1 *fcr9Uliitt?rratf m Qhl Battalia arttlai la the Sat K SrtST IrralBf Post says th? Oar K-' MMMpa da oat take as seriously *n< p - jMk on oar army as sow at film of ? Ev Jska. Ha says UUfi spirit, proratls li RV Ska Oorssoa army to sach an extant p Sat area German prisoners are in K, ?Smt ant eontemptoas towards oui K smktlars. Bat this is Jast what w? pi , a^t and the Allies should do erery m ? mism rvwvi? iu eucuuraff f.| -4Mb delusion. It is jthe sums ok |'.t storj of underestimating the strength ? ' mi mm adverse 17. > The man whc Bakes this mistake is loot, and som< K has met with faror in Dillon ?b shortage of help next year, is a more ? serious problem. I It is much easier to refrain from wastage in foodstuffs than to produce more food under present cirt cuinstances. i It has been pointed I Dillon county will think well of the project?that one way to Increase the production is by substituting mechanical for lost men power on the farms by adoption of the Canadian system of supplying government owned and operated machines for breaking ground for seeding. The call for men for the army will compell the government to resort to the Canadian plan to help the farmer plant and reap his increased harvest now demanded by the United States and the Allies. I IS THERE HOARDING OF FOOD IX MELON? Is there any hoarding of food in Dillon County? We hope not: yet j nobody can warrant a negative answer ia the correct one. Hoarding is one of the principal reasons for the shortage in certain foods. Housekeepers have in many instances "stocked up" with sugar, flour, salt, potatoes and so on, beyond their immediate and prospective needs. This practice constitutes a tremendous drain upon the supplies ?especially before the price-fixing system began?and works an injury upon those who did not have the means to indulge in this practice by forcing up the price of necessities. Stories have been told of women having a hundred pounds or so of a commodity on hand and using this as a reserve, purchasing their "immediate" needs from the stores. Hoarding is not confined to the towns and cities, either. We have heard of farmers who bought large quantities ot sugar and dour before the new food laws went into effect. They were "within the law" but in these strenuous times when every man is expected to do his duty it is not a question of what is legal but what is right. County Agents Meet Report of State Meeting of County Home Demonstration Agents at Win- j throp College. fhe annual state fleeting of Home Demonstration Agents held at Win- 1 throp College during the month of January closed Thursday, the thir- , ty-flrst. At this meeting besides regular courses in dietetics, bread making, canning, agriculture and i poultry demonstrations in pickling, briming and drying of vegetables were given by experts from the Extension Department. We also enjoyed 1 addresses of timely interest by several noted South Carolinians. The meeting was altogether instructive . and stimulating and the agents gained many helpful suggestions to be < carried out in the coming season, i Definite plans for carrying out the work in each county were forniu- 1 lated by the agents in conference. These plans will be published from ' time to time during the year. During February attention is to be cen- ( tered on gardening. Helps for the ( early spring garden sent out by the Extension Department will be published next week. i MAGGIE EVANS Co. Home Demonstration Agent. ' At the convention of the South Carolina Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy held at Florence in December, it was 1 agreed that the cooperative work of the South Carolina Division for war relief should be the establishing and maintenance of a bed in the American Hospital just outside of Paris to tiA lrnr.TOn no ?'-J- ? ? ? ?? ?o mc iittuc iiaiiiyiun | bed. This is a Hed Cross Hospital'] under the supervision of the United! States Army, but It is not a base'1 hospital and receives no government support. Ita maintenance is therefore dependent upon subscription. Each division of the U. D. C. desires to contribute $600 for the maintenance of a bed which Includes < a nurse for one year, each bed to be credited to the state which established it. This is a cause which "arries its own appeal and the need for hos- 1 pltal equipment grows dally. The S. r C. division hopes to be the first to es- ; tabllsh a division bed, and as it will J bear the name of Wade Hampton it f is felt that it will arouse State pride, j\ A matter of interest in this connec-' F tion is that the Marquise de Courti- ] oil, dtofbtir of Pollgnac of Dm while in the lnvlta^^^^^^^^^^H member of the D. C. and hue'promised to^^B personal Kid to the occupants of fl Wade Hampton bed in the Americl hospital and to make report fr ? / ? I Kegs, tanned iio< Paper and Paper COFFEE: I this line of goods Grocery Line. I appreciate past fa Yours ve M Stubbs ^ lii lefor final discharge that my has been ng of said petition. JOE CABELL DAVIS. j< Judge of Probate Dillon County. Jj !-7-4t. GROWING HOGS For a hog to be profitable he must >e kept growing from birth to mar ceting age. He cannot be profitable < inless he is healthy. He can always x in a profit-producing condition if 1 lie Is fed. B. A. Thomas's Hog I Powder. We positively tell you that I Pwwder. We positively tell you i uoves worms and cures thumps. If 1 he powder does nat make good, we s irlll. M. A. STUBBS.?Feb. 18. i NOTICE TO 1 Some weeks ago a tank at the plant disa mysterious manner wt having to close down 1 lack of water for the t ting the town in da mercy of fires. At th solutely unable to accc disappearance of out that timp it h-ic Koun V WW W VAAAt V/ A. \J iiUU *V tention that some citis Dillon, without author one else, opehed son drants, which caus< serious situation. T1 advise one and all thz the town's regularly who opens one of tl this time forward wi full extent of the law. (Signed) Commissi Dillon, S. C., Feby. 11 IRISH P01 acted for two cars c till have a limited q :oes are of the best take to put in from < price on potatoes th and inspect [ Feed and Chicken antity of Apple to offer. ood quality of FEE] half barrels and >ds, Tobacco, Cigar* Bags. can give you a < Call on me for ivort and will thank yon for i ry truly, A. STUBBS iVnolesale bar of Notice dersigned drawn business at 1 1 II ill 1918 las no HE PUBBH .11 the water in^^^l^H resultec^^^^^H^fl ther^H^^^^H rkness and we for the bu^^^^HnH >rought to JPPHH^B :ens of the Town ofl^H ity from us, or.an^B^B le of our fire hy-B** 2d this extremely lis, therefore, is it any one, exceflfl^f authorized agent^^^H lese hydrants frcr^^Hj 11 prosecuted ' to oners Public Works. JM II >{ Maine [uantity to vfiriAtipc QIIH vt^^H v wa a UtlV* J one to ten acres e coming season^H my line of I r Seed Oats H D OATS. I kegs, Fish in RH jttes, Wrapping |w :.lose price qflflflfll anything in the^HI any business given me I 1 a. m Grocery I H