Ohikon, R. Thursday, December 2%, 1966 THJE CLINTON CHRONICLE West Clinton News . . , New Yorker Visits Parents Here MRS. CLIFTON HEATON Correspondent-Representative If# Washington Street Dial 833-S192 Clyde Bigbee, Jr. of May- brook, New York, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bigbee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Owens and son, Charlie Owens and his children of .Spartanburg visited Mr. and Mrs. James Craine and also Mr. Sam Owens’ mpther, Mrs. Rosa Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alexan der visited her father, John Medlock, who is a patient at the Easley Hospital, on Mon day. Airman Second Class Eddie Belk's Dept Store CLINTON, S. C. OF YOUR CHILD Extended! 3 DAYS! HANDUNO Thur*. - Fri - Sat. CKAftOB Dec. 29-30 - 31 FHOTOORAFHERS HOURS DMtW WM*IFI%SNi . I PM •..SEiECX FROM SEVERAL POSES • BABIES & CHILDREN OF ALL AGES • PORTRAITS DELIVERED IN STORE mm' Clinton, S. C. «< • • * .. i r . <■■■,. 1 MP 1 I. >»>■ r 7*\ s •• When all the packages are opened and all the pretty wrappings discarded^, will you need a loan to pay for the fun? Repaying that loan wiM cost yoy a pretty penny in interest charges. \ But if you make the habit of saving; 'you will have the money when you need it) The difference between borrowing to'fiay the bills next Christmas and saving ahead and getting earnings pn yogr savings can make a big difference in your holiday enjoyment Saving makes the difference CITIZENS FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN 220 Weet Main Strati CLINTON, 8. C. McCall is spending a few days leave with his wife and fam ily. He is stationed at Chey enne, Wyoming. Mr. andf Mrs. C. W. Wind sor and daughter, Sybil, spent Sunday with, their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brazil and family in^ Columbia. Those enjoying Christmas Eve supper with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Windspr were Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Windsor' and children, Steve, Ronnie, and Mike, and Mr. and Mrs. Tan Windsor and children, Dana and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lindler of Whitmire were supper guests of her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Windsor, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Pitts and Children of Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reeder of Whitmire visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reeder during the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Leo pard visited his parents,-Mr. and Mrs. George Leopard, near Saluda, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. r Gene Arm strong and family of Green ville spent the week-end with her sister, the D. D. F.icklins, and other relatives. Sgt. and Mrs. Jim Meadors and family of Columbia vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Meadors, Monday. Miss Grace Ficklin spent the Christmas holidays with her sister, Mrs. Macie McCoy, in Greenville. She was accom panied home by Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ficklin of Calhoun Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fick lin of Marion, North Carolina, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Ficklin, Friday. Those who enjoyed Christ mas Eve Dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. «Heaton were Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Robertson of Greenville, Miss Sara Nell Heaton of Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Norris and son, Ronnie, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander of Joanna, and also Mr. and Mrs. Fred die Heaton and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Heaton and children, Miss Judy Revis and Tommie Creswell of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ful mer and daughter, Barbara Ann, of Johnston, and Mrs. "Nancy .Quinn and Mrs. Clifton Heaton and children of this city spent Christmas Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Leopard. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur San ders and son, Mike, and Miss Sue Bragg visited ^Irs. San ders’ father, R. D. Smith, in an Augusta, Georgia Hospital Monday. * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fqu- of Atlanta, Georgia; Mr. tfftd December 30 J. H. Smith,Department Zip Code Direc- service to th# community^ wiU che of Anderson spent the Mrs. Juniof Gaines and fami- and John E. Butler have a tory about 2Vk inches Ahlak-sell for $1.00 par copy. A holiday week-end with Rev. ly of Chester; and also Mr. birthday. Vwlth over 1,800 pagea can be The brochure will be avai^y and Mrs. Furman Entrekin and Mrs. Robert Adams and Goldie Simmons and LukTbought for $7.00 par copy, aW at Belfc’s Department and children. son, Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Fuller celebrated their birth- However, a small brochure, Mere nnd Yeung’s Pharmacy, Willie Jones and sorT How- ert Whitsel and son, Darrell, days December 27. which is being offered by the and is also available at the ard, of Greenwood visited Mr. Mc - and Mrs - Tommie Be6- Miss Grace Ficklin and W. Clinton .Kiwanis Club, as a Thornwell office. Tones’ sister Mrs H A Ad- man and son, Brian, Mr. and B. Phillip celebrate birthdays am r, S *and Cecil Ad am s / Mon- Mrs. Tracy Caughman a n d December 28. day children, Tony Foster, Mr. December 31 Ann Meadors Airman Third Class Mike and Mrs. Gary Taylor, and will observe her birthday. Sanders of Fort Stewart MrsBertie Hedgpath and William Fowler will cele- Tenn. is spending a ten day grandchildren, Mike and Lee, brate his birthday January 1. leave with his ^parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanders. Sick 2ip Code Book * Rev. and Mrs. James F. *; FC - Keith Caughman of ^ « Hughes and children, Terry ^°rt Dix, New Jersey, is ill uCIIIQ UiiCrBO nGrG and Michael, of Ejtelisville, at the home of his parents, „ Kiwanic Cluh Ind. are spending this week Mr. and Mrs. James Caugh- 7 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. m an. , Every business an every of- Herbert Hughes. ' Mrs. Florence Splawn is ill fic e will be able to make fre- Mr.' r and Mrs. Lorrance at her home - quent us e of the Zip Code Di- Peace and children of Green- Cauble has returned rec ^ ory j n mailing letters and ville, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Ev- 110,116 after being a patient for pa j Every home should ans and son, Roger, of A n- a 1™ days at Bailey Memorial ^ ^ derson and Mrs Clara Nel Hospital. ha ve one for use in mailing iTknorte^penl^S. Mrs. Vern.p William, has mas holidays with Mr. and returned home after being a . Mrs Andy Hames patient for several days at “f 1 ™? 1 cod * ng P 1 ™ ? h,ch ivus. /Miuy names. i J identifies each postal delivery Guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Kenwood hospital. unit and links that unit with a B. Stroud on Saturday for Mrs. Billy Ray Heaton and ma j or p 0S t office through Christmas dinner were Mr. son > Marty, have been ill at w hj c h ma ji j s routed for de- and Mrs. Howard Stroud of their home. livery. Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Har- Little Eugene Heaton has The directory lists every U. old Stroud and son and Mr. been ill with flu. —S.. pfetffiiffieo. nearly 35,000 and Mrs. Ruben Stroud of this, Birth Announcement entries.MA S. Post Office city. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Caugh- ™ Mr. and Mrs. Luke Fuller man announce the birth of and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sex- a daughter, Tina Carol, on ton and son of Greenwood vis- npromhpr ifi at Railpv Me- ited Mr,. Ada Center during mS Hospi'taf Syhave the holidays. two other children, Mark Thursday night Rev. and and Delores. Mrs. Furman Entrekin and Mrs. Caughman was before children enjoyed Christmas marriage, Mjss Emily Bennett supper with his parents, Mr. of Laurensr - ""^*^ and Mrsf J. H. Entrekin, and Revival family in Anderson. The Church of God on Eliz- P.F.C. Keith Caughman of abeth Street will begin a new Fort Dix, New Jersey, is Year’s revival on January 1 spending a 14-ffSy' 1 leave with continuing until January 8. It his parents, Mr. and Mrs. w111 1)6 conducted by Rev. James Caughman. Frank Smith of Laurens. Guests of the M. W. Adams „ The P ast ° r ’ Re ?-. F D ’ during the holidays were Mr. M°« re ’ 0 fe 4 rs the P ub t 1C a c0 ^ and Mrs. Raymond Campbell d, al invitation to attend. Birthdays and Wedding OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE MACHINES Serving The Clinton Area With Quality Service L & L Office Supply Phone 984-8781 Laurens, S. C. Anniversaries Bo Woodward observed his and family of Hemingway-; Mike Campbell of Augusta, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Camp- . . . bell of Air Force Base, Miss.; birthd «y ° ece ™ ber n 18 K 8 " d and Mrs. Mae Allen and Mrs. ^ ^ will observe Jerry Allen and daughter of his birthday December 29. Columbia. H Pe " ny ,f 8 T Pbe "’ I f W1S Hughes and Mrs. Betty Law- Robert Whitsel visited his son win observe their birth . parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. days January L Whitsel in Hull, Georgia dur- Mr and Mrs Robert Ad _ ing the holidays. ams observed their wedding A. 3 C Joseph L. Adams anniversary December 28. leaves for Alaska on Thurs- William Dominick will ob- day, where he will be station- serV e his birthday December ed after spending a leave with 31, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- 1— bert Adams. * Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ham rick visited Mr. John Miller in Ninety-Six Monday. Christmas Dinner Those attending Christmas dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Caughman’s were Mr. and Mrs. Junior HanKs and chil dren of Laurens; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Carr and family of Ai ken; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hedg- patn and her father. Mr. Jones The News of South Carolina, LAURENS COUNTY and JOANNA On WPCC 8:50 A. M.—4:50 P. M. Mondays through Fridays O veiKSWAGCN OF AMERICA, INC. it does dl the work, but on Saturday night which one goes to the party? ,j Once upon a time there was an ugly little bug. It could go about 27 miles on just one gallon of gas. It could go about 40,000 miles on just one set of tires. And it could park in tiny little crevices no big ger than a bug. It was just right for taking father to the train of ) the children to school. Or for taking mother to the ^ grocery store, drugstore, dime store and all the enchanting places mothers go when everyone else „tS working. The ugly little bug was just like one of the family^ But alas, it wasn't beautiful. So for any important occasion the poor ugly little bug would be replaced. By a big beautiful chariot, drawn by 300 horsesl Then, after a time, a curious thing happened. The ugly little bug (which was made very sturdily) never got uglier. But the big beautiful chariot didn't exactly get more beautiful. In fact, in a few years its beauty began to fade. Until, lo and behold, the ugly littje bug didn’t look as ugly as the big beautiful chariot! The moral being: if you want to show you've gotten somewhere, get a big beautiful chariot. But if you simply wont tp get somewhere^ get a bug. ...where the cars are quieter and your money talks louder. •) r* "t it 4 a Specially ordered, specially equipped full-size For^s at special low prices! Low White Sale price includes: pleated vinyl seats, whitewalls, full wheel covers, special bright trim. Choose 2- or 4-door models, white or blue. Extra savings on air conditioning! Get White Sale savings up and down* the full tine of Fords for'67! Strong, quiet Fords. Sporty Fairlanns. fancy, frugal Falcons. Exciting new Mustangs. All-ney Thundorbirds. 47 models to save on! •ortf Custom 500—White Sale Special Ford Is first In sales In the Cavofinas- Leroy Cannon Motors, Inc. South Church Street Exth. GREENVILLE,~S. C. AUTHOJtlZC* BALDWIN MOTOR - - j 7 » •^62'North Broad Street *■