JP1. r ??wJl government hflve fl penalty for murder. < In Nortu cote, Rhode Island and tome other tea where life imprisonment hi tM jpenalty for murder, death by hanging la Inflicted if a person kills somebody else while serving^ a lire term. In some of the capital pun Ishmobt states the Jury has the right to Us the penalty at life imprison* ment, by recommending mercy. SEND FOR THIS GIFT! DIONNE 'QUINTS' ?This offer is made to cele brate die selection of Quaker Oats as the cereal for the ? Dionne Quintuplets, even be fore their first birthday. You will love this souvenir. ~A beautiful design in lifetime chromium, 6"in diameter, use ful for serving many things. Send now to address below. IN VITAMIN B FOR KEEPING FIT*... 10 WORTH OF QIMEB OATS 3 CAKES OF k FRESH TEAST Qwfcf Md Motbu't Oat* an tba um? condition it dm? ? lack *f Vitamin B I ? QUAKER OATS Cp.. 1 J Box L, Dept. 2, Chicago, 111. I Iim Inclosing two Quakct or Mothct'a Oat? ? trademarks and 10c to feelp cover special mail | Ing and handling chatf*^ (2 trademukj and Without Talent What is the good of having "per , sonallty" and no talent? <' ffi*rtrtRS Coleman RADIANT HEATER LIGHTS INSTANTLY V ? ' ThU fine nvw Coleman heater brinn ' _ jroa Mill summertime warmth on ths eoldeat winter day*. Comfortably heats any average room in a short time. Ho connecting, noina tailing. Make* and bums its own gas from ordinary gasoline. Portable...carryandu?eit anywhere. Costs less than 14 an hoar to use. lights Instantly. Just strike a match, torn ? valve, and out flows wave upon wave of clean, cheerful, healthful heat. Sss Your Local DtaUr ? or write us for Free Illustrated Folder. THB COLEMAN LAMP AND 8TOVB CO. REJUVENATION By Oxidation o* long 111*. yo*i?h and h??llh 11m In Osr??i\fo* Ui? ?y*t?m . ' ' HEMOS AN ' ' - *?> ?? . Smd$t?ko for m lottU to WMOl LABORATORIES, PORT CHESTER, N T. Quick, Complete Pleasant ELIMINATION Let's be frank. There's only one way for your body to rid itself of the waste mat ter* that cause acidity, gas, headaches, bloated feelings and a aoxen other diu oomforts ? your intestines must function. To make them move quickly, pleas antly, completely, without griping. Thousands >of physldians recommend Milnesia Wafers. (Dentists recommend Milnesia wafers as an efficient remedy ftor mouth acidity). These ?lnt flavored candy-like wafers axe pure milk of magnesia. Each wafer li approximately equal to a full adult doee of liquid milk oi magnesia. Chewe^i thoroughly in accordance with the direc tions on the bottle or tin, then swallowed, they correct acidity, bad breath, flatu lence, at their source and at the same time enable quick, compute* p/eas mnt elimination. Milnesia Wefam come in bottles of 2C and 4ft wafers, at 3Bo and 60o respec u> HMunnma, nil I drag stores carry them. Start using | delicious, effective wafers today. iteNf cnil samples lent free to reg isf d physicians or dentists U requsst is de on professional letter head? M l^niianni als if m4 Chy, M. V. Copyright by Th? Penn Pub. Co. WNU Service SYNOPSIS The future of the still youthful and comely "Wldder" Marcla Howe, recently released by >death from her Idling hus band, la a conversational tlt-blt among housewives of the tittle hamlet of Wilton. Eligible bachelors and widow ers also are Interested. Marcla Is lonely, and has invited her late husband's niece, Sylvia Hayden, whom she had never seen, to visit her. A stranger, on the verge of exhaustion, finds his Way to Marcla's home. 8ecretly, he asks Marcla to hide a package contain ing Jewelry. She does so. Kllsha Wins low, town sheriff, brings news of a jewel robbery nearby. The stranger gives his name as Stanley Heath. Syl via, by chance, discovers the Jewels, and naturally believes Heath Is a rob ber. She realises that Marcla must have hidden them, and decides to say noth ing, putting the gems back In their biding place. CHAPTER V? Continued Prince came bounding into the house from some -distant' pilgrimage of his own, almost knocking her down in his eagerness for breakfast. She glanced far up the shore and saw, serenely rocking with the tide, "My Unknown Lady." As she whispered the name, she was conscious of hot blood rushing to her cheeks. How ridiculous ! Stanley Heath was simply a stranger of a night, he was nothing to her. Well indeed was it, too, that he was not! During her hours of sleeplessness the ardor of her faith in him had, to a degree, cooled. True, she still main tained her belief in his Innocence ; but that belief, she now realized, was only a blind unfounded intuition. Both the circumstances and sober second thought failed to back it up. The man's impatience to be gone, his/ complete silence with regard to ther jewels, al though perfectly Justifiable, did not strengthen it. / Marcla conceded^e had every right to keep his affairs to himself. Had he started to confide his secret to her, she would have held up her hand to stay him. It was the fact that through the dim hours of the night, whllS she sat at hlfl elbow trying to make the dis comforts he suffered more bearable, he talked of almost everything else but the thing uppermost in both their minds. That was what hurt She did not want to know. She wanted to be trusted; to help; to feel his depend ence upon her. Instead he held her at arm's length. v He spoke with appreciation of the crew who had dragged his boat off the sand-bar, appearing to consider them tremendously kind ? as undoubtedly they were 1 Still, they had not begun to come into the close contact with him that she had. Marcla caught herself up with a round turn. Here she was being sensi tive, womanish. How detestable I Why should Stanley Heath pour out his soul to her? She had never laid eyes on him until yesterday. In a day or two he would be gone never again to come into her life. She was glad of it. It was better so. This decision reached, she drew In her chin, lifted her head a wee bit and began to got the breakfast. Even Doctor Stetson's arrival and his subsequent verdict that the patient had bronchitis and would tako his life in his hands should he leave his bed, afforded her only scant satisfaction. So she was to keep Stanley Heath un?'!> gardener picks Ui> a double handful of mellow compost anixatlv? Ilromo Quinine and In sold b7 all drug glstn at 30c and COc with guarantee of satisfaction or mon?y back. Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood YOUR kidneys are constantly filter ing watte matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag In their work ? do not act as nature In tended ? fail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. Then you may suffer nagging back ache, dixiiness, scanty or too freguenf urination, getting up at night, puffinets under the eyes; feel nervous, misera ble ? all upset. Don't delay? Use Dean's Plllt. Doan's are especially for poorly func tioning kidneys. They are recom mended by grateful user* the country over. Get t)i?m from any druggist