L * p " " ' ??? f Ten Doctors B Said He Would Die Wg| "In 1903 we wrote you regard> ing my husband, wlto was suf KP Bering from heart trouble. He was superanuated by the North 3pt' Georgian Conference. Ten doctors at different times said he BP'?" would die. You advised Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and Re" dfrative Nervine: we did as Advised, and improvement was neparent from the very first. He r?|.Qyered and the Conference in 1904 gave him a charge. He never felt better, although he has very heavy work and does * a great deal of camp meeting work. I am* so glad we took 5T* your advice and gave him the Hp medicine, and feel that I ought ' to let you know of the wonderH' ful good results from its use." MRS. T. S. EDWARDS. Milner, Ga. DlK- This proves what Dr. Miles' i Heart Remedy will do. Get a gjgflRr bottle from your druggist and take it according to directions. ,jf" K It does not matter whether your | * heart is merely weak, or you have organic trouble, if it does not benefit you take ^he empty bottle to your druggist and get , ,your money back. E^Bennettsville Garage, f^Sennettesville, S. C. ?4, We carrv a full 1 inp I)f Jackson, Cadillac and fard supplies and repair tarts. Goodrich and Jartford tires all sizes. , We solicit your pat^Orders by mail given |.'cmpt attention. I Farm and | Garden I** OUTDOOR EVAPORATOR. 'IT Handy Arrangamant For Drying Fruit In Small Quantitias. '^''^ertable evaporators are especially Mmvenlent when it la desired to dry 'ondy a few bushels of fruit at any one tgkag. The usual sizes have a capacity or five to ten bushels a day, aud even in some cases, although the quantity will of course vary with the ^Mntlou given to them. As they are complete In themselves and are not heavy to l>e readily moved they I e placed wherever convenience jjnwflptMfcn ii:ne to time dictates. !*?--flKp. The figure shows an evaporator ol --.Mpib, type which Is constructed entirely "I rOBTABLB KVAPOBATOB. ^^ wotd, except the parts In direct cobthe heater. There Is space trays for holding fruit, the 41of which are 2% by 8 feet tray holda about one-half bushel jtgfeTwgRybmftt Modifications of such an to ir1* '"^laliliial n?eir -"J readily suggest themi "** a#T*rml otl>?r styles of this |g[?^^?lBgt>hteinable from msnufscturers ere made of sheet Iron, usually f?|^W^pPFH^teeiL Aa no wood enters into -?*^|^Bteei>natructlon danger from Are is ' One of these styles is pro a heat deflector and so that hot currents of air ftSmin Bl rt**r ^ fru,t aa well as op ftt, the claim being made that Pt^;' LJawrsment of air induces a more ^|RRBMylBf of the fruit than la erdi<2 K7Vthods of construction.?H- P. you rsfasad him my P??. ?d he get down on his Fstee- Well, I dldnt * nottss -VIC in TheGrat Live General Don't tqfke pills and violent purgati worse. They don't cure. Tak< iousness, Indigestion and all 1 feet harmony Dr. Richardson has been pi years and says he does nol yrill give such good rc Anderson, S. C., Aug. 20, 1909.1 To Whom it May Concern: T havp talrpn PIT i* _ MMTV AX L/. A . , auu II | is the best tonic and liver medicine I have ever taken, I recommend it without reservation. A. H. DAGNALL, Attorney. I have for some years used R. L. T. and as a liver and general tonic I consider it the best medicine I have ever tried. J. F. SHUMATE, Cashier Citizens National Bank. Having practiced in the lower part of the state, in the malarial districts, for the past eight years, and having frequent calls for a liquid that would take the place of calomel in torpid livers, and after several attempts to substitute one I gave it up. Since I became acquainted with the powerful effects of R. L. T. on the liver and the pleasant results obtained therefrom, I most heartily reccommend it as The Ideal Tonic. Very respectfully, E. J. MANN. M. D. Some time ago a friend persuaded me to take R. L. T., and I must confess that it has done me more good than any medicine I haver taken. It is an Ideal remedy for constioation, indigestion and a fine tonic. JOHN N. BLECKLEY, Cashier Peoples Bank. As a liver medicine and tonic, Richardson's R. L. T. is unsurpassed. I have given it a thorMANUFACTURED Afi CHIQUAOLA ANDERS FOR Si Evans PI I Br?Mug It Kmi drntly. Then Is a man tn congress who la renowned In the city he cornea from for hta Imperturbable calmness on every Imaginable occasion. They tell of him. that one day he strolled leisurely Into the ofice of a friend. *T have Just had a chat with your wife." he said by way of beginning. "Why, I didn't know she was downsewn," said the friend. "Oh, she wasn't downtown,** replied the congressman. *T called at the house." "I didn't know she was receiving today." said the husband, with some surprise. *1 thought she had a beadache." "She dldnt mention It to me," said the congressman. "There was a crowd at the house." "A crowdI" echoed the husband. "Tea," went ou the calm man. "They same with the engine." "The engine!" gasped the husband. "Oh, it's all right," went on the calm man. "It's all out now. It wasn't much of a Are, but I thought you'd Uhe to know It." Nation of Nelsee. In Ohlna night Is as alive as the day and la filled with whoops, noisy con Tensilon, me iiopouf accompanying work, bolsteroua repartee and every ether unmusical sound. Iu addition, the darkness la one long howl of dock cackle of geeae, braying of donkeys, creaking of frogs, the squealing at pigs, the drumbeats of the poll renew nd even, as some one has said. staging of the stars." Individually the people are full af varieties of ngstippreesed. violent ssoenetratlveneee, and olleotlvely they are only a terrlfls hibal turbulence. One moet approprl ate name fer China has never been given it It has been called the YsUow Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, the O lestlal Bmptra, the Pigtail lUtlos, the Sleepy Olant and others. No one at these is more applicable than the N? tion of Noises. Noise Is seemingly the first element of Chinese Ufa and has been cultivated for centuries by Chinese talent and in conception, develop asent and execution presents not only new varieties, but scores of new apeelee Car. Montreal Standard. 1* *lloltu?U. "Why in yw so ntrwMly loUdtoai about tbo pminittot of trace?" ukad tbo art arpart "WaU," answered tbo man wboaa taatoa la acalptnia in somewhat reallIcled, "it eesma to ma tbat trace ana frequently Tory debirable thlnga fat etatoary la hide tiablal Washington And Charged Far AoeordlngfyThe ataeplajaek wan climbing tbo tagataff snrmoontlng tbo clock tower. "Tkle la what I call working orm - T.I r Medicine and Tonic. ves. They only make bad matters ; R L- T. for Constipation, Bil- J Liver troubles It acts in per with natuie. rescribing cotinoujly for 25 : know of any remedy that isolts, as this remedy. ough trial and can unhesitatingly v reccommend it to the general pub- ' lie. J. A. VANDIVER. t Pres. F. & M. Bank. Ig I have been using "Richard- 'J son's Livei Tonic" in my home for some months past and find it an excellent preparation It has served as a substitute for calomel, giving the desired effect without. the usual nausea following a dose ! or calomel, and leaving the liver in normal activity. I reccomend it without hesitation. A. J. CAUTHEN, Presiding Elder Anderson District. I always keep on hand a bottle , of R. L. T. I have used it in my family with most satisfactory re( suits for liver troubles, for diges tion and as a general tonic- I value it very highly and know from experience that it does all that is claimed for it. j (Signed) P. B. WELLS, i Pastor St. Johns Methodist Church, Anderson, S, C. Chiquola Drug Co., Anderson, S. C. Dear Sirs: In response to your 'inquiry, I cheerfully state that I have used R. L. T. in my family for several years with every beneficial results. I have personally used it recently for its tonic J effects and have been much benefitted. For chronic constipation, indigestion and torpid liver. I do not know a better remedy. GEO. E. PRINCE. Judge of 10th Circuit. ID GUARANTEED BY DRUG CO. ION S. C. \I.E BY harmacy. - The Sumler Sumter, UNDER NEW > Machinery and hers Wells Steam gasoline engine, f sizes and types, T tral Foundry and "Vance saw m working machiner prices and on sati The Bnick and I mobiles all types < | for ammediate thi) i ; Hwin no o lino foo noofioi uo a iui^ A i/i jk 'ai vtvi and let us si YOURS VEI SUMTER IRC . \ - - , , , \ rand ZZZI Auction ZIZZ! Sale 25 -[LOTS 25 DILLON S. O. F0 BE SOLD MONDA? DECEMBER 27 2 P. M. Sharp Ve will sell at public auction 25 desirable resident lots to the highest >idder. Property ofE. L. Moore, 400 yards from Postoffice. Don't miss uch a phanpp tn Hnnhlo \rnil)' mnno\r qc >?aol ziof-ofz-v tuill /1/miK1/? I ^illrvvi ? ???j wui. inv/ii^j tvo i vui totai/C w in uuuuic m 1/111 v'ii. \) be sold to whites only. TERMS OF SALE 1-4 cash, 1-4 in 6 months, 1-4 in 12 months, 1-4 in 18 months WILk ALS? SEZ_k 2 LOTS 2 and one home in the colored residence section. $20.00 IN GOLD ^iven away absolutely free. Come and bring your friends. Don't forget fflH the date MS MONDAY DECEMBER 27TH F WATkTfN^ ffr l I AV111 W Manager ^ _ Iron Works PURE WHISKIES. 11 , lk-' Every drop of whiskey shipped by us is ruaian eed to ( S* C? be just as represented. When we say "absolutely pure ' ^ yjfXT ** means that the whiskey has not been adulterated, but has been distilled from the pure grain, has the right age and flavor and is just what it is represented to be. We want to reach the class of people whofdrink nothing but an absolutely pure whiskey and every order sent cut by us is backed by a reputation of 36 year's standing. Below is quoted prices on our absolutely pure whiskies. These are guaranteed to be perfectly straight: Gibson Rye, 8 yrs. old, delivered $4.50 per &ul. Qualified. 6 vrs. old. delivered 4.00. " Hiffhsprie, 6 yrs. old. delivered .V5'\ " m Elkrun Rye, delivered .*.00 ' ? (NOT GUARANTEED" ' Country Club, 5j.5o per gal. . CfMil. Mountain Corn, 3 yrs. 2 50. supplies, strut- N. c. Corn, 4 ;rs.y engins, Stover I Pride of N. C.. 3.50." ^ I i ?i 11 When wc say "not guaranteed" we mean not all whiskey," but lagle DOliers a a These are good articles for the money ami one order will he Heee, Cen- I make you a permanent customer. Machine Co. FRANK MILLER, ills and wood 1204 E. Main St., Richmond Va. y" at the right Established m !-s7 3. iLh- I KING OF ALL ? 1 I THROAT It LUNC I REMEDIES DR. RING'S I I NEW DISCOVER.. W I QUICKEST, SAFEST, SUREST I ? v/vuv^n and I^ULU I I CURE I i and healer of all di8ea8e8 of lung8, i liars. Give us a trial | throat and chest k 10W you. I OURED BY HALF A BOTTLE % . v . I Half a bottle of Dr. King'* How Discovery cored me of the Y TRULY' I worst coU end cough 1 evor hod.? J. So Pltt| Rocky IVOQAt, IF* C. I I IN WORKS. I pmmm ioq amd siao I ji%J wmmmmmmm 8*?M? Q?umiteuiyhbvmhb^