VHE CAMDEN CHRONICLE H, I). Nil#* ttiici } - i'tddlnbers. I K, McDowell.. S I'Mhlinhed every Friday at 1100 No. Broad Street, ami ??utere^ at the Oam? deu ptwtoltice us MH-ond class nutH mat tar I'rlcc per miiiiiiiii #1 TiO. We arc tflad t?> receive coiumuuh'a tluiiH of a reasonable length, but an Important conditio!) of their pnUlh-a tion Ih that they shall in all cases ho accompanied by tlie full name and exact address of* the Mender. ObltU ?rU'K, resolutions of resiaM-t, and church notices will iu?t be charged for. Mat tcrs of purely a personal nature will i>e charged for at the.rate of five rent* a line. Whiskey or patent medicine advertisements will not he accepted at any price.- Hates for display adver tising made known on abdication, Camden, S. ('? September II, 11)17. Souk* |m'o|iIv'm n'Kunl f??r repri'st'tiui ti\governim'Dt rtoiwinl* u|?oii whom it ri'iirpKPiiU. Kv??r,v' *jio\v 11 IK I thou you nit'el up with n jhtnoii whoso hnMith argues thero tire OHws in ('nnuU'ii. Kvory t hliitf This advanced In price willl tin* ?'\ropth?n or hot nil', and ii?' supply a\? "a pro ^rcwive Mate-man is iiMUlllx a pcr-nii who promise-, a lot of tiling in the i>n ami never hci < in10i>hc- nun h In I?ract ii c " \hi-t) \ w iml The world i-. coiiiim; i > reilizc mm ? and more tliat '? tIt Iui^iiu -- ami ;m\ ell i ii ici i I niii-l rest priiuarii' upon .1 moral In-'- JJi^lit. not niiu'lit i-. tli" rock lied pr in iplc 1 * 11 i? >11 Time \|i Merchant did \ ? t? ever - f ? ? | ? !?? t1 ink that ?? i' 1 ? 1111 one h 111 n I red per ecu; ?I' 111 ? ? ' ? ? w ho read ad- are look i 11_ t?ii ?Mimethlii^ t>> lni\ V Ueserxc a -1 >; 11 c < ? " 11 11. now and ?!)???( them 1 1'!' w 1 < * \ . c \ ct|.l I'll.' at CO I II I I - ^'-I >m lie!' 'I ? I > > t lie I I'! c I ! 1 ; 1 I 'he >lc\i u 1 ' ic!'ii?r . 11 i m 1 - -1 ? >11 ti> 11 i<->? In>0?!."??? an>! food if -- mi I In 1 ? > i n> 1 1 ha: ?\ w mi |,! ? ? ? 1: 11:1 i mi t? : 1 > 1 1 ? 11H ? 1 i ? 111.111 i l 11 ' - >t tlii- ? it \ ! -do'd tiic -ilppor? of tiie 1'.linden ice pic III tl'i' I ice t'll-llii-? IJef'-n in_ to lh>- a>i ?erti-eiiic.it piihli-he.l at fha! 1 i in. w >? i-il' 111.11 the < '? >111 pa n v did no) make i> \ promise- a- (>? <.cr\ ice I ! I - W < 1 '?.? I I lie \ 11 j. I !??>:. lor 'III ?ei 1 ?: a I ? >.- , - ,ori - the ? i 1 v 11.1 - I .ecu w it In>111 ? t' ?i ill-- at a time W e ha 1111 v - : 1 \\ 1 J'cy .111 c\ peel a ? : 11111111 < i 1 v to i;i\e tin-in heart* -up P'iri siiii 1 11iev a 1 e ; 1 veil 1 he -er \ ice ,lemande?J. > No More "Cut-Out#." If the riHs?iiiuuMi ?*f ? IIm? Na tional Automobile Chamber ??f OoUi* iiiiTd' I* iidopttMl tImt** will be mm muMler eutont* tmtlt rm nufomohlteH after January the 'Hie inuftler cut out luiM mi mechanical value wlult ever utnl adds uievel> a not la*r uuuccch HHr.v no I no f?? American lift-, say* the National CIiuimIht. Already nearly half <>f ih<> oiM' lumdml ami r??n auto mobile ina k ii firt'Ltu i i'h who I'lUMjKWi' tfl^ orgunUat loh have earx. Tin* iu'Wh will ln? rn'i'lvi'il wlili < 11 -1 i k 111 t?? a majority ot f??IK?-*. hut wilt doubtless Ik* a mmii'ci' of great sorrow t?> tin* aniall hoy* and in the helpers around ttit* waniges hIkn- chief delight light now is to use l|il> device for all it is worth Just as the baby'likes to heat on ji tin can or any other' noise producer tirecn wood Index. Itev. jtJrogan Shaukle is n preacher after our own heart. lie may not climb to Idealistic heights In theology, hut when It comes to ilownriulit love of country and Immunity, and sure cubugh honesty. he Is right there with the woods. In the course of a. sermon preached at Winder last Sunday he said : "Were it w ithin my power 1 would gladl,\ hack off (he head of the Kaiser. I lollw ejjir and I llmlenhurg. prnylnu before ami during the opera - lion, and praisitur efore Field Mar-j slnil von Prohibition like Kusvdnn so cialists. They are hoping for some miracle to step in and trip the Held marshal up. There Isn't a chance. The liooy.c profiteers have got to tight or Jump off llie earth. Their gabble about personal liberty and revenue Is old. moth-eaten stuff. They've got to meet von Prohibition with the same wen poum lie uses. They've not to show the horrible efforts of total abstinence. ? hawsoii News. , "Even Ah Vou And I." old Noah, with a greaf big smile, stood leaning on the rail, as out it cross the rising tide his bark Iwgaii to sail: and turning t lieu, lie said to j 1111 in : "M\ boy, juvt see tlieni scain|>er: > ihey are the guys that stoood around 1 ?in?I tried in\ ;work to hamper. They always sai<| I was a fool, my job was no account: today they're headed for the hills, while we go to the mount. They always luul their harpoons out. I ami used them rain or shine, and said | the time wa> coming soon when sure-j l\ I'd yd mine. The.x kepi it up from year to year, while I kept driving nails, and said they'd bet a hundred \ en I lie eld tub nexer sails. I never, u-ed tu s'av a word, but kept on saw 111*-r luiiiber. although I felt a lot re lieved when ii began to thunder. And -o. 111v bn\. rcnieniber this, and paste il in \ our hat those knockers ne'er J will wel a chance I?? land on Ararat. If 11 ie \' ? I ha?e i- ineil and worked with me. and made I lie old ark hustle.. *iie\ w ??ulil not have ii> w urn now ;i Hi I In 1 lie high spo I ? rustle. So \ hen >ou ?ce :i gut that works hard i! 111^ i"b each da\ give him a boost 'ml not a knock a- you l'o on ymir v.iv and when the rain- begin to! fall, and \ mi are feeling rotten, he'll ? ?mi* along and I -I f<>r \ oil M show he'? Hot forgot ten If .ill lym lings were followed I? \ -a. Ii effort* in punish the guitlx as i ire being made to determine who l.\ lu lled the negro preacher Sims at York S on the morning of An *:u-l J I. the\ w ould be very few in :"i11uie. Kight men alivadx are in jail inii one poling man is said to have , made a thorough troinw confession fori tile bellel 11 of tile Stale. ? ?f colll'Se. ar- ; I -I- do not mean convictions, bill it is j oinw a lonw way to have ei^ht or nine I II leu i "i I members of a Ixnchinw mob in I f '. I 1! I'ven ill!- is ellollL'll |o eailSC .?me v \i>ii \..|i ? ait ? I:? lijiilH v\ )ii<-)i nllii'i w i-i- wmili! ????-?! \??M tiiii.ii in< wit * v. <>i w < ?????! rtMMrtt?* tin i ? !..?. . 11: ? I rli.it iniirhi ?????.! ?\>>u mumc i,.. . v < tftcii rln? i'n?i '?( *-id|nr_' . r-cii t<> do i?11? * -iii'jii* jcih \\i>u|il .'iv.l.'i I til.Ill t':i" I'"' ? ? f . li of ? ? i ? i?tnl'i;i< ?! Punk ir ? >\ ?i 'In-i I .11.lU t ln-iu ! ' ^jarce-Young Hardware Co. Tlw following circular was mvtved ? { hy u Winteru m?w*papor through mis 1 tukv. It whh Intended for the local ; ? automobile U*r, ll give* some Idea 1 | UilK rtUlHMWltji.V reputable | lu*UM?M try (?? get something for n??tl?- f 11 it4 - at 11< I uufortuimich they suce?>cd )P(ty often : "Ai one 11 nit* we wift ??i:t ropl*H of oiii puhlh Ity Morles to about ti.ooo , newspapers probably the |?ai>ers in 'your tpwu were o? iloti Hh|. our home town paiter?-you prohaht. 1 know l?|in l>y Ills llrst name. If you j don't you ??nul*t to! Knowing him imt ' *oiuHly, you can give hliu the story of j the trip Hob Hawkins made in his 1 Vmlcrgrouml roadster, or the story of the Hllly-I>ay limousine you Just sold to your (tanker?or else It may he typewritten copy of that publicity story which apiteared on tho back page of this week's Starter. Well, anyway, you can take the story to Perkins hand it lo him and say: 4Pete. here's a little nfory foi you. I'll ap predate it if you'd tlnd room for it tomorrow.' Perkins, knowing you as a prominent business man of the town. | and also one of the largest local ad j veHtlser*. as well as a good friend. > responds: '(Jlad to do It for you. Sain. We'll give it a good spread.' And you >ret a good story in the palter. 1 projierl.v displayed." j Those 1J.r?0 papers whlell accepted , [the. stuff do a grave injustice to the other rv,7r>41 which are trying to. make an honest living. They also do all their advertisers an injustice. Free space. Just like' had accounts, has to , he paid for hy somebody, else hank ruptcy will follow. The wiving- of j free advertising also lessens the value t of the paid advertising. Things which j cost nothing are of very little value. ? if a merchant should give away suits | of clothes to everybody who asked for) them, the probate judge would receive: a hurry summons to rush somebody to ! t be insane asylum.? Ihtmhcrg Herald, i The less n man says 5lie better are { hi- chances of getting a respectful [ tearing when he does s;fy something. | ? I v | The man who thinks before he acts j uvariahiy does right. The most mis taken are made by acting too ijuickly. [ "A plot for every plotter" is sug , ri ? ted 11\ an exchange. A plot, about ' seven feel long, three feet wide and four deep. Some automobiles work for their j owners, and >onic w'oik their owners! night and da\. W.hioii class is your' cmr in? .. . .. i 'It's only it little over three months! ? ?mi it I'hrisinms. lull uc don't cure. Willi it<> egg tmg it- going to !? ? i per- of < Jcrnia n fa it h There wasn't near e*">ugli mud on ? tir s t icci . r"s?ing? .luring the l.i-t rain. Wc h"pe ih- a nt horit ic- will see ? i: that in- '.iv i- liauic tod his !,os Angeles aildieticc I'he general impression in < 'h ri -1 i;i n ?ouiitrics is that I hex not only can but do If the Turks don't go there '??? p I a ci ? 111 i i/111 as well be a bol i s|ie< I. Kansas <'it\ Journal. I'll.- >'!il M. I I residence ;iI??>11r .< mile i)f I ?al/.ell. \va> hurned i';ii h laM \\"?*?11\- morning. The h<>Use \\ :i ? n toiMI lu^s and I'll! vei \ " Mttle ?if The furniture wii* saved. Thi^ t>?ddeiiee was ?k??-i11>i*?i! 1?> Mr, .lulia t | Seale .11 111 ? ? linn* '?f the liir. Al'"ii! mtr iiV) discovered lit a small unused ronin, ! ?ml ii <|>ii<*kI\ spread until lite entire; 1 ? 11 i < < I i 11 lt \\ :i s i-iiiMMneil. It i< ntul"! ?! that there wa> insurance ..it 1 '?? : the h?< '?f rhi huildiutr K estimated at ahoiit SJ.imhi The In imI is owned n t present I" Mr I ? K Mc< '^11tiin f Mii< ?*it \. Suuiter Herald. 1 .i raid on the Philadelphia TiiL'e i'l.itt .i lonir ?*^taldish*rtiiu?r newspaper. whieh is i .?-h .i r-_'ed with having attacked the y?>. eriunen: - war jndieies for xoveral ! r?i- past: federal agents arrested , t!;e cd ???! and Miriness manager and ? ???nti-?Mted lanre ?piantitios of ?*orres- i ! <>i ? 11? n? e. file* and diwuments. The I t'l'ii 'iier- w h" are charged with \i> la'.nj the r-i?!..!ia-e Act. are Dr. Mar tin !>arki.w editor. and Herman l.emke. hu-iiies> manager. Warrants ? .?!-<> h?i\?* 1?.???!! issued f??r the pred dent, t |f;t >u i?i editor -chief. and Mi c< I i 11n ia ! w filer \warded Scholarships. M; > > ? M_a \ l\ii?h has Ihkmi aw aid ed the tiolar^hip !?< Winthrop (\.| 11-lie fihip ?\:.i.de.| from Inst! \ eji r. i Misv I * t lier M I'.rme wa* awarded ftie new 'In>iar?hip fr??m Kershaw <'?Hint v liKNKKAl' NKWS NOTKH 'JMuve men were killed and 21 In jured In Hit t?Xl>lo*l?Hl at th* Frank ford Ar-?em?l near HHUmMphtil Mat* jKrda.x. I I i.H estimated ihitl approximately UlMNMi Cennans ami 2?i,000 Canadian* were klll?*?l in the recent fighting around Lens. Col Theodore Hoosevejt has hccomc i> member ?'f the editorial stair of the Kansas City Slav Hitcean-golntf tonnage cause the l ulled Slates to seize aon><* KMMKHi ions of neutral vessels, mostly SenikIhna\'lau \ossels lied up nl Ainer f? lean |H>rts. t John Henry .laeksoii shot and killed Ksihcr Lindsay near AblnwHle, Tlnirs da> morning. The negroes Were pull in*; fodder and had a row that resulted In the killing. Two men were killed and one wound ed in a tight l>el\ve?*n 1. W. W. men and hvo farm hands near (Jlenco, Minn. Sa|urda> when the farm hands were held up for I he purpose of jobbery. .loc Williams, a |H>lh^*<*of!leer of Chester, was shot ami Killed Weed and 1?^h not -Im'cii raptured. Tom Scott, at . w idle out hunting heard a noise in the bushes mid supposing it was a s'liiirrel. Mazed awav. and killed the I U'ed negro. A statement from the war depart ment on Wednesday tells of the de struction of two merchant steamers a I'd one ilenn.in submarine in a but tle lietwccii ;i siilunariiie flotilla and armed merchant meji. The nationality of i lie merchant man was not stated. John Uoo/.er. a nenro. has been com mitted to jjiil in CalTnex. under the charno of alnIiiction. Hoo/er it is al leged. hroiinhi a 1 I year-ohl negro irirl. daughter of Starke Sims t,, <;,if ney. with llic view of delivering her to one lied i:.\c. \> 11? ? emplo\cd him to net the irirl. I.ee spark- ;i Houston. Tc.\ as po liycman whose aliened assault of a nenro jroi'iier prceipi t a led the riotous Lowest cost per pound of real roughage OLD sty)(> hulls cost more per pound of rough age than the price per ton indicates. This is because they are one - fourth lint which has no food value. To know how much each pound of roughage in this torm V costing you, y^muatdivide the prtee per ton by 1500-not by 2000. r*AP( MARK COTTONS CCD H U LLS LINTLESS cost exactly what you pay for them. Every pound is all roughage no useless lint. To really know the difference in cost between old style hulls and Buckeye Hulls you must know the cost per pound of real roughage. Even though Buckeye Hulls do sell at a much lower price than old style hulls, you can't realize how muclv less they are costing you until you consider how much more real roughage a ton contain*. Other Advantages Buckcye Hulls go farther. They allow 'better assimilation of other food. No trash or dust. Sacked?easy to handle. They mix well with other forage. Take half as much space in the barn. ? Mr. Dan Wolf, Hammond BUg. A Mfg. Co., Hammond, La. ,*ayn "I am feeding Buckeye Hulls to milch cows and find them a satisfactory filler when mixed with cottonseed meal and other concentrates. At the present trice of feed stuff, Buckeye Hulls are the cheapest roughage on the market." .. ' ^ To secure the best results and to develop the ehsilsge odor, wet the hulls thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. It is easy to do this by wetting then down night and morning for the next feeding. If at anj time this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to feed the hulls dry, use only hcdf as much by bulk as of old style hulls. Book of Mixed Feed* Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat tening, for work. Describes Buckeye HUlls fend gives directions for using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill. Dept. k The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. ik Atlanta Birmingham Greenwood ' Little Rock Mamp hit Auguata Charlotte Jacksom i Macon Setma fourth I'nited Shift's Infpntry at Hous ton August i?:i. in which .^venteen IMM'sous were killed has been indicted on clink's of aggreVated assault and murder. One soldier was killed and nine others were seriously injured when !? killed: Privates Peter I)yle. of Pennsylvania, and Koy Davis, of Con-I M'lM'. S. eeii the motive as tin* dead man hal $.'14 in bis pockets. The supi>ositiou is that Hellams k 11 Km I his wife and then committed suicide. Often Knougb. "How aft en does your road kill a niiiii?" asked a facetious traveling salesman of a central branch conductor the other day. ".Inst once." replied the conductor s<>urlv.?Hai 1 road Magazine. Miss Winifred MeliHu^hlin. o< (torbarn. is the. iirst woman to jwsj the exabiination for the New IInm|v sldre state bar. CAMDEN FURNITURE COMPANY TELEPHONE 156 1036 BROAD STREET ur Come Home io Real Heat and Big Fuel Economy ? What a satisfaction to get next to real heat after that cold trip home. No more fruitless hugging a radiator. High fuel prices seal the doom of ^extravagant, fuel wasting heating plants. If you want a per fcctly heated home and greatly reduced fuel bills you will invest in Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater BURNS CHEAPEST COAL CLEAN AND BRIGHT. OSES ANY FUEL It will Mn tha mllHoo* ?? " ?imI MCMy tM* otntir. Aeti