Ethe el Smli IT. return* A read 1 ay spei mds ax Valdo Monrx Maria her, M (nd Mi re vlsl' ^ass. I Kherry Bass and Mrs. Hei llhea of Latta spent Tuesda shopping. Tuesday night fo visit his Hri Owen, secretary Sunday School Asso last week-end T. W. Bethea. ^^H^^Bence Whittington of Val spent Monday in the cit ^^^^Vof her brother, Mr. Jac W. Bethea and Rei H K spent Monday in Mario ^^^^^^Kister, Mrs. T. C. Eastei ^^^^Kfyrtle Stubbs is at hom an extended visit wit C. McN&ir, nej end trucks to to their cu Mose to Cheraw la J. Owlin Home ac are visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. ] ^H^^Hn's Misionary Society < ^^^^^^Bchurch will meet wit |^^^^^^Rienslee on Friday afte j^^f^^Buary 15th, are urged to attend. ^^^BlTatson B. Duncan spent lai ^^B in Florence where by speck ^^B he delivered before tt HflMen's Christian Associatio ^^^H.ress on "The Provident!) ^^B of America." ^^^Rxamination will be held in Di ^^^RjVlarch 9th by the Civil Servi( ^^^Bslon for clerk in the local poi ^^^Bid also for city carrier. Ii ^^B parties should communicat secretary of the local Civ ^m^^kard, Mr. Clyde Carmichae ^B^^Bt oillce. |^^B will be a special meeting < ^^^Bvorth League Friday evenir ^^^Block at the Methodist parsoi ^^B.ll -members are urged to 1 ^^B and a cordial invitation ^^^ ed all others v. bo may wish i H^H^jsEva Michaux and Jenn ^^^HH^fekttingham were office Tuesday afle little ladies inspects H^^^^Fnical department, watchc H^Bs and linotype in operatic H^^^Fessed themselves as beir H^^rcl with fheir half hour B^Leeing. Mrs. "Tlola Flowers Wrs. Viola Flowers, wife of M 111 IT Vlnmnra ,11 o ,1 ?f V,o- homo nchburg, S. C., last Thursda e remains were brought to Dill< lday and the interment was ma< Mt. Holly Cemetery. Mrs. Flo'' ? lived the greater part of h irried life in Dillon and had mai ends in the community who we ined to learn of her death. SI survived by her husband and tv all sons. ^ uTmRmiUhc as Meh member wee r?f? bQflfrd I at brtig a friend there wee en unueua ly terse gathering when the feetlTitii began. After e course of oyster he pickets, crackers end coffee had bee served Toaatmaster V. L. McLean pr seeled the speakers and the Woe ^ men and their guests were enter tail ed wlth> excellent talks by Dr. W. 1 Duncan, Hon. P. B. Sellers and Re a H. i. Willis. ^ The local Woodmen camp is in ^flourishing condition and under tt at Readership of Counsel Commander i L, McLean new members are heir added to Its roll every day. ty Red Cross Magaaine For 1918 .. I Thla anlanilM nuKllr&tlnn hmi] be In every home. A11 members < the Red Cross are entitled to receii . it for one year on payment of one do . lar ($1.00) in addition to their ai a* nual dues and presentation Af the membership card to Miss Louie Moore, at 0 ld Employers are Liable ^ It is not generally known that en ployers mudt send to the goveri ment before March 1st the names < all persons in their employ who ai paid salaries of $800 or more durin 'n the year. This feature of the ii r* come tax law has been overlooke< If you have a farm overseer who i receiving in money or supplies $80 r- or more per year the overseer name must be sent to the Collectc of Internal Revenue at Washingtoi Failure to comply with this featur of the Income tax law is punlshabl y by fline or imprisonment. o Collector Jenkns Here r ? i. Deputy Collector Jenkns spen three days in Dillon last week assist ing people in making out income ta f returns. Mr. Jenkins says it wil >- take a week to make out all the in e comes in union county and that h will write Collector Heyward t send a man here before March lsl [- It is not known, however, whethe y this can be done, and Mr. Jenkin k advises all persons who did not se him last week to get blanks an make out their incomes before Marc! r. 1st. n r-? Attempted Burglary A burglar attempted to enter th l* home of Lieut. F. M. Neirnsie Frida h night about one o'clock, but wa ir frightened away when Mrs. Neirnsi called over the 'phone for assistant Lieut. Neirnsie is at Camp Jackso C. and the only occupants of the hous )e were Mrs. Neirnsie and Miss Mami s- McLees. The burglar tried to mak an entrance through one of the wii dows and the noise awoke Mrs. Neiri ,r sie. She 'phoned to Mr. J. D. Hai ^ grove and Mr. Hargrove went over a gt quickly as possible but in the meai time the burglar made a hasty d< parture. Mrs. Neirnsie saw the ma as he passed out of the yard an ie under the electric light. 3. " D. A. It. Meeting 1 f The Rebecca Pickens chapter I A. R. met with Mrs. A. Coke Rogei on Tuesday, Mrs. W. H. Muller, pr< ' siding for Mrs. Gibson as Regent. The meeting was iull of enthu: lasui. ueiegait's 10 me uonunenu st Congress in Washington, meeting i April were elected: Miss Annie M< ie Neil, Delegate; Mrs. James M. Sprun 'n Altternate. Following adjournmer ** of business, the program committe took charge. Mrs. Gilbert Barlov chairman, read a sketch of "Dolly "Madison as Mistress of the Whit :e House." Mrs. Wheeler's interestin paper on "Martha Custus Washing a" ton" was read in her absence by Mri te A. C. Rogers. Chocolate and nabot " cos were served by Mrs. James N Sprunt, Mrs. William Murchison an the hostess. 3f " lg Examinations Resumed a )e Physical examinations were result Is ed yesterday by the Local Board c to Exemption and will be continued ur til the 1852 registered men in th 'county have been examined. The es ie jaginations began on the 29th ultim< rs|but orders were received from Wasl .. ,'ington suspending the examination . until the new regulations as to exanr . I inu . !nna wnro )n The new rules are more stringer 1R and the percentage of discharges wl 0f be greatly reduced. , One physician interpretation of the new rules is tht only the maimed, the halt and tli blind will escape. Under the selectiv draft the government has created new department known as "limite [r. J service." This means that a perso in physically unable to bear arms will t y. given work that he can perform, sue jn as clerical work, messenger dut; de mail carrier or perhaps some ligl sv- work in the commissary departmei er or mess hall. The governmei rayj needs four men outside the trench* re for each man in the trenches, and tl be'man who cannot fight will be assigi vo' ed to some department where his ph: sical disability will not be a b&ndlcai J. .1- \ in Dr. W. Harr PrMchlat^^^^^^^^H by the Mornlnf Method For a Evening 8u'>Ject:^HHBH^^H| le Whom Jesus Lored."^^^^^^^* IT. Epworth League at <:4S P. If if, Mr. L. C. Braddy, Jr., President. Prayer Service on Wedneaday a 7:30 P. M. Thla serrice will bo fol lowed by the regular Choir Practice Public cordially inrlted to all aei Id vices. >f ? re Red Cross Activities 1- Another box of knitted garment i- was shiped to Atlanta last week am lr the hospital garments will probabl; ?e be sent this week. The workers at the Red Croa room are Increasing in number sni efficiency and the pile of neatly flu ished garments is growing daily. Arrangements are being made t organize classes in First Aid am >r Home nursing and a course in Surg e ical Dressing will be given soon b; g Mrs. Dorothy N. Seibels of Columbia i- The Junior Red Cross Auxiliary i ]. growing daily and the school childrei Is are eager to do their bit. 0 : EVERYBODY'S THEATRE e TOMORROW ( FRI DA i ) Franklyn Farnum, In "THE CLEAN-UP" it It's a Bluebird SATURDAY J "THE FIGHTING TRAIL" l_ BIG "V" COMEDY e and oj CURRENT EVENTS t. j . MONDAY & WEDNESDAY r February 18th A 20th. 8 JANE GREY, In e "HER FIGHTING CHANCE" A Powerful drama of the Northland, By JAMES OLIVED CURWOOD She had but1 one chance a lighting chance! e "HER FIGHTING CHANCE" y furnishes intensely dramatic s moments leading up to a e powerful climax, in which 5. Jane Grey as the wife, rises n to the magnificent heights of ie strong emotional acting for which she is justly famous.. e IK>N'T FAIL TO SEE IT. Admission lOc and 20c r-j COMING: THO'S H. INCE'S is Newest and Greatest Spectai cle, 5" "THE ZEPPELIN'S LAST d RAID" BUSINESS LOCALS. FOR SALE?25 head of hogs. 10l 3 to 200 pounds. A few gilts to far row February and March. B. H Atkinson, Latta, S. C.?2-14-lt. 3 111 WANTED.?Man with good size* n; family to work share crop '"| Efeht acres tobacco included. 13 'i H. Atkinson, Latta, S. C.?2-14-lt it ; e FOR SALE?100 Shares of Bank o Dillon Stock. Apply to W. C. Rog | ers, Bisliopville, S. C., or Dr. J. R ej Rogers, Dillon.?1-24-tf. >| jMONEY to loan on Dillon Count; s-1 Real Estate at 6 per cent. Sel }-j lers & Moone, Attoi neys.?3-1-tf r. d FOR SALE?A scholarship in Drau ghan's Busiupss College. Apply a The Herald office.?1-24. HIGHEST PRICES PAID?For Hide and Furs at Wm. Brick's, Dillon, S l"i C.?E. 3-1. )X \ l" j TAKEN UP.?On Jaunary 28th < e, little red dehorned cow. Owne c~l can get same by proving propert; >?l and paying all cost. W. E. Bain l", Mallory, S. C.?2-7-3t. is, j WOOD FOIt SAIjK.?22-inch oal wood at $6 per cord and 14 Incl ltj heater wood at $7 per cord. Shor J1 i leaf pine stove wood at 16 pe 81 cord. W. L. Bethea, Dillon.? lt,2-7-2t. iel e | MONEY TO IA)AN?We are prepare* a | to make loans on improved farm d | and city property at six per cen n ( interest for a period of from thre ?e to ten years on amounts from $2, h 000.00 to $25,000.00, interee V. payable annually. If you owe an it money we think it is very essentls it that you make your arrangement it1 at once as interest rates are advam 58' icg. Conditions are unsettled, an le none of us know what will happer l- Com? to see us and let us assh y- you. Gibson & Muller, Attorneys.? 9. 12-20-tf. 1 I fund your money.?For sale by Pee |l Dee Cart 8tore.?Feb IS. ' 9 ^ ?_ FOR RElfT.?Fire room house in 9 L East Dillon. Apply to A. B. J or- I I dan?1-7. ? 9 a TOR SALE.?Upright piano, prae- 9 ? 1 ticaMy new and In flrat claaa con- I r dition. Will sell at aN bargain. | ; V. Jones, Dillon, S. C.?2-7-lt. mt i M ! Solve Pro MA Cost and el I THE CHEJ / ^ A Comparison of I Fc B a Acid. . Amnion Potash. | Commercial m Fertilizers Analysis? M 8-3-0 cost per ton. M 8-3-3 cost Per ton* m 10-2-0 cost per ton " M ACTUAL WORTH OF K 1 Oar P i V Furthermore the decayir ' m adding available plant fooc ' point as well as a land buil< - M and its cost divided througi ,[ v of plant food than any otlv y M We are daily making shipme - m this product into all sections o ^ m country, and it is being receivet - m entire satisfaction on account < t excellent quality and condition _ m rival at destination. ? m We will be glad to make cre< m rangements with responsible p ~ or we will accept wood in ex< r m for manure. Wood to be del v rliifincr flip cntnmpr mnnthc j I Shipment I 1 CAMP JACKSON I Columbia, S. C. t 1 HilAntr Wan ~ m HKU IB TV Oil ! I Powel J Col 1intn9IRIRinH|l DILLON, a C. s The Only National Bank In Dillon County I iifioooo??oo?o>eooa?aaaaaaaa?oao?oaaaon V ~ the Fertilizer J blem With I lNURE Fficiency considered, it's 1 IP EST FERTILIZER I he Cost of Plant Food in Commercial I rtilizers and Manure I asic Price Per Unit I $1.25 B ia $7.00 m $6.00 m Manure from Camp 1 Jackson 1 Analysis? M .$37.00 Acid, 0.45 at $1.25. .._...$ .56 m . 54.00 Ammonia, 0.68 at $7.00. ... 4.76 V . 30.00 Potash, 0.58 at $6.00 3.48 m $8.80 1 (ANURE BASED ON COMMERCIAL FER11LIZER $8 80 rice Less Than Half That 1 ig organic matter in the Manure is constantly S I to the soil, is valuable both from a humus stand- m der. Manure will show results for three years, M h this period will show a much lower cost per unit .X er fertilizer on the nmrket. ^ ?T" ' I nts of Right now is the time to use ma- m f the nure. Write us today if you are in- m 1 with terested in prompt delivery. We al- m f its ready have numerous orders booked M M on ar- for prompt shipment, but will use our % 1 best efforts to make delivery in ac- ^ M ar_ cordance with your instructions. A A ,arties? We specialize on car lot shipments. v ^A :hange Cars average 33 tons. Buy a car in A *veret conjunction with your neighbor and A I ??.? }A Made from Either Point CAMP WADSWORTH Spartanburg, S. C. ted in Unoccupied Territory Fue/ Co. umbia, S. C.