>*#•* THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Clinton, S. C., Thursday, December 29, 1960 Mrs. Roy Gwinn Laurens — Mrs. Kate Var ner Gwinn, 55, wife of Roy Gwinn of 10 Irby St., WatU- ville, died at her home Sun day at 4:30 p.m. after a sud den illness. A native of Spartanburg County, daughter of the late Will and Ella Pruitt Varner, she was a member of Lucas Avenue Baptist Church. Surviving' also are three tons. Boy E., Dallas N., and Charles R. Gwinn of Laurens; a daughter, Mrs. ' Ray R. Jones of Laurens; a brother, Ben Varner of Spartanburg; a half-brother, Joe Gossett of Greenville; four sisters, Mrs. Nancy Langston of-Oklahoma. Mrs. Mary Edith Nabors of Bpartanburg and Mrs. Nell Hart of North Carolina; and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were con- Eiection Slated In Conserve ton Area . An election will be held in the Laurens County Soil and Water Conservation Districts on January 3, for the purpose of electing three district su pervisors. The polls will open at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. The vot ing place will be the County Agricultural Building. All qualified electors resid ing within the Laurens County District are eligible to vote in the election. Lands within the bounds of Laurens County constitutes the Laurens Coun ty Soil and Water Conserva tion District. ducted Wednesday at 3 p.m. at Lucas Avenue Baptist Church by Rv. Alvin Boone and Rev. T. B. Bridges. Burial was in Rose Hill Ceme tery. Services at Lydia, Rock Bridge Are Slated for January Roctew Bridge and Lydia Presbyterian Churches will change the time of ffieir mor ning service hours beginning next Sunday, Jan. 1. The service for Rock Bridge will be at 9:45, while the Ly dia preaching service will be at 10 a m. Both churches will begin tlteir Sunday school hour at 11:00. r ;Rev. J. Gaynor Phillips, who has resigned as pastor of Lydia and Rock Bridge, to go to Loris, announced the fol lowing leaders for services at the churches during January: . . . Lydia Church Revival At Jan. 1 — Rev. John Whit- Church of God ner; 9— Joe York; 14 — Mr. The church of God on Eliza- Greenwood Mills Jouthfim Bell "^ wo ^ ow ' n 9 s TatVp rh. tmployees Get JVUmcill wen "Becket" Friday at The film, a fun two hour 42 Tons Turkeys Is Largest Unit Brood Street Church ^ ur ; a f " m R ‘^d d Greenwood Mills distributed Figures just released by Two sP ecial showings of 08car as a r e 8 ult of his per- 42 tons of turkeys to its em- American Telephone & Tele- “Becket”, the motion picture formance, is in cinemascope Ployees and retired employ- graph Company show that telling th e story of .the mur- and technicolor. _ . ecs at Christmas time. Southern Bell has become the der of lhe Archbishop of Can- No admission l*'****™* A total of 7,666 P 1 u m P largest operating company Jn b h n Friday ed however an offering will be ,i;ao„ • Kiwic ^ont. n« „ „r terbury will be snown rnaay taken to help defray expenses. evening, Deceniber 30 at —— Broad Street Methodist holiday birds went -out as the Beil System in terms of Christmas gifts to workers in telephones, the 14 Greenwood and Lau- southern Bell, : operating in rens County plants, the main njne hern ; tates> pa8Sed Church. The first showing for office and service department, New yf)rk Tele p h one Co. in youth begins at 6.30 p.m. with and to the retired personnel. September, according to D. This is the third consecutive n Martin, Manager, year that Greenwood Mills Betl also wa s the has given the gift turkeys. jj rst g-jj cornpan y t 0 pass the f Aimfv Att-nrk 10 million telephone mark,” l*OUnry Miraciv „ he said. “Our company reaeh- fo Be Appealed ed this milestone on Septem- Ta II C U; n L ber 29 > with New York Tele- M, 9 h GOU t p hone following October 24.” Columbia — A Laurens OFFICE SUPPLIES CHRONICLE PUB. CO. PHONE 833-0541 —* At the end of October, South- Your mOAMRi Program side; 29 — Mr. Whitner. Rock Bridge Church Jan. 1 — Rev. W. F ell; 8 — Mr. Burnside Mr. Mitchell; 22 — Mr. York; er ■phe program will feature 29 — Mr. Mitchell. singing led by J. W. Walton. TODAY and FRIDAY Super Action Show of Shows! DIRECT FROM ITS RESERVED SEAT ENGAGEMENTS! SATURDAY - ONE DAY BATTU OF TH! BULGE ULTRA-PA NAVI SION* TECHNICOLOR* iHSl FROM WARNER BROS, i&ai Henry Fonda, Robert Ry an, Robert Shaw, Pier .Angeli, Dana Andrews and Barbara Werle. Shows 3, 5:30, and 8:00 ’ ^ ’ ** *— ine cnuren oi uou on e,u£«- p„ lin , v who in«t his ’ „ . , Whitner; 22 - Jerald Burn- beth st . wiU have a revival cZh Carolfn? Supreme CoJrt ern BeU served , tel ‘ * — south Carolina supreme court ep h one s — nearly 78.000 more januarv o at . :uu „ c.uca appeal fr0r ^ a t s ^ ence than New York Tel and well Mitch- n ,trhtly! Rev. W. Frank Smith tor -* pe ’ Thursdav over a million ahead of third- ; 15 — 0 r L aur ens will be the speak- tKe intention to appeal to ranked pacific Telephone Co. of Laurens win oe me speax th e u.S. Supreme Court. it _ _ .. , .. c „ _ ^‘Southern Bell rates as the - , Jan ' es . E - Th ° m f s .’ 38, wa ® fastest growing company in Mr. Whitner is pastor of Rev Fran k Moore is pastor. dem e d hls final state appeal th e Bell System,” D. H. Mar- Todd Memorial Presbyterian Th e public is invited to at- Dec - 12 in the ease m whl ch tin said “gaining over half a Church at Laurens; Mr. York tend he was convicted of the rape million telephones, during the is a student at Erskine Col- , a 64-year-old woman at her Rrst jq mon th s of 1966. lege; Mr. Burnside is a stu- Would Put Three rural Laurens County home. “ South Carolina is the fast- dent at the Erskine Theologi- q. . Incfifnfirmc — r- v i n ■ ^st growing state in Southern cal Seminary: Mr. Mitchell is I nSi ITU lions £ Medlock Bell,” he added. “This state’s pastor of Liberty Springs Under One Board Douglas Edward Medlock, telephone growth rate last Presbyterian Church at Cross Columbia — A special Leg- 73, died in a local hospital year was nine per cent, while Hill- islative - Governor's Commit- Sunday at 1:25 p.m. after one the company average was A I R r t tee recornmended Wednesday we ek of illness. Seven.” Article By Larter that the state’s three institu- Native of Laurens County, Statistics show that only one In Chemical Journal tlons for mntally handicap- he was the son of Thomas H. nation outside of the United ped children be put under one Medlock and Pam David Med-States has more telephones Ur ‘ , « k. ’ Ch j? 1 r governing body. lock and attended the Baptist than Southern Bell: that is man of the Presbytenan Col- ^ E MoxTis of church. Japan, with some 12 million in Pickens, chairman, said the Surviving are three daugh-service. Southern Bell has R/Jtinn of riLnhnr committee also agreed to ask ters, Mrs. Lois Oliver of twice the number of phones Schmidt ReacLon of Camphor- ^ upcoming legislature for Greer, Mrs. Evelyn Garner on the entire South American 1 an additional $5 million for of Union and Mrs. Dela Coon- continent and four times the AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE! — at — / - ' ' ' (SALES CASH AND FINAL) 207 N. Broad St. 833-2472 Free Parking In Rear qumone appearing in December issue of the Journal of Organic Chemistry. Research on the article was Pineland. near Columbia, ey of Norfolk, Va.; a son, number of Africa. Whitten Village near Clinton Douglas E. Medlock, Jr. of Telephones in South Caroli- DUMA IYNN NINA RXH Shows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P. M. Bid Bid Bid / 1 After Christmas can Scientist as an organic chemistry text reviewer. and the new Children's Re- Clinton; eight half - sisters, na totaled 625,709 at the end rTnttrpU prant nf arrh habilitation Center near Mrs. Eva Hunnicutt and Mrs. of October. Mr. Martin said, fv»rr^ratilm w Hi Charleston so that waiting Usts Gladys Williston of Honea which was a gain of nearly Corporation w hi c h was ^ ^ reduced p athi Mrs Bessie Compton 42 000 since January 1. So far JnH annaram. 56 Morris said the proposed and Mrs. Katherine Outz of this year Clinton and Joanna Prnfptcnr rar^ P r T c t commission on Mental Ware Shoals. Mrs. Frances Bhftnes increased by more rp«parph ppnfim.p! Retardation would be new Babb of Greenwood, Mrs. Ada than 408, from the January 1 the work he has been doing in mosll y in name, combining Finley of Augusta, Mrs. Grace figure of 5,464 tq 5,872 today. the field of carbon-nitrogen H 1 * present separate three Jrvmg of Glendale, Ga and p,- . Women molecular rearrangement. He J oarc * s in ) to . r ° n ^ seven-mem- Mrs. Earon Taylor of Green-UlfHOn WOmen has received previous publica- ber 15031,(1 lf the ‘eglsiature ville; two half-brothers, Na-Named In Book tion in this general field in the approves : „ hamel and Robert P. Med- Two Clinton area women, Journal of Organic Chemistry He estimated waiting lists lock of Fairforest; 13 grand- Mrs Charles H. Johnson of and the Journal of the Ameri- of childr en total about 1,000. ehi dren and five great-grand- Clinton, and Miss Dolly N. can Chemical Society, and Tbc add iti onal money would c 1 dren. Crouch, of Clinton and Mount- has had other chemical re- belp Pi n el an d double its 40C- Funeral services were con- ville, have been selected to research articles appearing becl capacity and add about ducted Tuesday at 3 p.m. at appear in the 1966 edition of in Organic Syntheses, Journal 200 beds to ' Vh *tten Village. Gray Funeral Home by Rev. “Outstanding Young Women of the American Chemical So- rbe comm *ttee asked Spar- Tommy Moore. Burial was of America.” ciety, Journal of Chemical tanburg County Probate in Rosemont Cemetery. These women have been Education and The Analyzer. Judge J - ^■ Davenport to put Pallbearers were Brooks honored because of their con- Dr. Carter also served as a ln bdl f° rm b ‘ s suggestion for Lollis, Sammy Samples, Fur-tributions and accomplish- guest book reviewer for the a law all °wing habitual man Samples, Evans Med-ments in civic endeavors, re— December issue of The Ameri- drunlts to be committed to lock, Donald Grant and Wind- ligious and professional activ- alcoholic rehabilitation cen- sor Graham. ities. ters. And the group approved a -j proposal for the legislature to (Jl/i increase the Mental Health Department debt ceiling from Now Open For Your Convenience ONE STOP — SELF SERVICE DRY CLEANING - LAUNDRY CAR WASH DRIVE-IN SERVICE COME BY AND SEE OUR NEW MODERN*" PLANT i Clinton Cleaning - Center * W. Main Strttet "Comer Sloan George W. Bagwell Manager $7 million to $10 million. Mrs. C. E. King Mrs. Frances Fuller King, 40. wife of Chestley E. King, of 102 Jackson St., died Tues day, Dec. 20, at a local hos pital after a sudden illness. Native of Laurens County, daughter of the late George and Myrtle Sanders Fuller, but was adopted when she was one year old and reared by the late G. Lem Rhodes and Letha Sanders Rhodes. She was a member of Lydia Baptist Church. Surviving also are two daughters, Miss Yvette King and Miss Ann King of the home; a brother, Odis Fuller of Union; and a sister, Mrs. Floyd Emery of Clinton. Funeral services were con ducted Thursday at 2 p.m. at Lydia Baptist Church by Rev. Milford Sanders. Burial was in Rosemont Cemetery. Pallbearers were Arthur Davis, Joe Allman, Furman Bratcher and Arthur Gall- man. Mrs. L. H. Poog Joanna — Mrs. Cora Cole Poag, 77, of 215 Sumter St., died Saturday at 10 a.m. in a car-truck collision in Clin- >ton. « Native of Laurens Coun- i ty, daughter of the late Wil liam and Bennie Golden Cole, J she\ was a member * of the First Baptist Church in Jo anna. Surviving are her husband, Luther H. Poag; three sons, C. J. Poag of Clinton, Ryan , O. Poag of Baltimore, Md., and William M. Poag of ’ Greensboro, N. C.; three sis ters, Mrs. John Gambrell of Ninety Six, Mrs. Sam Strick land of Coronaca and Mrs. Gladys Milnee of Stockton, Calif.; two brothers, C. B. Cole of Joanna and R. T. Cole of Ware Shoals; five grand children and 10 great-grand children. Funeral services were con ducted Monday at 3 p.m. at the First Baptist Church by Dr. L. Byron Harbin and Rev. James Mitchell. Burial was in Newberry Memorial Gar dens. Pallbearers were nephews. ■Firestone FANTASTIC CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE EVERYTHING AAUST GO! YOUR SAVINGS - OUR LOSS! First Come — First Served — All Sales Cash And Final! SHOP EARLY AND SAVE! - AT - - - COX HOME & AUTO SUPPLY NbTth Broad Street — Clinton, S. C.