a?v, t r ?"* " L m A j iESSENGER NO. 30 Kershaw Co. Schools Inaugurate Play Day The first. p)ay day of Kershaw County was held Friday, April 20, 1934 at Baron DeKalb High School. TxA play day is a popular event now all over the South, the emphasis be ing upon the play spirit rather than upon the interscholastic competition. All eight high schools in the coun ty were invited to send ten girls to represent their school in this even. Fifty girls participated in the games during the afternoon. Midway big*! school, accompanied by Supt. W. B. Stevenson, was represented by twenty girls, Charlotte Thompson, accompan ied by Miss Elizabeth Workman, b rought eight girls. Camden, s?ic c ompanied by Miss Gertrude Zemp and Mr. C. P. Goodyear, brought ten girls. Baron Dekalb had thirteen ^?irls. Upon their arrival at Baron De Kalb these girls were placed on r. Color team, either blue, green, red or yellow. These four teams were made up of .girls from all four schools. In this way the girls devel op wholesome friendships rather than a feeling of intense rivalry. The following program was carried out: 1:00 ? 1:30 Registration and dress. Meeting in auditorium. 1 :3U ? 1:50 Mass games. 1:50 ? 2:20 Volley ball, Red vs. Green; Base iJall, Yellow vs. Blue. 2:30 ? 3:00 Volley ball, Yelolw vs. Blue; Baseball, Red vs. Green. 3:10 ? 3:40 Horseshoe , Red vs. Blub; Individual Challenge, Yellow vs. Green. 3:5u ? 4:20 Horseshoe, Yellow vs. Green; Individual Challenge, Red vs. Blue. 4:30 ? 5:00 Relays. 5:10 ? 5:40 Chapel Program. Welcome by Wilma Sill, President of Physical Education Class, and Mr. J. K. Lee, Jr. Songs and stunts by eolnr teams. Tap dancing, members of Physical EcIEucatfon Class. Awards. 5.i40 Refreshments. At the Chapel program announce ments were made by the Color team winning the highest number of poirts during the afternoon. First place with a total of 3SG points went to the Blue team, with Nannio Truesdaio of Baron DeKalb as Captain. A very simple award was made to the win ning color team. After the Chape) p?*ogram refreshrfients^. consisting of punch, sandwiches and cookies wei\ served to the vistinrs. The play day program offers op portunlties for the development of student leadership a:i al! event.) wera supervised by student leader?. Th t .program was planned and conducted by tho boys and girls of the Physica Education Class of Baron DeKal. school, under the direction of Mis* Sam Bruce. Since the play day was as thoroug". ly enjoyed by all participating wi hope that it will bo an Annual even, of Kershaw County. The following girls were p.esent . the play day: Mary ElElen McDowel. Pearl Bradley, Willine M Melton, Goldie Shirley, Zelma Good man, Pearl Godwin, Dennie Smith. Minnie Sue Bruce, Elizabeth Pitts, all of Camden; Willie ('. Ai derson, Louise Tidwell, Sadie Corbett, Oralie vBj*annaji, Mary Laney, Thelma Stoke? Flo . ee Rozier, Dorothy West, Ruth ; Andorson, Willie Horton, Ellen Hor ton. Ruby Gay West, Virginia West, Thelma Cato, Laurio West, ftva Cor : bott, Gene Cooper of Midway, Lila f Dixon, Iva Eou Arrants, Eoree Young Marjqrio Shiver and four othor from Charlotte Thompson; Nannio Trues dale,' Vivian Truesdale, Cora Trues ' dale, Margaret Faulkenberry, Mar garet Vincent, Paulene Holland, Ann Clarkson, Katherine Ogburn, Marie Blackwell, Velma Truesdnle, Nannie Munft, Wilma Gay of Baron DeKakb. ^THK GREAT PYRAMID OF GAZEH ' Thin will be tho subject of the atf dresfi next Sunday morning before the Merits Tliblo Class of th? Metho dist church. This pyramid stands before iKk world as the wonder of' ii Wonders. That it has a profuond t significance, will b? brought ou5 htf | Dm, Wlmberly S%nday morning. ThA Olass should rally for this unusual ad dress. You will learn something you f will never f^Niflt. Remember at 10 o'clock Sunday morning.? -Jack Hoortk Secretary. I Liberty JjiH News ?HiU, April 30. ? Th? Liber* ?mocratic Club met on Sat rii 28 .and reorganized by . B, ^oyd, President, G? R. Vice-president, L. "P. ! , Secretary, N. S. Richards, Committeeman, Messrs. R. C. Jones, John G. Richards and G. R. Clements were elected delegates to the County Convention on Monday next. ^ ~ v< Misses Ann Thompson, Willie Mae Bench and Luoy Clements, honor roll students of Great Falls High School, attended fno girls' track meet at Rock Hill on Saturday and spent very pleasant and interesting day, but some of them are now experiencing sore musclfes as a result of their ac tive participation in the games and amusements of the occasion. At the "church on "Sunday Superin tendent L. P. Thompson being absent EElder R. C.' Jones conductcd the ? Sunday school exercises in a very1 acecptaible manner, following which I Rev. P. A. Drennan preached from j Revelations 4th Chapter and 1st ver^' Gov. John G. Richards has been con! fined to his bed several days by sick- I ness but was said to be some* better on Sunday, flis friends hope for his speedy recovery. The Sunday "State'' carried the marriage notice of Miss Annabellei loyd of Tabor, 1M. C. to Mr. A. B. ' Stalvey of St. Paul, N. C. Miss) Floyd is a daughter of the late Dr.| J. W. Floyd and a neice of Mrs. R. J. i Wardlaw and Mr. F. B. Floyd of this 1 place where she has visited often and i the news 'of Tier marriage will no' doubt prove of interest to some of! your=readers. ? Mrs. McMurray of Abbeville is vis iting her brother, Rev. F. A. D;en nan who also had as guests last week Rev ! J. T. Dendy and Mrs. Bendy and' daughter of Clover, S. C. Mrs. C. 10. Richards has returned home after spejuling^* very pleasant visit witlHWi^efflW'^flsa Sophie Richards and other relatives at Al bermarle. Dr. S. 7. Brasington and Mrs. Brasington were here ono day last week. The Br. was making a pro fessional call. Mrs. L. J. Jordan and little daugh ter, Marlow, and Mrs. C. W. Jordan ? ind little son of the Westville section were guests last week in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W Z a Hilton. ' i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clements and children were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. G. W. Perry of Lancas ter. Mr. R. C. Jones was a Camden vis-i or on business, Friday. Mr. L. I?. Thompson made a busi ness trip \o v'reat Falls and Lancas ter on Saturday. Miss MargaVet Hammond of Stone horo spent Sunday ni tho home of her aunt, Mrs. H. S. Hggina. Miss Louise Johnston, popular teaher of tho school Stoneboro made a trip to Charlotte last Satur day to assist in fitting glasses for one o I he/ pupils, ? ORDINANCE BEING j STR I ( :r LY EN FO RC E I* The City administration is tighten " K up on violators of tho parking ordinance and this week has been | waging and intense campaign against such violators. So if you don't want to ho given a ticket for wrong park ing watch yourself and park right. LARGE SALES FOR CHEVROLET DURING APRIL A total of 62,388 units wer* deliv ered by Chevrolet dealers during the first twenty days of April, Acocrdin# to W. E. TTolelr, general sales mana ger of Chevrolet Motor Company Sales for tho year through this per iod total 285,332 units as compared to 154,626 units in the same period of 1933, making tho period lf?2 per cent of tho corresponding period of 1933. Sales reported for the twenty days of April are more than 180 per cent of tho corresponding 1933 April fig uro of #4, #(>4 unitft. Retait eing elected: President, W. P. Rodgers; Vice-President, N. B. Welsh, Executive Committeeman, J. B. Munn; Secretary-Tresurer, P. C. Rodgers; Enrolment Committee, N. B. Welsh, J. E. Davis, W. C. Newman, Ellie RecTuick; Delegates to County Convention, W. P. Rodgers, N. B. Welah, J. E. Davis, C. B. Pate, Rich ard Eubanks, D. A. Munn. Tho following resolution was un animously endorsed: That our Club go on record as unanimously endors ing I)r. S. F. Barsington for re-elec tion as County Chairman, and do heartily commend him for the splend id financial showing that ho has made during his administration. JiARON DEKALB SENIOR CLASS TO PRESENT PLAY The Senior class of the Baron I)p Kalb High School will present "Tl" Dust of Earth", a four act romance,, by Katherir.e Kavanaugh in the High School Auditorium 'Friday evening, May 4th at 8:00 o'clock. Tho public is cordially invited. Tho play is being directed by Misses Sowoll and Bruce of thfi High School Faculty. The fololwing is the cast of char acters: David Moore ...Curtis Kaulkenber.v Susan Moore Pocolia Vincent | Elizabeth Ola Bake/ rJerry Herman Truesdalj I Rev. Dr. Temploton . . Fred Fletcher I M iss Arabella Lucille Young J ohn Ryder Randolph Ogburn Wandering Tom ....Richard Owens Moso Robert Ilarfl Noll, The Dust of tho Earth Wilms SMI A small admission prico of 10c. and ir?c. will bo charged. JUNIOR CLASS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON TO HAVE SUPPER The Junior CJlass of Charlotte Thompson High School will havo a chicken supper at the school Friday evening at Roven o'clock. During the evenihg several movies and enjoyable, music will be given by represent*- 1 L . Wateree Bridge Is Now "Free" Tb? state yesterday lifted tho tolls fron* the Waleree bridge on United States Route 1 near Camden and pressed negotioantions for tho pur chase and freeing of threa other toll bridges on the Great and Littlo Pee Dee^riV/ers. C.i H. McMillan, diision engineer, telegraplieH tne highway department the tolls were "permanently" remov ed from the Wateree span at noon. The department had arranged to pav Kershaw county $147,500 lor thii bridge, making a down payment oi $19,500. Provisions also were included in 1934 lo&i^Tative acts for the depart ment to acqu>r and free tho Mars Bluff and Godfrey's Ferry Bridges on the Big Pee Dee and the Potato Bed Ferry 'bridge on the Little Pee Dee. Ben M. Sawyer, chief highway commissioner," went to Florence today to negotiate with officials of Flor ence, Marlon and Hi.-ry counties with the hope bf arranging for the pur chase of These bridges in time for a big celebration planned for tomorrow. The Mars Bluff bridge is on Unit ed States Rout 17 between Florence and Marion, the Godfrey's Ferry on State Route 175 between Marion and Johnsonville and the Potato Bed Fer ry span on a county board between Conway and Johnsonville. MAYJFESTIVAL AT LUGOFP School Thursday, may 3 The Lugoff School will present a May Festival Thursday afternoon May S #.t 4:30 o'clock. May Pole dances, the Virginia Reel, Flower dances and also a Toy Orchestra wil' be features of the afternoon. There will be no admission charged and the public is cordially invited to be pre sent. The festival will take place Thuraday-tH^ess prevented by -rain, and if not staged Thursday will take place Friday at the same hour. JR. O. U. A. M. IN SESSION IN CHESTER LAST WEEK The 39th anual and 1st biennial session of the State Council of Jr. Order United American Mecahnics was herd in Chester, S. C. on Tues day and Wednesday of last week. An excellent delegation attended. Tho State Secretary, Mr EE J. Hisey, re ported that tfie Order in South Car olina hacf made a considerable gain in membership during the past year, and the reports from the National Council office, reported more than 3,000 gain in the Nation. The boffy voted to hold its next meeting fn Camden, S. C., in April 1935. Tho following officers were elect ed to serve in the State Council for tho ensuing year: State Past Councilor, Georga M Brown, Mullins, ft. C.; State Council or, W. W. Smoak, Walterboro, S. C.; State Vice Councilor, J. S. Thurmond, Edgefield) S. 'C.; State Secretary, E. J. Hisey, Charleston, S. C.; State Treasurer, Charle.i M. Griffin, Waf terboro, S. C.; State Chaplain, Rev. T. P. ChrTsTmas, Conway, S. C.; State Warden, S. J". Smith, Clover, S. C."j State Conductor, T. M. Miller, Abbe ville, S. C.; J-icato Insido Sentinel, W. If. Knight, Greenville, S. C.; State Outside Sentinel, It. B. Strickland, Columbia, 8. C. Those attending the convention from the local council were: Dr. A, W. Humphries, H. E. Graham, L. H. J one A, and I>. J. Creed. The Order's Association of Secre taries and Treasurers held its annual meetng on the evening of April 23, preceding the State Council meeting. A splcndfil meeting was hold with a large delegation attending. Tho election of officers resulted as fol lows: President, L. H. JonoR, Camden, S C.; Vice-president, H. PI. Graham, S. C.; Secretary, A. L. Ware, Green ville, S. C.; Treasurer, I. A. Smoake, , Lancaster, S. C.; Warden, Boyco Higham, Florence, S. C.; Conductor, j M. A. Fields, Florence, S. C. / tlves of the Larro Feed (Company. Supper will be served for twenty-five cents a pfate, the proceeds to go for tho baseball team and tho Junior Senior Reception. _ The public is most cordially Invited- j iAv," ; j. i-1' ? Young People Held Successful Meeting! ~ i Bethesda Presbyterian Church of Camder. was host on Thursday April 26 to tho annual all day Youth Con ference of the Young People of Con garee Presbytery. 215 delegates a long with pastors and workers of young people wero present from the following churches: Shandon Presby terian, Salem, Pine Tree, Rose Hill, Batesburg, Aiken, Trenton, Camden, Bethune, Eau Claire, First Presbyter ian Columbia, Arsenal Hill and Winnsboro. The principal addresses were made to the entire conference by Dr. J. W. Jackson of the First Presbyterian | Church of Columbai. Tho Confer ence was divided into four sections lor morning and afternoon discuss ions on these two themes , "Young People and l'rayer" and "What Young People Can Do for Christ". Leaders o? these discussion groups were Mrs. J. N. Keels, Rev. J. H. Cuddlip, Mr. Norton Sterrett, Miss Cornelia cLaurin, Rev. J. T. Keels, Rev. S. K. Pnillips and Rev. F. Ray Riddle. X mTssionary program giv en by young people plannng to go to foreign fields was given by Miss Vir ginia McQuillan and Mr. Norton Sterrett assisted by others. In the evening s banquet was serv ed to the Conference by the ladies of the Chucrn at the Masonic Hall. Rev. Rob Hodges, Jr. was tho able toast master "Tor tnia occasion and much merriment was afforded by the stunts provided by each of tho churches re preesnted. Following the banquet Rev. Mr. Cuddlip showed movies of the Shandon and Clinton Conferences of last year. This was followed by a strong appeaT from Mr. Cuddlip for the more than two hundred young folk present to dedicate their lives to Christian obedience and service. In the absence 61 Miss Mary Thompson of Camden, president of tha league, because of illness, Miss Annie Laurie vioodalo of Columbia, presided over vhe conference. The following were elected and installed as offic6rs for i,he League for the coming year: John McRae, Columbia, President; Virgin ia McQuiTkin, Columbia, Vice-presi dent; Mary Workman, Winnsboro, Secretary; aim McKain Richards of Canulen, Treasurer. The splendid success of the Conferneco was in large measure due to tho untiring ef fort of tne popular, beloved and ef ficient manager of the Confemece, the Rev. J. W. Conyers, pastor of the Rose Hill Church of Columbia to whose church the banr?er for the best young peoples work was awarded. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES The following services are an nounced at tho First Baptist Church for week beginning Sunday May 6th: Sunday school 10 o'clock with C. O. Stogner, superintendent in charge. Public worship conducted by tho pas tor, J. B. Caston at 11:15 A. M. Sub ject: Our Missionary Task, At the evening hour 8 o'clock the W. M. U. will have charge of the service. Miss Sarah Funderburk, a returned miss ionary will be tho principal speaker. Those who have heard her say she delivers a wonderful message. M