7 > Thursday, December 29, 1960 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE niiiB'wr wmM IMV^Qi'WWiWrW' THE WOMAN'S PAGE Social Events and Club New of Interest Telephone 74 or 495 IMIBinWit:: ; ( Wr Mr. and Mrs. Leake Entertain Family Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Leake entertained with a family dinner at their home on South Broad street. The dining table was covered with a red linen cloth and cen tered with a Christmas floral arrangement and candelabra. Candles and Christmas arrange ments were used on the buffet and throughout’ the house. A tur key dinner was served. Enjoying the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Nelson of Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Clement and children, Tom my and Catherine, of Charleston; Mr .and Mrs. Lyndon Poe of Sumter; Miss Jean Nelson of Charleston; Mr. and Mrs. Har wood Nelson and son, Billy, of this city. Party Given For Payne Co. Employees Tuesday evening at the Mary Musgrove Hotel employees, of the H. D. Payne Company and their families were entertained with a Christmas party. For the smorgasbord tables were prettily adorned in a sea sonal motif. After dinner danc ing was enjoyed. Gifts were pre sented to the ladies from the beautifully decorated tree. • Luncheon Given For Dapper, Anderson Co. Employees Dec. 23 On Friday at noon at Hotel Mary Musgrove a luncheon was given for employees of the Dap per Hosiery Mill and the C. W. Anderson Hosiery CCompany. A gold and green color note was carried out in the decora tions for the long tables where Southern Sweet Potato Pudding mi - r- Vi ■ f fT ■ -s 'MU i Photo by Carnation Co. The spicy aroma of sweet potato pies and puddings wafting from Southern kitchens always means good eating is in store. Sweet potato pudding has long been a Southern favorite and is an unforgettably delicious dish. The home economists of the Carnation Company recommend this popular pudding for autumn menus with a recipe which features the use of evapo rated milk. The rich creaminess of evaporated milk creates a smoothness in texture so desirable in this kind of dessert, and adds valuable nutrients as well, since evaporated milk is a concentrated form of milk. Serve this Sweet Potato Pudding perfected in the home service department of the Carnation Company. SWEET POTATO PUDDING (Makes 8 to 10 servings) 4 cups grated sweet potatoes 1 cup light corn syrup 1 cup sugar IVr teaspoons ginger Vt teaspoon nutmeg ‘/i teaspoon mace 2 tablespoons grated orange rind | Mix potatoes, corn syrup, sugar, spices, rind, water, evapo rated milk and eggs together. Melt butter in 9-inch skillet. Add potato mixture; cook over medium heat, stirring con stantly, 10 minutes. Bake in moderate oven (375°) 40 minutes, or until potatoes are tender. (Stir occasionally.) Cool. Garnish with orange sections and cherries. .. cup wafer % cup (small can) undiluted Carnation evaporated milk 3 eggs, well beaten cup butter 1 large orange, sectioned Maraschino cherries covers were laid for a hundred guests. A buffet luncheon was served. Favors were at each place and gifts were presented the employees from the com pany. Harry Nettles returned thanks and Gary Lehn welcomed the guests. COX'S STYLE SHOP Clinton, S. C. Limited Offer LAST THREE DAYS TUES. - WED. - THURS. "sswr* j ■ i<>- J* By Kiddie Fotos Get a Huge 11x14 Wall Portrait Of Your Child • Full Pose, Children Of All Ages. • You Choose From Several Poses. • Pictures Delivered At Cox’s Within A Few Days HURRY! Offer Expires Saturday, Deeentber 31st! Couple Will Reside In Greenwood Following Rites Miss Beverly Anne Buzhardt became the bride of Wesley Clar ence Werts, Jr., of Greenwood, in a ceremony taking place on Fri day evening, December 23, at Calvary Baptist Church. The Rev. J. W. Spillers offic- TatecP-fct the double ring cere mony. i .. j A traditional Christmas setting of greenery, white mums and poinsettias were used for the ceremony, -t Wedding music was presented by Mrs. Joe Land, organist, and Miss Martha Joa^) Reeder, vocal ist. Before the ceremony, Mrs: Land played “Bercuse,” "Indian Love Call,” “Angel Serenade,” and "Traumerei.” During the ceremony “To A Wild Rose'' was played The traditional bridal chorus was used as a procession al and the wedding march from Lohengrin as a recessional. Vo cal selections included “I Love Thee,” “Whither Thou Goest,” and as a benediction “O Master Let Us Walk With Thee." Ushers were Steve Crowe and Johnny Cannon, cousins of the bride. The bride's uncle, Harold Crowe, gave her in marriage and best man was Billy Ginn of , Greenwood, brother-in-law of the groom. The bride’s only attendant was her cousin. Miss Mona Cannon, who wore a daytime length dress of royal blue taffeta featuring a round neckline, small cap sleeves, and a bouffant skirt with large self bow in the back. She carried a single poinsettia in a bed of gold net and lace with gold -metallic ribbons. The bride wore a street length sheath dress of white brocade taf feta fashioned with three-quar ter sleeve jacket .Peter Pan col lar and self-covered buttons. A tulle overskirt was accented with With the Sick Friends of Mrs. Leamon Jones will be interested to know she has returned home follownig a few days stay at the Blalock Clinic. Friends of Mrs E. D McCul- Jimmie D Lawsofi is a patient at Blalock Clinic Charlene Young, daughter of Mr and Mrs Cnarles Young, has returned home following a few days stay at Blalock Clinic Miss Myra Snelgrove is a sur- tonian, high school annual, and treasurer of the National Honor Society. She is the daughter of Mrs J B Speake IF YOU DO NT READ THE CHRONICLE YOU DON'T GET THE NEW* PHONE 74 lough will he interested to know; . patient at Hays hospital, she is a patient at Hays hospital Mrs. Haley McJunkin has re turned home from Blalock Clinic where she has been a patient Mrs Willie Young is convales cing at home following a stay at Blalock Clinic Friends of Lt Richard Lukstat will be interested to know he is convalescing at flays hospital following surgery this week Mrs. Willie Mae Riley is a pa tient at Hays hosjjRal James Wilkie is „a patient at Blalock Clinic I Mike .Milam, sdn of Mr and Mrs. Marion Milam, is conva lescing at Hays hospital follow,- ing a tonsilectomy Tuesday Silas Campbell is a surgical patient at Hays hospital Friends of David Owens will be interested to know he is a pa tient at Blalock Clinic. Mrs. Billy Reynolds is a pa tient at Hays hospital following surgery. Holiday Party For Sears Staff Saturday evening, December 17, a Christmas party was given for the employees of the Sears- ^* n - v v l ev *t bows. She carried an Roebuck Company at the home ort> bid on a satin covereed Bible of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Chand- wilh satin * streamers tied with ler. Guests also included wives tull i e b° ws and husbands of the employees. ^ er { l au tJhter s wedding the Traditional holiday decora- ^ r ' ( * e s mother chose blue lace tions with a lighted tree adorne’d a corsa y e °f P»nk carna- the living room. In the dining room where refreshments were served in buffet style a pink col or note was effective. Centering the table overlaid with a pink cover was mas candle encircled with greens bride’s with a tions. The groom's mother wore blue crepe and white carnations After the ceremony the wed ding party greeted guests in the vestibule of the church. i lame oink Christ-1 F ° r fi ° inp aWay the bride . . h , P _ changed to a grey suit with black and ornaments. During the informal, evening the group enjoyed singing car ols. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Burns assisted the host and hostess in entertaining. Jacobs Are Hosts For Family Supper On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jacobs were hosts for a family supper party at their home on Calvert Avenue. About fifty members of the family en joyed the occasion. Supper was served in buffet style from the dining table pret- a n d white accessories and a feather hat. She wore the orchid from her Bible. The bride, who is the daughter of Mrs H. S. Jenkins, is a 1958 graduate of Clinton High School She is employed by the Chem- strand Corporation The groom, the sonpf Mr and Mrs. Werts of Ninety-Six, is a graduate of Nin ety-Six High School and has serv-l ed three years in the Marine Corps He is employed by Jim Self Construction Co. of Green wood. After a wedding trip the couple is at home at 1-A Glenhaven Apartments. Greenwood. tily appointed in the holiday mo- T^^lro/^r-i T + r-4 tif. Choir boys, angels and other JaCKSOnS lintGriCnn Christmas ornaments of balls With DlOP-In and stars were effectively used ^ in decoration. As a feature of the living room appointments a beautiful dove of peace was sus pended from the chandelier. OFFICE SUPPLIES CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. PHONE 74 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALE NOW anyone can buy DIRECT from U. 8. GOVKRNMl'iNT SURPLUS REPOTS, by mail for youraelf or for rea*!e. Vameraa. binocular*, car*, jeep*, truck*, boat*, hard ware, office machine* and equipment, tent*, tool* and tens-of-thouunda of other item* at * fraction of their original coat. Many itema brand new. For iiat of hun- dreda of U. S. Government Surplus Depots, located in every State and overseas with pamphlet "How Government Can Ship Di rect To You,” plus procedures. HOW TO BUY and how to get FREE SURPLUS, mail 12.00 to SURPLUS SALES INFOR MATION SERVICES. Bo* 1818. Wash. 18. D. C. £1. i2 Dr. Dawson Dear Dr. Dawson, We have heard a num ber of different ideas on what Chiropractors believe conoerninsr tferms. Would you explain this to us. 4 An interested group of housewives Dear Ladies, Chiropractors have been ac cused of not "believing in germs.” This is, of ' ' ■£' course, an insinuatioi\,Jthat we are somewhat less than intelligent since anyone with vision and a microscope can SEE germs—they are not Something which must be “be lieved in.” However, the Chiropractic theory concerning germs is that germs attack sick organs—not well ones—thus that the germ s do not initially cause an organ to become ill. It is a well recognized fact that when a person is in good physical condition, has good, high resistance, he is much less likely to succumb to illness. It is also generally accepted that weak organs are very susceptible to illness. The Chiropractor knows that nerve inter^erenceucauses organs and entire bodies to function improperly—to be sick—therefore providing a fertile field for germs. If nerve pressure is removed through Chiropractic care, these organs begin to be restored to health and will no longer be the unhappy hunting grounds for germs. \ Preceding the H. D Payne Co. Christmas party for employees on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon T. Jackson enter tained with a drop-in at their home on the Whitmire highway. Tapers and greens were used with other Christmas ornaments throughout the receiving rooms. A Santa scene was displayed on the,buffet refreshment table from which punch and hors dioeuvres were served In addition to employees and their families Lt and Mrs. Rich ard Lukstat of El Paso, Texas, who were visiting here, were guests for the party. Entertain Friends With Drop-In On Anniversary In celebration of their 22nd an niversary Saturday evening. De cember 24. Mr. ana Mrs. Horace Horton entertained with a drop-in at their home on West Walnut street. Displayed in the living room and den along with the beauti fully decorated Christmas tree was magnolia leaves in red and natural green and tall red tap ers. An effective table arrange ment was of silvered sea weed and ivy placed in an antique sil ver container. About seventy friends called during the evening. Refreshments of ham biscuit, assorted dain ties, fruit cake and coffee served. were Employees Enjoy Christmas Party' v • Employees of the Lydia Mills Store, and their families were en tertained on Wednesday, of the past week with a Christmas party at the Mary Musgrove Ho tel. A buffet dinner was served from the table which had a tree as a background arrangement. Gold magnolia foliage with green lighted tapers was used at inter vals along the tables where cov ers were laid for the guests. Movies of previous parties were shown and the group, accompan ied at the piano by Miss Harriet Wilson, enjoyed singing carols. Miss Teresa Worthy gave several vocal and gui^ir selections. Gifts were presented from the tree. Mary Ann'Ferguson, daughter Of Mr and Mrs Irby Ferguson, is at home following a tonsilec tomy at Hays hospital The following patients have been released from Mays hospit- c.i .\irs Joe Anderson, Joanna. Mrs Ohn I.) Stewart, Mount- ulle James Douglas, Joanna; \Ir^ Fraughton Ford, Mrs Jer ry Holland of Seneca. .Mrs. Lew is Butler Jr David Wilson of Woodruff Mrs l\ O Williams. Miss Jean Douglas,-'Robert Cobb, J V O Shields, and Lew is Ow- ings. Joanna. Louise Speake Is Student Of Month Louise Speake was named as December “Student of the Month" at Clinton High School Chosen by a faculty committee. Louise is co-editor of The Clin- NOW IN PROGRESS! Annual After Christmas Clearance Sale. REDUCTIONS UP TO 30 c f ON ALU MERCH \.N|)ISE Hats - Bags - Coats - Suits v Dresses - Sweaters Jewelry and Blouses Wedhesdav, December J". Through Saturday, December 31 Ladies Ready-To-Wear Shoppe Broad Street MAXWELL BROTHERS After Christinas Furniture Sale UhriNtmas is over and Maxwell Brothers Furniture is offering hundreds of closeout bargains for the home. ( ome early for best selections and call a friend on the telephone to be sure they ha\e heard early, following is a list of part of the sample bargains to SAVE YOU MONEY: SAVE UP TO 50% AND MORE! ALL LAMPS IN PAIRS VjOFF ALL RECLINERS ALL MIRRORS (Priced From $37.50 to $119.00) LIVING ROOM BARGAINS— Regular SALE 74” Lawson Sofa by Hickory Tavern Foam rubber T-cushions, solid web construction, double cone coil spring founda tion. nubby green cover. 249.95 82 Modern Sofa Beaver brown cover, foam rubber T-cushions. Kick pleats. '2 PRICE 269.95 Solid Mahogany Duncan Phyfe Sofa 199.95 Tapestry cover 99.95 Three Modern 2-Piece Suites By Rowe. Rose beige and charcoal gray covers. Foam rubber 239.95 Colonial Rockers In assorted tapestry covers 69.95 39.« 2-Pc. Maple Early American Living Room Suite Includes platform rocker and 3-cushion sofa 179.95 3-Pc. Danish Modern Living Room Suite Includes convertible sofa, matching chair and ottoman. y 2 PRICE 169.95 79.95 7-Pc. Living Room Suites Includes club chair with foam cushion, sofa bed, 2 large lamps. 2 attractive step tables and cocktail table. Nylon acetate cover. Four colors to choose from 149.95 2-Pc. Naugahyde Plastic Living Room Suites Sofa bed and matching platform rocker. Colons: Brown, green and red 119.95 Simmons Beautyrest Sofa Bed Nylon frieze cover in rose beige 169.95 99.95 BEDROOM VALUES— 3-Pc. Solid Maple Bedroom Suite Double dresser and mirror, large chest on chest and panel bed. 1 > PRICE 299.95 149.95 3-Pc. Genuine Walnut Bedroom Suite Double dresser, bookcase bed. chest. Reduced $100.00 259;95 159.95 4-Pc. Genuine Walnut Danish Bedroom Suite Triple dresser and rtiirror. nite stand, panel bed and chest of drawers 269.95 219.95 Solid Mahogany Open Stock Bedroom Group -.V* By I.ink Taylor Shop our store for numerous Dinette, Dining Room and Mattress bargains. \lso you might find just the piece vou have been looking for iii Used Furniture and Appliances. SHOP EARLY AND SAVE! SORRY, NO TRADEyNfc ON THESE BOTTOM PRICES! \ 204 N. BROAD CLINTON, S. C. F\S\ TERMS EXCEPT i 3 PRICE MERCH \NOISE! • • —-4 «„ .PHONE 257 inu.ne 129 I25.« 135.“ 169.« 119.*