TOF IS GUT HI HALF ASTUTE COUNTY SUPERVISOR HAS MORE THAN EARNED HIS SALARY, fix hup soil of mMS Debt of County Cut Almost In Half Through Persistent Following Up of Clues in Certain Matters. ARTILLERY AND MACHINE GUN * ' * FIRE WORKS HAVOC WITH CHARGE OF FOE| CHINESE AMONG THE ENEMY Greenwood.—The debt of Green wood county has been cut almost in half, according to a statement of A. J. Bell, county supervisor The 6xact figures compiled by Mr Bel! show that the county’s indebtedness has been reduced from $42,000 to $19,- :W.07^fr uMii Only the persistent following up of certain matters on the part of the su pervisor did the amount show such a large reduction. One item was $449 received from McCormick coun ty. Mr. Bell states that he just hap pened across some small slips of pa per in a drawer in the office with amounts on them and which Men tioned McCormick county. He decid ed to take a chance and sent in a bill for McCormick county. A check for the amount came next day. There was no charge on any book in the of fice for this amount, Mr. Bell de dares. • Asks for Many Buildings. Washington (Special).—In view of the announcement, several days *ago that the committee on public build ings and grounds would report a gen eral public buildings bill at this ses sion of congress, Congressman Donil 7 nick has requested the committee to provide for postoffice buildings , - ^ now coming in every day. Come in and look the new .. . . • ' -r ~ . _ * things over as they arrive~get a line on • the styles and colors. ‘ A visit here will tell you what the Styles for Spring are, for every model, style, and color adheres to f ■ the dictates of Madame Fashion for Spring 1919. Charming Dresses for Women of Particular Taste To Find a Becoming Frock: yorimagiledl 16 w” b 'a™ receiving a variety of distinctive styles—all the pretty Spring Shadings, and a veritable feast of lovely fabrics. Distinction—Charm—Refinement in all our Spring Wearing Apparel. Pur Dorothy Dodd Oxfords are arriving, dpriltg EOOtWear. Oxfords for all occasions-Spring and Sum mer. Our footwear is exclusive in style, color and finish. Come see the many new pretty things. When it comes ' /" • A * - , ft. v to value-giving and stylish apparel, we are always in the lead-our reputation is alread^established. Clinton, Dress for Women” South Carolina ■"> v;^ mf 4 &