.4 I 4- tn tmm cmmam DEAR SALLY—I’m a man of 24, a college graduate, and very much In love wRIi a lovely girl of 19 who la a freshman in col lege. I want very much to mar ry her, and while she Is as much in fhvor of the idea as I am, die still want* me to wait until she has completed college — more than three years from now! Do you it’s as important as she seems to think that she have this college education? What’s the good of all this training for some professional career for a woman when all she is really go ing to do is get married and raise a family? POTPONED. DEAR POSTPONED — Indeed it is important that a girl have as much education as she can get, good training for some ca reer. This will stand her in good stead later in supplementing her family’s income, should an emergency arise—or in contrib uting ALL the income should something happen to the head of the family. The proper educa tion helps her to rear her chil- drea mar* intelUgeatly, to ha a better and more understandtof turn. Surely, if yea love this girt, you will he patient and go along with her on this. • • e DEAR AIL—Before my hus band and I were married seven years ago he made me promise there woud he no children. Be ing deeply in love with him and tanking that the matter would adjust itself later, I agreed. Now this has become die greatest disappointment in my life—but still my husband keeps saying we’re better off without the “bother” of kids. I’m sure he reads your column regularly, and maybe if you’ll insert some thing about tht* it will do some good. HEARTSICK. DEAR HEARTSICK — Your husband reveals an abnormal and selfish attitude. Certainly one of the most natural and im portant and beautiful compon ents of marriage is the bringing forth and rearing of children. I do hope, dear man, if you read this that you will allow your wife to fulfill the role for which she was created. • • • DEAR SALLY—I would he the first to admit my 9-yeaiM>id son is no angel, but he is truthful. This afternoon he came home from a friend’s home, and he LEONARD-MARLER Insarance Agency NATIONAL CRANCE MUTUAL Penn. National — Standard National — and a variety of other selective companies to round oat a complete program of hmarancr We Strive Tirelahdyt ft Give Prompt and Court eoue Service To All Your Insurance Needs 200 North Broad Street Phone 833-1121 Clinton, S. C. add mneh asm sad eoA- He said mot his friend’s mother had “talked mean” to him and told him la get out of their yard sad rtay out. When I asked him the rea son for this, he said that he didn't know, that he hadn’t done to cause this. I’m very kbout this. Do you think I should have a few words with this woman? G. L. DEAR G. L—Yes, hut keep your words friendly. Ask her what happened to cause her te banish your son from her yard. Usually when a 9-year-old child tells his parents he hasn’t done anything to warrant punishment by a neighbor, it means he has done something. Try to iron this out with the other mother as kindy and tactfully as you can. • • • DEAR SALLY — 1 have a “neighbor” problem that is driving me to distraction. This is a woman I like very much—bid I see abeolutely too much of her. At any or all hours of the day she will drop in cm me “Just for a minute”—and that minute drags on into hours whie she yaks about anything and every thing, and all this time my housework languishes. Quite of ten she wfU be sitting in our kitchen when my husband ar rives home from work, and when he sees her he is Just bare ly civil to her, because this us ually means his dinner will be late. How can I tactfully deal with this problem? MRS. H. DEAR MRS. H.—People who permit thmselves to be badger ed by thoughtless guests and neighbors are silly, and It’s the easiest' fifing in the word to deal with this problem. When an uninvited guest arrives, meet her or him at the door with some such statement as, “I’m sorry, but I Just do not have the time to talk now. I’m terribly busy.” WS SENSING s moving m V* ■MP- government action is only when the victim Is NOTXGfc la hereby givftt LahdC that the stosknUa of aluminum strike was astimatad la cost tha can »**«»*«*i for prioasagu ceqnfry at kwnt n bBBoa. the suggested that piles is that aetata must be taft woffren be tped to get oa htod Ip ease al sodAon fitort- tha docks back in opwappp m LEGAL age and an immediate need by the the dafeaae establishment. Stock- Direct government ection Is tha officers of South pile* art tat defease, not far plana* Awrtcw wMWW- . M tow- M*, the JoIumo admtaMr* towards its own people. He had j^yer have become law. the price tncreawe was fully jwifr lews of the State of South Caro- M Another aspect of tte alumi- fitd by the previous wafit in- Una. a - . aaap, a c, tno*w> T«> 1>w K kl, VM NOTICE ralnistratloa. CUNTON STORE HOURS DECEMBER 17 THROUGH DECEMBER 24 Stores Open Until 7:00 p. m. December 25, Saturday—Closed December 27, Menday—Open Until 6:00 p. m. ED!" Our way is better! Constant care keep# our service equip ment ALWAYS working. P. S.: Regular car care at our stafioo keeps your car work ing, too! Young BroHiors GULF SERVICE 212 N. Brand 833-1487 towards its own people In mind the enemies of the United States in num crisis Is that retaliation at- crease ways is directed at private eater- pubUc-should bmr la mind that Menu to he.e.sns.p^ the toder^ go.ornment^ ft. ,0 In^o t doln^ UI !£* , JohnMn r u J , ** r *- Thelr CMt to the Amort- the weadtaf of foUowtag to^Se path of the late ****?* fut l*®Gwms and foreign aid. President Kennedy who commit- Uig. They have had a colossal If Mr. Johnson wants to curb in- tafleU-MJ- .fleet The lut rack fleftm In effect!., nftnoer, he cracking the federal whip against the steel industry. When the atari industry made moves to raise prices, Mr. Kennedy dispatched federal agents to the offices of the steel companies. Employees of the companies heard a knock on the door at night and were rooted from their beds to pro duce documents demanded by federal agents. This was social ism—or worse! Mr. Johnson has beep a bit more subtle, but not much. Re cently, a few companies an nounced a price increase of a half cent a pound on aluminum products. They took this action, presumably, because labor un ions last spring demanded and got a 4.5 per cent wage increaae, well above the guidepost figure of 3.2 per cent. Even so, the in got price for aluminum after the minor increase — was below that prevailing four years ago. It is hard to figure out whit the federal bureaucrats expeci pri vate companies to do when posts go up. Prices, to make sense, must take into accounts the real cost of production. At any rate, the announcement of an aluminum price increase apparently enraged Mr. Johnson. Immediately there was file an nouncement that the federal gov ernment would can a conference with the sale of aluminum from the national strategic materials stockpile. There’s no questioning the intent of this federal an nouncement. It was to strike file fear into the hearts of aluminum makers that, unless they re scinded the price Increase, the government would dump alumi num on the market in order to drive down prices. The public should clearly un derstand the significance of fids move. It is a case of blackmail pure and simple. Without the stftntory authority to regulate prices, the Johnson adminlstra- tten would use the stockpile to compel industry acceptance of a particular price line. The administration’s action is all the more reprehensible in EMILY T. BAILEY, W. C. NEELY, Special Price ! — O" — FRUITS, NUTS AND CANDY FO* CHURCH- as, CLUBS AND OtkBB ORGANIZATIONS. Lydia Mills Store . Poplar Street PkoM 8U-MS1 Consul! w. ALVIN HUEBLE •1 most admit I haven’t •seed a ddfiar In the ■ast 19 years. This desse* look geed for the Mar*. By pnytaC $19 per week Into a Re tirement Life PoBey. will I add perhaps 9U9 or $2M per aamth Is my at age IS?” BAILEY AGENCY M. & Bailey ft Son, Bankera, Building Dial Day 833-0681 — Night and Sunday 833-0323 Family Git Suggestions! RUSH PUPPIES COBBLERS CALIFORNIA • ^ r- CITATIONS RED CROSS BUSTER BROWNS ACME BOOTS rnHUff flypEM SLIPPERS ■For Brother. Mom. and Dad —For Sis fyyyj Mom —For 8b and Mon —For g|g end Mom —For Brothftr and Sit -For Mon end Dad ORDON'S ten iff B. IMi St. EVENING • Penn • Satin • Gold , We Dye Pw# Mrs. Lula Mootes Funeral services for Mrs. Lu la Victoria Moates. 75, were conducted Sunday at the Church of God on Elizabeth Street by lev. J. R. Kitchens, Rev. C. W. lames, Rev. Lee Powell and Rev. John A. Whitner. Burial was in Rosemont Cemetery- Mr*.- Moates died Friday morning after several years of declining health. Native of Anderson County, she lived in Clinton 94 years. She was the daughter of the late Jim Couch and MalUe Duncan Couch, she was a member of the Church of God on Elizabeth DISCOUNT SAVINGS! - SAVE UP TO SO% - IN OUR TOY DEPT. LOCATED ON OUR BIG BALCONY! We Price Toys Low, and Keep Them Low! We Buy In Large Quantities! TOYS for BOYS! • FIRE CHIEF AUTO 14.88 • GUN and HOLSTER SETS .. 4.29 • SIDEWALK BIKES 22.88 • Military BULLDOZER 3.99 • Modem SERVICE STATION . 4.88 • BIG CHIEF INDIAN SUIT ... 3.33 • SUPER GAME CHEST 1.88 • Varoom PICK-UP TRUCK . 8.88 • BB AIR RIFLE 3.99to 12.88 • SECRET SAM SPY SET .... 10.88 LIGHTWEIGHT DELUXE 3-SPEED BICYCLE *47.88 Scientifically designed for easy mum maneuver-ability. Fully gear shift, hand brakes front ai ed fenders, and tire rims. 1st bag. Girls’ 2f” light weight 26’* SIZE twist grfe bicycle. FIRE "MIGHTY M0" By Remote Control — No Batteries Needed! Like-Real Cannon! Jumbo Wheels! Transport This Big 27" Cannon Wherever'The Battle Is Staged. Fires Plastic Surviving are four sons, Rev. Ernest C. Moates of Blytheville, Ark., Leroy Moates of Clinton. Dewitt Moates of Augusta. Oa., and W. J. Moates of Laurens; two daughters, Mrs. Christine Dunaway of fm****" and Mr* Ruth Cooper of Salisbury, N. CL; 14 Grandchildren and sis great- C. W. Sutthfon _ cards Sullivan, 82, of W-ftl Ave., died ning in a local boepttal altar an fflaem ef one weak. Native of Oconee Chanty, sen of the Late Wflliam Edward adi JaaeUa Bottaaos Ssflivan, hi was employed by Palmetto War- Mill and was a mombor of Hill Baptist Church of TOYS for GIRLS! Plastic Tea Sets 1.19 Doll Carriages 9.88 Doll Baby Cribs 6.88 Drink and Wet Baby DoD and Crib ... ... AM Cake Mix Set L88 Wood High Chair ..... 3.97 Dolls, all 233 to 1238 Rkig-a-Ding Telephone 971c _ are Us edfo, Mrs. Glaze Sullivan; lit— Jackie 8 i. Miss STUFFED TEDDY BEAR children. ducted Friday atJ:W p. m. at BHRcrest Baptist Church by lev. W. P. Han and Rev. Claire Bak- Other AS DOW TOYS hr BOYS ad GIRLS • Tom Diumb TYPEWRITER .. 2.66 . Tom Thtnnb CASH REGISTER 2.97 • CHECKERBOARD SET ••■ 99c • SNO-CONE MACHINE 4.99 • Fly-Back SKATE BOARD 5JB8 • Bonanza GUN SET .... 439 • Hutch FOOTBALL With Tee . 438 a TINKER TOYS 238 RECORDl^YER 1938 • nmnniNTON SET 138 • EsritinsFunGamet... 138to338 ef hie hands Uabl:19L The Spirit of God onabtoo our kendo te bo eapabte, euro Bdk’s Open Thursday Night, Dec. 16, utjniM