1 HE W ATEREfe ^MESSENGER f EKM8: ? *1.59 IN ADVANCE PHfc ANNUM ^ 'The Hand of the Diligent Shall Rale" 's CHAS. W. BIRCHMORE, PROP. VOLUME 50 CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1933 NO J County Fair Is A Big Success The Kershaw County Fair held last week under the aus^ces of the Cam den Shrine Club and the American Legion Post No. 17 was a big suc cess, and was attended by large crowds. The exhibits were unusually fine and tjie Midway was good. Wednesday the Merchants and Manufacturers of Camden wtre l.osts to the citizens of Kershaw County at a barbecue given on the Fair g-oumls. Throngs attended and enjoyed the hospitality of the merchants and manufacturers. Thursday was Farmers D;iy. At 11 11 'clock Prizes and Ribbons were awarded the successful entrants. At 3 o'clock the Dog show was held with entries throughout the sf.ate.' Friday, school day, was featured by a big parade of school children, j and various other organ'- tions. I v. | the afternoon the feature event was the football game betwe?r Camden i and Brookland-Cayce. The game \va \ closely contested and was full of I thrills, Camden winnr.ig by the score | or 7 to G. * Saturday was colored .school day ? and was featured in the morning by a big parade by colored school chil- j dren and citizens. In the afternoon was the football game ber.w.een J;uk son High School and Urv.on High School, which resuhed-in- a draw, the score being C to 6. NITRATE OF SODA WINNERS ANNOUNCED ^ Winners in the Nitrate of Soda guessing contest held recently at the Kershaw County Fair have been an nounced as follows: 1st Lamar Rush, 1515 Mill Street, Camden, S. C. ^ / 2nd Ajrs. W F. Jasckson, Hamp ton, Avenue, Camden, "S. C. 3rd Miss Sara Kirkland, Camden, S. C. The correct weight of the pumpkin wa? 22 3-4 pounds. Much interest was shown in this contest, around five hundred people making estimates on the weight of the pumpkin. This Interest shown by the people of Kershaw County is greatly appreciated by the Arcadian Nitrnto of Soda people. Ip addition to the above prizes, the following will receive 25 pounds each: Rev WimbTTYly. Camden, S. C. j My. W. T Holley, Route 2, Jeffer son, S. C. The winners may receive thoir prizes by calling at the firm of Mc Leod and McLauchlin. License Year Changed From Nov . 1 to Oct . 31 Columbia, S. C., Oct. 9. ? A changc designed to expedite the handling 'ot the large volume of license plate business and to make for more eco nomic administration, to the public is. now J^8ipg/1^'pj^t .Inn- j year is| as h' 'ffisult 6f 'ito " Jpjtfsed by tho | ''''last session of there work may, be done with them towards develop ing their cream and dairy enterprises. ' Since the County Agent's duties have been so greatly changed, most of the agricultural financing has to go through his office nmv and he is un able to devote sufficient time to visit ing individual farmers on various enterprises as he did before he fell heir to the financing work in the County. There are many fanners in Ker shaw Gounty at this time who could ship sour cream if they would only get started. Anyone milking 3 or 4 cows now could Ret started with nb expense. Anyone inteersted in this will please get in touch with the Gounty Agent and^pvery assistance possible will be given. HENRY GREEN, County Agent. TAXPAYER AGAIN ASKS FOR INFORMATION Editor of Wateree Messenger: In your issue of two weeks ago I asked ? by request ? that the head officials of the RFC organization in Kershaw County give the public through the Press ? the monthly overhead expense of the organisation ? the officers, of fice force and inspectors with salaries paid each ? the request has, so far, not been complied with and a number of people during Fair week have ask ed mc U try agoin! Tl>e people assume that where gov money ? which is the people's money is being used that they have a right to know how it is being spent, and i that if every one is getting a square deal ? there is nothinK to bo conceal ed. I hope the oficials in authority will givo heed to this very reasonable request and perhaps, prevent the ne cessity of further inquiring. ^ I Thanking you for space, I am, Very respectfully yours, O. R. CLEMENTS Liberty Hill, S. C.. October 10, 1933 cAmdkn i?oy honored at UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Quite an honor came to a lo^pal hoy at the University of Pennsylvania recently when T. It Hruce wapr elected ' President of the tophomore class in 1 the School of Veterinary Medicine. This seems quite unusual In a big| eastern university with only two ?on the rn boys in the class for one of them to he thus honored. Congratulations to you T. It #/e| hope that you were elected on merit > and will continue to make good. . I NEW liEAUTY SHOP IN OPERATION Mrs. J I) RyVd has recently begun' I operating The Marian Beauty Shopi , next odor to The Corner Hook Store 'on Main Street. Mrs Hyrd's assist I ants are the Misses Helen Hazel of I Augusta, C*a, and Miriam Pickoll of ? Greenwood. The shop is nrt>deru and attractive in arrangement, and those I who have* already visited it aro en I thuslaetic in their praise. Liberty Hill News I Liberty Hill, Oct. 16. ? The write* spent a couple of days at the Ker shaw County Fair last week. While we think that man yof the farm and garden product^ were not as fine a? have been shown in previous Pairs ? - owing no doubt to the unpropilious seasons ? we saw many exhibits of freal merit. Some very fine corn, rib bon cane, sorghum cane, sweet pota* toes and extra nice pumkins. Mr. W T Holly progressive farmer of th^ Mt. Pisgah section had an individual farm exhibit which seemed to contain almost every agricultural product grown in this country. He was a-j warded the blue ribbon on his splen did display, while our near neighbor,1 former Gov. Richards captured the j red ribbon on a display not so extens ive and varied, but which contained things we did not know could l^e grown in this country at all. . The Community booths of Lugoff, Mt. Pisgah and Gates Ford were beautifully and tastefully arranged with almost every, thing one could think of in fancy work, canned good? and farm and garden products. Lu goff captured the blue ribbon with Mt. Pisgah a close competitor taking' the red. Some fine cattle and hogs were shown. The Merchants and Au tomobile' tent were interesting but we failed to see th display of bauty at the fashion show ? which we re grr': very much. 'The D?>g Show of all sorts and sizes attracted a whole lot of interest. The grounds were literally jammed on Friday with school children and' others and many amusements as well as the lunch and drink stands very probably enjoyed a fine business. The large crowd was good humored and orderly ? very little evidence of drinking in comparison with the year.* ago. We attended the meeting of the anti repeal speakers presided ovf'by former G6#. "RiVftattilf, t-T^n^lfitrodtic ed Dr. Wimberly to make the opening prayer, Sergt. York afjd Dr. Burts each made very forcible and convinc ing talks ? if intoxicants are good for any one, why does railroads and all big employers insist on sober men ? The meeting was turned over to County Chairman Johnson. Rev. Cas ton offered prayer and Judge M. L. Smith presented the other Speakers, Senator Blease, W. M. Manning and Lieut. Governor Sheppard, candidates for each of wh^ H artaym* spent the weekend with Mrs. L D Roberston, Mi s Edith Clyburn has returned from a visit to Miss Frances Chewn ing in Camden. Miss Lottie McSween of Darlington was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Clara Davis. The Bethune school system attend ed the County fair in Camden Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald, who reside near here, receive da message Sunday morning informing them of the death of their daughter, Mrs. May Rabon of Columbia. Mrs. Rabon graduated in the high school here In the class of '28 and later married James Rabon of Colum bia. Under the auspices of the- local chapter U. D C., a play entitled "See You Later" was given Friday evening in the high school auditorium. Dr. E Z Truesdell and Dr. .Stokes of McBee attended a county medical meeting at the home of Dr. Sanders ni Lugoff last week. Miss Leona Smith has returned to Columbia after a visit of several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W H Smith. The Bethune school faculty attend ed the County teachor's meeting in Camden Thursday afternoon. Dr. G M. Horton was a visitor heer for short while Saturday en route from his home in Kentucky to Flor ida. Dr. Howerton was at one time pastor of the Presbyterian Church here. Mrs. Charles Rivers and little daughter have returned to their hrrni^ in ( Chesterfield after spending awhile with Mr. and Mrs M O Ward. WHAT IK RIGHT WITH THE CHURCHT For the past thre# Sundays f D? Wimberly has been giving some time ly addresses to tho Mon's Iti bio Class. The Ladies Bible Class joined with us last Srfnday, and the subject was: "What is Wrong with the Church?" No member of either of these classes can afford to miss these addresses. Notice the subject for next Sunday. What is Right with the Church? All men of tho congregation and t riends are invited to hear these thought provoking addresses. JACK MOORK, Secretary. Jurors to Serve For Second Week The following: jurors have been drawn to serve, for the second week of criminal court which convenes on Monday, October 30: \V. F. Russell, Jr., A. M. McLeod, J. C. Gillis, J. M. Gandy, J. K. Lang, W. D. Goodale, J. W. Boyd, A. D. Hurst, W. H. Drakeford, W. C. Catoe, W. H. Wooten, I. J. McKenz'ie, Tal madge Gardner, J. W. McLain, Cecil L. Gardner, Norman Truesdale, Cam den; C. P. Hilton, W. J. Powers, G. D. Munn, G. R. Truesdale, Frank Xoung, Westville; B. M. Rosborough, It. S. Ray, N. P. Gettys, T. C. Hinson, Lu goff; D. E. Baxley, Lewis Virtceut, D. A. Barfield, C. H. Broom, T. C. Jones, Ernest W?st, Kershaw; C. B. Watkins, W. A. McDowell, Bethune; T. M. Keith, J. T. Ross, Blaney; L. L. Bowers, Cassatt. John McCaa Dead ; Burial In Camden The funeral services for John Mc Caa, of Columbia, were held at Eau Claire Baptist church Tuesday after noon and the burjal was in the Cain den cemetery the same afternoon. Mr. McCaa's death was sudden and happened at'xt?:30 Monday morning at Andrews railroad yard. He ap peared to be in good health when he left his home, 3011 Bouknight street, Eau Claire, Monday morning arid went to his work at Andrews, where he was a car inspector. He had been in the service of the Southern rail way for more than 25 years and had been presented a gold medal in recog nition of his long and faithful -service. He was a member of the Eau Claire Baptist church and had the respect of all who knew him. ^Ie was 68 years old and was a native of Kershaw county. He is survived by his widow, who before marriage was Miss Theo Allen of Sumter county; three daughters, Mj&p Isabelle McCaa, Miss Elise Mc Q&a and Miss "Mary" -B,~ McCaa; one son, John McCaa, Jr., all of Columbia; four sisters, Miss Mamie McCaa, Miss Millie McCaa and Mrs. Will Rose borough, all of Lugoff, and Mrs. Lou ise Mickell, of Camden; two brother^ Jimmy McCaa and Willie McCaa, of Lugoff. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES The following services are announ ced at the First Baptist Church: Sunday school at 10 o'clock with C. O. Stogner, superintendent in charge,, public worship conducted by the pastor at 11:15 A. M. and 9 P; M. Morning subject: The Sin Of Doing Nothing, evening subject: An Important Question, Men's prayer- J meeting Sunday morning at 9:30, Senior B. Y P U. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Prayer and praise serv ice Wednesday evening at 8, Junior B Y P U. Sunday evening at 7. The public is cordially invited to attend all tho services of this church. 4-H LOCAL LEADER TRAINING MEEITNG M rs. Harriet P. Johnson, Girl's 4 H Club Leader, held the first training meeting at the Court House ast Sat urday afternoon with six leaders present. This is the beginning of local leadership work for girls in Krshaw County. -' A local leader is an older girl or woman who is intereated in tho girls of her community and who volun teers her services to help those girls. Mrs. Johnson is to come to the County every three months and give special | training to these leaders. That the leaders are cooperating with iM iss Craig, the Homo Agent, is shown by tho following letter: "Dear Miss Craig: Would love to be tho local leader for club. T think having those training meetings . every three months is simply splend id. You can count on me to help in any way I can." Those present for the first meeting were Mrs. W. J Hasty, Mrs A A West, Mrs L D Mroome, Mrs A B Holland and Misses Lillian Smith and Louise Hunnicutt. Mrs. Johnaon will hold the second training meeting the first Saturday in December. W?ll-F*?or?il M*n * 'f To be n well-fn vored mai. the gift r>f fortune, hut to write and rftad comes by nature.- Shake*pear?. ? *!$$