.r^ THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 THE CLINTC^NXWRONlcLE, CLINTON, S. C SOCIETY EVENTS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Mrs. Larry B. Dillard, Society Editor. Teleplione 151 COPELAND-COOPER Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Copeland an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Lena Davidson, to Thomas Rus- 8|li Cooper. The wedding will take pia'ce in June. BUSINESS MEETING FOR CENTURY CLUB, Mrs. E. L. Glasgow, president of the Century club, calls attention to the business meeting to be held at her home on Tuesday aftembon at four o’clock. LOVELY ST. - PATRICK’S DINNER On 'Tuesday evening Mr. and' Mrs. J. 'F. Jacoby and Miss Clara Duckett entertained a number of friends at a St. Patrick’s dinner."The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shands, Mrs. Emma Lit>le, Mrj. Maggie Hays, Mr. and Mrs. G. A^ Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dillard. children’s homes. A number of guests were invited and a social hour follo#-^ ed when sandwiches, tea and brownies were served. MRS. COPELAND ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Pringle Copeland entertained the Bridge club. A salad course and tea were served to the following guests: Mesdames T. D. Jacobs, J. J. Cornwell, D. C. Heustess, D. A. R.‘AND CHORAL CLUB MEET JOINTLY The D. A. R. and the Choral club of the Woman’s club held a joint meet ing on Monday afternoon. All mem bers of the Choral eluh Md efficevs tit the D. A. E. appeared in attractive Colonial costumes. The club rendered a number of choral selection of “ye olden songs’’ and Mrs. Marshall Brown sang as a solo “Silver Threads Atmong the Gold.’’ Mrs. W. P. Jacobs and* Miss Sybil Burdette sang a duet. Mozart’s Minuet was danced by a number of high school girls. After the musical program a social hour was enjoyed and sandwiches and punch were served. H. M. Wilkes, Mr. aiid Mrs. Thomas Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Payne, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornwell, Lieutenant and Mrs. A. N. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. George Cor- nelson, Mr. and Mrs.; Lonnie HcMil- lian^ Dr. and Mrs.' R. E. Sadler. U. D. OBSERVES ^SOUTH CAROLINA DAY" “South Carolina Dayf was observed by the members of the U. D. C. on Friday afternoon. The veterans of the city, R. Z. Wright, T. F. Milam, J. W. Copeland, A. M. Copeland and M. L. Peavy, were honor guests. “Carolina" was read by Miss Clara Duckett. “Tenting On the Old Camp Ground,” “Old Black Joe,” and “Old Folks At Home” were sung by Bruce Galloway. He also led in the singing of “Dixie.” “Why Honor the Women of the Con federacy” was presented by Mrs. J. Will Dillard. The meeting was concluded with the singing of “Dixie.” Sandwiches, hot chocolate, dough nuts and coffee were served to about thirty gruests. HM T Whei^ the breakfast room is in plain view from the dining room or off the kitchen it is pleasantest to have its color scheme in harmony with the one so near it. One attractive method of woricing out the scheme'is tp use reverse col ors—that is, if' the dining room I scheme uses a biege rug with ivory I wails and a great deal of soft blue in' the draperiias, a good combination for the breakfast room might be: A dull blue floor covering, fumitijje painted a soft French gray-blue, with over curtains a dull canary or beige back ground and a pattern whose design and coloring are in keeping with those in the other room. i , CIRCLE MEETS WITH MRS. STUTTS The Ella. R^idell circle, of tbe Wom an’s Auxiliary of Thbmwslt* Memorial church met with Mrs. F. M. Stutts on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was pi'esided over by Miss Cora*. Richey, the president. Devotional was led by Mrs. Lula Jamison. Roll call was an swered with some interesting fact W. A. Johnson, Clair Hays, Wm. Bai- about Mexico, followed by a helpful ley Owens, J. A. Chandler, W. J. Bai ley, B. H. Boyd, Reese Young, John Little and Miss Carrie Fuller. prograiV on Mexico, presented Miss Cora Richey and Miss Minnie Moore. At the close of the meeting a salad course with hot chocolate was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. R. G^ Murphy, Mrs Lula Jamison and Miss Mary Adams. “FRIENDLY DOZEN” /WITH MISS BAILEY On Tuesday afternoon Miss Connie; Bailey graciously entertained the members of “The Friendly Dozen.” DINNERS Four tempting courses were served to FOR FRIENDS the following guests: Mesdames J. A. j During the past week two dinners Bailey, R. ^ Wright, George Cornel- son, A. E. Spencer, F. D. Jones, A. V. Martin,. D. J. Woods, H. A. Copeland, J. 1. Copeland, A. M. Copeland, and Miss Sallie Motes. CENTURY CLUB HEARS DR. LILY ^ On Monday afternoon the Century flub had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Irby Hipp, Mr. and Mrs. I were given by-Jtfr. and Mrs. Clarence Galloway. Their attractive home in College View was adorned in jonquils. St. Patrick emblems were also featur ed. The guests on Monday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Jacobs, Dr. and Mrs. Clair Hays, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Finney, Mr. and Mrs. Feriinand Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Reese Young, FIDELIS CLASS • " 3^ GIVES BANQUET On Friday evening the Fidelis Sun day school class of the First Baptist church of which Mrs. W. R. Ander son is teacher, enjoyed a banquet at Hotel ClintOnf An attractive program wa» given with Mis& Erancea Dutton, as master of ceremonies. The urogram included: “Welcome”—Miss Dutton. “All Alone” (to the maids)—Mr. Long. “My Man” (to the gentlemen)— ; Miss Cunningham. I “Sweethearts On Parade” (to the by ’ lovers)—Miss Norman. A course dinner was served: Half grapefruit Carolina Rice Peas en I’osettes Young roast turkey Spiced dressing Giblet gravy Celery et olives Congealed salad Block cream Cake Demi-tasse Fiielis punch Cleans Tubs Quickly To remove the ring of soap suds that clings to the bath and wash basin, moisten a rag with turpentine and rub over the entire tuK, then scrub w’ell with soap and warm water. Tha stains will disappear like magic. Street Tax Notice! Street Taxc^ for the Town of Clinton are due and payable on or before the 31st of March, 1929 All able-bodied male citizens between 18 J and 50 years of age are subject to street ta^. Tax $3.00. After March 31st, $4.00. D. C. HEUSTESS, City Clerk and Treasurer. A. AAA A A AAA. A. A A AAA A. A AAAA.AAAJ A Nice Company Dish Put cooked or canned lobster through a meat {rinder, season to taste, mix with a little cream to moisten ani fill small thollowed to matoes with the mixture. Sprinkle top with crumbs and dot with butter; brown in the oven, cooking until the tomatoes are tender. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS DIGNITY MARKS NEW FIRST LADY The County Highway Commission of Spartanburg County, S. C., and the County Board of Commissioners i Saltines|\)f Laurens County, S. C., in a joint i lettfng on March 12th, li)29, at 2 \ o’clock P. M., at the office of Spar- tahbu'rg County Highway Commis sion, Spartanburg, S. C., will receive . sealed bids for furnishing and erect ing a steel bridge over Enoree River,, < ► being a joint county bridge, known as the Fowler or ^ofiy^^ridge, consist- inor nf ."ino IOM’yT'J’ 'cfpol snnn ;in and its glories, but its burdens-too. ! Evidentiv . the weather caused Mrs.' ' I Hoover to change her mind about her . inaugui al wrap at the last moment., While the crowd waited for her ap-' pearance from the Hoover home, word j came from within that she would be I dressed in a plum colored jress and coat; but she walked out instead in a black broadtail coat, with bipwn fur J I collar. The plum-colored gown was of velvet, with a close fitting waist and circular skirt. Her hat matched^ its I soft, small brim showing a b^t of her ■ hair and framing her rougeless face. While other members of her imme diate family drove directly to the certified check in the sunr of $.^00.00, made payable to Laurens and .Spar- tanbui’g Counties, as guarantee of good faith th:it the bidder will, if awarTed thc~cbhtract, "vvlrhin Ten” thereafter enter into a written con tract and give satisfactory bond for ihe performance thereof. The right is reserved by the Com missions to reject any, or all bids. Further information will be furnished by H. B. Humbert, County Engineer, Spartan'uiirg, S. C. .J. D. WATTS, County Supervisor. W. H. BARKSDALE, A. H. MOORE, Itc County Commissioners. PHONE 287 WALL STREET BONDS REAL ESTATE LOANS NEfiOTIATED THAT Last YEAR’S SUIT OR DRESS WILL LOOK LIKE NEW When Cleaned, Repaired and Carefully Pressed By “Buck” \ Dig up that last spring’s outfit. It probably looks a little “shabby” now but don’t let that trouble you. Bring it to us. Let us fix it up for you. It* is really surprising what a trip to Buchanan’s will do for a garments Your Family Wash Will be handled satisfactorily by us from week to week. Let our truck have your laundry. Buchanan’s “KLEANERS WHO KLEAN” PHONE 28 Dry Oeaners and Steam Laundry 4 ♦ 4 4 4 I 4 4 1 1 Capitol, she I'ode to the W’hite House 4 to say farewell to her fi-iend and pre- ^ ' decessor, Mrs. Cooliige. j Mrs. Coolidge, dressed in a furless tan suit, straight-lined and matched by a soft, straw hat adorned with a ribbon band and tassel, took her place beside Mrs. Hoover in the machine di rectly behind that of Mr. Hoover and Mr. Coolidge. She parried a brown fox ; neckpiece over her arm. Arrive! at the president’s gallery ^ j of the senate chamber, the two ladies 4! walked down to the front row of J , chairs and sat down together. '♦j Mrs. Coolidge helped Mr^. Hoover j 21 to reniove Her wrap, and then turned' ♦ j tq talk excitedly, happily, with friends about them. She craned her neck to ■ peer down at the crowding officialdom I on the floor__ below, nodding merry' 'greetings. I Mrs. Hoover also smile!—faintly. Throughout the ceremonies in the j chamber, she showed a keen sensibil- ■ ity to the responsibilities that would Tlevolve upon her when she stepped ' into her role of honor. . j 2i Mrs. Hoover faded the crowd oiit- ♦ pi(le more serious than she had been 4 within. Seated at the right of Mr. ♦ Hoover, sjie gave Chief Justice Taft ^ I a slight smile. She nodded occasion ally to friends, and as th.e president turned to her after receiving the oa:h, Uhe stood with raliant face. X ■BBnaBSaKEBaBBBSHSBSC&aBVn M a. f An Oklahoma | I Mother Says: | "Black-Draught is a S fine medicine to give B to children. I use it g for mine whenever I ■ need t6 give them a g laxative. They don’t ■ mind taking it when I g make it into a teaiT and B it quickly relieves con- g stipation and the bad B symptoms which come g from it I can recom- B mend it to other moth- g era, for 1 have found B it useful in my home. g "When I was a child my moth* B er gave it to me whenever I com- g plained of not feeli^ weU. I g have always taken i^'for upset g stomach and constipation. It is ■ about the only medicine I have g to take. A few doses of Black* B Draught noyr and then, keep my system in order. My husband takes it too. I hardly see how I could keep house without Black* Draught It has become a stand* by wuh us, in keeping the child* ren and ourlwlves welL”—Mrs. Luther BnuudBOld, Qaremore, Okla. TiMdtanrt Constipatloii, Indigattiofi, Binoiitn9St Womcti wlM need a toak should take CARDUL la use over 50 year*- c.i4i| The Best In Groceries Ait^ Isi Priees Too! In every Rogers store you will find brands of nation-wide fame and quality. All the finest are well repi esented , . . . and at prices whioh will mean remarkable savings to you! SHOP THE MODERN WA Y—at Rogers! DEL (VIONTE TINY TENDER No. 2 Can PEAS s AUNT JEM.MA OR QUAKER GRITS Z ^ 18* ST. CHARLES EVAPORATED MILK 3 ^ 29* SKINNEP.’S SPAGHETTI OR MACARONIZ^ X8« ROGERS—No. 2 CAN SAUER KRAUT, 2 for ... .V. 25c. N. c. oysterette CRACKERS 3 MAYONNAISE ^ 17< SI N-MAID—SEEDED OR SEEDLESS RAISINS, 15 oz. pkg. . ji.. 10c BLUE SEA OR'SUNS!-liNE TUNA FISH 25* A Laundry Hint Never irOn over snaps and button laid on a hard, flat board. -Double a Turkish towel or several thicknesses of blanket and stretch the garment button side down on this. The buttons jwill sink into the pad and leave a I smooth surface lo iron. See us for Okeh phono- graph records. Sbin- ments received weekly, ^nd we eet all the latest. See us. too if you want a ohonograph. FULUER^IMPSON FURNITURE CO. FLORIDA. GOLD—No. 1 CAN GRAI>E FRUIT JUICE 15c HER3HEYS MILK CHOCCLATE CANDY Bart xo* The Clinton Chronicle—$1.50 a Year