The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, September 14, 1917, Image 2

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Arh iits* Wuiiihii ttuffratfi*. t'nrtlnwt, M<*, Kt?jM, H?,?\V????an Mlftratfr in M:l i lit' With ilcfi'illtMl !i III. I at lit*1 xjgyljil ion tmliiy, If lliu \<?ili?u ratio hiilli au il I? v m*\\K|ia|M*r ri*' turn* npiimxiutuU'ly niu'thlnl ? ?f ?Im- >)iii?? mivaiil!i*.l lit tin- rtMiiuliilnw ? Ihirj'-u tv'.'t'iriji* f'i<>iti <?!<?? ii?>i? luiu lui i?. ?..t ut tli?* lulf iiiivt*: um, II.Mil . im, Tin* 111 I'M In {|<ai in- iut{o<! <'i?ifi|?li'l?? n-iurus fmin tlu? prliMMtml t-ilit*. HOLSTEIN BULL Registered Will l>e for service at Westerham P I a n t a t i o n. Terms $2.00 cash for season. W. A. HUSH. Manager, LugofT, S. C. . Collins Brothers Undertakers for Colored People Telephone 41 714 W DrKalb St. F. D. CAMPBELL, Jr, Cotton Buyer I ?h?slrr to tlir faruii>r* i?f nMfl a:'counties that I lia\e lal?e'ii iivcr die interests of Mavhank Co.. of CliarkMoii. cotton merchant-.. formerly r?*|?r*? sen teiI here hy the late .1 M Steed man. himI will eiulea \ <?r i.. ~rrve the public in ttic same pMiHenl manner as did in.v ]?retlcro*sor Platform ICeur of Khaitie liros. Store RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. The hest nibbing liniment is ( MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for llic Ailments oj Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Cjood for uour ou n A chcs, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dcalrrs. L O A N S .1) ,\|)|>1M\ \ real est::'. l<>y. micro!. .;<)!! NS( > N ('atniii'i, F A R IV! L O A N S \\ t ? | i ? pit' }>;iiV(l 11; IH'Un ;i,iic I ,iiis in. improved farm lami- ui Kershaw county at a !"\\' of interest. Loans tf. riii ? >i' livr years." .1. (\ MASSKV i <\ iioniii l)v [?.. H. KERRISON Dentist ' ?it. ? \ I? r r.i 'ii r Stort' ! I ?? Km III S(?. I'liolir I S:, COLUMBIA LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. MILL WORK SASH. DOORS BLINDS AND LUMBER pi.a:n & iiur.r.K 3rs ^ ; COLUMN! A, S C DR. K E. STEVENSON !) !:ntist CrtM-ki-r ISuildinc fa fix JS. ('. From Our Correspondents Stockton NfWft Xol?*n. |v vfcln. S C. Sept 11.?Ml** Hh j ; ;?? 11?.? II lit.ill WY*liulM?t<T hilt- U?* ' (t|r;I'?<( (<? l?k?< I?|? '?**?? work t?s leileliel'? itf Stockton ?" lino! W?? \\ eli'oine livl* . r.l mi i. .Mr* I '? Neelej iiimI Hill** *oii* > f: in 1 (? < K tilll an- ?.pelidlim ii wtylU'| II ? | tie tlllllll- III' M I s. NtH'll*,)'* sister, Mi- I \l Workman Imm'P . Mi ii 11< i Mr> \\ It < m ;i r? 11 ii* r ami i dan;; I ?i- M* .Maude ami I'dnar; -pent s IIIII In \ ill llii' home of .Mi and | .Jra.%1 t.illlx ill Kelilliert. .Mi K. Kulmer. piisii.r of Swift Ci'ii'k I'lniivh >|? 111 Siinda\ nltfht ui j ilic Inane ??f Mr and M if lienrKC A in UK Mr lioyd Workman from I'eKalh Mjifiit a few da > ^ Ini week w illi III* ti aele Mr. K, M Workman. Mr*. .\ltilllt> SliiviM* is \Uiiluu rel Hive* down ill Umvi'Ko, Tin* Ice cream festival \ ?'ii for I In* heneltt of Swift Creek Chureli ill tlu? Stu< kIon Si IiooI Ho||si? la->l Thursday ni^lil Sept. t! was n success in every , detail. Tin' w eat her w as delightful j ami a large crowd attended The siile ?>l iIm- * 'ii k i1 and lee cream brought f jj.jr, We wish to I hank all those who i t.nirlhiiiril towards making ii a mic* CCsS. ? Mr 11r\ < ?i'ii from I )?*Kiilh spfiit 'n-i week wilh friends and relatives here. Mr. NV. A Itush from laigolT spent Sitmla.x here. Mr. and Mrs. Juspet* Owriii and hlldreir from Hlulr S, are spend ing a few da.vs with Mr. and Mrs. K. <1 I'earee Mr, and Mrs. John Harilenr and Mr- r'lt'iiian ltiackwell from Maris villi- -pent I lie week end al the home of Mr. a ml Mix \\. M retiree. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. I'earee and < hihlren spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Helton Owens at PcKiilh. T. i re will he an IcC cream festival .'veil al llm home of Mr Jesse (Jillis near I'lsgah Frlda.i night September lllli for the henelit of Swift Creek Church The puMIe is cordially In* ? led. \Vnh*rtM' >! ill <?n last Monday evening from 7 to in p. in. al the Cluh House we had the pleasure of having wilh us Miss Sclma I'ii rrish. Knicrgeiicx County I >ciiioiis|i'iiiion Agent. Miss I'arrish ? I'-.'a ni'/.ed a Woman's Home Deuion v i rn I ion ("lull with Mrs. T. .1 Trues . 'I. pres. ; Miss |) |,. Cornell vice pr. - : Mi-- Sallie Hotel's secretary. A good crowd of the yoinvg ladies and \ l-c kei pel's were ??resciil ami l?e !.-s .e \ era 1 "f our xotinu men were t licit In ? enlist with gl'ert t interest. ? ? 'ii-t i c i i .ii i ri pc I ? ? Ini \ i: I ?eiiiotist i 11 i.>i: l'! ui.. After M;?s l'arri?h u'ave .i iieiinm ? i? rr in :'r ;pi- catsup durhi:; wlii' h ' :11 <! .i \ i r\ i n Ici est i nL' I a Ik < ? i? IP".i. I '? i!o',?M i t j < >11 with references ?1 .? 'ci' \ .. c t Ilium's i en n lie n .. ::. n? a e . i hi i i? \ I i i >' . . - ? Ml ? 1 . \ 11 I 11 ' ! II < ?? I I - I \? 11: ?! will '??? I. I K " 11 up Mt . v. ?: . I.'. lllli. I'd I \ . ,i _ i.. i k . .1 i (|.. \ j |ia-,'e ? ?:! ? vi-l p: ni 1. i -1 s .I'MI'dav. t \c'iiii_' ' 11 ? ? I pill-c ' \ ? In i *! i: 1. 111 - . J 'I'm* ; i ? ??? \ ? 111 reia I i v . ?? I :' 'i s; i? t M :i in' Mr.- \\ M is I sp. ' ? ?k ? i-'1 i i!?_ ? i \i' \:11 | .a i,i i - I ' ;i :;. i ? . r M ! I 'a : < '? ii ? -' - I I IC -?t'iii-iii- I'iilm.i" I 1 i I -wit Hunter .i in I I'.riiice I 'i i \ <-r ' Su11da . in t'olnm'd.i 11 c \l< ,i -|?i I i. v I si 11 n_ Mr I 1*1* III?dell x'' 11J h? ?' 11 nl C:i?hi?rin I'radle.v I'm -d;i ?. in < 'i I mnliia \ i - i ! i i ? *_r "III || In I will ' :i ! i;| ' iclit ' I lie ;I I.?spi 1:11 Mi < ? *- Itn.n'i who i- wnrkiiiL' ? ' ' imp lack-on s? ? i?:i; last wi-ek Cid nli ins I'.iinih ^1 ^ I* l c" i i? I' < oiitiiil'i'i w ris M"nday la-T. I 1 I II.? ? >ck 111 ? I i-h i Id reii i a t i? e- iii < 'lic-i? t in? 'i|. pc ? ! . ^ 11?i ! ? -1 ? ? .. en i i i I in. 't 1 e x ;> cs Suiii'a * .r i ?? ;s,ia ? \ Sc!m.iI .r In > m >N (*st\ ille New s Notes. ?? '!?? s. (? Sep' t*J Mi's M.irx ^ .1 I 11 1.: I r III' ie \| s. 1...,; . . ' 11: i !??? I In 'heir I e cm i I > i \ 1 ? 11, i .,i a In? i* .i three w ei-K- -ta > v. ?' 11 .ii.itlu i' in Km M.s. .1 'I Noil::..*. V|s. < ': a : U n ? llii, :a_'I la III I W" 11 Wood's Seeds Rosen Rye The most vigorous grow ing and productive of Seed Ryes. Stools out better, su perior quUity of grain, and destined, in our opinion, to take the place of all other Rye. . Wood's Fall Catalog Gives full description and informa tion, and also tells about the best SEED WHEAT. OATS. RYE, and Other Seeds for Fall Sowing Write for Catalog and prices of any Seeds required. T. W. WOOD O SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. boro linn retunwd home* after a week* \ i-ii with Mr. Mini. Mr?, J, Hilton. \IUs .1 it (III it II Smith, of Riverside. Is vlMttliifc*Mi*. Mfc, <?. Alj Anthony. Mr*. <1. M, Autftony left to vis11 her daughter Mrs. J.M. Akcn at Wlnnsboro. Mix Annie l{ur??f l^ineaster is '?pending lit*' w<>ek with hi'r parents Mr iiml Mr*. .1. I'. 111 It < >h. . Mr. and Mrs. <\ Scwoll Uflve re tiirui'il fr*'in a few day* stay at their old home in Miiiin1 County. N. F *1*1 ie\ made Ilu* trip in Iauto Mr. It. |? Hell has added two r? urns t<> Ids residence and remodel ??i| tlx* old part which adds much beauty -to Ills homo. Miss Fannie Owens of Columbia I* spelling her vacation with her mother Mrs. Nannie Owens. Mr. II. II. Truesdale haw accepted a (?'o>ition as salesman for the Smith llros. Nursery (V?.. of Concord, <Jn, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Bull hud son Harry, and Miss Carrie Beckham of Camden* have hcen on a long auto trip. They went up through Klchntond and then up through Baltimore, Md. The> all enjoyed the trip. Messrs. llerlHM't Young and IV .1. Morton arc going t?? take their vaca tion next week. They state they are going to spend the most of their time at .Wlnnshoro. Kemhert Newa Note*. llcinhcrt. Sept. 11th.?From sniiinier to winter is what we now buve. This day is a real winter one. The drought was broken here Sun day hy a line rain which will help the late crops such as pens, potatoes, and some corn. The cotton got the worst from the severe heat and tlry weather and tin* crop will he short. 1 Ucv. and Mrs. S. II. Ilrttlield of iCassjitt. were in our midst a few days | last week and their many friends were [ glad to see them. Mrs. T. M. Uodgers returned home yesterday from Columbia. Miss Nellie Sparrow. om> of the pretty young ladies of Mittpah section ef Lee county was at lMsgah church , Sunday and to see her, friends Misses I i:thel Watson and Anncll Khnore. , While here she mime many friends j and hope she will come aguln soon, , ,Mr. Jim B$lgers of Mizpah attend red clnln-h Sunday at iMsgah. Indi* .cations fx>1111 that a pretty -young lady j was the drawing card here. (iood I lin k to him. i llev. .1 W. Ki'tincy. who has been j ipiitc -irk for some time is Improv I ing. Miss Vanray Keinicy who has hcen ! visiting at Camden came home hi-t ! week. llev. F. A. I.lies preached a line sermon at l'isgah Sunday. A numher of our people a'l"c getting | jtiloiiiohiles and soon buggies will he things .'(* the |>ast. Mr> Aliee Amnions iid Mr- Mat Shiver >'f Stockton vislfed relatives and frii'iids here ipiite reeen1ly. Kev. Tucker to Koch Hill. Ile\. I IV Tucker of Ki'i'sliaw aa accepted a "ill to i he First Baptist i 'lunch of this i |;y and will l<e here ! >r -e r\ he- Sunda \ w eek. Mr Th' Im r i- .i native of North Carolina and a graduate of Wal<e Forest ||> a t; <?: :de> I Vale I Diversity with ;i view to practii-iiiL' law. but later ? i.i,-red tin- ininisir\ ||(. then 11 'i >)< a ??oiil'so :?' the South I'.apt is! Th<o|if_'i<-a I Siini ua i\* at I ?'iiisvillc. lb- was pa-tor in Kentucky after tin ishing at t h? ?. si-iiiiiia r\ and ' w o years i - o accepted ilic ?ali to Kershaw, w here !,<- ha - <l? >iie a :'ica i work. A ? >w ' o|iso of worship ha- -o??n built and the membership gCMiU inoreayed. I ? ? * -e w ho heard Mr Tin-Uer when lie pieaeheil liel'e -oiiir Siilidavs ago weii- greatly impres-oil with him.? l?o k 11 i 11 lleeoril, . v I'irst To Plead ( uwritten I/?w. l.o|ido|,. St | i 11 l.iellt Don-las Maholinn. who wa- being fried for the murder of Anton I'aumhcrv a pseudo eoiint. wa- ti?da\ founi! no* guilty 1 ? \ a ,iur.\ at the ??ld I'.ail. v 1' ire Court. I The ease w hieh hai,l be? i-haraefer i7.1 ii a- ;l ??decani of pa--ioi was the tir-t to lie tried lu re iu w ?-11 the nn '" -u law w a- t he -? -1. lefen-e. A eoi'oiier s j11r\ had ie!.iriu>d a ver lie! of ??just Hialde liom,. .|??** after ; hearing l.ient. Ma hoiinii'- plea that in* had killed Itauniherg "in ? fensc of his w ile < honor." The ease vas one of l he nio-t 'eiisai ii>iia -e. ? in l.ond'iii in ma ii v \ears. I>r. Jacobs Dfiul. I?t^ W illi.nn .1 ;i<-i>1 ?- i_.<l 7?"? y?*;i i s. I < ! ,t? *" 151 i t ??11 Mwinl.iv ti n!iiu'. T ?<*:? til ? i nic It*ii I> . 1 ?i -I:i ? ? \\';i x k 11 own i- "i''nrhrr ??f * *tii? ? ami was " T ? ? i?11? I?? i* "f Thoriiw- ? ,i* < '!inr?>n lit' i?. -ii' ? Wv the fAi I<? \\ 111lt i hilili iMi ''in Mrs. W I Kiiilf.x. <?f thi' Hrv. J. I" I >1. .f ? lillttM ?' ? Ucv. .1. I >il .;i !'? I .1.11??>1 ??4 ;i!nl th ? I: \ ThoniwHl .! "f Atlanta. 'i;i ! i< 1 thi' K??v. \\ S .lat-nlis of I ']Y\j|>. :lX w.-lj ;i- :i liirtr*' faini!\ ? 1 _rrnn<l?liiilii-n . ' oflfT robitlvo^ In Mpmoriam sa?li.- liaum. Milium. I?l*t-T! \ ;i' lirisrht. I i 'in of |>a>s?'?l frntu 11 ^ \\ ? i';, I \ know \ ? ? M :i lirr<* n?> Til-?r <?. w ?? 11u?? t ? ? 11 tlit- r.? r11ji 1 shop*? I .? ?|1 i"|t <>f 11? i?M* will U -<\\ ?. ;t n rr. ' i. ' )' 111 i tl?l ?li<* ?' i ?; i ? >\\ v. ?. ||i< wio--. r h.. w ?? ?"ii n - I I 'i <?? t ?'.? \ i? 11?I hit' lirn* In'|ii\v. Susan A. \Virtknw*kj*. : < I ' . Sr]>t '? N| v. \ I .i r i >111 ('rf?f. < ? :ii| iW'VimI lii tin* } 111 *: f yanl* :?n?1 'l??Pks at the rvjvt ?(< |iiirtm??i>t In u*H??1iliiKt??ii. I" flic . 11?1 \ "'lraocht?la*l " In tlw Ko?l r ftvr?r\ir*<\ 10.OOO-TONS-l 0,000 VELVET BEANS IN POD List with us what you will have and name date can ship. Also in market for corn. Will pay highest market price. ADLUH MILLING CO. ' COLUMBIA, S. C. MAY BR CIVIL WAR If liortiiloflf Wins Russia Will lie i iiucr Powerful Dictatorship. Washington. Sept. 11. ? Whether Kit?*?*ia faces anarchy Hinl it reign of terror as the fruit, of (Jeneral Kor nilotY's revolt against Premier Keren-' ky's provisional government depends largely, in the opinion of officials and diplomats here, on the speed with which tre situation develops. It" the deposed commander ii^ ehief. now report oil marching on Petrograd with troops personally loyal to him. makes ;t spectacular show of strength within tlit* next three days, it is be lieved strong political influences, 'now secretly \vavering in allegiance to the Lft>\ oruntei11, may swing over and ir>\ ?? hint a preponderance of assistance and pave the wax for a j>owt rfnl dictator If Premier Keretisky. on the other hand, is a hie to hold fast to the sup port of eiiKit'.'h of the various political L'r-?ups. ](?' may crush the revolt qtliek l\ and xviehl the deinoeraf ie forces into a ?troti'.'?'r instrument to fight <!er tna n.\ . I" e ??'iinp|etr ascendancy of Kcren -kx . r K..iniloir would satisfy most pi'f-ojw here ni*'st interested in Kits -;a"s well being It is the middle sit natioii. the 'ontliet which would make Ke.ssi;iiis kil' Kussijins, which they rear and xvhhh seem- entirely possi ble <*ivil war then might lead to either separate peace with Germany <>r restoration of the monarchy xvith its inevitable train of evil con se quences. < >iit of the haze of the Itussjan sit uation. as reported unofficially today, the provisional government probably would count on the support of the nax.x, ;j large |>iirt of the army, par ticularly in the interior, railway em ployees and industrial workers. Kor nirfHT probably experts the hacking of a ?t long element of military leaders, damn members. the intellectual clashes, the Cossacks and other eon siderabii' piofe^sinnal lighting elements of t he a rni.x Premier Kereiisky's sources of strength. however. include' the usual ailv.image of government authority to make ;irre?.|s and deal out immediate punishment to violators of ij.s orders and tin' extensive sysjetn of govern nienl reports among the troops. Through these channels. it Is likely that tii?* government already has dis seminated informal i'm calculated to retain t lie x??blicr's loyalty. Another ?i'u 'tion. xvhich may ren der difficult KornilofT's attempt t<? inarch on I'ctrograd ami seize Russia's rule by force. Is M?ai tne armies have so democratized they can' easily conduct negotiations without recourse to their commanders and they may re fuse to fire on their brothers in arms. Opinion iiere is divided as to whether a passage of the crisis will lead to a united and strengthened Russia. Considerable concern is felt over the repeated charges of leaders in the revolt that the Kereivsky ministry contains pro-Ccrman sympathizers. Whatever the next fi*w days may develop, officials here point to the re newed offensive of the <?erinan-Aus t riii 11 armies in Hukowina as proof that the present crisis will be used by the central powers a? an opportu nity for them. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice iv hereby given, that one month from this dale, on Saturday, October 1:: 111. 1P17. I will make to the I'robntc Court oC Kersliaw Coun ty my linai return :i< Administrator of rhc estate of .i. i-'. Turner, deceased, and oil the ^ainc date I will apply :?> the ii? I Court for a final discharge -;iid Administrator. .1. \\\ WATKKS. ('amden. S. (Sept. 11. 11)17. Women and girls form more one-third of the wane earners in] eight largest. cities of New York CITATION Mtate. of South Carolina. County of Kersluiw. lty W. L. McDowell. Ksquire, hate Judge. Whereas. John Jenkins, Jr., suit to me to grant him Utte Administration with the will aim of the Estate of ami effects of Ri( Fields. These are. Therefore, to rite admonish all and singular the kl and creditor^ of the said Simon deceased, that they he and appear! fore me. in the Court of Probity he held at Cam den. S. ('.. on Se Imm- 22ml next after puhllcfttk)& of. at 11 o'clock in the forwux show cause, if any tliey have. whyl said Administration should not] granted. (liven under my hand, this sthj of SeptemlKM" A. 1?. 1U17. W. L. >!el >OWKJJ. Judge of l'rohate for Kershaw Coi 1'uhMshed on the 1 Irh awl 21sH of September. 15H7. in the 'so Chronicle and posted at the House door for the time presei hy law. Attention Farmers ON AND AFTER THIS DATi: THE CHARGE OR TOLL FOR GRINDING WHEAT WILL BE ONE EIGHTH. OR FOUR QUARTS TO THE BUSHEL THE HIGH QUALITY OF FLOUR' WILL STILL BE MAINTAINED. W. H. FREEMAN, Manager, LAKEWOOD ROLLER MILLS Rembert, S. C., R. F. D.^3. MEN OF STANDINi ^ f*POD HOMe'iSB\n ANrHn!E ^1EN WHO OWN THKIR OWN HOMES. MENCY. Is AN ANCHOR. IT IS PROOF OF STABILITY AND fl IDENTTFV BUY A urfc^r * UUC manency. ITY. - u rKOOF OF STABILITY AND P* identify yourself w?th thK WE BUY AND'Cr. , PERMANENT LIFE OF YOUR C0IWMU1 C?t!Sj' LOj^J & REALTY comp, H H- Cauthen, Manager . * Telephone#