, » V GOOD MEETING IN E ADDRESS IN PART OF GEORGE W. WHEELER, MANAGER OF & C. L. 0. ASSOCIATION. UNIMPROVED ACRES Reclamation of Fertile State Lands Is Task Tor Both the State and Federal Governments. Florence.—Great interest was man- , ifest in the several subjects discussed at the annual meeting of the Florence County Agricultural Society held here. The president of the society, R. K. Curren, opened the meeting and intro duced the speakers making introduc tory remarks which were in them- -ie]*©#—very -iftstruct+rsf: There are 11,000,000 acres of rich fertile idle lands in this state that can be reclaimed and made productive and put on the tax books of the state as improved ai^d revenue produ&Jpg land, according to George R. Wheeler, man ager of the South Carolina Land Own ers’ Association, who addressed the meeting on the subjects of getting ready for the coming of the boll wee vil and increasing the taxable wealth of the state. He said as there are ap proximately only 6,500.000 acres now on the tax books, as improved revenue producing lands, the way - is clearly shown how to go about increasing the taxable wealth of the state thereby causing a greater annual revenue from taxes which will enable the state either to reduce the tax levies or to spend greater sums in the upbuilding of the stato. He said 1,500,000 acres of idle land need drainage. That is a vast area and the reclaiming of such an area is too big. a Job for any group of men. one or more counties or even th FLOOD OF FOREIGN GOLD BLAMED FOR HIGH PRI6EB. Barnwell.—Sheriff J. B. Morris of Barnwell county tendered his resigna tion to x Governor Cooper. In his let ter ft* chief officer said he was enter ing business in Barnwell and asked that his resignation be accepted. Washington.—Haled before th* bar of the federal electric railways com mission, a billion dollars in foreign gold was arraigned by Professor Irv ing Fisher of Tal* university, as the chief culprit not only in bringing American trolley lines to bankruptcy, but in Mnding prices generally sky rocking to uhdreamed of high levels. The flood of bullion, h* said, cam* before the war, sent over to meet pur chase by belligerent powers in th* United States. JAPAN NOT TO SEND TROOPS TO AID ADMIRAL- KOLGHAKw Anderson.—Anderson county road bonds in the amount of $290,000 will be offered for sale on September 9, and the remainder of the $1,^50,000 will be placed on sale next year, ac- cordtng to a decision of the Anderson County highway commissioners. Oreenvllle.—The naipes of the offi cers of the Hejas Temple, the new Shrine Temple to be instituted here with Jurisdiction over all of upper South Carolina, were announced by Potentate Goorge T. Bryan. At the same time. Mr. Bryan announced that October *3 has been chosen as the date for the first ceremonial of Hejas Temple. Barnwell.—The first bale of the 1919 cottoq crop was ginned here for B. J. Brown, a progressive negro farmer of Barnwell. The bale weighed 430 pounds and the staple graded mid dling. This la two days later than last year’s record, when H. W. San ders of this city marketed the state’s first bale on August 9. Cotton is opening rapidly in some sections now and the local gins will soon be running at full blast. Laurens.—At a picnic held Jointly by the Woodmen of the World, th* Woman’s Circle, W. O. W., and th* Masons at Mount Gallagher Friday, the principal speakers of the day were Major Henry C. Tillman, of Green wood, and Capt. John J. McSwain, of Greenville, two officers in the armies of the American Expeditionary Forces and both eloquent and popular public speakers. First Bale Iftlt Cotton. Charleston.—The first bale of cot ton of this season sold on the local market brought 49 cents at auction, after lively bidding. It was grown near McClellanville, this county. Edgefield —A charter has been pro cured for the Dixie Highway Hotel Company, of Edgefield. The Incor porators made a canvass of the town and $28,000 was subscribed to the cap ital stock. In a few days the subscrip tion will run to $50,000. This assures Edgefield a first-class hotel. Would Know Her Profiteer*. Greenville.—In order to ascertain whether there is profiteering in Green ville in any line of business, a central committee composed of business men representing various businesses and other citizens representing the public was appointed by Mayor H. C. Harv- ley at the request of the wholegato and retail dealers of the city. Just what procedure will be taken by the com mlttw has not yet been definitely de cided upon but will be worked out within the next two or three days. ‘ Toklo.—It has been learned that the Japanese government after mature de liberation both by the cabinet and diplomatic advisory council, has in formed the government of Admiral Kolchak that Japan is unable to ac cede to its request to send several di visions of troops to assist Kolchak. CAR REPAIRERS DECIDE TO CALL OFF STRIKE Chicago.—Delegates representing 25, - dood! From],the bedlnnind Vlrdlnia-Carolina has been the world's favorite tobacco. . It has been cultivated and Improved for three centuries. Today—ft* times more of it is smoked In cldarettes than all the forelrfn-rfrown tobaccos combined. Only the lively taste and rich flavor of V irdinia-Carolina tobacco can account for this. And only In a cidarette made entirely of Vlrdlnla-Carpilna do you det the full flavor and oil of that relish and zest. Put the proof up to Piedmont. / The Virginia - Carolina Cigarette iedmont •».' ' * / . -jj - J yir-Mfc 1 ' ■ ’ ’