Nkr - 1 i J ^ /?. m I - * S to A V<$>' GEOGRAPHICAL PECULIARITIES Few Realize How Lar^e Texas / Really Is?Four People ,> in I County. , T||? follow hi c?IIhi;i gf-nc/riipliical pecil liiii'iHK >i 'i j tli" Unit?'fi s ni?> fiiilni-ii- ? mnnv umqtn- ! ci- vtiuc wot it rpiiii- ini'Pt i el A novel way o I^-?i? ?? * ' ti e enormi1 \ ? I" ;i e S tie T< x ?n is to spiwi ..u' a m >|".r th* United States and Mre'cn >? atr 1??i? across Texas tin* I t w >\.. Then p -tv one end I your measure on Cb c Uo Mild you Will timi tlla' the I> her hihI will extend in'o I lie Allan'ie the Gult of Mexico. The two largest CUtl'les n /j mm ^ the United S?at- 8 are ("o-iff '** f count v, Montana. and Sa Z [ 0 Bt'in-iiidino cnumv, t aliforn a 7 ~???. E^*:l? of these ih a little inme '/ than 20,000 square iniler in ? xtent, Rhode I-laiid, UelaWan att<1 Nhw Jersey Couh be put inside the boundaries of either oi 1 h- tn. The smallest county in 'he Union is Bristol county, R 1 , which has only 25 square mile>. The CoUnty in l he Unlieil 8 ate* having the larges' pt I he | .i -1 Cei Mis Bal!e\ county, TeXas, W iieii is about as large as lit ode Island, had only t?>n inr.i t> latilH 1 lie longest Hi reef in * t lie United Stales ami in 'lie world as* well- is Wes.ern nv> me . Chicago, which is exactly 22 miles long. Its nearest rival 1 Halstead street; it is so mucn i?i?r? btrrf* t?p ?ft w usually spoken oi as longest street in the world. By traversing its length one may see all the indications of the varying phases of American life, from thh hovels of outcast ?in to the palaces of pork packing millionaires. Interspersed with the native Americans on thin <, III iho, XeVada ?T \\ Vointng. lie highest and lowest t ieV I.? tions in l his Count r y are i < Ca id'i 'I Ilia,- wit hi 1 00 tnih s eaeit other. l'ite lot's*?t iM u nt V\ lot lie \, 1 1.100 Je. ' hi ii, and the iouest is ])e?t' V ' ai out hutl feet he ow tie 1 e V e i i I I 11 e sea I w <. Oceans Pass, lit Yellowstone Vatk, la an named because win-1.ever there ia a shower in the vicinity and a certain email creek oveiftows, ita waters spread out ov- r the edge of the continental divide and pass into tributaries of rivers which flow to ihe Atlantic and to the Pacific There are a number cases where unique situations have ^ - developed id cities that happened to be divided by fciiate lines. These oddities are the result of differences in law. The boundary between Texas and Arkansas runs along the main street of Texarkana, and formerly if a fight occurred on one side of the street the combatants had only to cross to the other sidewalk to be out of jurisdiction of the authorities governing the territory where the disturbance i .A.- ? ? \ h??fl taken placf Th'* two side* t IVxarkiinn did ri??t. develop -qa ?llv, !> chukh Hit* adminiKtra i n of one Stain \fl?aa mor* - r|.i|s|nt/ thin Hit* olh'T. Bii-'nl ih liM'Hled mi the H''it? in** h**i ?t t-t*11 'IViiiii-H-t* * ami Vir _M' I*1 ( ) >- lit I In Ht* Si ..leu ha!1 i* iila i< ii hi ? Veil 11 in' omImiviI I I I i> e 11 < 111 iH't'M|>\ nij/ t he I - 'ii h 'h* i ear seats with ||i I | Ite lit ||e|- 11 a H III ?t [ i s 1111f 111 v i h#- eolnred people , Hi \ - \ nil HIM H|ii - i 1 ! lie (J il M e ti'iiimixiy Hi i ft a i)i i HI I I .K I I If V UlfitHH. |'l|M ilivill jfci.ii ine ln-iv\fi ii tlts-nit'i and I\ i. -a > H Si HI e 8' iff I Iti Kan - 1 I' v. Mis < in I is wei aip I Iv i.*.t> i- iiry, -t> niie Hide i wiili 4'K11hi** aiid ''Lis* ' 'miiiv" saloons I Ills lot?allt\ -up used to JlHVf been I ht iii'iiijn cf oi tilts r h l)Hk j Foe 1 and Mor- head ill cl -ah Oil keeper in Vlnienead has ? 1' ' I - buck board, and Iht-Hi I vtdiieo-N ale M"ii1 b r a"\ one 01 In- oilier Shle ol (lie iiver win j w.tiiis a ?n ink. V\ i en a cinz-t j || lareo begins IO iiaVe a dij te line in It 18 tnroai lie t? 1 ; ji!in|it-N Hie lial'ieiidel who Keep } ills laV'O lie hiatal o| Iqiiorant laris a tree ride tor the price ?. i> lit ink! Undoubtedly the 11 oh I eXUa o.i.i on) boundary c mpiicaiion i ?ve those resulting lioiivwha j le known as the lin ei natlona I 8 ores. One ot ttie most note' of these 18 located ear For rkryiuL'Wu. The b? undary liu ToTrer/ (fFagonaiiy through th stort^and splits ihe liar. \\ he a customer appears the bai t.-nder sets the bottle on hissid of (tie boundary line, and th patron draws it across the couc ter, thereby t >ktng u out of th country, wtnch relieves the bai lender of any fault. The proprietoi of this place a genial te low who has bee conducting his business for 2 years without interrup*urn. 1 oidor to secure a conviction tl government making* tie proseci Hon must have an accurate ?u v?*v made, and proVe the eX u I .-pot where each Ulan 1 o< >d an w iiel'e each k> ?11;e Was placet ! 1 hat tlilH is aili)o.-| linp'osihll ty llie gi > Ve I'll I lie II * s f t>oi e mil lies liaVe loll d lo tlie sorrow on several occasion* 1 lie goods on I lie site veS ( I I If ^1. .1.. .... . - . .. ....... r>r|>' nil lilt- "I t> i. to I lie ?Hik i V I 'Ahlcli 111f V .lie lioi|g..i. lii I I' if .t il.lV U 111 11 I t<> ? f .1.1 i > W< 'I ' il 'i'1 lll?- I'eli.i mu.se i i i - j?i if?e.i u| | . 11 l 11. *iu 1 a nail it <1 pall AlliellCa. I lie jil'Ojiilt !ni Commands a large llaile an .secures a greater profit, ilia f the K^[?mWIic^ii Stale 1 e coininittof New York, wmk < ' till rvmg ocrow ib Hall Park i? in N?-w York h few days ago . r when it professional beggar hc- 1 coated biro. . B'imh," whined i< if he beggar, "'will von give coe < n 10 rents for a bed?" "Sure,' 0 h.nd Woodruff "Where'a the: i hedb" ie ? ?? 1 Unntinnrfor Trnnhle "" *"" I've lived in California 2(11 13'ejir-. ami am still hunting; f??r J <1 t rouMe in the wnv of hums i i sore-, woni ils, ImiiIk. ruts, spraii s. ] oi a < isc of |>i!e< i hat linrklet? V j j An i>-a S.i I ve Wi?i i t quickly cure," |. vv r 111 "s v.' 11 11 leu alter-. of AI I " leirha i \. Siena ( ?>. No use hunt-I. n.Mr. Walter-: it cures every ( i| cum'. t i uafalite.-d T. K Want.a- ' ( ma ker tlrilii store 2?c. i. ; So.i ii evVii- t lie t he ln< s I f < > s | i | in I' >' w < .1 !i|. ami I 11 i >\ * I II 1 ? ' I I ? I ' ' I !. I i i - 11; ("i u f1 iii ' h<* ' <1 11 i in ' 11?- Minin i iii' mil^ iiiit- wi'li <)i;trn ?inIruin's mho , ijiear s, ami if velm-il al $301) 00 |e Piles of people have Piles. Why sutler from piles when you can use I) Witt's Carhelized Witch Ie Hazel Sulve and get relief Noth)i ing else so good. Beware of imiii tations. See that the name is stamped on e*ch box. Sold by ^ T. E. Wannamaker druggist. ^ ? ? j# Auditor's Notice. |e The Auditor's office will be opened for the assessment of personal property from January lit to February 20th, ?. 1907. j I will be in the Auditor's office January 2. 5, 7, 12, 19 and 26, February 1. e 2. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8, 9,14. 15. 10. 18. 19 and 20, and at ;he following places on the date* named: All male citizens between the ages ot 21 and 60 years are deemed taxable polls, except Confederate Veterans nnd those who are maimed or for oth?-r W caases are incapable of earning a sup port. There will be 50 per eent, penaltyadded to taxes of property subject, to taxes and uot returned for assessment. J. R. JOWER8, Auditor. December 1,1900. J I U * V ! ? 4 I IMPROVESTO IPROVES GRE ps the Stimulating pps that Satisfies To ;ed by far- Hundreds iring their on sale that t Linely, sun outside of th red. The bacco is flue i air cured; filled with < roved way sweetened a lue-curing chew of Schr i the field hunger longl i u 4. such tobacco nsely hot E 3u.lt to re- cured tobaco .ept tn the Piedmont re his curing jess sweeteni s .? DDacco the an(j has a > ant-aroma satisfying efil co, just as kindoftobao grant and satisfy, more ig process. expectorating this ripe, and chew S wn in the Schnapps , where the ers formerly e used in to$i.ooper] Ids' brands at 50c. per p I tobaccos. 10 and 15 cc bacco Company, Wis OniQii ljs l | digests ^ |LJ| Relieves Indigestion. Si f] P^EPAKfiDO m e.c. It was out ill Nebraska, b ? irery rockribbe republican state P where an attempt was made to j to lynch two negroes who got 1110 a fancy dressed ball and j1.. . mm i t K f lia /.i.ln ..11 ? t.?. I II jam ru waiii ^;ji 10 rail L lie n veiling uutil unmttHking tin e. r . \ Tax Notice. " .v Tax booke will be open Oct. Ifith, \ 1 #06. > Tax Levy. [; For State .r? millai < For Ordinary County -it, mill* For Count Srliool . lile Intereet oil It It Honda .2 iitiIIh ' For County Itoada 1C mills ^ Total 1 iiiiils Sl'KClAL SCHOOL TAX. * V Lliern w 2'j i 111 Is i I'lieraw (Jrudcd School l'ond.-... 1 . ills! I'arker 2 . lis j S THE KING Vi I no iFi I '!! NEW D1S FOR COUGHS FOR WEAK, SORE BRONCHITIS, H AND J THROATa DISEA DDPUPMTD C w i q r I regard Dr. King'* New Discore modern times. One bottle compl cough, which was steadily growing EAJU PRICE 50o I 9 SOLO AND 601 JAS. T. h I > A BACCOLIKE .Ln wurru taa and Taste ibacco Hunger of imitation brands are look like Schnapps; the ie imitation plugs of tocured, but the inside, is :heap, flimsy, heavily ir cured tobacco; one lapps will satisfy tobacco ' er than two chews of f ;ts prove that this flue \ o, grown in the famous gion, requires and takes y ng than any other kind, vholesome, stimulating, feet on chewers. If the co you are chewing don't : than the mere habit of ?, stop fooling yourself chnapps tobacco. is like the tobacco chewbought costing from 75c. pound; Schnapps is sold j ound in 5c. cuts, strictly :nt plugs. rSTON-SALEM, N. C. I rS?EPSIA j fHAT YOU EAT ~ jur Stomach. Bslching'of Gas, Etc. - 1 NIY AT TKt U*OUTO|i' Or 1 hiloh.. 9 mills ^IBBP l^hite Oak j .2 mills 'lain* .'.2 mills 1v? Forks 2 mills effcinon. 2 mills rffHTsoti School Douds 4 mills i?mg Branch 4 mills j nion 4 mills m lay Springs 2 mills ll t?*arCiwk 2 mills I tethwda 2 mills I 'atrick 8 mills 1 liddendorf 3 mil's I toby 8 mills 1 Ioh? Hill 2 mills I larharg 3 mills I<'B?-h 3 mills i'nllnnw 8 mi lis 11 oj?m 3 mills \ h^*t?rt1'-ld 3 mills 1 rnns Roads 2 mills Irtuifp* Hill 3 mill* A pfiialtv of 1 pwr fant will lis added t? all iinpaid tnxss Jan. 1st.. 19o7; 2 > r chiiI 1st of Fwbrunrr, and .r? per cent s ??f Mlltvll. ('miimutition lJont !? ' paid on or hefoiv Mnrrh 1st, 007. I. IV MAM.I'M. C< >n n t4\* TrruMi i sr. .'pt. lr.th, lOof;. ^ajEs ~ NCVSl COVERT and COLD8. LUNGS, ASTHMA, EMORRHAGES ill nd LUNG SE8. >NEUMONIA ry as the grandest medicine of letely cared me af * eery bad \ worse under other treatments, t SHAMBURG, Codell, Kae. KHD SI.OO ; iRANTEED BY C LADD. \ \