WKm klj rasiS*** ER K ^'gggyrafraKBrtre. Clothing, Hats AND thing Goods. >2ft ;'* 'om (third floor of Opern n the first and third Tues t?, at 8 o'clock. g brethren cordtally invit J. D. Dumlap, M. W. W. Corbbtt, Recorder. i Cotton Market* 'middling cotton "Vas quoted in Camden yesterday. ! 3 tor Glenn will oommence Jan this week of n fine reBi- 1 j West Wateree for Oapt John lllfeS 1 , *4< ary^&th^,Me?ra; ^ Will olofee their stores ing I>ay. Their ousto e bear this in mind. , , m. issued to iraig win oh occur rod on tho 22nd tot . ? lmfcerln# illness* JBbJ ifciraabi**famtUm lady, ha*, SboloavoB ft hUeband and ohildron to mourn her der\th, 6t?r heftrfcfolt bynSpatbie? are rill tte uefen by notioo pubHfthed iere it* this icMitxo of Tnii M*s t, the Bank of Oamdeh will be ?d after the ilrBt of December dosed du ^giving Dny. Remember thin, my what you need from the t the day before. % living m eastern Ker leyeref* burned on Itot ,bout> 12 o'olookM., from which the little sufferer 6ok of $ro|?ame day. anght lire in the kitchen, o^ tno house, but before k County Treasurer Hoi le is busy collecting taxes now. However, op to thiB time there has not been mqcn of a rush at his office. In fact mn have been unusually slow oomittg in. The time for the boots to close is the 15th of December. Then for the pen alty, or extension of time?which? ./ ???, TbeAugusU Imposition. From a special . to the Columbia ! Register of the 'J$th ipsL, we take the 1 following: "The coming week will be aneventral one, even iu the history of the exposition. Georgia's greeting to Carolina on Thursday next, when the General Assembly of tho one Commonwealth will; headed by the brilliant Georgian, Henry Grady, assemble in Augusta and mingle witn Carolina's Legislature, Will draw One of the largest crowds ever assembled in this sectioh. Elaborate prepara tions are being made " M /? ? ? 9 m j ?" V ThnnkHgriving Day. Next Thursday will be thanksgiv ing day, and we presume most, if not all, of our businessmen, will olose up on that day. Of course if there is any one who has nothing to return thanks for it is not to be expected that such an one will "olose up their place of business. The air we breathe, the w^ter wo drink even is a blessing from Cod, but some may not ?are for these small things, nor their Creator either. We hope, however, that the day will be generally observed, not only in our town, but throughout the county. "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of Goq." Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving day (next Thrs day) there will be services approa pnate to th&oocasiou at the Presby terian Church at 11 A. M. A sermon will be preached by the Pastor. The public generally are invited to attend. A oollectk a will be taken up for the Thorn well Orphanage. We should show our gratitude to God in a practical way, and there is no better way of show|ng it than by helping Ornaus. Our own children or some of our Relatives may one day be Orphans, a^nd it would bo a great blessing to have them remembered and carea for ay God's people. Sk Wj' HHS % you d H L Me sor vitoyou to cow , .th ue, but :fw4 never be'f Content valuable ciuon.Duvii you are willing 10 take the risk, coine, and we will jhow your, inpue beauty ta; twenty I 11 ? i n u tea than you have, ever seen." f ? We wish to oast no slur on Green wood's beauties. All South Carolina teems with lovely ladies, but as the Oreen Sojourner ha* only seen "girla and (/iris and girls" we are euro that If he write in Camden for two iniu utea some fair morning, and had a particle of taste, he would be so en chanted by the appearance of our fair women that he would wondor if Psyche had chosen the da P&mdeti for the re; daugl beatity, and given them as companions ^ir '? ^ ISr ' "fravow, ^hemnju , ?r. ^ though he is, two minutes spent in Oamaen would bless him witjti a rovo lation of beauty which .surpasses the loftiest conceptions of Grecian poet or sculptor. But we are well aware that he has Men "girls and gtrU and curls" and we feel that we would do him wrong to give him more information, for then might he weep for having seen so lit tle. ! What a poor deluded mortal in ibis Green Sojonrner to dream in UU wild est imaginings that the Oamden beau ty oould be excelled* "For ne'er did Grecian chisel trace A nymph, a naiad or a grace Of finer toitn or lovelier face." However, we are net altogether sur prised at him. He doesn't believe in the Democratic party and wishes to start a third one. We feel so sorry for the Greon Sojournor that we are constrained to give him a little advice gratis. Stop for awhile thinking About "girls and gith ui oia^s" aria study and 9tu4y and s*trt>\ th? history of the leaders of new parties in South Carolina, or perhaps you will see trouble and trouble and troubl*. , v juM, G?, M? 26. 1887. I hate boeix altering from kidney Aitoto* tor a toonth past, and the 6t writing at night and Ittfrored all lumbia on tl ft Thompson MMHBxeoutivt pointed Er.? __ Mr. James label 1 ind his Sister, Miss Etttj jf West Wateree, camoi^ tn oar community last week on a visit to friends and relatives. Mr. Isbell ,ed home on Monday, but Miss ,.,.w . ? The Rev. Mr. Richards, from Lib orty Hill, Kershaw couuty, proached in the Presbyterian cburob last Sun day morning and in the chapel at Orange Hill in the afternoon. ? Vhe~ raw Reporter, 13th inst. ? The Baptist State Convention will assemble at the Baptist church in Orangeburg to-morrow. The Annual Conference ^of the M. R Cburob, South, will con vono in Winnsboro to-morrow. . The News and Courier of the 23rd inst., speaking of Bro. Bomar, Bays: 4tThe Rev. Paul V. Bomar, pastor of the Baptist Church at Camden, is a preacher whose religion is as broad as humanity; and whose mission is to do good. He carries no long face about with him, but allows the good ness of his heart to shine out in smiles of love and benevolence. Tho busi ness men are always delighted to see him and, in faot, his admirers are just as many as his acquaintances. He is a son of John Earlo Bomar, of the Spartanburg Bar, and is but recently from" the Southern Baptist Theologi cal Seminary, at Louisville, Ky, He is down on his first vis.t to Charleston. He is much pleased with the outlook for his work m Camden^ and Expresses himself as charmed with the people and the place. He is now perfectly satisfied that ho did not . follow his first inclinations and take work in the West He says that News and Cour ier is right in sticking to its ofd text ?that, after all, there is no place like South Carolina. Heary Loss By .Fire. The rioe mills of Mr. T. W. Long in West Wateree were destroyed by lire on Tuesday night of last week. His loss is estimated at $?>,000, without any insurance. The ongin.o! the fire is unknown, though, it is supposed to be the work of an inoendiary. Mr. Lang lost heavily by the freehpt, and his loss now by Are is prety con siderable), We sympathize with him. Charges Dismissed. A preliminary hearing wag had In the oases against Messrs J. D.Doas, B. F.HeiJe, Jas.lv. Haile and Thoa.Whita kor, before "U. S. Commissions Adams supervisor. The defendant* vrere roprosontod by Messrs W. D, Trant hara,.O.I>. Winkler and ED. Blakeney. The fact was established that Perry was not a qualified voter, ahd^hfs appointment therefore as supervisor was illegal, and, the charges against the above named gentlemen were dismissed. . .v;,.. 'U otmg ladiea of the society. Hot supper, lemonade and eake, ice Cream, Ac., will be served. The object of the en tertainment (to raise money to build a new church) is a venr laudable one and we hope everybody who can will i attend. The ladies of tho Presbyterian church are arranging for an entertain ment to be given on next Tuesday bight. 4th or December* at the old town nail. They Will have n spelling match, Which will donbtless be very Interesting. There will be picked sides to participate m the spoiling, and then there Will be a general e polling match in which any One csn participate. A hot' supper will also be served. The tfrbceeas will go towards repairing thwr ohuroh. Admission only 10 cent*. Be Huro and attottd, Immensolfno of )j>eantiful styliab N ook wear at Zemp Bros. fit? IHHHSHIH CJevelnud and Thurmaii was about 40,000. ?As i* customary with us, wo ex pect to close oar office next Thursday, it being Thanksgiving day. ?Down in Kershaw they have a ily, the tax-pay/? haa ahard time of; it when he taSfces a railroad^-Ptwe and Banner. . ?What is the difference between an pptfeaad a pretty, girl? One you squeeze to get cider and the other you get 'side ner to equeese. . New prunes, new evaporated ap ples, new Ifaiaina, new currants, new citrdn, at J. S. Rbamee.' 7Mr. Alex. Brown, chairman of the Trade Committee of the County Far mers' Alliance, has called a meeting of the committee of the ooupty iuid sub-alliances to meet at the Journal office on next Friday, 80th insi '? ? . , ' ? ' Pure Blsod Ib OrPrlpeleea YaUc. The Bood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. : > Mt Dbar Sib? I have, for some time past, used B. B. B. as purifier of the blood and to build up the system generally, and oonsider it "without exception the fitest remedy of the kind in the market. Yours with best wishes. 4 .c /ZAbthuu G, I^XWIS, ? Editor Southern Society. '? .m -? I ii.hii'iu'mIii 111 I? iwni tm INSURANCE LICENSE. HtfMBEIt 74&. Executive Depauxment, Office of COMPTUOLLKU GKhffcBAL., COLUM BIA, S.C., NOV. i X certify that Mr. W. C. Thomson, of Camden, agent of tV Fidelity and Cas ualty Insurance; Company, incorporat ed by the State of New York, haa com plied with the requisitions .'of the 'Act of the General Assembly entitledVAn Act-to Regulate the sAgenclesof In surance Com pun Irs not Incorporated in the State of South . Carolina" anct 1 hereby license the said ' Mr? >V. C. Thomson, agent aforesaid, to take risks and transact all business of Insurance in this State, in the county of Kershaw, for and in behalf of said company. J. 8. VERNE li. Comptroller General. Expires March 81st, 1889. Bank Notice, Tho Bank ot Camden will be c ?? ^huraday* Nov, 29tl^ Being# 3mber ii ... Wmt? f . -^v . an ' m wt ' . HYCEIAl A Wonderful Drscovery! tobacco ah aid to HEALTHl a , A new Tobooeo mauttfaotVred by Thos. O. Willi anas & Co., Riohmond, Va., tinder a formulnr ..prepared by Prof. J. W. Mftllot, of tfce University 'olVit^nia. Anti-malarial, nnti-dis poptic, a good nervene find 6n excel ohow. Try itl No hnmbng! l?dr sale by all dealorn. ' Calji lor pwu phlota. * ^ v ??v-.-'' r - ?' \ ? ; ; ' ?. j V?.. ?' * : - . v i. ?+ / ' ' . . ' a ' ?- & , V; ' ,5-v. , ' . ' - Country Produce Wanted. Boot cash prioes paid for poultry* eggs, game, fine lard, sausage and all lands of first class country produoe. Psrsbns hating fat poultry or bear bear this in mind. THE .IIOJJK IKK INN, Oauiden, S. O. NOTICE. I hereby give notice that I positively forbid all persons from trospasainfc in any manner upon C. II. Hinaon'e Patent Mill Dreed, (No. patent 56,516), except Ohas. barker, Thow. Mangum jand R. B. Williams who are my author) mi agents. I hate no others except them* . . 0. B. HINSON, Trespass Notice. K * . All partiea ?re hereby for -bidden from trespassing upom my plantation. Hunting or walking' oyer it, or il* any oilier manner trespassing i? poaitvely forbidden, and violators will be dealt with according to law. . j. T. OAtJTHEN. WANTED. the milk <>f a healthy grade *ith calf not mote than 8 month With tight to pnrchaBo oow an. it mrtk "?aK?itora at ? inci nf DiViivA. iwr JUST ARRIVED! ' ?' - ? A car load of Weefbrn raised <7- % y >j ^ HORSES AND MULES. ' a; - - v \ < ? ' V*' 0. ' "A" ' This will be your ; BEST OPPORTUNIY to buy. Call a? the DeKalb House Stables, We will positivoly leave Camden in one week atid will not return this season with amy more horses. All broke to handle. % W. IN. & Chas. TEAM. Mortgage Sale. South Carolina ? -Kbrshaw County. Frank Brown to John C. Man ? Mortgage of Real Estate. Under and bv virtue of a powor of sale contained in the above stated mortgage, bearing date January 29th, 1883, 1 will proceed to sell, before the Court House door in Camden, on the 1st Monday in December next, the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in the County and State aforesaid, containing one hundred and . seven and a half (107 W) acres, more or less, bounded on the North by lands of Samuel Gipson; East by lands of V. 8. Jordan ; South by lands of Bo wen, and West by lands of graft Brown; Terms of Sale? Cash. ' ? JOIJN C. MAN, Mortgagee. 1 m>4 chine of any kind you canfi it at G. C. YOUNG'S who mil sell it to yon at a less price than it ban be hougnt elsewhere in the State. Among my stock of Sewing Machines can be found the "Davis," "The Hartford," "flowe," -American, " "Royal St. John," The above machines will be shown with pleasure to any otje who may wish to see them. G. G. YOUNG. . vrc ?? ????' ?U*b4 '? ?tuca.U.M("< W4 by 10*1 AKlRKLr^, P Master8 Sale. State tt 80. Carolina, ) Court of Coua/ty of Kershaw. \ Common Pleas. J* 8. 0. Clyburn, f vs. ? ^ Klly N. Dibble, as Executrix, et al. to a decretal order, 1888>I will offer for _ julSS, In front of th? | parcel or tract of land ait . , g and being in the town of 0amdebF8.O.v being lota numbered in the j>l*n of said town as 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 400, 401; 402, 403,404, 405,406,407,408.409,410. Bounded by square B on th* north, east by Meeting ? stroet and west by Broad street; Terms of sale ?one half oasb, the balanoe.on a credft of one year, with interest from day of sale, and payable^annually until paid in full, secured by bond of the purohaaer and a .mortgage of tUe premises Bold. Purohaaer to pay for papers. E. M. BOYKIN, v" ' Master K. O. -f- 1 Master's Sale. State of So. Carolina, ) Court of County of Kershaw. \ Common Pleas. A. Sydney Smith & Son, Plaintiffs, vs. W. C. Brown, Defendant. In obedience to a decretal order dated June 7, 1888, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry in front of the Court House in Camden, S. C., on the first Monday in December, 1888, all that tractor land lying on the Wateree riv er and Beaver Creek, about sixteen (1(3) miles north of the town of Camden, in the County and State aforesaid, and bounded on the north by lands late of the estate of John Brown, east by lands late of tho estate of Abram D. Jones; I South by the same, and west by Wa teree river. The above described land being now ownod and cultivated by said W. C. Brown, and containing one thousand acres. Terms of sale? one third part of pur chase money to be paid in cash, the balance in one and two yeara in two equal installments from the day of sale, the credit portion of the purchase money to be secured by a bond of the {mrchaser and a mortgage of the prem - ses. sold,- with interest from day of salo. Purchaser to pay for papers. EDWARD. M. BOYKIN, Master KerBhaw Co. MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina? Kershaw County. , Court of Common .fleas. Elizabeth Oliver , pFff., vs. C J Dun lap and JS W Dunlap defts. Judgment of'Foi'eoloaure Mortgage. In obedienoe to a decretal order dated September 11, 1888, 1 will offer for sale at public outcry, in front of the court house in Camden, S. C , on the tirat Monday in Deo'r. next, 1888, All that lot of land in the town of Camden, S. O., with buildings thereon and known as the Lafayette Hall and * 'ngqf town lota numbet 728, t und parts o* lota 7871744; 7^7, * t ? iff*;* 'erms of Sale?One half oaa!b jrnd i pit gala, the ( ?dijjatooney id Of the pure ? ohe premises tfay for papers. v , w . ^ S? B.H.BOYKIN, Nov 5 tda Master. tne naianoe in . twelve months from the day of sale with ihteteat frOnitf fte day of sale, the credit portion of said purchase money to besecured by the yx>nq Of tho purchaser and mortgage of the pftjpnises sold. Purchaser to . rfav To* iruwwara ?' ?. ' Special Master's Sale 'how. 0. Gowor, hk TruHtoo, vs. Parti-' Jatherine M. Bbhofield and I tion & )atherind M. Shootield as f'D i vi* Committee 6f Janet Mather- s i o n . on, JfinotMrtthoaouot.nl. J Under and by vitftoe of a decretal >rder to ma directed as Special Mas er> by bis Honor,- Joseph B. Ker haw,Pre aiding Judge, on February, lth, 1888, 1 will hoII in front of the Jourt Hous?? inCamden, >8. 0., dur n g the legal hottrs of sale on the first Monday in December next, (the third lay) the following described real es~ Ate, viz: One tract of land containing Four Hundred and One acres more or less, oonnded north * by lands of .'John Burdell, east by Wateree river, south oy lands of heirs at law of James whitaker, deceased, west by lands of Wm. Whitakar, being traots No. 2 ?nd 8 of laiids of L. L, Whitaker, de ceased Also, on? tract of land containing Ninety-Two and Ono-Half Acres, bounded north by traot No. 5, belong ing to heirs of Jame^ Whitaker, de ceased, east and south by lands of John N, Jones and Mrs. Sarah Boul ware, and west by tract No. 4 of lauds of L. h. Whitakor. Also, One Tract containing Two Hundred acres bounded north by lands of Mrs. iJoulware, south by lands of Gh W. Witte, west and east by lands of Jlermon Baum. Terms of sale-- One third cosh, and balanoe in two equal annual install ments, secured by bond of purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser to pay for all papers, and recording- JAMES L. HAILE, Nov. 5 tda Hpooial Master. Probate Sale Maurice II Simmonds , A.?e on a eredit of one year, ae* cured by bond and mortgage. Pur chaser to pay for papers. / J.t); DUN LAP, Nor. B tils. Judge of Probata ?TO ? - MY FRIENDS ? AND XHE PUBLIC GENERALLY! ' Having disposed of my old steak of Bummec groceries. almost to ? t etj last furtiole, and having put soy 1 store ? In Perfect^Re^ai rf Top To Bottdm? I now com? beforo my friends of the past as well as those who may prove my friends of the future, with s Complete Jjlew Outfit* The Best And Freshest Groceries to be . found in ths tov& and I respeottully invite you to giY* me a oall before you buy. Iu the local columns of Tn Mis sknoer can bo found, from week to wook, such articles as I make a sps* c'alty of. But I will have always oo hand everything to be found ia A First Class Grocery ? Store, ? Consisting principally of Canned Fruite, Canned Meats, Canned Veg etables, Pickles and Sauces of m1 kinds and best quality, Tea ? Green and Black, ? Coffee, Sugar, Lard, Flour, Bacon, Molasses, Wheel Brand, Bice-flour, Grits ? coarse and fine, ? Rice, Oat-meal, and last but not least, a fine variety of Soap which I will sell at lowost figures. Kemeuiber I guarantee everything I sell. J. W. BLAKENEY, "Clyburn Block," undsr Mebrengeb offioe. Get The Girls A Piano Jo siah Allen. Let thorn play music that oth$r folks girls who aint as good as they are. J. B. Kiilough & Co. will sell you instru ments at cash prices and ask only ?10 on Organs and 325 on Pianos and collect balance November, 1888, with out interest. Write drawer "P" or call and see them in Allen's Block, Flor ence, S. C. Teachers, Ministers, Sab* bath Schools and Churches get special discounts. Sheet music, Books, Musio al Merchandise shipped direct from publishers. A good tuner connected with the Arm, V. CLYBQRN, Announces to the pnblio that h* is now prepared to buy cotton and pay the highest market price in each for le same. Opened Under Its Former Manage ment The undersigned bogs leave to la form the public that he has re-opened the Latham House. Wheq visiting Camden stop at the UTHAM HOUSE. Every attention paid to guests. Ta ble Bupplied with the best the market alforOH. . HTFree Omnibus meets all train* HTBarroom connected with the house which is separately located and orderly kopt. UTLdvery, Feed and Sale Stable* on premises. 8. B. LATHAM, Proprietor. TENNESSEE WAGONSt The best manufactured in th? United States. As oheap if not cheaper than any other wagon on the market. Call on me if yon need a good WAGON. Will soil on time for good paparrt , S. B. LATHAM, Agent, The Place To Buy PURE LIQUORS ; , . ? < ? IS-AT? JOHN SMYRL S I desire to Inform the public that I have on hand a large stock of . Liquors of all Kinds which I am offering at the very IowoaI prices. Pure North Carolina Cora Whiskey at $2.00 and 82.50 per gallon. Also other grades a? choap as can bo bought elsewhere. Tobacco And Cigars. A full lino of Tobacco and Cigars. la connection with the above I keep ft no lect stock of choice Family Gjocerlen, When in need of anything in my Una l>e sure to give mo a call. tyMr. T. J. Wilson Is with me and would i?e pleased to have his friend* call and see him. JOHN McSNTTCL ,?M NOTICE, Notice la hereby given that *U to# notes, papers and account? have b"*a placed In the. hands of If oath, Spring SbC6., fo* collection. All t>artl?? ia deb ted to jno, and whose account* now due, Are requested to ? mfcke pay- . ment to them. A. HMnFH* tsx wuiiBiwDwivywyiwm MOORS AKXRKLEtf, Agenta, UAKDKN, 8.0. . .u f. -it. /jikAhfi - -~? c? . 't