U 0 p E R A ST OR E ! H O U E niTE atoyus i "The'Mathor' Perfect uiove Knutonlne. Jnd vUo nil to buy a pnlr unrt bo convinced. r- ? * Fine Kid Gloves in black and colors. Lace with narrow o m broidery beitjg* the very latest and best styles just intro duced, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00? To close out odd lots of Kid Gloves in plain, broad and narrow braided backs we have made the following prices which will move the stock so rapidly that an early call will be necessary in order to get the benefit of these bargains: 6 pairs black, 85c. 4 pairs black, 90c. 28 pairs black, 75c. 18 pairs black, 50c. :8 pairs colors, 85c. .20 pairs colors, 75c. 16 pairs colors, $1.00; were $1.50. QBESS GOODS. Great reduction in all Wool Flannels. 3 pieces solid blues reduced to 50c. 1 piece solitl navy blue "basket pattern, all wool, i educed to 50c. 2 pieces all wool fancy piaid reduced to 40c. 2 pieces all wool large plaids reduced to 50c. 1 piece red and black check reduced to 40c. 1 piece red and white stripe, first cost. 57 Ac., for 40c. 1 pit ce red and blue stripe, all wool reduced to 65e. Please remember that we aro headquarters for white and red Flannel from 15 to C>0c. Also bleached and unbleached Canton Flannel from 18?c. to 30c. ? Some bargains in Dress Suitings at 15, 17, 20, 25c, and $1.00 which must be sold in order to reduce stock. A large line of Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks and Wraps which will be closed out at greatly reduced prices. Nice Walking Jackets from $'2.00 to $10.00 all of the latest stples and pat terns. Just received a nice line of Shetland and Cashmere Shawls at very low prices. Wo are iust slaughtering Jerseys. Tho best 50c. Jersey that ever walked tho streots of Catuden. A few Ladies' Sleeveless Jackets and Facinators which will be sold very low to close out. A large line of Ladies' Hand bags .at prices that will induce you to purchase* Still r^mainihg on our remnant counter a few hundred yds. at 15, 20 and 25c Worsteds which wo aro selling at 8Jc. The best 25c. Sik Hankorchief in the State; others at 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and uj). Tho prettiest, lino of 5c Buttons ever displayed in Camden ? all colors and sizes. A few of those beautiful art squares, or crumb cloths, still loft which must also go. As wo are very anxious to close out our stock of Carpots wo call your attention to the prices again, which cortainly will sell them without any trouble. Several pieces of 40c. Carpet reduced to 25c. 1 piece 10 Wire Brussels reduced to 55c. which is tho cheap est pieco of genuine Brussols ever offerod in this market. f 2 pieces of 1 vd wide floor Oil* Cloth which will be closed out very cheaply. \t . A new line of Fancy and Marbled Table Oil Cloths just re ceived at rock bottom prices. One hundred pieces of pants cloth the prices of which will astonish you if they do not knock you down. A special lot of Men's Fancy Half Hoso at 20c., usual price 25c. A nice line of Gentlemens' Gloves from 25c- up. A full line of Gentft' Underwear from 25c up. "Wo have largely added to our Millinery stock this week new Hats, new styles, now Ribbons, new Colors, now Flathers,new Tints. Constantly adding to our Clothing department. Just re ceived this week a large line of odd pants. The best $1.00 pair of pants in the County. Also many articles which we can not call your attention to. BLANKETS. Blankets, blankets, blankets which must go, as tho season is passing and we do not wis to carry them over. SHOES. 2 doz. pairs Ladies Heavy Kid Button Shoos, 75c. per pair. 3 doz. pairs Ladies Veal Calf Lace Dress Shoes, 05c. por pair. 8 doz. pairs Kid Fox Lace Dress Shoos, 75c., wore $1.25. 2 doz. pairs old ladies Glove Kid Shoes, 75c., were $1.25. Small lot Ladios and Gents Shoes to close broken lots, 50c per pair, wore $1.25 anh $2.50 por pair. J*$t received a lino of Gents Fino Hand Sowed Shoos in ^Jutton Congress and Lace in newost dross stylos \it $5.00 per por pair. E. P. Rood & do's fine Shoes for ladies unsurpassed for style and comfort.