B v* Converted. The following from the Gaffney. Ledger is a strong argument for smaller counties: "An open confession is good for the soul" is an old saying, and 1 while ihe matter was settled years, ago. and Settled right, it is not out; of the way to quote a remark of j Mr. M. C. Lipscomb, of the White Plains section, who was in the city yesterday. Mr. Lipscomb! said: "Why I just believed this' new countv would ruin us. I I couldn't see where the benefit) would come in for us to undergo the expense of a new court house and jail. But the new county advocates won out and I am glad of it. I sec the wisdom of their course now. I believe in progress and good roads, and I would | give $500 out of m y pocket towards, a good road from (lalTr.ey to Spartanburg, via mv house." Mr. Lipscomb has visited Mecklenburg county twice simply to inspect her good roads, and he further said that if Cherokee could not afford to construct macadam roads he was in favor of the county grading her roads as soon as pos nble and then macadamizing them later. School Opens. The High School opened Monday morning with a large attendance. After a three month's J vacation the teachers and pupils' seemed anxious once more to resume the duties thev laid aside at the beginning of the summer. The school was opened w?th appropriate exercises in the auditorium. In addition to guile a large number of pupils there were present many of the parents ami i well-wishers and friends <>t" the ' schoolThe exercises were opened with a scriptural reading and a prayer i by Rev. W. r.. Kirk land and; there were addresses by Messrs. 15. R. Hamer, L. Cottingham and Rev. H. A. Willis, l'rof- Nickels made a short address to the ?upils and the parents who were present and then the children passed out to the several class rooms and settled themselves down to the 1 $ I School Op 131 Having paid par to the line of sc several years what the schoc Our stock this > than ever and > thing in the lir jiK pnes. We buy Vv tities than the d Uw school supplies ( nfi and can offer 2 AK at lower price; li full line of schc u ways have on 1 fK assortment of Pencil Tablets. WW Pencils and Pens. ^ Ink Tablets and M And everything el |A| in a first-class ] uR carry the large SK tionery in Mari jQj Herald Bo jjti Stati Opposite Passe fiwi' -^r w? nine month's \v. ik in from of them. The factory school opened Monday also and the first day's attendance numbered about IS pupils. The school is in charge of Miss Smith again this year, and she will be assisted by Miss Foie. Statement of the condition of THE PEOPf.KS UATCIC located at Dillon, S. (J. at the close of business Sept. 8th, I'.KK) RESOURCES Is>aus and Discounts $71,001.00 Dciiiaud Lonns 2,620. li) Overdrafts 5)24 28 Furniture and Fixtures 1.121.751 Due from thinks *; Trust Cos. 17, .'51.61) Currency 5,226 00 Cold 285.00 Mlver and other Coin 1,505.52 Checks and Cash Items 1,425.18 T?>tnl ' 103,02:1.30 LIABILITIES <'"|)ital Stock Paid in $25,000.00 Surplus Fund 2,50 ;.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 2,705.87 individual Deposits Subject to Check 81,147.14 Time certificates of Deposit 5,729.82 Cashiers Checks 241.811 Hills Payable. 80 00'.).0 ? Credit Items 4.0911.04 Total 102,028.2(5 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, / County ok Marion. i lb* lore me came E. R. Hnmer Cashier of the above named Bank, who, beiiift duty sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bunk, as shown by the bt oks of file in said bauk. E. R. Hamer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of Sept. 1901). V. L.. McLean Notary. Public. Correct Attest .1 W. Dillon i T. A. Dillon Directors. .! W. Kiiut N ? ? ??Statement of condition of THE BANK OF DILLON located at Dillon, S. C. at tin- dose of business Sept. Nth, 1 !)<)".!. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 327,953.14 Overdrafts 3,1211.78 Bonds \ Stocks owned by bank 12,950.00 Hanking House 4,500.00 Furniture end Fixtures 1,577 27 Other Real Estate 8,209.0 Due from Banks nnd Trust Cos. 63,407.85 Currency 3.821.00 Gold 775.00 ens Sept. $ w ir ticuiar attention V ihool supplies for we know just On >1 children need. 'ear is completer VV ve handle every- OS le of school sup- nfj in larger quan- M iealer who makes RS :>nly a "sideline" Qn l better selection s. We carry a jjQj >ol books and al- Jt land a complete M ink. an 1 Chalk. flv Boxes. Ilff nch Baskets. II Book Sacks. _llfl SiHillin^ Blanks. se usually found jft Book Store. We I? st line of sta- fXI on county. ^ i ok and R | onery Co. |? nger Depot. n I . mi1 i in' SilTcr and other Coin 877 97 Checks and Cash Items ^1^670^76 Total 4S8.961.77 LIABILITIES Capital^Stock Paid la 75.000.00 Surplus Fund 3o.000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 34,752 40 Individunl Depts. subject to check I3:t,.88.95 Time certificates of Deposit <>5,475.42 Notes fit Bills RediscOunted 1? ',000.00 Bills payable, including certificates for money borrowed 100,000.00 Reserve Fund 5,000.00 Total 428,961.77 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA > SS. County of Marion ( Before me came W. T. Bethea, flashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that tlie above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bauk. W. T. Bethea. Sworn to and subscribed for before me [ this !lth day of Sept. 1909. Maurice Manning Notary Public. i Correct?Attest j A. J. C. Cottingham t i Wade Stackhouse 1 Directors I T. W . Betheii am >#? ^ About Saving Money. A North Corolina bank is send ing out souvenir post cards con1 laining the following: words: I "$1.00 a year for fifty years is ' only $50 00. but compounded it is I $290.(K). $50 00 a year for fifty I years is only $2,500, but at com! pound interest it is $14,500 " These two sentences should have a fascinating meaning for every man who stops to think what he might have done if he had only saved his nickles and dimes. 1 Think of the people who are . spenumsf tneir nickies each day, j and then figure what it would be ! at the end of a few years. I The above sentences should j make men and women stop and I think what they could have done , had they only started early, j What you could have done can ! now be done by your boys. Stop your boys and girls from i loafing at the dope fountain from early morning till late at night and put them to saving the nickles and dimes in the saving bank, and in the future they will have money to buy homes. It is not the man who makes money who comes to the front in ! the community, but the man who i saves money.?Exchange. ; Give Us You 1 KILLS I | Cures the worst " ft bicaises mange a m ono ? ? M Full line Bicaises jjg| For Sa j|| ???????? | Evans Ph f| Sole A) ; No Hard Time; ? wr The South Atlantic , The Following Increases f New Premiums 60l% Renewal Premiums 31 " Insurancejlssned, 40 " .Total Income All New Forms of Policies , vative Options to Insured. MAX PASS, C DILLOfc 553555SS25555SS55S2513552S53555535EH ywwHH WHimw mmn mrnmrn mmmm mmrn^ ' . f^iicl?: ,i i dim iu WII i ^ 1 ^ O ;4| : ? -3 i 82 of all the latest designs in stylish and attractive Milli- 13 , "n OVir Air ill Vvo ^norlir rvv. ?ivi j TV m kj\ - i caujf Ull 1 | Tuesday and Wednesday, | ' B Sept. 28th. and 29th. j *1 E The selections were made after a stay of weeks among the ||, ' H leading millinery establishments of Baltimore and New York and 3s SE represents the highest development of the milliner's art. Every =2 piece of millinery in my store has a style and individuality of its own. Here vou can find iust what von want an*l nnf ? J J ff?u? ****** ?wi OUIU^llllllg SE just as good." __ 3| | THE FALL FASHIONS. | ^ of 1909 surpass in beauty those of previous seasons and our display on Sept. 28th. and 29th. will be larger and prettier than ever. You will find here the same goods and the same styles that will ka An ili.nlav n fkn >? ??J ? ' " uv uii uio|imj 111 me migci tiucs anu iiijr )lllkC5 Will ue ODC-lOird sr less. 3 Mrs. MARY H. BARNES. 3 (Under Hamilton Hotel.) 1 3 I i ^ p 3 1 Pluuuuuu uuuauu uuauuu uuuauu uuuuuu uiuuu^ m 1 - r Job Work, g'g Yalues In Automobiles. / | BRUSH RUNABOUT case of Mange. p rTTPi? KTrkT? orvTo H car on mar^et f?r the money, most v. j.^wx x v^xo- p economical car ever manufactured. ? g COMPLETE $550.00. Dog Readies, || jf interested in a machine 'Phone or write .J LE By || me at Latta, S. C. Demonstration car always ~ n on jian^ xarmacy. ? B H. ATKINSON. ^enu- 8 - J the OF j KING W CURES ; ? During 1908 !| [DR. KiNO'Sl 1 Insurance Company j NEW DISCOVERY 1 - FOR COUGHS and COLDS. \ j or the Year Show: | FOR WEAK, SORE LUNQ8, ASTHMA*'V Insurance in Force 24 ?!t, I DAIIftlllTI? UlTMMBiBMAM .jf* - ?-w.-w... ..b.mvnnnHUK.V IK Net Assets 19" AMD ALL ^ Net Surplu" 15 THROAT AND LUNG V H g DISEASES. \ 39 per cent. PREVENTS PNEUMONIA - 1)1 I ? 1 Giving: Most Liberal Conser ! * regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the grand?t medicine ?t J modern times. One bottle completely cored me of o very M \ cough, which was steadily growing worse under other tualm?f " EARL SHAMDURG, Codell, Km. > ieneral Agent, paioi ?oo and ei.oo /' 9 SOLD AND 6UARANTEED BY r, s. c. , i ? Evans Pharmacy. j