The Dillon Herald | ~ I ? ???????? " ?? . jESTABLISHED JN 1895. DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 31,1910. VOL. 16. NO. ^?????? IT mi i nAinnini. - - - - Ml. NNAJWAKINti People Frenzied With Fear at Madness of Mountain BLOODY WORK OF J. H. BETHcA t jN I ? W- * Sr South Carolinian Polls His Pistol on Pullman Train and Kills Conductor and Porter. Catania, Sicily, Special.?Mount Etna, whose eruptions in the past have wrought greut destruction, is , again in a violent state of activity. A pronounced movement within the crater began Thursday evening, steadily increasing in volume, and the gravest fears are entertained as to the resnlts, if the eruption continues in its present violent form. At Nicolosi, ten miles from the crater, the entire population had gathered in the square to watch the volcano which appeared as a black phantom above. Now and then it tyas illuminated with flashes of light, appearing almost red. Higher up the rain of cinders became thicker and extended like a veil across the mountain. A deep roaring was heard, and detonations like the sound of artillery following one another in quick succession, while the earth shook under foot. Prof. Ricco. director of Mount Etna observatory, said: "The eruption is very grave, and I think it will become much more serious. The lava has covered tive miles iu sixteen honi^, and if my calculations are rigllf the eruption of the volcano will not be short." Kidnappers Keep Alma Kellner. Louisville. Kv.J Special.?At the request of Frank Fehr. cousin of Little Alma Kellner. who WHS kidnnnrwi^ ~rfVU last December from the streets near liep; . home. Governor Wilson has withdrawn the offer by the state of $500 for tire arrest and eonvicticn of her abductors. Fehr explained to the governor that the family was convinced the reward is keeping the I child's abductors from proposing I ^MORl . J L/UT We are agents foi We got them in all st We handle the Lion I and make. Invest your m< L 0 iFl 40 doz. Men's and Bt You want to know h fitting. Square Military with a'double worsted s? is collarless. elegantly s double stitched side seai a sure. . The Garments am ? other makers. This we YOUR BOY S SUIT F his last one gave. You n That's just what we of fei have arrived and are nov mokiktts / * - ierms. anu iliar it revolted the roast I | would bo made clear for any possible ' negot ia lions. There is still $2,580 offered for the return of the Kellner child. $1,000 by * the city council, as much more by the parents and $500 hv Whallen Brothers, an anuAint which it is stated, will be paid solely for the restoration of ? the child to he. parents, and with a the understanding that no questions h will he asked. Lives Sacrificed From Ignorance. a, Washington. Speciul.?That 000,000 j. lives are sacrificed annually on the (1 aHar of this country's ignorance and I s neglect of sanitary anu health laws, "(j was asserted by Senator Owen in the I course of a speech in the senate in ! s support of his hill creating a depart-1 j ment of health with a cabinet oflicpi I . at its head. In addition to the 000,000 ease3 of ? fatal illness annually. Mr. Owen asserted that an average of .'1,000.000 of people were constantly sick in this ^ country with preventable diseases. *, The $156,000,000 Pension Bill. r Washington. Special.?The pension s bill, carrying appropriations of about $150,000,000, wus passed by the house '! Thursday. Nearly the entire session was occupied by a contest, against a Uie provision of the measure as re- | ported from the committee on pensions. for the abolition of Hie 18 11 pension agenoies now in operation 11 throughout the country. By a vote of J* 74 to 94 the house refused to over- 1 rule the recommendations of the com- h* mittee. The legislative, executive 11 and judicial appropriation bill, earrying about $34,000,000 was passed (j by the senate. Very few amendments were adopted. j, f. Torpedo Flotilla in Florida. Tampa. Fla.. Special.?The seventh j.' torpedo Hot ilia, composed of the pur- " enl ship Dixie and tive torpedo boat ^ of the latest type, arrived at Tampa ' Saturday from Charleston, Launching of Dreadnaoght Florida. r< Jacksonville. Special.?The launch- I1 ing of the big dreadnought Florida C from New York yard has been set for a May 12. Gov. Gilchrist has designa- v< ted Miss Elizabeth Fleming of Jack- u sonville as sponsor for the greaat battleship. si 1 nr R1SFAS Hundreds of w< >v. have the hands ^ York creations, ^ avenue styles. Yi> Grea i Here's your cha quoted, and su< ' Special in Silks at smartly redi from last seaso V. We handle the Doll r the celebrated JUS1 yles, all the latest last GENTS' FUR Brand Shirts and Collars, oney in new goods. It will CLOTHING FOR I ays' Athletic Nainsook Uud ow our suits are made; h Shoulders. Collar fits clo erge. Have a non-breakat haped with the new cur ms; all pockets and seams T-? :i~-?" ? aiiwiicu, trimmed and f guarantee. 'OR SPRING?of course y< aturaily want something k you in Suits for boys?so z on display in our store. < EVENTS TOLD TERSELY.] Jews From Everywhere Printed La i Short Paragraphs. The house eomniittee on naval (fairs has favorably reported a bill ppiopriatin?j $1 (10,01 K) to raise the attleship Maine in Ilabauu harbor. Weakness, brought 011 by an operlion for' blootl transfusion, was rehired t?> have caused the death of tonnrd l.i/.er, a painter, who fainted 11 a seatVoldiiUT five stories above the treet in New York, and fell to his enth. The young painter had been i destitute eireuinstanees and had ubniitted to an operation for blood raust'iKion in unloi* t?? ???,* .*?%? o pay his grocery bill ami rent. In accordant*** witii law. the I*. S. overnincut will pay the next of kin f the officers and rrew of the Nina lie men's lnill wanes lor six months, il'ter that, under the terms of the etierul pension law. the dependent elatives will receive the usual penion. Prof. Kllit* MethnikolY. of the Pus*ur Institute. Paris, has overcome lie principal obstacle to the proportion of an effective anti-typhoid accine. This disease, heretofore has een incommunicable to the lower nimals. and Prof. MethnikofT has ow succeeded in infecting monkeys 'itIi the typhoid serin. By this means e has been able to obtain exaet vmptoms permitting: accurate experilents on the action of his vaccines. As ithe result of a ouarrel over the oundarv line between their plantaions. Will Wool folk was shot and ! rohablv fatally wounded by Mrs. i 'annie Perrv. iiis sister, near Wool- I L>lk. Pa. Because, as it is alleged,, she re- j used to receive his attentions, Wil- I am Sehraeder at Lewiston, Pa., shot | lul killed Hcrilia Sinjjley, aged 'Jti. I chraeder was captured and taken j > .jail by the sfirl's brother. Lieutenant S. B. Buckner broke the pcord for time in the ascent of 'opoeatepetl, iroititf from the Las' ruces to the crater, a distance of bout .'1,000 feet, in snow and soft oleanic ash, in two hours and 15 dilutes. Airs. Antony Internale. to foil posible burglars, concealed $500 in toney and $1,500 worth of jewels in ?S* DEF amen that came omest line of mi at one-fourth th Come get the b t 'Re due ince to get a prel ;h dainty garmei and Dress Good _ _ fl - - icea prices; all n n; no old trash, < S'hoe Be lie Madison for ladie ' Wright Shoes for r s. Not a pair of tkei NISINC DEP The Emperor and Princ< pay you in the long run. MEN, BOYS ANI erwear, regular price 50 ow they are made: Coal se to the neck, outlined i tie haircloth front and rm ved bottom effect. The QardoH anH ? * umw p iy ?r it in every respect on a < oo've thought about it. i >etter, something whict mething better and for U Come in and have a look the toe ot' a shoe in her Brooklyn j home, ami ?ltiriixsr her ahsenee an at- J tentive servant gave the shoe to a | cobbler to he repaired, the maid hav- I ing heard the mistress remark that j the sole needed repairing. The shoe was recovered with the valuables. Mrs. Margaret WieklitTe Beckham | one of the best known women in | Kentucky, is dead. SSi?? was a dangh- I 1 ter of Uoliert WieklitYe. formerly j T Governor of Louisiana, gramldangh- | 1 ter of Charles A. WieklitTe. former* ! 1 ly Governor of Kentucky and l'ost- M master General in 1'resident Tyler's Cabinet, and aunt of C. I'.eekliam. ? who a few years ago was Governor 1 of Kentucky. * The lid has been lifted in the u|>- ' per tenderloin of Sail I'raneisco, * bringing joy to the hearts of the re- ' sort keepers. The revivals of the 1 gay night in the cafes was made . A possible bv an order adopted by the ! ' hoard of | oliee cotimiissioners upon J 1 thp petition of (fin business men. 1 A record rust by a special trait: from New York to Greenwich pre- s ceded the arrival in the world of a 4 grand nephew to Andrew Carnegie, j George (.under, dr.. a nephew of the ironmaster, is the father of the ' candidate for a share in the t'arnegie ( millions. I he un.'-onr special which t broke all speed records between New t York and tlreen'vich carried two New 1 York doctors. i 1 he average child at 1 year of age : represents an investment of about $75, according to Prof. K. 11. Arnold. 1 of the \ ale Medical school. At the s age of la. lie say.>, the child owes i the world in the neighborhood of ? $2,000. At IS iie begins to keep him- ; sell and at do or d.~> he lias given back : all that he has cost and is square with < the world. i Libertv, Miss., observed its onf< hundredth anniversary- by shipping j a carload of molasses. 1 The report that a pot containing $4,000 in gold was dug up on the old Fort place, in the hoart of Lexing- j ton, S. C., is attracting considerable ( interest. For many years parties have beiVi trespassing on this piece of property in search of money, it is ' said, and unless nil signs fail, the ^ hidden treasure has been at last , found. I , 'ARTMI to our store Eas llinery; duplicates eir value; duplica est for the least r tion Salt tty waist at a pric< its, prices awny b s, Foreign and Ai ew, the latest des everything new ai partmeni s. the kftst in reak into a house is not against the i aw, though to break in with intent 0 steal or commit a felony is a rime. The alleged robherv was Irons he store of M. K. Itutland. This t vas the case in which the Batesburg t liiel' of police, llarhv, got involved I n a criminal charge of a capital < dTense from the mother of t'lark. i ?' drs. iiankin. whose home Darby i ' searched. lie was acquitted in t lie ' tase brought against him. 1 * s Chester Wants Union Depot. , 1 A inass-meeting was held at the j ' ourt house at ('luster to discuss | tguiti. after several years, the mater of a union depot for Chester. 1 VI. S. Lewis stated the object of the ueeting. stressing Chester's need for 1 union station. A. M. Aiken read a resolution ' which was unanimously adopted dating it as the sense of the meet- ' mg that the four railroads entering L'hester should build at once, at ! >ome convenient place, a union pas- 1 ienger station, and that a committee uf 12 be appointed to present the subject at once to the railroads and ' the railroad commission. The city council will he requested to call a ; special meeting aud pass similar reso- I lut ions. Good-Bye, Ticks. The following bulletin has been issued fwm the State veterinarian's jllfce at Cletiison college: The State and federal agents in tick eradication work are now being olaced in the fleld for the summer's ampaign and by April 1 the entire force will he at work in the northwestern counties of the State?Abbcrille. Greenwood. Laurens, 1'iiioii, ;nt sfi ter Week, will tc of smartest Eun ites Of the most rioney 2 o_f Wc z certainly the m elow the cost of i nerican makes ^ ;igns. No goods \ id up-to-date. ?f, } t. i rid for tke money. '? LOO and $5.00; hey jvst come in. his season's designs i >ize 36. Semi-body They are trimmed and elle Pockets. Vest 1 loops, side buckles, of gl writh hydraulic pres- those 1 priced garments of s'*1? ber the poor service that you pay for it. pring Suits for boys i *RTMGMT 'heroker. Spartanburg. Chester and 1 B S'ork. Kverv elTort will be made to|fl B *?mi|?lfti?|y I'rcc tliis area from tick**11 B in.) place ii alloc tin- federal quar- 1 B inline line this year. B Greenville's New Depot. fl Work of clearing away the house* w fl n the Mel tee avenue seel ion, Green- >5 S ille. where the new Charleston & jfi A'esteni Carolina ?le|>ot is to ba .J fl reeled, is proceedim; rapidly, ancf. 1 H t will lie only a tew days before -m fl vork will he begun on survevinw ihm 'oiindulion. The new station will cost about | >40.000. aipl its eomplet ion is prom' j H sed by iJecember 1. WB Dr. Boyce President Due West. H A special from Due West states hat at a meeting of the board ot rustees held Thursday night, Rev H )r T. G. lioyee. formerly a nath . H >f Mecklenburg county. N. C? was Hi ilecled president of (lie Woman's H College, an otliee made vaeont by leatii several months ago. Dr. Boyoe H ias been living in Tennessee for fl lOine years, and is one of tlie ablest at uen of In- church. ih<- Assoc ale Re- H ormed Presbyterian. The schools for H toys and girls at Due West have H ong been famous for the high type M ?f men and women which it turns out. H Shot to Death at Batesburg. H An unfortunate tragedy was en- H ictod at Batesburg Thursday when. H W. B. Glenn, superintendent of the I dectrie light plant, shot Clinton H Rbodeu to death, on one of the main I streets of the town. The weapon H used was a pistol; four shots were H tired, and each shot took eiTact. One I jfl witness stated tiiat Rhoden was un- 3 M urnu'ii. it is stated that there had H been bad bluod between the men for I MlUie time. B Fire Destroys a Town. H Charleston. \V. Ya.. Special.? H With practically every home in t! fl prosperous mountain village of ? E Hope wiped from the earth by a B whieli swept that place Friday, t B least *2.000 persons rendered hot'e- B less are sleeping in the commons. ? National tluard tents were dh ri- B butetl and an effort is beinsr madt f kJ house as many as possible of tl H homeless. Many ot' the families lo H all of their household o&icts H OR.E I sll you that we I opean and New 11 exclusive Fith |j I i I ost sensational I H material. I stpoult*a bros; h FADS FOR LADS 9 fashions for their elders?? B OH ART" Clothes give both. B is shop is as broad in its rango I jjgtt ood clothes as are the tastes of >\ B ! who wear them, and both the -wise and the dollar-prudent B rally flock here. dfl Ton can't befog a young H man on style?he's fashionwise. That's why young men S turn as naturally to this young shon. a* ??' * a~? down hill.