ATER F^VIeSSENGER ? ? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ?1? ? ? ? ?? ? *m "The Hand of the Diligent Shaii Rule" CHAS. W. BIRCHMORE, PRO*. NO. 38 , KERSHAW COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA, AUG. 9, 1932 ?r this year and in consequence t laite* attendance is expected. COUNTY CAMPAIGN ' DATES; ARK CHANGED . * jfc reference to a notice published e?whore in thU paper, ahd signet the chairman and secretary, it wtr noted that the county campaign hav^ been changed so that i: J- cover a period of two weeks in ad of one This was thought wise account of the extreme hot weath making the campaign too stronuous ) be packed into one week. Thia change will, of necessity, close the gatew one week earlier or entrants and all candidates must paj leir assessments and file their pHdg by midnight of Saturday, Augusv I, instead of August 20, ? Jww schedule calls for the cam fn pn Monday, August IB, and will the cotton mills with th< ieoting Saturday night, August 2? ? 8 o'clock], ? lOther cnpnge madft was that ol j'ng th8 Nationals fcMrt,! reports that' a mill syndlc&te, with the )&s!s?ance of banking support, waa to be formed to take over cotton hold ings of the federal farm board and it tie cooperatives. ?%The advance of moro than 100 points? -a point is eqaivalent to f> cents "a. bale ? in active months wa? i the sharpest since May, li)30, wh?r | he farm board was (purchasing. j The March delivery at one tinv? I showed an extreme rise of 103 points or $5^5 a bale, to a price above 7 1-2 cents a pound. I COLORED PEOPLE TO VISIT EXPERIMENT STATION AUG. 11 Arrangements have just been com pleted by Prof. B. J Reddish, Supt of the Kershaw County Training School, and*G C Kirklfcnd, Pre* of the Ker shaw County Colored Farmers Co operative Association, with Mr. J A Riley, Suipt of Sandhill Exporimenl Station at Pontiac for colored farmers and boys of Kershaw County who are interested in developing n better system of farming to visit the Ex periment .Station at Pontiac on Thurs day, August 11. The group is scheduled to assemble at the Court House in Camden not later than 8:30 a. m., August 11, and arrive at the Experiment Station a bout. I) o'clock. Prof. Reddbh has made arrangements to convey 25 or 80 people who may not have mfans of transportation from Camden to the Experiment Station. Cassatt Baptist Church Sunday School 10 o'clock with Oar son Gordon superintendent in charge. Preaching at. 11 o'clock. The revival meeting will begin the 14th of this month. Rev H J Woods from Patrick, S. C will assist th-e pastor, ffhe public is invited to at tend these services. Mra. llfarriot F. Johnson awl Miss Louise* Qaskins were guests of the Rotary CVub last Thursday. Miss Gaftkins was. the Kershaw County re | presentat4ve in the Health Content held at Winthrop College last month. Shfc Won first place in the Pee Dee District. This honor gives her a trip $ t b* State Pair where she will com- 1 pete with' the winners from the Cen tral and the Piedmont Districts. Should sliO win in the. Stat*, contest ?he will refcresfent South Carolina in iha Rational Health Contest which will be held In Chicago in December. Mrs. Johnson i? S*ate Girls' Club Leader and wa? In tho county assist ing Mis? Craig, tho Home Dem'onstra ion Agent, with the Girls' i ll Club ludge Mendel L. Smith j II Withdraws From Race Judge Mendel .L. Smith who several ^We-eks ago announced his candidacy the House of Representatives, ha;? be cn fotced to withdraw from the '. race on account of the condition of n ''h?a health. His many friends through out the county will regret that Judge ?Smith found k necessary to take this '[step. A man of his ability and ex 1 pr.rienco would have been of great j benefit to the state at this time, j Judge Smith's statement follow?: I Mr. Editor: I It is a matte: of deep regret that ! I am forced to announce under the jj, . * J positive instruction of eminent phy * jrtciarus that I wil' be unable to make ?b Y: race fj.- tho House of Represen tat ves. in the ensuing primary. I am a^Ivi-rd tint. such a course will pro bably Jesuit in undoing all that I have? thus accomplished in the resto ration of my health from an illness of the past three year.5 and that it would bo almost suicidal to undertake it. I am sorely disappointed as it was imy purpose to present* to the' peopl? of .ho county some county and state :is\3Ues and conditions that are of vital 'importance ;n my judgment to their ? present and future welfare, with all the force and vigor at my command regardless of consequences. And it is my hope that the remaing candi M. M. Johnson, prominent .Camden attorney and former member of the Legislature deliver**! a forceful ad dress on the fundamental' principles of American life. About 75 Legio naires with their fathers - and sons enjoyed Mr. John&on's address. AN EXPLANATION Owing to a breakdown of our lino type machine this if sue of The Mes senger is running late. It also ne cessitates leaving out several articles intended for publication. MK. CLY BURN KEEPS RECORD CLEAR IN REGARDS SALARY CUT The Messenger is in receipt of the following from Clerk of Court J. H. Clyburn : Camden, South Carolina. August 3, 1932. Mr. J. H. Ctyburn, Camden, S. C. l>ear Sir: Replying to your inquiry with re ference to the reduction of salaries in the County Supply Bill for the Year 1032, the Delegation reduced your salary aa Clerk of Court twenty pel cent ? that is $800.00 per annum in ster.l of $1000.00 per annum ? at your request. Yours very truly, G. C. WELSH, J. R. BBLK. J. TBAiM GETTYS, Kershaw County Defecation. It has boon rumorwl that I oppo?is within a com paratively short period. Baptist Church of Camden next Sun day morning at 11:15. Mr. Hasty waa born and reared in o:- nrar Camden. He waa educated at Furman University, Greenviile> South Carolina and The Southern Baptist Th'eologicul Seminary o"* Louisville, Kentucky. After finishing school he returned to South Carolina and is one of the leading and succass ful pastors of the State. His many friends will bo glad to hear him at the local church next Sunday. The public is cordially invitee! to attend. FUTURIi FARM BOYS On Monday, July 2")th, 0 of the Future Palmetto Farmers from Cam. den with our teacher, Mr. H. Granade, left here to attend the F I' F Camp. This camp is located in tre mountains about 9 milos from Seneca, and is a permanent camp for boys who study agriculture in tha high schools of South Carolina. Each year boys from all over the state go to this camp for a week's vacation. The I). A R school which was established by the I). A. R. in honor of the 7 living daughters of the American Revolution is near th ;> can*i.\ so the boys take their meals thr?rc. rI he camp is one of tho best I havo at tended and I think it is well worth any boys money to go there? a week each summer. During our stay wo climbed th-1 mountain known as Tomassee knobj On Wednesday w? visited the tunnel in stump house mountain which was being during tho Civi' War by slave labor the purpose of building a rail road from Charleston .to .some point in Tenn., but which was nevsv pleted ibec.ause at the close of thr war t h r- slnves wero ??t free. Th<; last place we visited was White Wa ter Falls. This is one of the most beautiful places in South Carolina. J/eaving camp soon after breakfa-t Friday we went to Clemson Col leg-' and s.pent most of the day looking over the farm and buiktin^s. Even though we were gtad to get back we wero p.orry camp win over all the boys on tha camp hfl't' a fine ti mn and voted to return next year. Hoys from Piokon*, Che^erfiold, Flat Creek and liaron DeKalb schools wero in cemp at this time. SINOINO CON V K/ NT ION TO M IvF.T The Lee Count-v Sinking Convent Ion will mo?t. with Elliott, Bn?~ti!t Church on Sunday, Aug. Hth at 2:.r?0 P, M. We e?pee:ally inv'.te all ehoirs and ?inger& of Camden and Kershaw Ckyinty to meet with us. A warm welcome to all. , V ... V ... - v. Aim to Cut National, State and Local Expenses * delegates to the first national meeting of the National Economy l^eague committed to work for cut in national, state and ltxral government expenses, which elected Hear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, temporary chair man and instructed him to lly to 27 states in a nation-wide tour t<> organizc state units, a t? ur which is to start in mid-August. . . . The initial objective is a cut of $4 50, (XX), (XX) from the national budget. In the picture, seated, left to right ; Rear Admiral Byrd, Boston; Archibald B. Roosevelt, New York; Standing; Royal C. Johnson, X. Da.; Harold Beacom, Chicago; Grenviilc Clark, New York and George \V. RossetUr, New York. do. Agricultural Teachers I Conduct School for Farmers [Liberty Hill News August 9. ? Frequent ra;ns have Men in this section of late and all ops-r-that were not too far advan ;.i? and Vegetation generally have een greatly revived and have taken 'm rrw and vigorous growth. A heavy shower of rain Monday was accom fja-re nt * T-ec i*ps r a tj n g after " a] uiojiajl^'r .-ration. *"*" " " Miss Vi-va Mcleod of I.-ce County, charming young member of the Baron DeKatb School faculty, spent several days last week with Miss Sophie Richards, a co worker with her in that well Appointed and pcnular uni of our County Educational System. M'sses Louise Callie and JenniG Jones and Mis-^ Louise Johnston have returned home after a very pleasant' vr ,-k'p visit spent at Myrtle Beach. Col. T. J. Cunningham and daughtiV ?r, Mi s Rebecca of Chester wore visiting relat'v^s here on Sunday. Mr. R. J. Wardlaw, Jr, and Miss Smith of Columbia wert hero Sunday visiting relatives of the former. Mr, E. J. Cunningham, prominent bu-iness man of Spartanburg was a visitor Sunday in the home of his brother, Post Master C. I). Cunning ham. Miss Jo.-ephine Cureton, poular Camden school teacher spent a few days here last week with her cour.ins. Misses Charl'otto and Mannic Ward law. Our local 4 *11 C girlrf, M i ss ?? js Mary and Sara ? unningham, Ann Thompson, Annie Mae Cureton, Mar garet Perry, Lucy Clements, Willie! Lee Higgins, Mary Peach and Doro- j ihy Mathe on, participated in tin* pleasures of camp life at the Shamo- j kin Club house with the other unit of county organization last w-jek Mr. and Mr.<. C. f) Cunningham, Mr and Mrs. .1. H. Clements, Mrs II S Higgins and children, Mr. ami Miv.. L P. Thonrpson and children also at ton led during the camp. Mr. and Mrs. T .1 Peach had as a guest last wr-ek their daughter, Mrs. Truesdale of Westville. Two young sons of Mr. and Mrs. II. A Brown of Camden are visiting in the home of the r aunt, Mr,-!. C. C. fjtroupp.. Miss Kate Johnston of Great Falls is spending a few days w'th her cou sins, Misses Clara and Lou:se John ston. Mr. and Mrs. John Roddy and lit tle son, Jack of Rock Hill aro visit in the home of Gov. John (1. Richards Mrs. E. E. Richards and daughter, Miss Marion are expected home Wed nesday after a pleasant stay of some weeks at Montreat. A week's meeting was began on Sunday at Beaver Creek Baptist church in Lancaster C/Ounty near Stoneboro. Rev. Mr. Cordon of near Charleston and his son are conduct ing the preaching and song service. ^ F?w 'Qu*k?* In Britain About one In nvery twenty elubt I earthquakes recorded In the world 1* I felt In the P.r'Msh Mos: The Agriculutarl Teachers of Ker shaw and Chesterfield Counties ar^ conducting a part-time school at Mo Bee, S. C. This school is made up of farm boya who are not in school, but live on the farm and ijvterestecl in farming, .^.fiach teacher is. carry ing somo boys, fir om H1 ^ ' oo ino^HOity / ? 1 A1- - :-c -- -*-40 ,bq,y9 onrbH?4 ' m school ar?: ? vSize of bu iness, Production, Laibor efficiency, Combination of enter, prises -Pr'ce, Capital efficiency, Soils, Ana lyzing individual farms, Agricultural credit, Selection of a farm. Each teacher is teaching one of these topics and they have worked out some very interesting data On each, of these topics. Dr. Cooper the soil specialist from Clemson sipent three days with these boys on the study of soils last week. He took the boy.* on v field trip through Chesterfield, Marl'- ro and Darlington Counties showing them the different soil types we have in this section and pointing out ihe beat soils in the state and also the hest soils for different crops. He dis cussed what the different, soils were deficient in the way of ^lant food. II?> stressed the importance of oils on Agriculture and that the success oj? failure you make as a farmer de pends to a great extent on tho soil wh!(^i you farm. These boys also vi sited Coker's Seed Farm at HartsviiJ0 This was a very educational trip and all the boys learned the different soil type* in tlii.-t section. They saw som0 of Hie host soils in the state and also i >iri!' of the poo1 est. On Thursday Dr. Cooper took tho .boys to the Sand Mill Experiment Station and I her:' they studied tho different experiments at this station. During this .chool several other men will speak to these hoys hut most of the work will be in the rlasn room under the direction of the tea cher.4 who have been assigned tho different topics to teach. The school will be in session for two weeks. President R.F.C. Hoard 'Charles A. Miller, Utica, N. Y.* hanker. endorsed by Atloe I'otneretie, (Dem.) Ohio, a fallow board mem-| her, wa? appointed hy President Hoover to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and will he elected its new president. This appointment, completes the Hoard's ro#ter.