oniu L tikiaf action to prwwf gay _ hefpl Bishop JanSs> Canncja of the Southern Methodist church in an addret? lMt Sunday atB Greensboro, N- 0.' of the awtul outraged of in the Near Vast, "at SmyrIsewhere?a succession of atchdrleSTlttacka upon wou sands made orphans?a Cannpn, back only a'short from the Near IBaai. had :H0i9Hush with his own eyes to ^ppUed s waniTnua' .aaa asaa^ * .;w We Frame PlfTITRES - \ . ' r\ - A beautiful collection of Mouldings to select from. AU the new designs. All work done by experts, which assures you a perfect job. v Mezzogravures, Photogravures, Fox Prints, Wedington Proofs, Photochromes. Nothing is more pleasing than the right picture at the right place in your home. L * \ ^ V * y ^ : . " .. V YOUNG & WOLFF . 'THE FURNITUR6-MEN" ' - ^ . * ^ _ ^^.____MM__??_ _____ i !? I ' 1 TWO LOAVES ROCK HILL BREAD ' * V ?V FIFTEEN CENTS < AT FORT MIML. GROCERIES * * J * ' - . , r 0 . I 4 ??>+f ??? * I W W* i fA I I Funeral Directors and I; f Embalmers I MOTOR EQUIPMENT KSfe Dty Phones 144 and 84;. NigfetPfccne 9i It'..m*nm!^, ,, TAX NOTICE?lMf-ltM. Office ( the County TNannr et Itrk Omtj. NOTICE is hereby siven that the TAX-BOOKS tor York County will be opened on MONDAY, the 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1928, and will remain open until the 818T DAY OF DECEMBER, 1922, for the collection of STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL and I/VAT. TAYPfl f?> ?.?? ?? 1922, without penalty; after which day ONE PER CENT penalty will be added to all payments made In the month of JANUARY, 1923, and TWO PER CENT penalty for all payments made n the month of FEBRUARY, 1923, and SEVEN PER CENT penalty will be added for all payments made from the 1ST DAY OF MARCH, 1923, to the 15TH DAY OF MARCH, 1923, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into execution and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. All of the Banks of the county will offer their accommodations and facilities to Taxpayers who may desire to make use of the same, and I shall take pleasure in giving prompt attention to all correspondence on the subject. All Taxpayers appearing at my office will receive prompt attention. Note?The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about Taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Township? in which their property or properties are located. w HARRY E. NEIL, 4t Treasurer of York County. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS" Annual Meeting to.Re Held on Thursday, January, 4, 1923. PURSUANT to Statute, notice ifl hereby given to whom It may concern, that the ANNUAL MEETING ol the County Roard of Commlsslon-rs of York County will be held in ihe the Office of the County Supervisor in the Court House on THURSDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 192b, commencing uf 19 o'clock, a. in. Under Paragraph 1075, Section 4, of the Civil Code, all claims against the County not previously presented, nuist be filed with the Clerk of th? Board on or before January 1, 1923, ai d holders of claius will take not'ce that if the same are not presente.' and filed during the year is which they are contracted, or the year following, such claims will b? forever barred. All persons authorized vby law t< administer oaths are required tc probate claims against the County f-ee of charge. By order of the Board. HUGH G BROWN, SupervisorAnnie L. Wallace, Clerk. December 5. CALENDAR FORT MILL BAPTIS1 ' . CHURCH. Preaching every" Sunday morninj at 11 o'clock; preaching every firs< and third Sunday night; Sunda] School at 10 A. M. every Sunday. 1 special invitation is extended to al' visitors in town to come. SB MA. MM udtu uAica We have some real bargains in Used Cart that we can give liberal terms on. CfTYMOTQftCo. ROCK HILL, S. C. Opp, Pot toff ice. Phone 231 READ THE TIMES EVERY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS FORT MILL, S. C. j GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. A. C. LYTLE ... Mayor C. S. LINK Clerk A. L. OTT Police Judge DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. No. 81 Southbound 7:66 &. m. ' j No. 4 Northbound 8:80 a. it. I No. 113 Southbound..1121 a. m. ] No. 144 North bound.. 1A ^6 a. m. I No. 5 Southbound KrM n m No. 32 Northbound. ..*.6:88 p- m. MAILS CLOSE. For train No. 31 7:80 a. m. For train No. 82...:..6:10 p. m. i For train No. 6.: 6:10 p. m. For train No. 4 8:10 a. m* Note?No mail to dispatched on trains Sunday afternoons. 1 1 POSTOFFICE HOURS. Daily 7:46 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. , Sunday 7:46 to 9:80 a. m. S. w. PARKS, Postmaster. Women suffer store than men, sayt an exchange. It Is a pity that thai tray shoes that are too small. <* . r > > * -35 L- , . . ; . N. ?v~ 1KB IKiffiBJU. CAR Tr?i BSSiS^i.-^ f a n II iwnii^u w\r\ 4 % I i ^ I I I FREE FORD I TOURING CAR We Will Give Absolutely Free to One of Our Customers DECEMBER 1,1923, + ' ' A Brand New Ford Touring Car. [ For every dollar spent with us f % ; between now and that date, either for parts, accessories, work, in pay? ment of accounts or for subscription i! to the Dearborn Independent, we j will issue a coupon. Each coupon ! I *' * N w will bear the name of the person to whom issued and is to be deposited V' m m ** in a box at the Lytle Drug Store. i On December 1, 1923, the box will be opened and the first coupon drawn therefrom will bear the > name Of the person to be presented I with the car. | Give u. your patronage and at | the same time avail yourself of the i prospect of winning a brand new [ Ford Touring: Car without the cost j of even one penny. i 1 Heath Motor Company f . F0RT MILL, S. C. k | . * - > . *T?' . --- . # . 7 / / v' ^ : ~ .. ^ k '