PAGE •nvo THE CIJNTON CHRONICLE* CLL\rON, S.6 S. JEANES DO? A WINNER HERE THEY ARE ~ THE NEW OXFORDS For Street and Dress Wear $5.00 and $6.00 Snappy Oxfords for Men and Young Men in blue, black and tan. Snappy in style and made of genuine 100% all leather throughout. Smartly stitched effect with a com fortable toe and combination last. They're values with out equal at the price. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Copeland-Stone Co. Sargon Now On Sale Here Sargon—now being heralded forth to the world as an outstanding health- giving remedy, is now on sale in Clin ton through the, exclusiv-* agency rf Sadler-Owens Pharmacy. The demand for this new and scientific formula is probably without parallel in the his tory of the drug trade, in tne state of California alone, one million bottles being required to supply the people of that state during the Lrst twelve months after it was placed on sale. 'Hie new remedy is being nationally advertised and is on sale here exclu sively at this well known drug con cern. Hallowe’en Carnival Spooks Witches Hobgoblins With those side-si^itting laughs and barrels of fun for evecybe^y. *H)ne Price To All” Clinton, S. C. When the sun has touched the west. And witching hours come, BHng your pals and all the rest And C^me get in the fun. Copeland’s Hall Friday Night 8:00 Folks, bring your yo-yos We have some of those j [raluminum 2-qt. percola- ^^itors left. Remember, wc give them away for 75 coupons from Octagor soap and other Octagor products. PRATHER-SIMPSON FURNITURE CO. LET US WASH FjOR YOU! Choose the Service You Need: Flat Work . . 7c lb. Family Finish '. 10c Ib. Damp Wash 5c Ib. Thrifty Service ........ ...^ 6c Ib. CALL 28. BUCHANAN’S UUNDRY PHONE 29 utHwaiiiiiiMBaMwniiiiawwwiiiCTwwiwic 0i• n'Oik's Oan —and a pretty little problem it is. Some will lie .jealous of their sum mer tan,^ and some will seek a do\e- like fairness to complete the charm of new* clothes, and wljo shall say which is better?—for each is fash ion sure. But may we remind you that what ever way you cast your vote for autumn beauty, we have the very things to hasten it, to assure it, to preserve the natural delicacy of complexion, an imposing array of beauty preparations for the pre servation of the tan you have, and an equally imposing array of cos metics for those who are returning to fairness. To be A Fair Lady Dorothy Gray’s Cleansing Cream- Texture Lotion, bleach cream, as tringent cream, natural fin ishing iotion, Naturalle pow der, Sunset Rouge, light lipstick, brown lashique, ahadow^^ light blue eye To Cherish' Summer's Tan Dorothy Grays Cleansing Cream, texture lotion, tissue cream, astring ent cream, sunburn lotion, me dium rouge, medium lip stick, dark brown lashique, grey brown eye shadow. The Lighter Touch Dorothy Gray’s Cleans ing Cream, texture lotion, special mixture, astringent cream, tawny finishing lotion, Rochelle powder, D’Espagne Rouge, medium lip stick, light brown eye shadow, brown lashique. i The New Romany Blue Dorothy Gray's Cleans ing Cream, texture lotion, special skin cream, astringent lotion, copper tan finishing lo tion, sunburn powder, dark rouge, dark lip stick, black lashique, dark brown eye shadow. Mail Orders Promptly Filled tponrcRrs OOM£Sr^