mm\\^ ' i ?Ik V, ;; Item* oi iaterett An English couple, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chamberlain, who are traveling In this country, were recently the victims of a heartless practical Jok* on the part of an American whom tliry kntt on a train In (he We.?t. He told them that if they wlshe.1 to sou a topical frontier town they ought t.a stop at Denver. Upon his advice tbev purchased such luxuries as would be needed In that crude village, such ns a privuto bath tub, with alcohol lamp for h"uiing the water, etc. The wag informed J Mr. Chamberlain that guests at the Denver Hotel were supposed to wash In a tin basin on a bench in the back .yard. When he saw Denver he was astounded and, a3 he explained to the hotel mun the reason why he brought along the private bath tub. he was unable to stand the mirth of that gentleman or to fathom the motives of his Informant. Dr. Isauc L. Wood, of Plymouth, Mass., recently visited an agricultural fair at Kamloop-, Ilritish Columbia, and brought Lome with him two appl<.9 as samples of the ordinary fruit of that region. One of them measures fifteen and three-quarter inches in circumference. and weighs twenty-three ounces. The other is nearly as large. Dr. Wood aw at Kamloopa un apple which weighed twenty-nine ounces and which would have been snfllcent for a pie of the usual household size. The only time n man fuels that ha is too old to learn anything is when he is In the freshman class at college. 80. 48. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Hmdi^o Qci.mxi Tables. All druggists refund the money If it fnllsto euro. E. IV. Gbotr's signature on oach box 26c. __________________________ Some people are known by the company they keep, and others by the people they shake. Kvery nothrr Nhonld Have bottle of (iooseOrcnseLtiilment. ItcuresCronp muil Colds 1 ke magic and ad I nlns and Cuts. Widowers are peculiar. Some of them pine away, and others spruce up. DO YOU FEEL LIKE THIS? I I'en Picture for Women. " I am so nervous, there is not a , well inch in my whole body. 1 am ho t weak at my stomach and have indigestion horribly, nud palpitation of the heart, and 1 am losing flesh. Thin headache and backache nearly kills 1 me, and yesterday 1 nearly had hysterics ; there is a weight in the lower part of my bowels bearing down all the time, and pains in my groins and ! thighs; I cannot sleep, walk, or sit. |and I believe 1 am diseased all over; ilio one ever suffered as 1 do." This is a description of thousands of cases which come to Mrs. Pinkham'a attention daily. An inflamed and ulcerated condition of the neck of the Womb can produce all of these symp Mas. ,I(?iix Williams. V>ms, and no woman should allow herself to roach .such a perfection of misery when there is absolutely no J need of it. The subject of our [>ortrait in this sketch. Mrs. Williams of l?nglishtown, N.J., hus been entirely en red of such illness and misery by Lvdia K. I'inkhum's Vegetable Com* fiound, and the guiding' advice of Mrs. 'inlchnm of Lynn. Mass. No other medicine lias such a record for abajlute cures, and no other medicine is "just as good." Women who want a cure should insist upon getting' Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound when they for it at u store. Anyway, write a letter to Mrs. Pinkbam at Lynn. Mass., and tell her all your troubles. Her advice is free. eom roi'RSKfiiVRN. rosi bp u tions (icauahtam br Mom KU L, K? rvxKMKiH all R. It Foil Cg^n IF" i'A 11>. wntf guick & B gl KL_ M iii.mi Urn colibob, M tt KSa EBB Mhcou, Georgia. Kvery cotton planter should ^vrite forourvaluablc illustrated pamphlet, " Cotton Culture." It is sent fr?-e. Send It.inu- and address to GERMAN KAM WORKS, 9J Nassau St., N. Y. Dr. Bull's Cough Curn a couch or cold nt once #* a Conquers croup, bronchitis. I ^ grippe aud cousuuiptiou. 35c. J nDHDQV nf.w discovery,-*?#? % W O I quick relief anil cnia* ?. r?? R<> .k of last .moiiiaia a id lOdnts ticatineul ?'M1 ' ifjr H OKKKN ' IOII. I01 u Atuata. Oa ^rcc. ^ | | the t> v*v \mmmm jLi.' trotten Within Its Own CdiiIIiiim?Not I.egltlmntr Articles of Commerce ? Court Not rnaniitinm Washington, O. C. (Specinl).?Tlio Supreme Court of the United Stntes has derided that n State legislature may prohibit the sale or giving away of cigarettes, cigarette paper or substitute within the confines of Its own State. The case was that of William B. Austin, an agent of the American Tobacco Company, known as the Tobacco Trust, against the State of Tennessee. The Legislature of Tennessee had passed an act making it a misdemeanor, punishable by a line of not less than $.">0, "for any person, firm or corporation to sell, offer to sell or to bring in the State for the purpose of selling, giving away or otherwise disposing of any cigarettes, cigarette pai>er or substitute for the same." To test this law the Trust undertook to import cigarettes ' into Terjiessee from North Carolina. A quantity of ordinary packages, about two by four inches each, holding ten or twenty cigarettes, were thrown into baskets which were not covered. The State Supreme Court, In its decision, said: "Cigarettes not being, on account of their noxious and hurtful character, per sc. legitimate articles of commerce, and not having been declared such and commerce therein regulated by Congress, It was the right and duty of the State, under its reserved police powers, to pass the statute in question for the protection of the lives and health of its people until Congress shall take appropriate action in the matter. Also that the sale of cigarettes involved in this ease was not of an original package i that had been broken by the Importer, and therefore not protected by the commercial clause of the Federal Constitution." The Federal Supreme Court, five Justices to four, sustained the decision of the Tennessee Court, though not without disappro\ Ing some of the posit ious taken by the lower tribunal. Assoclj ate Justice Brown handed down the decision. Justice Sliiras read the dissenting opinion, in which Chief Justice Fuller and Justices Brewer and Peekham Joined, and Justice White placed nix assent upon grounds different from those announced by Jusllee Brown. SOCIETY FIREBUG INSANE. I'onng I)pnnl?toii M. Hell TiiUen to n New Yorlc Asylum. Newport, It. I. (Special).?Denniston M. Bell, the society llrebng. who Is now awaiting the net ion of the Brand Jury on the ehn!**e of arson, was adjudged insane, which decision will lie used in having the eases against him quashed in the Supreme Court. Experts on insanity linve been examining the young mail for several .lays, and as a result of this ex am I nation Dr. C. M. Bell, the boy's father, made a charge of Insanity and swore out the warrant against his son. It leelared the young man was of unsound mind and that lie must he placed under restraint and treatment. His father was allowed to take him to Hloouiiugdaie Asylum in New York City rather than committing him to the ltliodc Island institution. Several weeks ago the bath houses it Bailey's Bench were set on lire, and Bell was arrested as the guilty person. lie had been prominent in soclety, his father being *' wea'thv New Yorker. CHICAGO'S FPIDEMIC OF CRIME. IIiimlri'il* of Arrcut* Mntle nml More Men Added to tlio Force. Chicago tSpecial). The City Conn en uppropriaieu fUMWHi lor r_'l add Itlonal policemen in tin* crime infested districts. Four hundred arrests in thirty-six hours is the record of the t'hieago l'ollee Department since the dragnet was thrown out. There was not an unoccupied cell in any station in Chicago. Among the men in custody there are scores of old offenders, l'ickpockcis, highwaymen and burglars, with numerous aliases and known polhv records, were caught in the general round-up. There were no big raids to swell the list of arrests. The police from South Chicago to Evanston and tvest to the city limits were unusually ac;tlvo. "Arrest suspicious characters" was the order given tlieiu." TURKISH FORM OF CHIVALRY. l'nrty Caught In Storm Throw Children mill Women Overltonrd. Tendon (By Cable).?The Express publishes the following from Odessa: "A parly of thirty eight Turks, wishing to leave ltussin. secretly sailed at dead of night from Tscliuruksu to cross the Itlnck Sea. A storm arose and the boat tilled. "First the baggage was thrown overboard. Then the children, and finally the women were committed to the sea. "But this did not prevent the vessel from foundering, and all nerlshed save one lad, who el imp to the mast and was \Vushcd ashore." \>i?r'? Golil Output Over S'lO.l The year's gold output of Alaska. British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest was more than $20,000,000, I.? re IIIn Fortune to n Clerk. The will of W. 1>. Richmond, a tobacco dealer, who died at Williamsport. Penu., recently, bequeaths his entire fortune of $50,000 to T. Herbert Riley, who bis been a clerk in Mr. I Richmond's store for seventeen years. Mr. Richmond was unmarried, and had only one known relative, it brother. Two Children Mcpt Itorrlbb l>?-:?;h. Two little children of Rupert Fisher, | were burned to death in their father's bpuse, at Mnntou. Mich. ;?if CURES RHEUMATISM* OR CATARRH IN A DAY. TREATMENT FREE. B. B. B. ("Botanlo Blood Balm) cures the worst oases by draining the poison out of the blood and bones. Aches and pains in the bones or joints, swollen glands, droppings in the throat, hawking, spitting or bad breath, Impaired heating, etc., all disappear promptly and permanently. B. B. B. cures wbero all else falls. B. B. B. makos blood puro and rich. Druggists, tl. Treatment of B. B. B. sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., 3 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Oa. Describe trouble and Tree modlcal advlco given until cured. Medicine sent prepaid. 3000 testimonials of cures by B. B. B., so don't give up hope, but try Blood Balm. Tho fellow who eats with his knife must have a rather sharp appetite. Best For the Bowels, No matter what ails you, 'itadache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put rlgbt. Cascahsts help nature, euro you wuuoui ( grip* or pain, nroiuc* easy natural movements, cost you just 10 oentn to start gsttlsg your health back. Casoaebtb Candy Cathartlo, the genuine, put up la rastal boxes, every tablet ban C.C.C. stamped ou It, Beware of Imitations. Widow's weeds are often allowed to grow on a man's grave. Every mother Should Have bottle of MooseOroeaeLiBiracat. ItcuresCronp and Colds like magic and all fains an 1 i.uts. The novels of to-day seem to be either historical or hyfitericall. The Ileal E*reecrlptlon Hor Chill* and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chii.:. Tomic. It Is simple Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No pay. Price 115c. Ii'b a wise husband who allows his "wife to engage his typewriter. Happiness cannot be bought, but one ot the great hindrances to Its attainment can be removed by Adams' Pepsin Tuttl Frutti. Some people boast that they pay as they. go. hut when they register at a hotel without baggago they have to pay as they cf>me. Sweat and fruit ncids will not discolor goods dyed with Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Sold by uP druggists. The poets who do the most posing are not Poes. Curler1* l*k la used by mllUnns, wliich in a sure proof of lt? quality. Send for free booklet. "Inklings." Address Carter's Ink Co., HosViii, Moss. I,ote of girls who-do fancy work don't fancy work. tso. 48. Every Tlothcr Should Have bott'eof (Joo"c<;rcaseLiniment. ItcuresCroup and Colds like :n?-.:lc and all Pains and Cuts. Mr. George Craven, who has just died at Rochdale, England, in his 93rd year, had voted in every electon In that city since it first secured Parliamentary representaton In 1832. Earlier still h was an active worker for the Reformers in Lancashire County contests and he rode on horseback from Ro lulale to York In 1831 to vo:e for Ixrrd Drough- ] am. A 'ravellnR salesman In each southern state; $."><) to Mr*. Wlnslow'sHootlilng Hyrup for chl >dr*n trethlng, aoflnnH the kiwiib. reduceslullanitunllon, allays pain. euro* wirni colic. 26c.abottle. low's 'I'llis ? Weoffcr Our Hundred Dollar* Reward for liny ra e of Catarrh that cannot b? cured by 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CflKNKY A Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, ilio undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney tor the la-t 15 years, and believe him per- j fei tlv honorable In all uusincan ti nuvartfi>n< and financially able to carry out uny obligation m de by their firm. l\'r?T & Till! a x. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, j Oh o. Wai.iuno, Kinna* A Makvis, Wholesali Itruggists, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's ('utarrli Cure is luken internally, net. j Ing dir. ctly ii(M>ii the bl(H>d and mucous stirtares of the system. Price, ".V. po- bottle. Sold j by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills aro the host. European School Gardens. In a special report recently published by the State department are given facta and figures about the European school gardens. They are In successful operation in France. Germany. Switzerland, i Austria and Helgium, and all have I proved of great value. The pupils re- j celve instruction in planting, pruning, and the caro of trees and shrubs, the preparation of soils and the growing of farm products. In addition to such instruction the course in somo of the schools includes tuition In dairying, both practical and theoretical. The school gardens are considered as parts of the system of agricultural or farm schools, which are maintained by the various governments. All the govery ..... j luiciosieu in mo intension of the scientific knowledge of farming, especially the (lormau and French. There are in France thrAe fully equipped farm schools, which are defined as "farms conducted with skill and profit on which apprentices chosen from tho working classes and admitted free of expense shall do all the work, receiving at the same time remunerations for their services and an agricultural education essentially practical." Theory, however, Is not neglected and the course of study includes thorough instruction iu tho science of farming. miiw/ i H < * .ram __*** will Ii 11 physical attraction is J ['3 secondary to it. We i have a book we will 3 |J gladly send you that y\ [I tells just how to care ? J i?3 # i > EL lor ine nair. |i ^ ;If your hair Is too fj b HdJ r I vigor II Growth-becomes f f J vigorous and all dan- j // druff is removed.' 1 |l It always restores ^ If color to gray or faded \\ hair. Retain your |J youth; don't look old '? before your time. I1 V SI.00 bottle. All drugglata. Kj Pi "I have nseil your Hair Vigor gJ c 1 now for about W years and I have f A I / found it sjdcndid'nnd satisfactory [ 1 I Ml In every way. I believe I have rccomniondecf this Hair Vigor to *W \ * hundreds of my friends, and they il nil tell the same story. If any- Fl fa 1 l>ody wants tlio best kind of a Hair rj j fc J Vigor I shall certainly recommend Vi T/ to them just as strongly as I w? can that they get a bottle or Ayer's J I'M Mrs. X. K. H a nit.Toy, ItJ If Nov. 28,1893. Norwich, N. Y. 11 | J Wrtto tho Doctor. J g If you don't obtsln all the beneflti Ifl f & yon nomr'o from the use of tho Vigor, mm | I write tho Doctor ubout It. Address, F a LJ Uu. J. C. AYk'R, || Lowell, Mast. , I J SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES: A big lot taken in exchange for tho"Ollver" which we areeloslng nut cheap Ask for agency term* on the ''OI.IVIiH." We want air* od representative In your soctlon and you ran sell some machines. J. ii. CRAYTON, (len'l Agent, .4 N UKRSON, ft. C. rnrr pi sis li; r ntfe huN JKt'JIr /- A T" A I AftlfO >9 m|?- ir w -"v l . % L.v/viu 133 ^>a?e8,>^orrKlrr ^^ysETa, s sixes, ' y^roBnlL^j^^y OivMwii AS, Sewing Machines. V^^/SCHMELZER ARMS CO., WmHarei'I uansah CITY, MO, Lurantt SDortlnfrr CoocJa llouau in America. !jn (fj 5?Z3 &L\ STOPPED FHEE PI C4 Permanently Cured bj M ^DR. KLINE'S QREAf 0 3 fcS NERVE RESTORER E" ^mr k lt aflrr 0rJl , u? Ccn**ltmti~n. p*r-oiml fir mail; "?() sho,f? in the nnrltl. Wo mnUe ami moII nioro ft;) mill 33.BO shoes t hun any other two mnmifart nri'i-s In the U U. T:i* ropiitnttoii of W. 1.. fJPQT Dough, $.1.00 ami I :.S0 ahrr, for HCQT JjflO I tlvle. comfort, soil w??rt? know n LJtOl everywhere throughout the woild. CO They hereto wlvr better aatiafar- ,u, u. ? I r.n.1 ?.1 M hoci are ?r>M than any other ineke ia beceuie 'I'll kY A K K Til K lYKH'T. > our dealer ahould keep them i we giro one dealer excluaive aule in cerh town. Tukr no aultatlhilr! linlti on bavin* W. I,. Dotiglaa ahoee with name end price stamped on bottom. If your dealer will not get them for you. send direct to factory, vneloatt>g price and ?Jc eatra for carriage. Ptate kind of leather, aire, nnd width, plain or cap toe. : Our ?h~( ast erery day; work 1 SO liauds. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SI PPL Y COMPANY, Augusta, - - Georgia. Attention t* facilitated tf too mentioa this pajivr wliun writing' ?d v?i Ustu r. So.43 rawres?? rr"j r?' nompt and Sure. pver gripes and obtains better results R lown. velous, its efTect immediate. cure constipation anil biliousness so solutcly uo discomfort ns fadi j&rcos IttsSM ftti on ariaing in the morning, al wholesale grocer In tne world aells It. ID I SIC I-**11"' witl> uLUlL Keil Centre Panel. ?PAS SAXt.RIINr.R. 130 Fulton St.. N. Y. t?-.-d j?i- war,' rv -w, . ~ vae-: jfrJ j 'ITesTFTTH ITJiLOGUZ FREE Chester Rifles, Shotguns, anil Anrcmitlon 5* Don't delay if you are interested. EATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, CON*. Do Aaiauns Set Pictures ? The question whether dumb nnl-j rials have any appreciation of pictures lriH occupied the attention of a grout i many naturalists. Careful observa- I tlons have shown the animals of many species do at least recognize pictures of themselves and other animals. Alexander von Humboldt showed his little tame Orinoco monkey some colored pictures of wasps and grasshoppers. The monkey made a grab for the insects with both hands, with the 'evident intention of cutPMng and eating them. Birds certainly recognize their reflections in mirrors. A tame starling which was allowed to fly at will about the house always perched on the tu ble of a pier glass autl sang his song to ills counterfeit nresentment Cats ami chamois also recognize their reflected linages. The behavior of dogs when brought before a uiirror varies greatly with the Individual. Some dogs show violent antipathy for the image, while others rub their noses against them. The behavior of dogs toward pictures is sometimes amusing. A rat t terrier that found its way into an art gallery in Seliwerln was seared out of its wits by a life-size painting of a large dog. The terrier howled with fright, and ran incontinently out of the room. A hound that wandered into the studio of y.ggena. in Munich, ran yeljeing around a large picture of a medieval hunting scene and made frantic but fruitless efforts to join the pack of hounds on the canvas.?Philadelphia Press. Althougn *:ie type of typhoid fever Is us severe in England as it ever was, the death rate during the last twenty five years lias been diminished 50 per cent. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Tims at Jacksonville and Savannah.' Enateru Time at Other Point* Schedule in Effect M.v f.ilt 1000 NOUTH BOUND. ^iOu,5, Lv. JncksbnvTfuTTP. S)~ ~~~ H UUu ?~4ip! " Savannah (So. Ry ) 12 16p 120.%L " Barnwell 4 02p 4 ooi Blnclcville 4 Kp 4 15%) " Springfield 4 40p 4 ;wa! . Roily 4 4?p 4 47a: A r. Columbia . OOOp flOoa' Lv. Charleston, (So lly "Tuor 1 loop " Sntn-tervillo 7 41u l.'OOot " Branchvtllo 8 55a 1 55td " Orangeburg u 23a 2 6va " hiiigville 13 15a 4 30a Ar. Columbia . . . 11 00a 5 56a' Lv August*. ( So Ry. ) ^ToOa 300p 9K0p! Lv. Oranitevdlo . 2 4.1a| 331p 10 13p{ Lv. ICdge tie Id . . I TTop Lv Aiken . ) jjv><>p ..... Lv. Trenton i>o,.ti,Tuup iToiip lohnHtou . 5 Ala 4 l4p 11 20p Ar. Columbia, (IJ. D.) 55 m 2 10a Lv. Columbia. (Bldg St UCOn Ol'tp 8 16a1 Wlutiaboro TiXlp 7 2oa " Chester 7 5lp 8 l^al " Hoch Hiu 8 5?p 8 4?i Ar. Charlotte . ._. - u lOp 9 40a, Ar Danvilie . 7 . '.liftin Htsp A r. Richmond . tfoon tiTftp A r. Washington 7 3onl~830p Baltimore (Pa.RR) 0 12a IV26p " Philadelphia 11 3.'?| 2 :*la >ew York.. 2 03p ti 1:1* Lv. Columbia 1140a 7*532 Ar. Spartanburg 8 lop 11 26ai " Ashevilln 7 15,, > 5jp Ar. Knowtllo 4 15a 7 2Up Ar (Jmnliniuil . . ~ " 7";iop 7 ^ Ar Louisville" I " Tihip ~7 fiii aouTH IIOIINU. i mYju?' f?0;,80' m0?5 _ !,,x DailyjDaily Lv. Lon'svi'l,. . ... ~~ TtSu 7 4Ap Lv. Cincinnati . 8 .Kin 8 00p Lv. Knoxvuio T?ia~S"23t? Asbuvillo HWiI ;i?5p Spurtunburg 11 46a 6 lap Ar. Columbia .... <120,, 9450 ^oPk(Ha.K.ll) UiJOp 12ISoi I htlndelphla fl0.>p 3 50a " Baltimore 8 27p C 22a Lv. Washi'gt'n (So Ry> _ ?!sop u i.\* f v Richmond 11 iXJp lWni Hv Uanville .. .......... ... .. 4?ia Ttip Lv. Charlotte 815a iouTp Hook Hill U 02a IQ 45p .. 0 3SaU25p \yinnsboi o 10 21a 12 13* Ar. Columbia. (Bids St OUOp 11 25a 120a Lv. Columbia. (U. I).)... . ...11-jOa ? 30a ' .lohnston 10a0p liWp 0 32a "ronton . 11 Uup 1 45p f, 48a Ar. Aiken -2 2up ffaoS Ar. Edgefield _ 4 25pll3tla Ar. Granitovillo ... f$)0nt ~2l5p 7 18a Ar. Augnata ....... *1 00a 250p 8 00a Lv. Columbia (So. lty ) 4 00p 136a KinRvtllo 4?lp 2 32a Orangeburg 5B3p 3 45a Brnnclivlllo 6 15p 4 25a " Suimnervlilo 7 28p 5 ,"?2a Ar. Charleston g l;-,p 7 ,jQa Lv. Columbia (S3TUy7) .... lTiioi T~25a Ar. Sally 12 42p 2 37a .. 12 sop 2 46a Blockvillo 1 I2p 3 0T?a Hnrnwoll 1 27p 3 20a " Savannah a A)p 5 15a Ar. Jacksonville (P. S,). 7 40p 0 25a 1 rotuH 43 And 44 (mixed except Suuiluyl arrive and depart from Hamburg. 4Daily except Sunday Sleeping Cur Service. Excellent daily pnsftenger aervieo between Florida and New York. Nob. 33 and 34-Now York And Florida Exproxx. Drawing-room sleeping corn between Anguxta and Now York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars betwren Port Tampa. Jacksonville, Savannah, >4 nohlngton and New York. I'unmnn sleeping earn between Charlotte rind Richmond I lining car* between Charlotte ?n 0pp. U. S. Patent Offiw. WASHINGTON, D. C.$ * L l\ i