INTERNATIONAL ARMY SOUGHT, NOT FOR PURPOSES OF WAR^ BUT TO PRESERVE PEACE. TAKES WORD FOR NOTHING Lutt for Power and Dominion Will Return to Huns as Soon as Strenflth Has Been Recovered. SOCIETY SEWS. * * • • * Paris.—“There has never been an" disagreement on the fundamental prin ciples of a league of nations between the French delegates or other "pow ers,” sadi Professor Ferdinand Lar- nadue, dean of the Paris law faculty and one of the French delegates on the leagde of nations commsision. “We do not seek an international army for the purpose of making war, but for the purpose of preventing it. “Further disturbances tf the world’s peace will come, from Ger many alone. German’s unsatisfied greedy appetite, her lust for power and domination, will return as soon as shQ feels strong enough to renew her aggressions. Inasmuch as Ger- many ome day . will be admitted to the league of nations, what Mr. Bourgeois and myself objected to was the necessity of being placed in the position of taking Germanys’ word for anything. The German people have not progressed along the lines of sincerity.” INTER-ALLIED FINANCIAL ALLIANCE IS ADVOCATED Paris—An interallied financial al liance is strongly advocated by Ed- Mund Therry, the French economist, in The Figaro. It should take the form of a special organisation, he says, to receive for Joint account all sums paid by Germany, Austria-Hun gary, Bulgaria and Turkey, which it •would transform into liquidation bonds “to be distributed among the allies.’ Mr. Therry points out that after the signing of peace the richest entente nations will seek to improve their monetary situation and consoJidate their financial situation as rapidly as possible on a gold basis. Such con solidation would augment the diffi- fciilties of the less favored allies in Converting to gold, sterling dollars or francs, the claims they recover from the enemy, on which they count to pay Qie debts they have contracted, either with the wealthier allies or with neutrals. MANY MORE TROOPS RETURN, GENERAL DAVIS COMMANDING New York. — The United States cruiser - Huntington and the trans ports Matsonia and Louisville have docked here .debarking 7.101 officers and enlisted men of the American ex- peditonary force. The steamers Dan te Alighieri with 1,88 officers and men aboard and the Sixaola with 47, reported off the coast by wireless. WAR-TIME REGULAITONS OF COAL WILL CEASE MARCH 1 Washington.—The last of the war time coal regulations of the fuel ad ministration still in force will be sus- ^pended March 1, if the present com paratively mild weather continues, saitL an announcement by* Fuel Ad ministrator Garfield. : These prohibit the .shipment of coal for reconsign- 1hent;^nd require all shippers of coal rooYirig to tidewater at~ New Ybrk, Philadelphia, 'Baltimore and Hampton Roads to consign such shipments to / the - Tidewater coal exchange. FEDERAL AID FOR ROADS IN -* - NORTH CAROLINA, $374,000 The Mothers’ (Club held an in teresting^ meeting on Thursday, when they met with Mrs. John Lit tle. The topic for discussion was “Drama”. Mrs. John Spratt read a splendid paper on the subject and an • interesting discussion fob lowed in which Mrs. A. €. Daniel, Mrs. A. V. Martin land Mrs. L. B. Dillard took part. After the pro gram the hostess served a delicious salad course with ice tea. The following members were present, Mpsdames A. C. Daniel, .John Spratt, A. V. Martin, Parks Adair, Frank Adair, Loyd McCra ry, Crawford Clapp, Cyrus Bailey, R. E. Jones, John Warren Finney, W. A, Galloway, P. S. Bailey and L. B. Dillard and the guests were Mesdames Emma Little, Giles, J. It. Hatton and E. E. Stanton. Wednesday evening Mr. Mlrs. W. B. Owens, Jr* were at home to a few of their friends. The evening was a most pleasant one. A following guests: Mlrs. Ja'ines Sprunt, of Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Jo die Chandler, Dr. and Mrs. James R. Copeland and Miss Dorcas Ma son. —o— Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Chandler were hosts when they entertained at dinner the fol lowing guests: Mrs. Jennie Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Irby Hipp, Misses Lila Dillard. Jctte Dillfard, Dorcas Mason and Messrs. El Briggs and Gus Mason. A delicious course dinner was served and the whole evening enjoyed. —o— Mrs. C. M. Bailey delightfully entertained on Friday evening at her home on the edge of town in honof of her daughter. Miss Corinne Bailey 'and her visitors, Misses El- lene Spivey of Conway, Margaret Russel of Society Hill, and Louise Ferguson of Savannah, Ga., all of whom are now students at Chicora College. H IHE FUST - OF tmf * mm •'WasKington.—Under the federal aid ac{, 32 good road projects have been .apfrbved by the Washington govern- pjent for North Carolina. The total mileage is 437.66 and the estimated' cost $1,112,580.96. The federal aid is to be >$374,000. One of these projects has been ' completed. The mileage ^ completed amounts to but 8.01.- FOUNDATION OF LEAGUE PLEASES ITALIAN PRESS Rome.—The whole Italian press greets with joy and satisfaction the announcement of the foundation of the league of nations, and praises Presdent Wilson for the evidence he has shown in settling a concrete basis for the league before leaving America. All declare that the war has not been in vain if there arises from it a so ciety which will forever prevent a re currence, of such a conflict. The \ew Yausealess Calomel that Does the Work Without the Slight est Unpleasantness or ©anger of Salivation. Ask your doctor and he will tell you that calomel is the best and only sure remedy for a lazyTiver, biliousness, in digestion and .constipation. Now that all of its unpleasant and dangerous qualities,'have been - removed,, calomel, in the Calotabs, is the easiest and most pleasant of all laxatives to take. One tablet qt bedtime'.With- a swallow of water,—that/s ' all, -No taste, no' griping, no nausea, no ;Salts. In the mbrning, you feel simply flqe, —live, wide-awake, energetic,, strong' and with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat -what you please;. and g£ about your work—ho danger otbaliva^ tion. ,iT ' '' ’ A ‘v- Calotabs .are soldonly in original sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Your, druggist recommends and^guip*, antees Calotabs by offering, to refund the price if yoh are not delighted with them.—(adv,) : , . Remember Wednesday, March 19th is King’s Mil linery Opening Date. •, The evening was thoroughly en joyed land hot until a late hour did the party break up. The hostess served a delicious salad course to about thirty-five guests. * * • Miss Leila Edwards was hostess to the young ladies club on Satur day evening when she entertained at fa course supper. The guests all found their places at small tables by cunning little booklets in which were written verses describing the various flowers of spring which were guessed by the club members. The tables were lovely with their spring decorations and the even ing was a most enjoyable one. The club members who were present with Miss Edwards were: Misses Edna Guyton, Caroline Caldwell, Julia Neville. Marjorie Spencer, and Mrs. M. J. McFadden. The guests were: Mrs. G. A. Copeland and Mis*s Connie Martin. A delic ious course supper was served by Misses Ethel and Ellen Copeland. —o— , Saturday evening Mrs. Joseph A. Bailev was at home to her friends when she entertained at a turkey dinner. Soon after the guests ar rived they were ushered into the dining room. The table was love ly with its centre-piece of hand some daffodils and places laid for fourteen. The guests found their places ry original verses describing each guest. The evening was thoroughly en joy ed. Mrs. Bailey’s guests were Mesdames Arthur Copeland, George M. Yv right A. M. .C ipdar.d, R- Wright, A. E. Spencer, F. D. Jones, Julia Griffin, P. S. Bailey, Will Leake, W. S. Bean, R. E. Jones, Butler Boyd and Miss Con nie Bailey. President and Mrs. D. M. Doug las delightfully entertained on Sat- ui^ay evening the students of the Presbyterian College and a few friends at a reception. In spite of the cloudburst th? g i- sts thorough ly enjoyed th * evening. The house was prettily decorated in yellow and white, daffodils and jonquils being used in profusion. The guests were met at the door by Dr. Kennedy and Prof. A. V. Mar tin rand shqwn the way up stairs by little Misses Margaret Douglas and Betty Woodworh, whqre wraps were removed. The receiving line consisted of Dr. and Mrs. Douglas, Misses Eliza beth Douglas, Hester Seabrook, of Edisto Island, Corinne Bailey, Mar- garet Russell of Society Hill, El- lone Spivey of Conway and Louise Ferguson of Savannah. The guests were invited into the dining room by Mrs. John Spratt. Here Mrs. C. M. Bailey and Mrs. J. I. Copeland presided at the table where cream, cake and mints were served, assisted by Misses Carolirm Caldwell, Marjorie Spencer and Ju lia. Neville. As the guests left the dining room they were marked by little Misses Margaret Douglas and Betty Woodworth, with the college colors of garnet and blue. * ' • 1 . . ' Saturday afternoon Miss Nell Copeland entertained a few friends in honor of the out-of-town guests who were here this jveek. The guestsdiad a jolly good time in spite of the rainy afternoon. —o— . Miss Nancy Owens delightfully entertained the Knitting Club and a few friends at a luncheon on Saturday. Those who partook of this hospitality were: Mesdames Jodie Chandler, James Sprunt. of Dillon, Kenneth Burdette, J. F. Jacobs’, Jr., Cyrtts Bailey, J. T. Young, W. B. Owens, Jr., Tom Robertson. T. P.-Carson of Green ville, and Misses Jette DillaVd, Dor cas Mason and Evie Shands. > ~ _0— A pleasant.evening was spent ori • . - “ • # Monday, when MrsVJennie Briggs entertained a few of her friends at * * Y .A a delicious bourse ^dinner. - The guests were Mrs. James Sprunt, Mrs. M. A. Hays, ^Ir. and Mrs. W. B. Owens, Jr.. Dr. and Mrs. James R. Copeland, Mf.*and .Mrs. • Jqdie Cnandler, Miss Evie Lewis land Dr. S. C. Hays. A wedding of much surpirse to friends in Clinton was that solemn- ized on Thursday, February the twenty-eighth by ther Rev. Mr. - * Wqpdtf of Calvary church, when he united in marriage Miss Nellie Louise Riddle and Mr. Arthur Howard, both of this place. Miss Riddle is the attnactive daughter of Mrs. W. H. Riddle. Mir. Howard has a position at the Clin r ton Mill. Their many friends wish them much happiness and are glad to know they will make their home here. ■ Another announcement of inter est to friends in Clinton is that of the nrarriage of Miss Blanche Rid dle, to Seaman Sam Kern, of the United States navy. The ceremony was performed several weeks ago by Rev. Edward Long, and their mar- riage kept a secret except with' a few intimate friends. Miss Riddle is the oldest daugh ter of Mrs. W. II. Riddle and has a large circle of friends, who love and admire her. Miss Riddle for some time has beeiV' connected with Simpsofi Grocery .Company as book- keeper: Mr, Kern is the oldest son of Mrs. Kerri of this cityjand is now on-the U. S. S. Minnesota. ' , Their many friends wish for them a very happy and successful future. ' ' * m 3QE 3d HOE m hoe Hold hoe Heavy block tin Milk Buckets with strainer attached. S. M. & E. H. WILKES & CO. HUGH C. WALLACE NAMED AMBASSADOR TO FRANCE On Board the U. S. S. George Wash ington.—Presdient Wilson has nomi nated Hflfch €.' Wallace, of Tacoma, ambasssdbr to France to fill the va cancy caused by the resgnation of William Graves Sharp. This was the first official act of the President on his homeward journey. The President also despatch*^—tele: grams r.-,ranging for -brief ceremonies in connection with-the speech which , fee expects to make at Boston Feb. 24. When you need any thing in the line of neat and attractive Printing. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially- prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 td 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle.’- >. * Announcing the Latest Arrivals ♦ * — -For Spring- WE HAVE LOST NO TIME IN FIT- ting up our stock upon the arrival of Spring shipments in order to offer you the newest creations. Every need is taken care of in our , Hart Schaffner S Marx, Style-plus and Mayer-Made Clothes. _ Nothing has been left undone . Clothes in snappy, attractive models are here for the young fellow wnp knows what he wants. _ To the little fellow we can offer a big showing of BOYS SUITS, con structed with the\idea of durability. \ Lines that will early initiate him into the secret of wearing clothes that will make him appear at his very best, are in every suit. . ^- - •• • -<• ■ . Come in and see us. There is no obligation to buy. We are.anx- iop^to have you see our stock before it is de'pleted. • 2’ Phone 47 Co. Clinton, One .Price4o All Phone 47 w ■ South Carolina ’ * M. * ■ . 4 fc iioe alls HOE m 30E