v he ;pxi iitfiU 2imw. I UDLI3TIHD WEDNTODAYS. v/m. n. F?r;AproRD. fc'ubs*"ipUo:i '4>ri vj ?1 per year. Coivo.ana;'." "l" s on <-in* rent sfibi'.uits is Invited, i?at wo ilo nor airree to publish c ?;v.iunniCittions eontaiuve; irovo than :?:>?> words, and ikt responsibility is nsRamed for '.ho views of e.orr spondents. As tin ndvei'i.isinj: medium for t hnrloUe, Finwillo. Fort Mill, ntnl Rock J li 11 biL-iiu ss Won<08Tiro Toi::- is uns;vVvisaod. Rates mudo Icatiwu oil application to the pn'oiisher. ^ luteal Telopuoii" No. ?0. il AY do, 1 The history of the Neoly Havana post-ollice robbery, wiilt its far reaching ramitieations, Mtggests the pr 'position thai the Mc Kin ley administration has netor, sin ? its inauguration. made the slightest attempt to govern the United {States for the benefit of the people. It. is a monstrous Hecusation to innkcagningt a innn who was eleeh <1 for the very purpose of heing the vhi*f executive of a nation, that itv* lias either personally used his laici 11 ofliee, or permitted designing persons to use if, for the purpose of bo manipulating its accompanying powers that only a favored few could derive any benefits from it. AVhether Mr. MeKiuley is a partit'ops eriminis to the currying out of a pernicious, destructive series of policies for which ho stands sponsor or is totally blind to the tlntioo of his office and wholly misconceives the objects fof which he was thrust into the Presidential chair it is certain that his administration lias become the synonym of a deniorali/.ation that runs tlio pjnmnt of nil sorts of thieveries, from lho lowest speculating pieknnfL'< >t (n lli<* m-n i?*l n...l ? ? I! ?>.? KUV uim C11IV1 111 II HIcent bank robber and pust-ollice highwayman. To wreck a 1 nnk and destroy the homes and hopes of thousands of poor saving sou's, laying by their acrimpecl pennies for the rainy day of sickness and old ago, lfkeans a I gracious pardon. To cast upon the wretched, weedy sea of Wall street millions upon millions of the people's money, is merely a tinnneial easing of the money market. and lo donate a few hundred millions of treasure to speculating banks and bondholders, while imposing a perpetual yoke of constantly increasing debt upon the necks of the struggling masses, is .a masteri ieco of tinnneial tkill, a monetary blessing. Perhaps our ideas of morality are all wrong. It may not bo either u sin or a cri.no t ? steal, and to cheat. oppress and rob the people may be a virtue. As the matter stands the stealing of a few hundred thousands by the surprising Neely, may be an net of sanctity to punish which would make him a martyr, through a misapplication of our much despised organic laws anil a cruel violation of our theories vi extradition. Bulletin No. 2 of tho Chi ban census, just issued by tho government, troating of tho population by sex, i?u:r. nTinviiy, conjugal conditions, anil lit* racy, hoIh forth some interesting facta connected with the island. It is shown that Cuba lias o7,Gll> more males than females, or an excess of <> per cent, thereby differing from all the West Indian islands, save Trinidad, and resembling the United States. The' excess ia attributed to the character of tho immigration. The white natives in Cuba have a perceptible excess of females, while the male foreign whites outnumber the females by 89,282. The excess of males is confined to the western half of the island, and while this excess has been a normal condition in Cuba, it has decreased rapidly in twelve years, the females increasing 2 per cent and the males decreasing G per cent in that time. More than one-half of the total population of Cuba, or f>7.S per ci nt, are native whites, and those form n majority in every province. Mantantas, with 30.7 per cent, has the lowest proportion of whiles of the provinces. The colorod element, including the negro end mixed races, range from 20 per cent in Puerto Principe up to 43 per cent in Santiago. {Hoventy per cent of the popm 1,.'. as ; , A 9 great* r proportion tlr.it in tiny country iu Eur pe or i:i tlie Uni; rod Steles. Still the single population vttis set down ?t SO per cent in 1SGJ, mid the decrease is account' <1 f >? by the fact th lt.our consus takers treated them as lawfully wed led ] erst in l:\iug together by inuiual consent. The high marriage lee of the Roman Catholic church is said to explain the large number of turn and woincit living I 41. 141 i I. I iw^viuri wiiiioui uemg inurrieu. Poltiscnl Potpourri. Till re tn ?' u ?jrent many sane meix in tin.' I'nitad {Stubs. includii?lt distinguished Republicans in hotli houses of Congress and in t hn Republican uftl icnnl com in it toe wlio belicte Mr. Bryan's election iH a good deal more iliau a pos.-iInlity. In fact, they are regarding the situation with det p anxiety, for they j crceivo that t lie re ?ire a number of unknown quantitieR in the i qun'.icn that is to he worked out in the next live months. As to the Populists?-tile body that mot in South Dakota and nominated Bryan ? there is little doubt of their continuance in tiie combine, and there is no reason to doubt that they greatly outi-nnibor the Wluirton Darker contingent.? W ashington IV-u. * ? * It has been reported and believed in political ciivles that W. F. Stovenson, of Chesterfield, who has been discovered as a rising, brilliant, and brainy statesman, wants to lie elected sneaker of the next house to line that ulhee as a stepping atone to further his ambition to be elected governor nr United States Senator in but the Yorkvilie Yeoman credits liim with an ambition to be I alley's successor in Congress. In any crso lie aims high. Ho shoots at. the moon, but will hit the earth. Finlcy need lose no sloop. A district which would swap him for Stevenson is not worth representing, and the 1 )e,n*.?i"*.-.,!r-tV the fifth are too siit'ewd and sensible to make mich .. 1....1 < 1 . m 1 i 1 a UJIII IJ mil'.?v /OiuiUOlil Xwocoril. ? # Bun) Jones, writing to tho Atlanta Journal from .Baltimore, where" ho recently heard Be nil tor Tillman speak. hays of tho South ; Carolinian: I have watched with some interest the career of Ben Tillman, and 1 believe in him because lie is n man who has the courage of his convictions. We need him in the I 'nited States Senate with his pitchfork and all. Ben Tillman is a bigger man to-day that) any d iy in his life. He is more esteemed by his friends and more feared and bated by bis enemies. lie and oltl Senator Hoar say the strongest and truest things that, have boi-n said on the floor of the Senate sine? the days of Ben Hill and Rosooc Cnnkling. Ben Till t. > . .....kki uucnii i UOIIHlUUtO I11UCII dignity t > the Sennte, but ho is a mixture of mule and billy gont. lie kicks with one ond ami butts with the other. lien Tillman has as much brains and more backbone than any own in public-life to-day. (b? it, lieu, you are a joy to your fric-uds and a dose of calomel to your enemies. You made South ('antliint a good governor, and since the days of John 0. Calhoun sluhas not had your equal in the Senate. ? # Mr. \Y. R. ITearst, thn new president of the national association of Democratic clubs, is planning a vigorous campaign. I Ie wants every club in the United States to ol.> brute tin* fourth of ?)uly, on which (late the Democratic national con. ventiondneets in Kansas City. Jlc *ays,JJMLs ought to he made a meinor.4^^^s[)lay of old-fashioned AmcJJ^^A^ntt-iotism. in some c:itK iiim"i.vns there will he banquets, in others there will he mass meetings. The clubs of each lo. cality will determine for themselves the form of their celebration. The national association desires to reenll to the whole country the fact that this year the people of the ITiited States must defend the Declaration of Independence or abandon it. No innrt who has a drop of Democratic blood in his veins can fail to assist in thisgrcnt national protest against the establishment of snbjet^ colonies under the American Hug. The great question to be decided at the polls this year is whether this country it* in I'uminuo 10 do a republic, controlled l>y tlio people, or nn empire, controlled by trusts. All minor questions disappear in the presence of this giant issue." I'ntil a few years ago mostly Christians were accredited as ambassadors from the Sultan of Turkey to Western States and in London alono there served a Christian who remained there as representative of the Sultan for fortyfonr years. The present ambassador in London is a Greek nr.d n OhrVPn. I'mli.bilion. The prohibitionists will never accomplish their paipose to stan.p out tho whiskey business in polities. Politics imd political parties , i'ii 11 not be used for this purpose. I .Men can in v? r be made s.?bt-r or prohibitiouiets by legislation. It in 11st Inivo a tinner foundation than politics. Until tho elm re lies take hold of this matter unci stand firm lisiy imiri who uses, seiis, or handles litjuor for beverage purposes we will novel* havo prohibition. The work has ^ot to stint in tiie churehes. Mi a must becimio convinced that the liquor traffic is antagonistic to Christianity, and they must hocomj convuietal that Christianity is worth more to this country than liquor, 'ami they must resolve they will have more Christianity than liquor, and lint I this is dor o we will have more liquor than Christianity. So long as church uicuibjrs will sign petitions for a man to operate a distillery ?li ntluip just so long will the prohibitionBts fail to accomplish their purpose even though they hail the strictest kind of prohibition law upon the statute hook. Mr. Prohibitionist, lot us toll you that you are following a delusion and a snare when you undertako to settle the liquor question at the ballot box. Practice speaks, louder than preaching, and whenever you begin to practice and enforce prohibition in the churches, among the church members, you will have prohibition. Our advice, therefore, is to begin with prohition in the churches.?Pickens Sentinel. The Potato Bur. The potato bug, it is reported from Abbeville, is giving much trouble. Paris green, either as a powder, mixed with live to nine parts of Hour, with water and sprinkled on the potato vines, is lluo/l *- n ,?/ior?o P -? 1 1 . P.. ? * A ....... ..... i rnoillll^ I I V Illliliy lO gel lid of tlie* bugs. The poison nlso kills the birds that rut tho bug?, mid liesid -s is expensive, as its sale is eont rolled by a trust, which puts lip the p;i >) when the season for nr.ing it comes round. The wood, berries, and leaves of the China berry tree, it is n p ?rted. are highly obnoxious to all other kinds of insects and may be to potato bugs also. Somebody should try the experiment of eprinkling infected potato plants with a strong decoclicn of the leaves of the tree. It would be cheaper than Paris green, and b dter 011 all accounts it it. proved effective. Possibly, too, the r'pe berries of the same germicidal tree might prevent or cure hog and chicken cholera. Or, perhaps, such a tree growing near the house will drive away inoxpiitoes and Hies. The long despised alien may yet prove to be the most pop ui;ir growl It :u for tlio address of the pirl who wrote the essay therein quoted. The clipping is us follows: Kansas has the reputation of producing peop.o leniently styled peculiar, and one of those in the eyes of many is a recent sweet girl graduate. Others there are who consider her exceptionally level headed. At any rate, sh was a refreshing ehnngo from tin? usual graduate, with her twenty-page essay. She had been given by her teacher the thome, "Beyond the Alps Ides Italy," and this is what the astonished preceptress and her ; other classmates heard as she caiiifl to the front of the platform: "1 do not care a cent whether Italy lies beyond the Alps, or even in Missouri. I do not expect to set tho river on fire with my future career. I am glad I have a good, very good education, but 1 am not going to misuse it by writing poetry or essays nbout the future woman. It wdl enable me to correct the grammar of any lover I inay have, should he speak of 'dorgs' in my presence, or say he went somewhere. It will also come i handy when 1 want to figure out how* many pounds of sonpa woman can get for three dozen eggs at the grocery. So I do not begrudge llie time 1 spent in acquiring it. But iny ambitions do not fly so' high. I just want to marry n man who enn Mick' anybody of his weight in the township, who can run an eighty acre faun and who has no female relatives to come around and try to boss the ranch. And I w ill agree to cook good dinnet's for him that will not. send hint So r.u early grave, and lavish \ upon him u whole lot of wholesome atVectiou mill ree Hint his razor has not been ustd i?) cut broom wire when lie wants to shave. In view of all this, 1 don't care if I do get a little fusty (.11 the lules of three and k.mired things as the years go by." The R.i/tr of Kaliie. Richurtl TJurdiua; Davis. The roar of the navy's four point-seven's,their crush, theirrmdi as they inssed, tho shrill whinfvol" the shrapnel, the harking i f the howitzers ami the mechanical. rcg; ulnr rattle of the quick-tiring .Maxims. which sounded like the clicking id' many mowing machines on a hot summer's day, tore the air with such hideous noises that one's skuil ached from the concussion, and one conld < r>ly be heard by shouting. But. more impressive by far than this hot chorus of mighty thunder and i>etty hammering was the roar of the wind which was driven down into the valley beneath and which swept up again in enormous waves of bound. It roared like a great hurricane at. sea. The illusion was so complete that you expected, by looking down, to see the Tugeln lashing at J i r?r Vumlro f?w? * *???? - 1 ? - ? ... 1 ./ii??c, iuooiii^ lilt- rpiil j Illllldrtxls of Jeet in air and battling with her phIob of rock. It wn.s like the roar of Niagara in a gale, and yet when you did look below not a leaf wns Stirling, and the Tngelo was Blipjmig forward, flat and sluggish, and in peace. Fort Mill, S. C\, May 20, 1H00. IIeado submitted on or before June 7, 1900. \V. B. Meaciiam, j Secretary of Board. Thc"CITY MARKET" Is where you can find any kind of Fresh Meat you want : at any time. We ore always mere ana wo always have what i you want, provided you want, the choicest quality. Our prices are reasonable for FIRST-CLASS MEATS. W'c won't sell you any other ! kind. Send us your orders | or Telephone No. 27. Wo ; guarantee prompt attention | and satisfactory treatment. FRESH FISH every Saturday. IRA G. S3AYTHK k SONS. The Gc-m Restaurant, CITARLOTTE, N. C. i ? South Tryon Street, E. F. Cre-swell, Manager. The Arlington Hotel, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Meat Lighted and Ventilated Hotel io the City. A. A. Sl'RINOS, Proprietor. * '*> ?}' j\ 7* ''"A* Tv-o Av--A &'h\ jr\\i i ' /ft '"o W t \*y 4 a '5^r,-'-v AA ?ffc ?.'W W$m m&k " :. & '-- . 'I--'.', % W&eBk ! v 'I." .- . I"! I . > , V-. M A \ j \ Well Gronncil Mi) 11. Nothing is so distinctive man as his linen. lie it broadcloth or homespun in which a man is drvs?ed, it is his linen?his collars, cuffs, and shirts which display his individuality to the observing?and who arc so tjniotly observing as women? Curtains, blankets, table linen, bed 1 linen, P VATT I \r ATI I1J1U 1 U U 111 1> I If bo, road what wo have to sol not t>o i Shirt Waist Extenders 25c Turnover Collar* 10 anil 15c Lvicl Gloves, tan, black, and white 75 and $1 Silk Gloves 50c ' Lisle's Gloves, patent clasp .. 25c Hose in black, tan, and Balbriggnn 10, 15, and 25c Hose in black, drop stitch 25 and 50c Pulley Belts 25 and 50c Pulley Garters 25c "The Anchor'' hose supporters, 25c Nursing Corsets, in white and drab 75c and $1 I Slimmer Corsets 50c Full line Paper and Envelope! Tablets, Exercise Books, el Milli "We havo sold more Hats this s a great manv left vet. A new lot i MEACimi HE\DQL Hoiiss-furnisliiag G-occ Furnitun The Rock HIH Furniture Companj bought out the entire ?toc!c? of C. S. bined both, making the Largest, FERN I JURE ever shown in Rock Hill for the money than you can get la Cha Our selection of suites is rich eucu the poorest. We want your trade one, and all i lictter Values for your cash th*n you c you at least 10 per cent on Charlotte f goods we will refund your expenses In on a fair-deullng basts. KOCIv IIIJ,Jj Fl C. L. WROTON, General Manager. PAINTING. 1 * ' v" If you have anything from a small piece of Furniture to n House to bo Painted we will furnish yon estimates on the cost nntl1 have it clone for you and save you money ail around, or if you want to do the work yourself, we will furnish yon any desired, color ready-mixed to use and in any quantity, PA It IS GREEN Destroys Potato-bugs as effectively as they destroy potato vines. TANGLEFOOT Is the surest exterminator of i Flies. No trouble to use. I BEDBUG POISON, AVe bnve n prepirntion that wo guarantee will give you eu?C and 1 the bu?6 rest everlnstiug. Toars Renpoctf ally, W. B A1DBPY & CO. i i ? LIABLE STflRE." chasing power iu buying cloOhSPECIAL SALE of SPRING nauguratcd. This sale is sura ) are determined to dispose of 8c? how quickly wo can sell and j can make. So pitch right in >r in so doing you help yourself les ever offered in Fort Milk id have him fitted in a nice new i ces will surprise you. ^erd Shoes. I ices on all Low-quartered Slices investigate. 1 Fruit Jars! PROPRIETOR IE OLD RELIABLE STORE." I I mi ~J~ 1 :r a. l > juu rtim mw ii your warns carp supplied. Long nnd short waistod Conw>t?. $1 l)rcs? Shields 10 and 15c Lawn Tii w 25 nnd 50b Silk Ties 50, 90 nnd $ 1.25c Fans ... 1.2, 5, 10, 15, 25, nnd 50c I grots Toilet Soap, 3cakes for 10c One-half gross Toilet Soap 3 enkes for 25c One fourth gross Toilet Soap Crushed Violets 20c Meneu's Borated Talcum .... 10c Tetlow's Bornted Talcum .... 10b Cream of Evnnoln for the toilet 10i : Nice line Cologne 5, 10, 25 and 50c I Bu hi foam 25c V Visiting Cards, Blank Books, te. Pencils, Pens, and Ink. nerv. ' enson than ever before, but wo' bav* ' "* nst received. Come to see us. r A ^ T-V /^ L & KITS. IARTERS Is, 3, Euggi.es, and Stoves. f wishes you to know that they have flay and C. L. Wroton and have comFinest, and Rctt-selected Stock of , and that they are selling better good* irlotte. gh for the rich and cheap eaougfc fer md we arc willing to pay for It, giving an get elsewhere,'.and offering to aavo trices; and if^we aell you a nlca Mil of coming to see as. Yours for buslnaao JllNITURE CO. W. H. IIOOVElt, LIQUOR DEALER, CHARLOTTE. N. C. We look especially altar tba shippin; trade and below quote vary close figures. Will be glad to have your orders. Terms cash with order. Corn, per gallon, la jug (boxed). $1.30, 51.75 and $a. All first'dass goods at $1.75 and $3 VERY OLD. Ryes from $1,60 to 5s. Sa.ao and \ $3 5<> per gallon. A Gins from $i.6? to $3* and $3 s* Genuine Imported "FL?b Gin" at %3 per galloo. Apple Brandy, $3.35 per gallon. Peach Brandy $3 50 par gallon. No charge for Jug and bo* en alo*?? and no charge at theae prlcaa for k*9 w hen wanted In such quantities. Let us have your ordera and ofellg** YV. H. HOOVER, ,