It 12 )\ iM i*' f THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Clinton, S. C., Thursday, December 29, 1966 Lydia Mill New* Sgt. Dees, Family Return to Texas .MRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL^ C'orrespondent and Representative . Telephone 833-2006 ton and Miss Dianne Temple- and Mr. and Mrs. JoRnny Man family and Mr. and Mrs. Gra- Janet Marie Sanders will be ton were dinner guests of Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny dy Smith. 7 years old Dec. 30. Templeton’s brother and sis- Mann and Dianne of Waterloo, On Sunday evening, the 18th, ^ lr - anf * Mrs ; Frtmk Goss ^er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Weathers the Seay family gathered at W *N observe their wedding an- Barnett in Greenville on and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wea- the home of Mr. and Mrs.* niversary Jan. 3. »- Christmas Day. ' thers of Laurens, Tommy, Rb- Trammell, enjoying this fam- Mrs. Buddy C ampbell- will Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gall- ger and Randy Brinkley of ily get to-gether were the Ken- have a birthday Jan. 2. centlv*” H W WilUaim ^ Fort°stu A^a ^iriivan"'"home man and daughter, were call- Thornwell Orphanage, Billy, neth Trammells, the Stone Warren Wells and Jerry Friday. 6n Christmas Day he to Umon recently due to Mary and Jimmy Walker of family, Mr and Mrs Royce Goss are visiUng their grand- with hi s mother. Mrs. Myrtie the death of her brother, Sam the home. Smith of 'Laurens, Mr. and ■ mother, Mrs. G. W. Bowen in Alewine and brother Arthur Freeman. . Mrs Dees Has Guests Mrs. John Heath, Mr. and T-Sgt. and Mrs. Tracy Dees Wadley Ga spent the day with Mrs. Ale- Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Roberts l* 01, Chirstmas Mrs. John Heath, Mr. and and children, Teresa and Troy Christmas Guests wine’s mother. Mrs. Feall and family visited his father Christmas Supper guests of Mrs. Sloan Southerlin, Miss returned to t! eir home in San w r , v ,_ ^ Wheeler in Newberry. J. B. Roberts and Sister, Mrs. Mrs. Verner Dees wpre T- Joan Southerlin, Mr. and Mrs. OFFICE SUPPLIES AT THE CHROISHCLE AUTO INSURANCE W. S. Hatton INSURANCE AGENCY Subscribe to The Chronicle Christmas Guests Antonio, Texas after a visit M J!‘ GuvR^h'of^lt^ £ " Mr'ind" Mrl^V^L Motte J- E. Sargeant in Lyman, his Sgt. and Mrs. Tracy Dees and James Seay, Mr. and Mrs. here with the forrtier’s mother, * n H v G rLnpr h »nH^hnf were’ hosts for a Christmas sister, Mrs. J. E. Cannon and children of San Antonio, Tex- Paul Glenn and Debbie, Mr. Mrs. Verner Dees and other Greenwood and Mr and Mrs supper party for their children Mr. Cannon and Mrs. Roberts’ as, Mr. and Mrs. James Me- and Mrs. Charles Heath, Miss relatives. E c LartCof Laurens were and their families on Saturday sister and brother-in-law, Mr. Elhannon and Kathy, Mr. and Susan Heath all of Greenville, Sgt. and Mrs. Joel McEl- Lutr^ Day d^er guests Mrs. Ben Bennett in Ar- Mrs BUiy Willard and Bill Mr and Mrs. Jim Carver and lianson and sons Joey and Jeff 0 f the former’s daughter Mrs Mrs. Maxie Reeder and ehil- cadia on Christmas Day. ot Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. chl l dr ^ n ot Greenwood, Mr. Of Anniston, Ala. spent the ^ GaTkTns »d Mr ’ Gas" dren and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tram- fTmily and Miss FeroUne holidays with their parents, kins calUng in the afternoon Motte of Joanna. Mrs. Den- mell visited their daughter, aad , ’ r aakl ‘- ^ a ^W and M,ss ^er 011116 bca y vMrs. Bernlle McEihannon and were Mr. and Mrs. John Stagg ford Wyatt and children of Mrs, William Stone and family ^ Ir *; Ber ™£ e . McI ! | h T . J ) nn0 ^ 0 . ’ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Black- were Mr. and Mrs. John Lydia and Mrs. Motte s broth- in Pelzer and Mrs. Tram- Lydia a nd Sgt. and Mrs. oe Bible Study at well. Staggs and Mr. and Mrs. C. er, W. A. Attaway of New- mell’s sister, Mrs. Paul Glenn McElhannon and sons, Joey Baptist Church Waters King of Nashville, m. Staggs of Laurens. berry. On Sunday the Motte’s. and family in Greenville on and 01 Anniston, Ala. Rev. Robert Cooper of the Tenn., spent the past week M K^nnpth Wyatts, the Larry Motte’s Monday. Mrs. Fred Bodie was in Laurens First Baptist Church with ins mother,. Mrs. Henry Tr&mme l ^d Ph u of Green- aad Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rob-. Mr . and Mrs. Charles Pat- Fork Shoal t s with ker lea ? King and other relatives. wood spent Christmas with his erts of Fountain Inn were all t erson and children o( Inman ter ’ !VIrs - Jimmy Berry, Mr. Study ot the book of Amos Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davenport parents^ Mr and Mrs Clyde dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. and M r . and Mrs. Jimmy Ber- Berry and ,a 5 ,1 ‘ ^ for the January 2 ' 5 at 7 p m ’ each of Greenville and Mr. and Trammell. Mrs. and Mrs. Wit- Maxie Reeder at thc * r home - ry and family of Fork Shoals Christmas weekend. rl™ 1 !!, 8 3t thC Lyd ‘ a Baptist Mrs. Herman Burdette and ii am stone and family of Pel- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Vander- were here with their mother With the Sick ui x’ rh„r f .h Clay were supper guests of ze r joined them on Saturday ford of Union spent the holiday and grandmother, Mrs. Fred Mrs>^. A^BJack, Sr^ is a mpmhpr ^ „ rp nr P . n . “ Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burdette, evening for supper and to ex- week-end with relatives at Ly- Bodi e the first of the week, patient at BdUey Memorial m *™° ers ur f aa 10 attead - Christmas Eve. The Daven- change the family Christmas dia. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Van- coming because of the death Hospital. Mrs. Black, Jr., re- ose o e ot er e uicnes ports remained until Sunday gifts. ’ derford and daughters visited %nd funeral of their aunt, Mrs. turjied home from the hospi- rday a so par icipate in t e with her parents. Sherry, Dale Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goss Mrs. Vanderford's parents, Lillian Parker. -• tal last week. s u y i t ey wish, and Steve Campbell returned a nd family were called to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smith in David Storay of Greenville Mrs. Gertrude Holbert has The combined Sunday home with their mother, Mrs, Greenwood the past week be- Union. Sunday afternoon, spent the past week with his been a patient at Bailey Me- St'tiool a ssembly planned tor Davenport for several days vi- cause of the death of the for- Spending Christmas night with grandmother. Mrs. Mary Fal- morial Hospital. Sunday has been postponed sit. mer’s brother, George Goss, the J. B. Vanderford's were law and his aunt and uncle, Mrs. Claude Trammell is a for present. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aber- Funeral services were held Sa- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fallaw. patient at Bailey Memorial Sunday evening at the Ly- erombie of Fountain Inn were turday afternoon. Mr. and and son ot Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. Odis Fuller Hospital. 1 dia Baptist Church the obser- the weekend guests of. Mrs. Mrs. Gary Goss of Charles- Mrs. Mildred Dickerson and and family and James Shaw Trammell’s Entertain vaI J ca of the Lord s supper Sidney Oakley the week before ton and Warren Goss of the sons, Billv and Steve were in of Union were among those FamUies • Wl11 be observed also Baptis- Christmas. On Saturday, Dec. Columbia Business College, Enoree Friday evening for the because of the death of Q n Sunday, Dec. 18 the ma s erv i ces at the 7:30 p.m. 17 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Oak- Columbia are spending the wedding of Eddie Terrell to*their sister and cousin, Mrs. Trammell family gathered at worshl P hour - ley and sons of Rock Hill and holidays with the Goss family Mi ss Joanne Owens. Billy was Chestley (Frances Fuller) the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bir t h Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Oakley a nd Mr. and Mrs. Jim King a n usher in his cousin’s wed- Wiitg- 7 hey also visited with Clyde Trammell for their pre- Wyatt and family of Clinton were an d daughter of Columbia ding. Christmas Day, Rev. Mr. Fuller’s aunt and uncle, Christmas dinner and party. " Mr - and Mrs - Larry Wy- supper guests of their mother, were here Monday and Tues- an d Mrs. B. E. Terrell anu Mr and Mrs. Floyd Emery. Enjoying the dinner, singing at t announce the birth of a CHRISTMAS We do not have the Peace on Earth Uiis Christmas that CTinsL- so earnestly beseeefi- ed us to pursue. As more and more go vernments of the world are expressing a distaste for war and are organizing politi cally to keep the peace, there is hope, that the Prince of Peace may yet rea- . lize his cherished dream for all man- i kind. BAILEY AGENCY M. S. Hailey & Son, Hankers, Huildinj? Dial Day jK33-0681 — Night and Sunday 833-0323 ALVIN HUEHLE Mrs. Sidney Oakley, for their day. Mrs. King and daughter family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Miss Beth Trammell of carols and exchanging of gifts daughter, born Dec. 23 at Bai- family pre-Christmas supper remained with her parents, die Terrell of Enoree and Mr. Charlotte, N. C. and Mr. and were, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Memorital Hospital, party. the Frank Goss’ for a few a nd Mrs. • J. H. McPherson Mrs. Alan Trammell and chil- Trammell and Phil of Green- Mrs. Wyatt is the former Receives Navy Discharge — days. were dinner guests of Mrs.. di*cn oi Charleston spent the wood, Mr. and Mrs. William Brenda Dunnaway. Home For Christmas Mrs. N. J. Sanders of Palat- Dickerson and their parents, Christmas weekend with their stone and children of Pelzer, Birthdays and Anniversaries Corp. Bobby Fuller and Joe k a > Fla. is visiting her son Mr. and Mrs'. W. P. Terrell. parents, Mr. and Mrs Claude Mr. and Mrs. Alan Trammell Lewis Meeks and Mrs. Ro- Fuller SN arrived home for and daughter-in-law. Rev. and Roland Revis visited his bro- Trammell and Mr. and Mrs. and children of Charleston, ger Smith are celebrating Christmas with their parents, Mrs.^1. J. Sanders. ther. J. D. Revis in Spartan- Dock Buckhannon. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hurley their birthdays today the 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fulled the Mr. and Mrs. R. E. W’hit- burg on Christmas Day. Walker’s Family Party of Salisbury, N. C., lllr. and Roger Patterson and Cecil past week aiter serving mire and Roger were Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Webb Enjoyed Mrs. Bobby Boyce and family Bagwell will have birthdays aboard the Hospital ship DSS mas guests of their daughter a nd Cathy and Mr. and Mrs. Air. and Mrs. Frank Walk- of Inman, Mrs. Ed Childress Jan. 2. Repose in the North Chipa and sister, Mrs. Allen White, Benny Tucker and Michael et entertained their families and Chuck of Camden, Mr. Frank Pace will observe his Sea at Vietnam for the past Jr. and Mr. White. visited their grandparents. Mr. with a Christmas slipper par- an Mrs. Claude Trammell, birthday Dec. 31. year. Corp Fuller received his Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bond of a nd Mrs. Sam Maples on Sun- ty on Christmas evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davenport, Miss Harriet Wilcox and discharge Irom the U. S. Navy Salisbury, N. C. spent the hoi- day. Those present with them, Miss Kathy Davenport, Mr. Mrs. Dean Baker will cele- in San Francisco, Calif., be- idays with Mr. and Mrs. Char- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wages-were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny and Mrs. Alvin Trammel, Li- brate their birthdays Jan. 4. lore returning home. Mrs. lie FLciUiTfriore and other rela- and Kenneth of Chester vis- Walker and Angela of Clinton, sa and Ernie, Roy Trammell, J. B. Neal will observe his Bobby Fuller and children pf ^ ited Mrs. Wade Pennington Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wrenn, Mr. apd Mrs. Bill Shealy and birthday, Jan. 3. Galiney joined Corp. Fuller •Wayne Alewine com- and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Temple- Randy and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. family, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Jimmy Dean and W. S. Boo- here for the holidays, he re- Pitted his six months duty ton Saturday. Butch Gordon Davis and Don- Owens, Larry and Monty, Mr. zer will celebrate their birth- turned to Gatfney with them, with the Army through the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Temple- na. Mr. and Mrs. Butch Ezell and Mrs. Mike Cannon and days on Jan. 1. Mrs. Joe Fuller, the former BEN FRANKLIN KNEW! IT’S SMART TO SAVE “It is not what you gain, hut what you stive that makes you rich.” Hen Franklin said it ... and it’s still true today. How about open- in; 1 : you Savings Account, now ? BANK OF CLINTON Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 3% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Semi-Annually Miss Kay Frances Darnell of Joanna along with Mr. and ! Mrs. Wayne Fuller and chil dren oi C hnton and Donnie F uller of the home were with their brothers and their families lor enmunas Day* dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sharpe of Lake City visited his moth er, Mrs. Mack Harm on Fri day. Mrs. Harris accompanied tnem to Charleston to spend the holidays witn tiieir son, Sgt. and Mrs. Sharpe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Sprad- ley spent the holidays in Char ioted? k. C. and Columbia with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carroll and children of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clardy and children of Greenville and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Abercrombie of Marietta, Ga., were Christ mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Abercrombie. Mrs Henry Abercrombie was the dinner guest of her son, Rev. J. B. Abercrombie and Mrs. Abercrombie in Lau rens, Friday. Tony Abercrom bie and son of Danville, Va. visited his grandmother on Friday and Mr. ,wid Mrs. Mel vin Gregory of Charlotte, N. C. visited her grandmother, on Saturday. Visiting Mrs. Ab ercrombie Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Aber crombie of Laurens. Mrs. .Feroline Seay spent the Christmas weekettd with Mr. and Mrs. Royce Smith near Laurens, c Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey and children bob and Melody of Charlotte, N.C. spent Christ mas with their parents, Mrs. Jim Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLendon. On Christ- may Day Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and children and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harvey and Dianne were d.nner guests of the Ce cil McLendons. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sat- tenield, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Satterfield with Mrs. Larry Gambrel! of Laurens were vi sitors ip Greenville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. David Satterfield of Dalton, Ga. visited the Mel vin Satterfields and other rel atives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy HarrU were hosts for the Christmas dinner of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harris and fa mily, at their home in«Watts- ville. Mrs. Mack Harris at tended the family gathering on " c.,18. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Parrish, of Aiken and Mr. and Mr*, aid Cooper and Douglas of Augusta were guests of Mr. lira. Parrish, Sr. and Mr. POSS HASH 16 Of CAN I DIXIE PRIDE SALT1NES 1 LH. HOX MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE - GROCERIES - Bush’s COLLARD GREENS, 303 can 10c Superfine BLACKEYE PEAS, 303 can 10c Hunt’s CATSUP, 14 oz. bottle 21c Ballard’s CORNBREAD MIX, 21 oz 29c Sunsweet PRUNE JUICE, 32 oz. bottle 43c Scottie FACIAL TISSUES, box of 200 23c ■» jV’i KRAFT Quart Bottle Limit: 1 With $5.00 or More Grocery Order Linffl: 1 With $5.00 or More SUNSHINE 28 OZ. GLASS Pickled Peaches Campbell's Tomato SOUP MARKET SPECIALS «« More Grocery Order Fresh GROUND BEEF .. 2 lbs. $1.09; 3 lbs. S1.59 Armour Star Chuck BEEF ROAST, lb 55c Southern Roll Patty OLEO, 8 oz 2 for 19c m ■■ ip i i ■ \# APPLE JELLY . FRESH PRODUCE Tender COLLARDS, bunch 19c Golden Ripe BANANAS, lb 10c ^ fresh or Cured Waxed RUTABAGAS, 2 lbs. 15c Red GRAPES, 2 lbs. 25c 18 OZ. GLASS . .19c Hog tO'/z-oz. Can FROZEN FOODS JOW Limit: 4 With $5.00 or More Grocery Order, Please! BIRDSEYE CHOPPED TURNIP GRE1 CHEF’S CHOICE 10 OZ. PKGS. 2 for 29c 2 LB. BAG FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 27c Prices Effective December 29-30-31, 1966 — 3" Clinton Mills Store Phone 833-0710 FREE DEUVERY SERVICE Lydia Mills Store Phone 833-0631