Cheraw chronicle. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1896-2005, July 06, 1922, Image 4

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^ THFRAW flHRfMIP.I F ' T0E !!>'!>SAY, Editor WF MAKE A TEAR Thi8 issue of the Chronicle cornBMBi^^^fceaces the second year of the newsf paper under the present management. A year ago we did not know anything about the editing and publishing of a newspaper, now we know it all. At least, we have seen and experienced all of the dark side of the business and we know what the bright side would look like and be if we could but arrive there. We have tried to give Cheraw a -jo-- . vtcau, ucwsjr UUUUI17 newspaper lit spite of hard times, fair support and troubles galore. How well we have STATEMENT OF THE f BanK of . ' located at Cheraw, S. C., at the RESOURCES LoanB and discounts $567,155.98 Overdrafts 6,061. SI Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 86,976."3 Furniture and fixtures 6,537.46 Banking house 30,000.00 Other real estate owned 1,750.00 Due from banks and bankers 63,880.96 Currency 6,974.00 Gold 95.00 Silver and other minor ocin 992.52 Checks and cash Items 3,079.60 Liberty loan bonds owned 121,550.00 ^ Total $S95,653.66 State of South Carolina, County <ft Clu Before me came G. W. Duvall, Vic named bank, who, being duly sworn, statement is a true condition of said bank. Sworn to and subscribed before m? Correct?Attest: C. K. Waddill, R. T. Caston, M. W. Duvall, Directors. REPORT OF COX First Natic at Cfheraw in the State of S. C., at tl RESOL Loans and discounts Overdrafts, unsecured Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc. Furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve I Cash in vaults and amount due from n Amount due from State banks, bankers in the United States Checks on other banks in the same cit reporting bank (other than Item Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12, and 12 Redemption fund with 1". S. Treasurer U. S. Treasurer ?V Total LI ABI1 Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits Circulating notes outstanding Amount due to Federal Reserve Bank? Amount due to State banks, bankers at the Unied States and foreign c< Cashier's checks outstanding Total of Iteans 21. 22. 23. 24 and 2 Individual deposits subject to check Dividends unpaid Total of demand deposits (other th deposits) subject to reserve, i 27. 28, 29, 30 and 31 Certificates of deposit (other than for Total of time deposits subject t?i Items 32, 33. 34 and 3o Notes and bills rediscounted Total State of South Carolina, County of ( In I, S. G. Godfrey, cashier of the a that the above statement is true to the Subscribed and sworn to before in Correct?Attest: Geo. M. Walters Thos. M. Knight Wni. Godfrey Directors. Bull S I HAVE SECT RED WILLI A BILL NO. .*>471(5 BELOMUU AND WILL KEE1? IIDI AT For FEE Oscar Br LOOKOUT GREEN FALL SEED IR Also a Full Line <>i 111 A HORTON & HEP. WANTEDIn paying proposition.. Vol and attention to business. Apply in own liand writing. s ? m V. succeeded you know. Our joy is that we have "made our first year." Many have complimented U3 on cur sheet and but one man ha: suggested chat we try to improve it 7?"e are grateful for our kind-hearted and patient readers. We know possibly better than anyone that we have only taken pavt of a step toward giving this community a real newspaper, but we have had a year's experience now and presently we will have more experience and eventually D. V. we will give Cheraw a paper she will be proud of. We expect to get fresh CUT FLOWERS each week and will appreciate i your patronage, we will also have in stock a full line of designs for all classes of funeral work. THE PURE SEED CO. CONDITION OF THE Cheraw close of business June 30, 1922 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $110,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 11,814.83 Due to banks and bankers 9,617.80 Dividends unpaid 67.00 Individual deposits subject to check 429,460.69 Cashier's checks 1,147.35?430,614.04 Bills payable, secured by Liberty loan bonds 96,200.00 Bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve bank 97,489.93 Liberty loan bonds deposited 81,950.00 Reserve account 7,900.00 Total $895,653.66 sterfield, ss: e President and Cashier of the above says that the above and foregoing bank, as shown by the books of said G. W. DUVALL. e this Oth day of July, 1922. J. L. CRAIG, Notary Ihiblic. DITIOX OF THE Dnal BrnK ie close of business on June 30, 1922 RCES $239,053.07 1,983.50 . bonds par value) 50,000.00 2,130.00 2,705.00 ; house 8,155.00 lank 13,407.73 utionnl banks 23,269.34 ; and trust companies 5.616.59 v or town as i 12) 859.80 $29,745.73 and due from 2,500.00 $349,740.03 .IT IKS $ 50,000.00 10,000.00 7,450.23 50,000.00 5.696.48 id trust companies in Kintrics 768.01 7.775.49 $14,239.98 1 r.(i r.77 r.Q 20.00 inn bank tents 26, 169,r>97.69 money borrowed) 1,809.13 Reserve, 1,809.13 .46,043.00 $349,740.03 ?sterfield, ss: lmve named bank, do solemnly swear best of my knowledge and belief. S. G. GODFREY, Cashier, e this ."th day* of July, 1922. J. O. RALKY, Notary Public. ervice M THE SENIOR HERD i TO DR. J. E. FlINDERBCRK, ('II ERA IV It RICK WORKS 1 SERVICE $5.00 asington MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN ISH POTATOES ! ;i\ Z'S SOCK PICKLES (PRIX COMPANY PARTNER I mtr man who will put tIm?? capital necessary. ire CHKONICLK, CIIERAW ? PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. O. H PURVIS PHTSICLA.V & SURGEON Office Residenc Public Square Huger SI Phone 243 Phone 24' CHERAW. S. C. DR. T. E. WANNAMAKER, Jr. EYE SPECIALIST Office Hours 8 to 2 Office at Residence P. A. MURRAY, JR. Attorney at Law CHERAW, S. C. Office upstairs Lyric Theatre BIdg 666 Is a prescription for Colds, FeTer and LaGrlppe. IPs tlie most speedy remedy we know. POSTED! Notice is hereby given that all mj lands located in this and other counties are posted against huntirvg anc fishing. This especially applies to mj place located on Big Lake. All permissions heretofore given are herebj revoked. Any violation of the abovt will be prosecuted to the full extenl of the law. J. L. ANDERSO.N o Notice of Loss of Stock Certificate Notice is hereby given that the certificate No. 150 for twenty-five (25) shares of capital stock of the Cheraw Oil and Fertilizer Co., of Cheraw, S. C owned by the undersigned has been lost or destroyed and application will be made by him to said Cheraw Oil and Fertilizer Co., of Cheraw, for a new certificate therefor on the twenty-first (21) day of July, 1922. June 8th, 1922. 0. M. PEGUES. o?? C L ? X S 0 N COLLEGE Scholarship Examinations for Chesterfield County. Examinations to fill 2 vacant fouryear scholarships and one vacant oneyear scholarship will be he'd at the County Seat on Friday, July 14th, beginning at 9 A. M. under the supervision of the County Superintendent of Education. 1?Four-year Scholarship. Open to students desiring to pursue Agriculture or Textile Engineering. Subjects for examination: English, including grammar, literature, composition and rhetoric; Algebra, including quadratic equations; American and European History; and practical Agriculture. Age requirement, 16 years or over at the time of entrance. Winners of scholarships must be prepared to meet also the requirements for* admission of the Association of Colleges of South Carolina. The examinations may be taken foi entrance credits by those not applying for a scholarship. The value of each scholarship is $100 per session and free tuition of $40. Membership in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, R. O. T. C. is also equivalent in money to a scholarship during the last two years in college. 2?One-year Short Course Scholar, ships. Open to students 18 years of aee or over desiring to pursue the One-Year Course in Agriculture. Common school education sufficient. 3?No previous application to the college necessary to stand scholarship examinations. For catalogue, application blanks and other information write to The Registrar Clemson College, S. C. 666 will break a Cold, FeTcr and Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing pneumonia S-omssiifiamra Tired "1 vyaj veak and run-down," J II relates Mrs. Hula Burnett, of 4 Balton, Ga. "I was thin and ? Juot felt tired, all the time. 9 I didn't rest well I wasn't kd erar hungry. I knew, by ? 1Mb, i needed a tonic, and as there Is none better than? Wi CARDUIl TtoWoman's Tonic b . . ? I began using Cardul," ? eonOfhues Mrs. Burnett. 9 AAtber my first bottle, I slept kf better and ate better. I took four bottles. Now I'm well, I feel Just fine, eat and Bleep, m my skin is clear and I hare 'A gafcied and sure feel that H Cardul Is the best tonic ever 1 made." thousands of otber women hare found Cardul Just as Mrs. Burnett did. It should R , help you. At all druggists. The Chronicle 01.50 a year. \ POLITICAL . ANNOUNCEMENTS< ^ The charge for publishing political 1 announcements, for entire period, are 1 as follows: For all county offices, $.1.00. For all offices outside the county, 1 $10.00. a For cottonweigher and township '' offices, $3.00. At these rates the announcement 1 shall not be over fifty words. lT. S. CONGRESS W. F. Stevenson "I hereby announce that I am a Candidate in the Democratic primaries ol South Carolina, for the nomination for ' Representatie of the 5th Congressional District, for the GSth Congress and 1 1 takethis opportunity to thank the peo1 pie of the District for their loyal sup port in the past and to asy that I shall ' endeavor to deserve their support and s confidence in the future." t W. F. STEVKXSOX ' o o STATE SENATE a t I hereby announce myself a can- s didate for the nomination of State . Senator of Chesterfield County and pledge to abide by the rules of the Democratic primary. J. A. SPRUILL i o I FOR STATE SENATE I I herewith announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the State Senate from Chesterfield County. J. ARTHUR KXIGHT FOR REPRESENTATIVE To The Democratic Voters of Chetserl'ield County: I am a candidate for the House of Reresentatives in the'coming primary, if elected I will stand for rigid economy, ever having in mind the sad condition of our state and county. Signed J. SIDNEY SMITH. o FOlt REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself a candidate for House of Representativesubject to the rules of the DemocraticParty. A. F. FUXDERBURK. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives subject to the rules of the Democratic Primaries. C. L. THOMAS. o FOR J EDGE OF PROBATE ' Under the rules of the Democratic Party, I respectfully announce my candidacy for re-election as Judge of Probate, and I am sure that I fully appreciate the confidence so long reposed in me. M. J. IIOl'GH New Ford touring and roadster bodies on hand ready for delivery. Cheraw Motor Sales C<>. 1 - illlllilHSaiiiUitl f choose fr< _ J And 2? f\ new.'us! JP J mint gui V treat for All arc factories is the ru Save | ^ ^ wrappers I / 1 ^ ? Good for j / valuable I ' J i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE rhe State or South Carolina*, bounty of Chesterfield. By M. J. Hough, Probate Judge. Whereas G. W. Duvali made suit to ne to grant him Letters of Adminisration of the estate and effect of B. C. Hunt, deceased. These are Therefore, to cite and adnonish all and singular the kindred nd creditors of the said J. B. G'. Hunt leceased, that they be and appear beore me in the Court of Probate, to be idd at Chesterfield on 12th July next fter publication hereof, at 11 o'clock ||| n the forenoon, to show cause, if any hey have, why the said Adminlstra- | ion should not be granted. Given under my hand this 2Gth day f June, Anno Domini 1922. M. J. HOUGH, Probate Judge Rub.Mj-Tism, antiseptic and pain killer, for Infected soores, tetter, sprains, neuralgia, rheumatism. ATTENTION' LADIES The Democratic Club Roll is at the ifi'iee of the cheraw Chronicle and 11 ladies in town are specially urged o enroll at once. It is necessary to ign the book in person. Never Had a Doctor Vet Strong and Healthy at ? Five Years Old. xII Mothers who watch children carefully can prevent the development of serious illness. At the first sign of fretfulness, fever, colic, coated tongue or cold give a course of the old reliable Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether I and note the immediate improvement. J. Cullen Wright, J. P., of Ilartwell, Ga., writes: "My baby is now five ~ years old. and I used only Easy Teether ? prepared by your during her teething period. I have never had a doctor for _ her since she was born. > feel like it is the only remedy, and heartily recommend it." Eor fifteen years this scientifically prepared prescription of a successful baby specialist has been winning hundreds and hundreds of such unsolicited testimonials from appreciative parents, doctors and druggists. Dr. Thornton's Easy Teether is a sweet powder that children like and take more freely than sticky syrups or liquid medicines. It is composed of I antiseptics, dlgestants and granular stimulants that work efficiently and harmlessly on the stomach, bowels and kidneys. It positively contains no opiates or harmful drugs; this we guarantee. If it fails to help your child, your money hack immediately witnoui question, iweive powuers in a package with full directions, 25c at your druggist Advertisement. ? 1?? 3 0 ? w h " * ^ 0 n -o th Fruit, Peppermint rmint are certainly iightful flavors to 3m. RIGLEY'S P-K?the ir-coated pepperm, is also a great your sweet tooth, from the Wrigley where perfection ile. I ^/Fwrigleys^ ii f Li I ^ T.c perfect gum ri>.. \ Big Bargains in Automobile TIRES AT TOLSON'S GARAGE i Watch for new prices next week =? > yisiT THE BIG SPRINGS NEW MANAGEMENT SPECIAL RATES TO TOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNICS BOY SCOUTS - CAMPFIRE GIRLS OPEN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15TH * THE BIG SPRINGS J. E. McCLl'RE, Prop. Bethune, S. C. 1705 1922 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON FOUR-YEAR COURSES LEAD TO THE B. A. AND B. S. DEGREES A THREE-YEAR COURSE LEADS TO THE DEGREE OF B. S. WITH MEDICINE. THE TWO-YEAR PRE-MEDICAL COURSE IS A SPECIAL FEATURE. A Course In Commerce and Business Administration of Superior Excellence will lie Introduced in the Fall. Open to Men and Women.. Expenses Moderate.. For Terms, Catalogue and Illustrated Folder, Address HARRISON RANDOLPH, President "Shop Around" m -o _ . 1 - . . 1 _ ^ _ ? ^11 \ ^ ? is true rnac rne greatest 01 an nuician books often has the least in it. /Te refer to the pocket-book, so "shop ound" before you buy. All we ask is at )ou include us in the tour. SERVICE IS ont AIM The Home of Good Cars Cheraw Motor Sales Co. Cheraw, S. C.