XI \ 7 - COLORADO'S BURNiNG MOUNTAIN. ft Mas Bcca On Fire for Over * Hundred Year?. A mountain, which has been 011 tire Tor more tlian one hundred years, is shunted just west of here. > p. in. at this time of the year, and yet the people hereabouts think no more of 'I tbnti of the beautiful tSrand river which washes the feet of the huge pile where the Are lias burned so long. To the tenderfoot, however, the glittering patches of deep red tire, where it breaks out on the side of the niouu tain, nud is exposed to view, there is nothing in all lids state quite its equal, 'l'he tire Is fed by a big vein of coal Which t l?i? imiitiit'llii . iiiitnltiu lit?t lm..i i the coal became ignited 1h not known. The oldest resident says It was on tire when lie came liere. and the t'te In/ dlnns, who once lived in this section, say it was hunting many years before the tlrst while man crossed the continental divide. The supposition is Hint the coal was ignited by n forest tire at an early date in the present century. It hus smoldered uud steadily bunied until this day. At night. when the inoon is dark, is the best time to see the tire. Then it is that it resembles the regions of inferno as given us in tin? word pniutlug of l>unte. The earth covering the coal is loosened by the heat and falls away, exposing the Klieot of lire. The escaping gas probably assists in stripping off tin* rocks and dirt, uud wherever the vein of coal approaches the surface the tire can lie seen. The lirst tire I saw was fully r?(? feet square. It had a peculiar red tint, while the burning gus coining up at the base of the coal vein added a bright blue coloring to the scene. In many places the surface of the mountain has sunken, showing where the lire lias burned out It a course. Efforts have been made to extinguish the tire, .some time ago a coinpaiiy which owns a large amount of fr??l In ml I.~ ...I > - . ? ... .? > ..in-i iii i?-w ii ii11cu i r j ] constipated. 4 4 There's an old and reI able cure: PilltS 4 < Don't take a cathartic *4 dose and then stop. Bet- .4 ter take a laxative dose \ 4 each night, just enough to t cause one good free move- < 4 menr the day following. < You feel better the ^ k 1 v^rv npvt *!?.. - r j t i ? ; ? ?*?? uu) . iUUI I ? I Ll ?PPetite returns, your p I ' L ^ dy*PePsia is cured, your M K, j headaches pass away, EA' r <4 your tongue clears up, L pJ vour liver acts well, and < your bowels no longer r give you trouble. ^ r . Price, 25 cents. All * VI * T ' I hare takwj Ayv'i Mil# for as 4 4 **rn,anri I consider than the best ^ V made. One pill does one mere rood# . jr J tbAA half a box of any other klftd * L^t bavoovor triad." W k] Mrs M. K.Talbot, ' i March SO, 1989. Arrin#ton, Kan*. W lis? oVArZiS! Thontpsss's En Wsler % MAYOR FLOOD ABRESTEE Elmira's Executive Accused of Forgery by a Youne: Woman. HE iS HELD IN $10,000 BAIL MImh I.ooiiIi-, Win. Hum l(ct>ii ('on vii-t.-il unit ScnlciKTil For Forgery, Sulil t convicted of forging transferred real estate in litis city owned by ,\!iss Margaret (5. Kennedy, of liinghan.'. it. to Miss I.oonie. After they had been tiled Miss I.oonie obtained it loan of S'J.titht on the property from the Fltuira Savings Hank. The forgery was brought to light when Miss Kennedy called tit 'lie otllee of a local insurance company to renew policies on the buildings. Then site was told by lite agent that she did not own the property, it having been transferred by her to Miss i.oonie. Miss Kennedy ai once iiisthnti>?i no investigation, which resulted in Miss Looule's arrest. She tinnlly made :i confession to J>istriet Attorney Ahlrhlge. in wliieli. it was said, sl.e implicated .Mayor Flood 11 the crime. When brought into the County Court she pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to four years ami nine months in Auhurn prison. Site was to lave been taken there .Monday, hut I. J. llassett. an attorney, acting for Alderman Francis MeC.ann. of the Fourth Ward, obtained from Judge Charles It. l'ratt. a writ of habeas orpus for Miss Loonic. She then was aken before Recorder lhinaher. and was examined with regard to her afblavit and confession in tb<> hands of he District Attorney. Site reiterated his testimony, and signed each page >f It. Flood is forty-nine years of age. has i wife and two daughters, and is one if the most successful physicians in he eity. lie was at the last municipal 'lection, elected Mayor over former Mty Chamberlain F. F. Randy, who s now serving a sentence in Auhurn .U'ison for embe'///.ling about !?St),OlMl of he city's funds. 3ANK DEFALCATION DISCOVERED. tlemlici* of a Niinliville I'irin ConfrMC* CoIIiihIoii Willi a llool. iiri'pi'r. Nashville. Tetin. (Speciall.- Willi the tsslgnmeiit of Conner & ltrady, wellftiown wholesale grocers, a defalcation, in which the first National Rank >( this city is affected, is brought to Iglit. The amount involved is $.~ii;., mi the bank otlielals wi l lose nothing. Will I.ee, the iudivi rial bookkeeper, i man of forty, who hud lived a life in V'nsliY ille apparently of exemplary *111 bits. It'll here liist .luiy. Tlit' bank tibials became aware of tin* perulaions, ami, from what ran br learned ooked at tiller to bee's bnndsmcp. lie ivns nrvrr bronchi bark, ami the af 'air was liuslit'tl up. Tilt' investigations wolf ipiirtly coll* iiiui't! Itrnd.v bus confessed that tlir irfuiirt linn's accounts furnished thr way by whieh thr iiiiliviiluai liookowprr tlrfrautlt'd I hp bank. The bank hiuks I'rndy was thr only member of lie lifin criminally liable. ANNUAL TREASURY REPORT. t Surplus of *?0,A?7.04I0 in I In- I nn n*enl Tenr. Washington, I?. ('. (Spreiali. Thr animal report of the Treasurer of the I'niteil States. Kills 11. Huberts, on thr operations ami eoailitions of the Treas try. was submitted to Secretary tinge* The nri ordinary revenues of the 'iovertiineut for the fiscal year were fitiT.'Jbi.H.VJ, thr largest In the history 'f thr country, exceeding those of 1N00. the next highest, by s-tT.'jol .'Jsm. The inereasr of $."?1.'JSO.'JTJ over the preceding year was enntribuieti from all the general sources, but chletly from customs and Internal revenues. Oil the shir of the expenditures there was a net increase of $1 I7.T"x.;;sn. in comparison with 1R00. so that the deficiency of SMP.11l.oOO for that yeat was eonvtrteil into a surplus of S7P.* ?_ i .mm in r,Mf. Montunu I'm*# ( nptnrfi m fW>?p?rario. After a running flght. during which three deputy-sheriffs were wounded. Sheriff Kellogg and a posse captured a desperado who robbed and probably fatally shot Frftuk Beaver, near Ix>gan, and then killed SberlflT Young, and wounded four deput'es who attempted to arrest blurt at Sprlugdale, !Moot. None of the deputies wounded are fatally hurt. l'lagiu- 1Urirodooe easy natural moverpents, cost ypu uat 10 canta to start getting your health iaak. Cascabkts Candy Cathartic, the genuine, pat up In metal boxes, every tablet hes O.C.O. stumped on It. Beware of Imitations. Senator Hoar told tho Smith college girla the otheo- day that the angola of glory couldn't compete with tnem In a beauty show. And tho dear rreature3 no doubt ntidged and whispered: 'Isn't he a sweet old caramel?"?Denver Post. Indigestion ie a had companion. Got rid of ft by chewing u bar of Adams' Pepsin Tuttl i'rutti after each meal. Tbe men of most means aro the meanest of most men, somotfmes. FITS permanently cured. No tlta or narvousnet? after first day's use of L)r. Klln?'i (irotl Nerve Kestorer.82 trial bottle and trentbefree Dr. N. if. Ki.IKK. l,td..lK>l Arch St. Phil*. 1'*. Tub bald-headed roiu may console himself by the fact that ho was born thai way. Tiia Ileal Proscription For 4'lillla and Fever Is a bottle of Gaove's Tastm-ess ('an.:. Tomc. It Is simple iron and ipiiuino in a tnsieleks form. No cure,uo par. Price 25c. Perhaps they call thorn department stores because the shoppers never want to depart. Hoke Smith, of Atlanta, hag present -d traveling libraries to fourteen counties In Georgia. The hooks aro intended for the school children and are ft) make the circuit of the schools. Wanted. A traveling salesman In each southern stale: 950 to OO pur month and traroMnx expenses; expei lelie- not absolutely necessary Add! ?es l'eulcks Tobacco Works Co.. Pcutcks, Va. Speaking of Hie effect of civilization upon the Indians, the wealthier tnem hers of tbe tribes in the territory arc sending their cliiloreu to Haskell in stitute lu special cars. Ili-ware i?? OIntmerit* (or 4'ntnrrli 1'lmt Contuln Vlerc?irjr. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of mall and complete! v derauKU tfiewhole system when enter! ug It through the mucoussurface*. Such articles should never bo used except on proscription* from reputable ph\ slcluus. us tho aamaRethcy will do is ten fold to the good you ran pussibl) derive from them. Hall's t atiirrli t'ure manufactured by F. .1. Cheney A Co., nTTailo. t?.. roanUM no niurenry, and is t iiken internally. ai tini: directly upon flu- blood urn! uiurmiA surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's < lit urrh i nrc l>o sure to get tbo genuine. It is taken Internally, ami is made in Toledo, Ohio, l>y F. J.< beney <* t o. Testimonial* tree. |y"Sold by Druggiwtn; prlre, TV. |wr bottle. Hall's Family Pllla are the beat. less girl into the thoughtful v on the watch day aud night, well-being of her daughter, s children also. When the young girl's th she experiences heaclaches, di; an abnormal disposition to slc< limbs, eyes dim, desiro for s society of other girls, when s! friends, then*the mother shoul Isuch a time the greatest aid ham's Vegetable Compoi system for tho coming chan;* tnis hour of trial. The following letters fron of Mrs. Pinkham's efficient ad Mi9S Good asks Mr; " T>kab Mrs. Pinkuam:?I hav< time with my monthly periods bcinp it. and put. mysolf in your care, for month menstruation would hecoino 1 for six months. and now it has stopy ou? and of a very bud color. 1 am i work R E. Pinkhara' M < y just simply ^ work is now j*?ur modici ^ 7M1 would use yc A/^'v 11 'P8S suffrrin ^fftrkXlK ;i A T relief I haro EmIE?5l c?K $5000 SB m-M y^JB mJ0 testimonial i ^ writer's special ttitif tfiiriiirf^ V > :. Lj. ' ):.? . ' J 1 What a Wife Did. "Pooh!" said a mail iu an omnibus, ns'he ami other business men were 011 thoiv way to the city, "my wife is the most methodical, careful, neat woman you ever saw. It is all nonsense foi u woman to let a bouse run into tils orderly ways. You ought to see how my wife does things." "Well, of course, that Is all very 1 well in theory." responded another, [ "liut the best housekeeper gets be- j hind, or something, sometimes." > "My wife never does. She is always the same. She keeps everything in lirst- class order." 'She must be a verv remarkable per- ! ! son," said another man. "How long 1 have you been married7" "Ten years. And she has never I dl-appoinUd me. Why. gentlemen. she always nuts everything iu the sumo place. and you know just whore | lw tiii 4. iiidr of the Souih Is an iadisprnsubln companion totlie traveling man and an acknowledged need of the man 01 business. Tbc price Is 25 cents. Issued bv Watts Publishing I'onipnuy, Atlanta. for Consumption Is an infill*. ; l?l?* iiK-iiiciur or <'oii?1is and culiln. N. Sauuku Ocviiii 11 rove. N. J.. Feb. IT. li*W. Mrb. Wl nslow'sSoot hinir Syrup for children trotliinK, eoftrna the gams, roilucesluflamtnfi( lion. allay it twin, cures vriuil folic. 2&c.a bottle. 11 11 '%t^IW$MsEk ill f^)ri^lion of vital value to her littir is a precious legacy, and o is largely in tho hands of the ?ige that develops the thoughtIonian should find the mother 8 As she cares for the physical I 0 will the woman be, and hor I oughts become sluggish, when I zziness, faintness, and exhibits I *p. pains in the back and lower I olitude, and a dislike for the ! fie is a mystery to herself and I d go to her aid promptly. At to nature is Lydia E. Pinkuml. It prepares the young e. and is the surest reliance in 1 Miss Good are practical proof vice to young women. Pinkhum for Help. .Tunc 12th. 1R09. c been very innoh bothered for some irregular. I will tell you all about I have heard so much of you. Each ess and less, until it entirely stopped >ed again. I have become very nerii voting girl and have always had to nrd. I would be very much pleased If 11 me what to do."?Slt I'M V f I'AUI. Kliuli giving IUD experience KiJ ol u practical Poultry linlmr?not /j i f >n amateur. Uut u man worktop ,/ v ,or dollar* ?>i1 i rata?.luring AS f ^ \i Mil. It lini'lin how to D?t?ai J glut Guru l>lni-?eH. I'rol for &Kgi i also for fattening: which FoirlnO 1 ?' Ji?*r tor MrrcdUig; cvcrjUiInx r* 1 1 ijutaitefor prolltalUc Poultry rala1.1 m*. iit>t11\ riiHi.isiliNu CO. 131 I.Mnaril ft I root, .Sew York. nDADCV NEW DISCOVERT; ris? W M fx I I -In ek rr'iaf aud car** waul num. llo .? f trwlimonmis anil 11) ?1 n > ?' tJ eat man* IVre. Dr. H H OBtEK 8 BOH*. Box ?. AtUala, Oa. ATTKN'I lOA ir facilitated if you mention this paper when ? ruing adverttaera. So. 4 7 ni>?t Coitjih Syrup. Tost on Good. Use TPd^ ~ Reason why |p | HP we get so 1 ,,v manv orders 1 * Engines, Boilers, Saw mils, Orisl Mills, Brick Haclilnery. Ciinnlng Mach inerv, Machinery Appurtenances and ! Supplies in (Jsneral is " E A SY." I noen id neeu, itrop us u line anil wo will do the rest. A car load of the celebrated "Sprinkle" Wood Split l'ulleya just In. W. H.GIBRES & CO., ( OM11RIA, *. AW MILLS, CORN MILLS, CANE MILLS, RICE HULLERS, PEA HULLERS, ENGINES. BOIL! ERS, PLANERS AND MATCHERS, SWING SAWS, RIP SAWS. and all other kinds of wood working machinery. Aly Sergeant Log Ileum Saw >1111 Is the heaviest, strongest, and most efficient j mill for the money on the market, quick, ; accurate. State Agent for 11. 15 Smith Machine Conn-any wood working machinery. ( For high grade engine", plain slide valve. ! Automatic, and Corliss, writ" me: Atlas, Watertown, aud Htrutliers ?V Wells. V. C. RADII AM. Alain Street, COLUMBIA, S. C, \a world without ^ M L/5/C OR < i ANS $35.0o UP. PIANOS $175.00 UP. ffT Writ* for C*lnlo|>nr and Term? AddrrM, M. A. MALONE, Columbia. S. C. RAM'S HORN BLASTS?? HE man who ask* God for bis dally bread will not ^te ought to he out In the field at He who- lets tho ofierlng basket gt? by may have less rouse to blush than he who tries to make a nlck'-i ring like a dollar. Men of the slrongeet denominational convictions often ore found feeling for the smallest denomination in their poeketpockets at the eollootion. A doctor's hood will do a fool no good. A collection is often a selection of diminutives. The world is a hotel and not a home to the Christian. There is no breath perfume like heavenly con vet sntion. Kxpan.-ion in soul is one of the laws of the leaven of Christ. The good seeds that fail of fruit are but a reproach to the soil. A man uni t be great in soul before God rcn give him great service. On the Delectable mountains the higher you go the less the frost and snow. Helping others is the best self-help. Priest and pastor are far from synonyms. If you give the d vil nothing to dovour he will soon depart. The sale on is the devil's bank. Wild i a-s will yield wheat. Hell is to see heaven but not get it. A cocked hat just fits a lop-sided brain. Hypocrisy is treachery coated with .*es portability. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time ?t .lurksonvllle and Savatitiah.l Eaitcrn Timo at Otbar Point# ScbodiUem Effect blgy Cth. 1000. , _ No,tT"BouNp- ||| ^5| Lv .Uckaonvlllc .(P. 8) S~3i>a Tito " Savannah (So. Kv ) lilftp 12 OSbj " Bnrijwoll io?p 4 OOal Black villa ?Kp tj.lv Springflvld 4 40p 4 38a! . ?"l'y 4 4Sp 4 47a Ar. Columbia aoOp ft 00a Lv. Charleston, (So Ky y (Jua 11 00l> " Sumrtirrvltlo 7 41n J2u0ot' " Brnuchvllln 8 5oa 1 Mai Orangeburg 0 23a 2 50a King villa jOjja 4 80a Ar. Columbia 1100a 6 Ma Lv. Augusta. (So lty"? rTuOa SOUu pftup1 Lv. ilrannavillu .. .. 2 43a yulpioiSp' Lv. Edgefield ~~ T~7 TT5p .... Lv Alkcn 3 30p Lv. Trenton "ft in* VbOp 11 00p, .'ohnatou .. . ft &>n 4l4pU20p Ar. Columbia. (U. D.) 5 50p 2 10a Lv. S?lumbia. (Bldg It 0 30a 0 lOp 6 ISV ' .. Xvn"8boro ??lP ChcHlor 7 Mp 8 I'M A 8 29^ 8 47a Ar. Chnrlrtlte .... mop 040a ArD.inyilli* ,. iTSIo TSp Ar. jtn'li'inonrl . . . .. | . . " ITuilTa? Ar. Washington 7 U5? TflOP t!u!tlTV0irc? ,lFa Rrt) i lis l?ifip Philadelphia 1130a 2 54a _ N"w Vork. _ 2 (Xlp ft 13a Lv. Colombia !.. 11 40ai 7 A.r Spartanburg aiop'll 25a A she villa 715p.2 60p Ar. KnPKvUle r. 4 lfcu 7'Alp I Ar. CirioinnnM . .. . ~|. TSiplTS! Ar. liouisvillo . ....... .... 7 80 p! ? itJuk lH?' ^1 Vn SftlVo M *?M iniKM-M>. 311*01 K 1 oilu *>a"y lv. Louisville . .. "fiSS J 4flp Lv. Cincinnati *. "m :ihu 8U0p I Lv. Knoxvilie | aiii TTiSi " Asheville 8 0H? aoap " Spartanburg 11 15a fi lRp I Ar. Columbia 3 a>p o 43p Lv Now\orUTPSTTi.ll) " 880p !216oi Philadelphia flOSp a SO? " Haiti more . .. 8 27p 0 22? Lv. \Vivnht'gt'n (So Hy) _ 930p H 1S? i Lv. Richmond " . ~m.. TT5op l'SjlrS ' Lv Danville , .. 4 :saa ~&153 I Cr. Charlotte V 15a lSTSJp Roel< Hill 0 04a l0 4.au ' Cheater p 35a 11 25p i " Winnaboro 10 21a 12 15a Ar. Columbia. (BlclrSt HKip 1125a 1 2Ua I Lv. Columbia. (U. p.) It&Oa 4 UGa . Johnson lOitOp 1 33p 6 32? Trenton 11 00p 1 *5p rt 4ha \ Ar. Aiken ~ .~T~~. TSm ffiSi ' Ar. Kdyertehl j 2Sp \] i)? ArOrnnitmnlle .. fiOOnt TlVp 7 18a Ar Augusta .. . MOOa 21jOp ? 00? Lv. Columbia (So. ky) 4~55f> 1 06a .. K?nRvil!i? 4 48p 2 82a 1 .. Ornnaclmrg 583p 3 45a brniicjivilla G 15p 4 25a a ?? ,"?v"'* ' 7 23p 6i2a 1 Ar. Charloston , 8 I5p 7 00a AV R7"I 1100a 1 25a V 2*L'7 ? 12 421.; 2 87a .. Hprlngflohl 12 SOp! 2 45a Blackvtlle 1 12pi 3 06a Barnwell , ^{,1 3 aia Suvaniuh 320p 515* Ar. JackaonvMla (p S.) 74trp'025a I ruins 43 ami 44 (mixed except Sunday 1 "iiili1"1 depart from Hamburg. rDnlly except Sunday Sleeping; Car Sorvico. 'lally pnisenger service between Honda and New York. n?rS" n Ulll}'!4 Vorlt mid Ploritla Kxprens. Draw log-room slceptug earn between Auguatn and New York, Pullman drawing.room sleeping cars be ween I ort fumpii. Jacksonville. Savannah. V. ashlngtnn and New York. Pullman slneying cars botwecn Charlotte a id Ki'-hmond pining cars between Charlotte ana Savannah. ?JIOf|.35wU- s* Knst MaU- Through tollman rtrnwing-rooni bu'fet sleeping cars between Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping ears bet ween Aimnata 1.mi eti... lotto. Dining earn sflrvfl nil inonlt enroutn. Pullnino Hlci-plng cars between Jacksonville and Columbia enrouta daily between Jacksonville unci Cincinnati, via Aaneville. PRANK S. GANNON. J. M.CULP, Third V P & lion. Mar.. Truffle Mir.. Washington, I? C. Washington. 1) ti W A TURK. R. H.HARDWICK. (ian. Pan* Ar'1.. As't l4?-n. Pans. Avj't.. Waahiuulou. 1). C. AliUlU.Oa in^nrcna ' ? promptly procorad. OR NO r22. Send mr.d?l. sketch Jfc 32 ?r photo for Ire* report on patentability. Book "Hew1!/ wtnOhuill'.S and Foreign PatanMnndTradt-Mnrka/ sj) 3) FREE Falreat terina arer ?lf'r?d to inreatnujVj 3) PATENT LAWTIHB OF 26 YKARfl' PRACTICE Yl S) 20,000 PATENTS PR0CURE0 THROUGH THEM. ? V| All tiuatueaa confidential. Bound adrioo. Faithfhinil kSaorvioo. M'/dorato char (tea ff |W^C. A. SNOW & CO.| PATENT LAWYERS, (8 V 0pp. U. S. Patent Office. WASHINGTW^O^gl ^