"Clean-up" "Paint-up" and "Plant-up" Week October lst-7th ENGER lihMS:- *1.50 LN ADVANCE PER ANNUM. * 'The Hand of the Diligent Shall Rule" CHAS. W. BIRCHMORE, PROP. VOL. 49 CAMDEN, KERSHAW COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA, SEPT. 20, 1933 No. 50 Plan For Biggest and Best Kershaw Co. Fair * - ! One j/ft the peppiest meetings held In Camden in a long time was the one held at the Legion Hall on Mon day night. Following the regular Legion meeting, the Legion, Shrine Club and Committees for the County t air got together to make further pi "lis and. to hear reports. W. M. Alexander presided over the Legion meeting and following the completion of its regular meeting, turned tho gavel over to Vardeli i '" 'ne ai Chai.man of the County Fair. Mr. Walsh spoke enthustinstical! of the fair prospects and then called on Sam Karesh ;o tell of The big feature of the day will be thft largest barbecue ever served in Camdn. The Merchants and Manu facturers will be the hosts and the : farmers of the County will be th a Wg get-together ^ p?Qple,-<| -w, v W know each other better, There/Will T>q np admission charge to thfi harbecue, and all that is expected ? ^*'\ n?r? thev will have the best exhibits of farm products ever shown in Camden. In addition to this fa/rm display, there will be mule and horse races, a hor^o and mule show, and .a dog show. Samuel Russell will have Mhtirge of the dog show and will also awwrlst with tho horse and mule show. Mr. Russell has had a lot of ex perience along that line, ^and he can be counted on for a fine program. At the suggestion of M. M. John son, It waft decided to invite the candi dates for Governor to speak at the Fai-r grounds tha()c, which admits you each day of the Fair will be on sale at many points. Every citizen in the County i : expected to buy one. Quite a few are to be given away by public spirit ed persons and firms. The tickets nre in a long couprn shape with an : dmission card for each day, and one of the coupons will be torn off each time it is used. The tickets are transferable also. On Saturday will be the Col red citizens day at the Fair and the col ored school childten of the County will parade through Main Street. Others called upon for pep speeches ware Mayor R. M. Kennedy repre senting the City, who promised co operation in every way, and the same with W. T. Redfejirn representing the County, and also John doLoache <4 the Chamber of Commerce; Charlie Nuite, County Forestry Agent; Pro fessor Richards of the Cit^ Schools; A. E. Miller of the Farmers Day Committee; Miss Craig, County 4 II Clubs; Samuel Russell of tho f 'rist Colony; Professor McFadden of ihe City Schools; Hill Alexander of the American Legion; H. G. Garrison, Jr., of the Fair Association; Dr. W. R. Zemp of the Merchants Association; .Stanley Llcfwellyn of the American I*egion; T?. A. Wittkowsky, City At torney; M. M. Johnson of the Bar Association; W. B. Turner of the city of Kershaw, and others. Bunts Carnival will hold forth in tha Fair grounds for one week, and beHdos tho usual tent shows thero will be sotne fine midway attractions that will be free and thoy will be by the American Legion ' v ? < i '' ' * i ' sii James Team Died Sunday Mr. James Team, well-known citi zen of Lug-off, died early Sunday morning:. Mr. Team at one time was a prominent merchant and farmer at Lugoff hut inflate years had retired on account of ill health. He had been in declining health for years. Mr. Team was well known throughout the county and there are many who arc saddened at his passing. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Melita. Clytburn, of" Camden, j the following sons and daughters. James C. Team, N. G. Team, John W i Team, Stephen C Team, "Mrs. R E. Nettles, Melita Team, Susan Team;j two brothers and one sister, Robert Team, Colombia; John L. Team and! Mis* Albert?. Team, ( sini^n. Mr. Team was a member of Rowan I Chapel, Presbyterian Church; a life! member of the Keishaw Masonic! Lodge. i Funeral services were held at the Quaker cemetery here at 11 a. m. I Monday, Rev 13. F Franklin and Rev A. Douglas McArn, officiating. Pallbearers were: W. L DePass, ; Mark Johnson, J. T McCaa, N. P. Get ! ty.s J A Ward, John Rosborough and i A. D. Kennedy. CLUB MARKET TO BE REORGA NIZED SATURDAY AH Home Demonstration Club Ac tivities are reorganized in Septembei . and as the Club Market is a phase of I this work it will be reorganized af ter Market hours next Saturday. A president, vice-president, secre tary-treasurer and three members ru large are t;o be elected by the mem bers of the Market. At this mpeting the Secretary-Treasurer will give an itemized repoj^t . *J*e fpwst > ypmflf work. All Market members are urged to attend this reorgani^^fc^meeting. DISTRICT COUNCIL MEETING WELL* ATTENDED BY KERSHAW COUNTY CLUB WOMEN Forty-eight ladies representing nine Home Demonstration Clubs at tended the District Council meeting in Bivihopville last Saturday. Among the clubs represented were Charlotte Thompson, Lugoff, DeKalb, Three C's Antioch, Midway, Gates Hill, Mt. Zior and Westville. In the afternoon a pageant, "Ideal. - for Adjusting Farm Home Living 1933-1934," was presented by Mr. S, O. Plowden, District Agent. Fourteen Counties of the District participated in this pageant. Kershaw County'* part was Increasing the FamjJy In come. They presented an attractive display of club market products. The ladies taking part from KersOiaw County were Mrs. Mattie R. West and Mrs*. C. B Smith, Charlotte Thompson Club; Mrs. J. C Hilton, Jr., Westville; Mrs. L D Broome, Mrs. J II Haston, Mrs. Dan Truesdale and Mrs. E B. Lorick of DeKalb Club; Mrs. A A West and Mrs. W C West, Midway Club; and Mrs. L W. Fletcher <)f Three C's Club. Two solos by Miss Virginia De Loaehe of Camden was ono of tho most enjoyable features of the pro gram. The next District meeting is to he held in Florence. MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Lyttleton Street MethodiHt Church Lot us reel up a good attendance for next Sunday morning. The lesson will be taught by Dr. Wimberly, the Pastor. I.et us Rive him a good bear ing. Every man bring some one with him. JACK MOORE, S'-r. F.HueRtion'i Coat The cost of public elementary nwl secondary education Is put nt 2.4 per egiu f/n Monday, September 25, at 3:30 a. m., and the regular work of the year will com mence on the opening day. It is of great importance * i 'it pupils should I enter promiptly. A '!? Iny of a few flays may result in loss. Parents are I warned that pupils who hold promo- 1 tion cards may enter the new grades | only at the beginning of the session,! and not after tho year has well ad - vnnced. Since we are to have only an eight months term, it will be nec essary for all children to 'iltend reg ularly if they cover the-1' required amount of work necessary for pro motion. All children of the Shamrock and Tim rod communities that are in grades above tho fourth will bo trans- i ported to the Bethune Grammar] School, and the first four grades will , be taught in the local schools. School children residing In Cedar and Yarbrough SoK.yOl Districts will be transported to tho Bethune Gr&m "Clean-up" Week October 1st- 7 th j (H'TOMETKISTS MET AT CAMDEN j The Central zone of the South Car j olina Optometric association held its j regular monthly meeting at the office I of Dr. J. M. Hoffer Monday evening I at 7 :30 o'clock. Dr. George C. Wise, of Orange burg, read an interesting paper on "The Taking of Case History and the Determination of Visial Activity." After this reading a general discus sion, led by Dr. C. H. Pointel, of- Co lumbia, was engaged in. Among those present were: Dr. C. H. Wirsepape, Dr. C. H Pointel, Dr T A W. Elmgreen, Dr.. C F Metz and Dr. Klbert Cromer. ? I MRS. E. E. MAXDEVILLE DIES IN PHILADELPHIA Camden was shocked and saddened on learning of the death of Mrs. E. E. Mandeville which occurred at her ! Philadelphia home, Wednesday even I ing, September 13th. Mrs. Maiuleville had been spending her winters in Camden for the past thirty-five years or more. She was very popular with Camden citizens as well as with members of the tourist colony. She was a woman of great zeal and energy and made her pres i i>nce felt in any righteous cause. Her | many kind deeds and spirit of help fulness will not be forgotten here. There are many who will mourn her passing and will feel~a deep sense of >rrsona! loss. Bui ial services were hold at the .Id family burying gorund at Hart ford, Conn., last Friday, STATE FAIR, OCT. 16-21 Columbia, S. C., Sept, 18? Eepif dents of Kershaw County have more opportunity than ever before to win prizes at the State Fair, which will be held in Columbia, October 16-21 inclusive.. Day and Night. Since this year Open-to World Classifications have been eliminated and only South Carolinians can participate in the winnings. This takes out the pro fessional exhibitor, who sends his ex hibits from one fair to another, after having spent large sums of money in getting it together. The ideal situ ation , the State Fair, believes is to have exhibits limited in one class to people of the home State, and in an other class without limitation, but 'nless both can be afforded, it is bet ter to make it a competition for the best that can be done in South Car olina. Many exhibitors, who in- the past have felt their amateur display ?ould not compete with the profess ional, will this year enter the State Fair show and the result is that the xhibits should grow. Already a keen interest is being shown. Secretary Moore wants the people to know of the cha..ge and believes that it means a more interesting fair, ?vith keener competition for the ex hibitors - i t h keener competition for the bon < i s. iiar School; as has been done for the pas; years. The trustees Mr. .T. If Clyburn, chuirman; Mr, Loring Davis, secre tary; Mr. I< J Maker; Mr. Wade Mor ton; and Mr. M. W Best feel that they have secured the services of well qualified teachers for the schools, and are looking forward to one of the best and mos/t successful years in the s -hool.1 history. Superintendent J. C. Foster an nounces the following teachers for tho 1933-1934 session. High School: J. II. McDaniel, Blackstock, South Carolina; Miss Thelma Stroman, Orangeburg, S. C.; Miss Kloise Miller l'auline, S. C.; Miss Isabel Fursley, FilberJ, South arolina; B. F,. Keisler, Gilbert, S. 0. Bethune Grammar: R. R. Burns, Gray Court, South ('ar olina; Miss Mildred Bradford, Abbe ville, S. C.; Mi