeral ser 1 \ ices WCI'i' held 111 I'.. ni.fttMVillo over the I ...civ ..f Miss F.miu i A. McC'olly ! elghty-flve year;; old. :ti:?i for the past i tifty two ycurs an employe of the [Treasury Department in Washington. D. Hers was a most remarkable .and faithful career in the service. She i never had been removed through the j various changes of Presidents or de ' part men t heads. Slio was the grand j daughter of Commander Nathaniel ; Haraden. a T'nited' States naval officer, who was a lieutenant on the Constitu ; tion of the war of 1812. and slater (eouunandant of the navy yard in ? Washington. 1>. <\ Her father was i John MeCully and her mother Eliza t Haraden. She was horn in Columbia 1 S. C.. iii 18.T2. and was one of the first I Southern women to receive an ap pointment in the government's service (after the civil war, getting this a|> jpointmeiit from Andrew Johnson in She was employed in the in ternal revenue otlice of the Treasury i I >ep;trtiiMMit. where she remained in i <*ontiuual active service until within j one week of ijvr -death. She was ! buried in Rennettsviile beside the jirrave of iior mother. Mrs. Kliza Tlara I den .M' < uily. and several of her sis | ters. She was raised on Main street in Columbia. S. (and t hoi r home ; wa> "lie of the many that were burn ; ed in 'lie Sherman raid. So Thankful. 'While my daughter was playing the iii.ui?> la*t night a strange man pulled the doorUdl and wanted to jrive her n tintf dollar " "Must have Iwen a treat lover of mosic." "No: he ?aid it was a thank offer ing U-< au?e be didn't* live next door I t<> us."?ito*ton Transcript. is YOUR GIN INSURED? Before starting that gin this season let one of our strong insurance com panies carry the risk against fire. - You'll feel lots easier. Rates as low as the lowest. Let's talk it over. Williams Fire Insurance Agency x CAMDEN, S. C. R. M. KENNEDY, Jr., Pre.. * E. N. McDOWELL, Ma,u|?r| HAN ON BOOZK-MAKINO Millions of Bushels of Grain Will Now Be I-mmI For Food. Washington, Sept. S.?Tonight at 11 o'clock whiskey manufacture .ceased in lin* United States under the provisions of the food control law and the millions of bushels of grain heretofore used in making that form of drink will be di verted to food. Importation of whis key also stopiK'd tonight. Just how much grain will be added, to the food supplies as a result is not determinable but exj>erts say about 1 (XUMHMKM) bushels are used by the dis tilleries each year, of which al>out 40, 000.000 bushels are used in whiskey manufacture. ' Customs ottlcials throughout the country after tonight will seize all im portations of spiritous liquors reaching tlie United States. Officers of the in lernal revenue bureau throughout the country will see that distilleries make no more whiskey. Dlstllors" may continue manufactur ing alcohol for commercial ?> purj>oses and many of them have arranged for this work, others turning their distil leries Into manufacturing plants for u'!is|, vineirar and by-products. Stocks of whiskey in the country un .lnubfedly are larger than they ever been, because of active prepara tion hy distiller^ and dealers in antici pation of the law. Distillers have been working at utmost capacity and imports have lieen larger than ever. otlirials estimate the quantity of (vhiskcy in bond in warehouses to he ah?nit 100.000.000 gallons. Stocks not :n bond will bring the quantity on hand in the country up to about 230, (XMi.iMKi gallons. The annual production ? ? f whiskey has been about 110.000,000 gallons. Peoria. 111.. Sept. 8.?At 11 o'clock tonight l'ooria will cease to he the whiskey making center of the world. Thousands of gallons of liquor will re main in the warehouses here, but its manufacture ends today under the food ??'Uservation law. The 12.000 foot altitude flight made by Caleb Bragg in a hydro-airplane with two passengers at Fort "Washing ton. X. Y.. August 2i>. has been sanc tioned as the (American record for that clas* of flying by the Aero Club of America. Toronto has given three airplanes to England. "OOI> (il'IDK AND KKEP Soldiers Knterlng Nation's cetved Message From Soldiers of tin- national ariojj welcomed into the nation'* Monday by President Wilson message of affectionate confide# a prayer to God to keep and 1 them. Everything tliese youngS the President told them, will!?] ed with the deej>est solicitude I whole country and the eyea world will he upon them becao are "in soipe special sense tlj dlers of freedom.' The first soldiers for the ar ed under the draft law start* their homes for the training mejits Wednesday. The Presld them as brothers and comrades] great war to keep straight an a standard so high that liviu it will add a new laurel to the* America. The message follows: "The White House. Washing "To the Soldiers of the Army: . "Von are undertaking a srrral The heart of the whole cotnj with you. Everything that will be watched with the de terest and with the est not only by those who are dear t<> you. hut the whole Bt| snhvs. For this great war all "together, makes us oouir brothers, as all true Amerl themselves to In* when we fin good natioiinI indei>et)*if can't help it. It's his with myopia. ' ?' been "trained, or he is ' hen need attention at once. glasses ground to order correalJrtTf .P?rt of the ?y? trouble of children is collected if taken in time. conii)l(>t^i?S' cases the right glasses, correctly fit completely remove the trouble. ket nnH ?arry best line of optical goods on th he ' can any eye, no matter what the nee and w *!reS Ca" heIp yoor child's eyes, we havei remertv i 8uPP'y them. If glasses will not re?4 remedy the trouble, we'll frankly tell you Mr 1 G. L. BLACKWELL Jeweler and Optician / CmsHk* |