a *iv OSTESS club hoBtess entertaining | other for the tfonB brdige | ractive con room in Mr?.4 Donald | Loach and j Substituted for lers i:i the irby Tupper ightful sal lostess on home on ibers of k I?. Mc* ively fall |rranged After ful sal* had ev Lo-hm Lre pre E. pn at m Mrs. iL M. Alexander, IVfrs. L. P I Tobin and Mrs Dess Goodale have re- 1 turned from a visit to M **. Jfcffersoa Boyd in Jactcsontflla. W .1 JP -V ? ?; /. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and baby of Bamberg spent Sunday with the latter* parentft* Mr*. W. B Creighton Williams ^bC^CKarlottaJ was the weekend guest of hi ft au* Wfrs. R. B. Williams at Vat&jg*..,. Inn. tto:rt1 sold on his farm, whether sold to Hufr name or his sharecropper's* name, and carry them to the town that W sold tihte cotton in and get a certiff* oate of sale before November 16, 1S(?6 All cotton sold up to November 1, 1935 will have to have this form filled out by November 18th or he will lose his part of the subsidy. We have arranged to set up offices in the different /towns to aid' the farmers in making these forms. You Mrs. A. A. Arthur and Mrs. R P Klugh and son of Union and Mrs E Graham of Columbia were , guests .Sunday of Mr. and MVs. Hu1>ert Wil son. don't have to sign this form and ?wftfen you get this form you are not obligating yourself to sign next year. Please go to one of the towns and get this done before it is too late. It is not necessary for you to bring your sharecroppers.~W. C. McCarley, County Agent. jovenfbar'fl " of Love': W, m )R LQVM _el Wo, Everett Klbbee Mid ARU :V\Jp Frtda fc^t^rdiiy, November ?rii Action Crammed with Adventure and RAaiiee ' ? & INTERN imOlfTIERi: * Vifch Ken Maynuid I Extra Aided, 'Vodka Bo*tjp*f land *H?f??ed VRom,M1^? Quck Jtfeg Serial 'Ro^rin* West' ?ite Slifvr at* 10:30 'Hot Tip' m ? <5 MV ' f Monday and Tuesday, Nov. '11-12 Jajdt Ouie, Burns and Allen Ring Crosby linos an' Andy and Bill Rofrinstt in ^idpROADCAST OF 1936 m rU| ;..teaod?? tfut I *f FARMS ? a ? ^ i* \ I haye several ni$:e. farml for&ale jin Kershaw }?< . ?>> %y . bounty on long terms and lo^ rate of interest otel Camden .tjf'tffi Thursday. mmk i. ? SR. m t it +? i? ^ ? >w'en At Wimberly Hall Amotig the many pleasurable e venta <$ titte 'ghostly night' celebrat ed in ilur city; one of the most en joyable was celebrated at Wimberly Hall bfr Mrs. Ethel Merritt's 'Willing Workers S. S. ClasB' A group of j gijH# 4cid boys came early in the af tertiodn and decorated all the rooms with an autumnal air - native com stalks, pumpkins with grinning faces and .yWitcbeB, oats, broomsticks, and much' dolorful draperies. The lads and lassies began to arrive ?' about 8 P. M. and for two hours went it was all iTmw?ont'_ ? at tim?B, bui no mfre IT-h coult expec ted frtoi a g^oMP oVflB om ?? youngsters arpA>ut fo\.uJ/good time. All kinds of games, ^brtune telling, dark room apparit?tuli Were in the Tat