' gM ?lu* tKapatrh-3XrntB I 'tZT I NO-S3- .,v LEXINGTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, VyEDNESOAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1922. M?MBCB ? The Dispatch-1 In Prizes f , .. . | "Chevrolet Tourirt{ noaaster will oe First an Sedon Victrola and Gi - . List of, i Announcement. : " ' --'-t i V . . . i ______ 1 i wiui a greater prize list than* ...this yicinity in a similar undertal . t ormj&l announcement of the 3 whiclrmore than $1,500 in aut< Commissions will be given awai . .jnont in this issue-gives full deta Hvtwo autos are of the 1923 1 s?;wb11 :Worth best efforts to strivj er$d is naturally that covered b fringes of adjoining counties, i First Grand Pri^e?$630 Che (.purchased of and on display ai Columbia, S. C.) ^Second Grand Prize?$406 (Biirchased of and on display ai v; 'third Grand Prize?$170 Vii ordsi (Purchased of and on dii s t Fonrth Grand Prize?$40 So] (Purcliaaedof and on display ai I . dollars in special cash ] There has been set aside $20C awacaed to all non-prize winnef oTOnnpatyn, The object of * the "Salesmanship Club".lir>t?.Increase the already wide 1 and highly creditable circulation of this to greater proportions. I' and . Tho ijjspatch-NewB is going to pay its friebds handsomely for helping introduce it in turn to their friends U?Ph? plftM ftdoptet^jr^Phij-t?Bpatch;-i jk, News is a novol one. It could roach thousands of new readers by employ[? ' V Wv * ing scores of solicitors to cover this section, but it would take quite a long time to do the work thoroughly. In inaugurating the "Salesmanship Club" this paper has adopted a bottcr plan | ?a quicker method?and also gives its friends an opportunity to earn big rewards during spare time. The "Salesmanship Club" will make a lot more noise and create interest and fun? (, there is nothing like having some fun i along with business. Big Pay For /Vll. j An especially attractive feature .01 1r the "Salesmanship Club" is that all will be paid handsomely for the results they score. A cash commission of ten per cent will bo paid those who ( are not awarded one of the regular 1 . prizes, providing of course the.y adhere to the rules as outlined in the double i page announcement. Thus the Salesmanship Club" is a sure thing for | the club members right, from the bej ginning, and their reward depends en tirely upon the efforts put forth and the results secured. Spare Time. , . AH one is expected to* do In order to r earn one of the splendid prizes is to I devote . spa re moments to securing | subscriptions to The Dispatch-News. I In faC^sufficient time Is Riven- the "Club" to allow one's seeing every r friend aani acquaintance during spare time. The "Club" will last eight weeks. beginning with the first publlV cation of the official list of the names L of the Club Members. November 29th. A Great Opportunity. J-: The word "Automobile" Is at prea[) em the biggest word in the Knglish vocabulary and Just how to mAke it ! possible to own one lias perhaps long boon -the desire uppermost in the minds of most folks. A Business Proposition. In offering such a great reward to those taking active Interest, The Dis iritrh-News is n t playing the role of a philanthropist?neither is It a something for nothing scheme. It is a business proposition, pure and simple. [ The $1 GOO. 00 worth of automobiles ! n nH nf h/m -ill * ?' - ' .. u uvuui i? ?in mil uf pivf'n in ov| chango tor* well directed efforts upon tho part of Club Menibors, and the r basis upon wb.ch they may be secured, i and the awards themselves, assure each and every one taking part that - their offorts will boar fruit to tho fullest extont. ^ews to Give A Great Subscrip g Car and Ford Awarded Winners d Grand Prizes?tld Watch Also in : c_ _ n Lt- n jLsouote rage L*. ' * has ever t?efor ebeen offered in king, The Dispatch-News makes "SALESMANSHIP CLUB" in jmobiles, other prizes and cash rl A double page announceils of this unusual enterprise, nodels and the other prizes are 2 for. The territory to be covy this paper?Lexington and [*he prizes are: vrolet Touring Car, 1923 model. ; show rooms of S. B. McMaster, Ford Roadster, 1923 model, t DuPre Auto Co., Lexington, S. N I :trola, including a dozen reosplay at Harmon Drug Co., Lexlid Gold Elgin Wrist Watch. \ HiStnon Drug Co., Lexington.) pnzea. | for cash commissions to be s: tarljr. Start lmpmtir.'. In evertf man and woman's life there in one big moment when he makes the decision1 thafrobs him of succeoa?01 ioatjs hlip on to fortune. The world is full of those who yarn for bettei things that never seem to come. The action is missing. But let him see and grasp tho big opportunity and there - wl 1) be- an - amazing transformation it) his fortunes. The moment he decide* lor or against that opportunity? whether he will seize it or let it pas* ?he decided the whole future course j of his life. t The main thing in the "Salesmanship Club" is to get an oarly start in the race. It means everything tc those who have ambition and a desiri to succeed, so the first and best thins to do is to ?. moll your name at unci j and then get out among your friend* j and tell them you want their subscrlp\ tion to The Dispatch-News. ; i urii to tn?! double page announcej -..er.t while it is fresh in your mind j nU -equ it l yourself with the gooti j t!i;ngs offered and then lose no tint* ! In clipping out the nomination cou i pun. iiuinK in your name, address, ant j such other information us requostot upon it, and bring: or send it to th? "Salesmanship Club" headquarters ai The Dispatch-News, Lexington. Divided into Periods. The carripign is divided into severu 1 periods, the first lasting: from - thi i opening:. Thursday, November 30th ; until Tuesday, December 19th, 6 p. m j'ThPre Is a real inducement offered ir I.; < j , > J this period to get a big sturt. lor a1 | no other time during the eumpaigr : will 'effort count for so many honu: votes. For this period, lasting: thre< ; weeks, there will be a bonus of 100.00< j votes for each $1 J .-Win cash subscrip tion business turned in-. A glu/iee al *lhe bunus'vote schedule thai follows i-will make this statement clear. / I tonus Vote Schedule. ; First Period: From the beginning ' of the campaign on November 30tl ] until Tuesday, December 19th, 0 p. rn. i 100,000 bonus votes will be. given foi each J12.00 in eash subscription busi| ness turned in. Shicond IVrlOfl: From Tuesday December 19th. ii p. in., until Tues day, December 26th. f p. in.. 100.001 bonus votes will be given for eacl i ! $16.00 in eash subscription business i turned in. ; Third Period: From Tuesday. De I ce in her 26th, 6 p. in., until Tuesday I January 2nd, 6 p. in.. 100,000 bonui ' votes will be Riven for each $20.00 n j cash subscription business turned in Fourth Period: From Tuesday, Jan uary 2nd, 6 p. m.t until tho end o the campaign Friday, January 12th, i p. m., 100,000 bonus votes will lx given for each $24.00 in cash subscrip tion business turned in. If the campaign is extended to clos< Friday, January 19th, at 2 p. m. I way $1,500 ftion Campaign THANKSQiviivci' oftfevicani A* ucinrMov oqbooi>. ' ' The annual Tt>MtlW|tTt||| g?6l?rla? Will be h^ld an VfWl at thn Lrexiartou high school- thtf ynar wiU anion r?ligk>um ? i iai?f' dinner at noon- and a-' >prta*'^ an?. In the ofternaaa. the ettls tk# Lexington Mkffl Omm of Ik* i3atcaburg-t' Inspection ipy frifhdo ond oatrono of tho school. Bach yqar thin mbmI gathering surpasses tho forever one*-' i> inI terest and attendance, and It in altoI pother probable that thin yoor will aot i he an exception. The following program wUI ho roadcred at t^a morning perries*. Chalrmgn~-Thor Kgr. W. C. Wallace . -r'v' Hyntn Ifo. Script*** Mmv. H. A. Whittnp. . Prayer?That For-- f. IfX. Veadorburk. Hymh No. %\?Serra?a^-dnpo Far. A.. B. Obea sohftin.L by CMe. CoUeitlp* > School ln>p^*mw?t i Benodtf** .*fei *00. Q. Jfl. Shea.rotf*. >" i i* : D,MrrS3SS??r , Mlwi Clmrt^u Mafy Bolh Certey, . the yburtM;***** W Hr. Ufa ( George W. *.. didd Medday , morning ?^oet 4:tl e'deikofburai sustturrcd ftvafay {hernia*, Novambft 5. and *'aa burl*4 TuOOdey nhoralng at 10 o'clock , ?t Pilgrim Lutheran ' church, h^r fleeter, the Hot. H. A. KlBtlcr, officiating, a^id being ?Mlettd ; by the Hot. Mr. W&IUm and Rov. O. H. Bhearouoe. MIbb Oorlry ?u bora December S 1895, and won {ftp^Md iaiafaacy, and at the age of li ah* wee centime d a member of Hen Ulthma church . In ( 1920 she {jraasferptd her aneakberehlp ( to Biigi-im ohyrfh. ?f which aha r*maincd a-faithful jagaaber-anti) death lies Idee >er parent* ahe is ourviwed ( by the follow)** hcpthen aael eieterl; i Mrs. L..K. Haranan, Mrs. J. it. Bai lentine; Mrs. IBljacr *' Wlngard. 9. * | Perry C :6r|ey aad Julian R. Corlay. A large r*th date Kcvo* &4#HV0h?l faralUeo. N?Wgln , ning December 1 tho aMKloMl torn r ,ille? will ho MrvU dolly Wth rural trot - delivery. The foMewUMt lotW from the fourtl , : assistant post m&* tor |?aonii Is solf-sx planatory: ) "Hon. H. P. Fqlmer, > ,'HouRf! of R?pr?F*>^UTM. * "My dear Mr* Pulmer: "I tatm ?* ensure la ndvidnf you thai - rural route No. t, from Pollen, Boat! , Cardinal will be tneadtd effective i from Decepiber 1, ltlS, and will he el i benefit to seven families. "Sincerely you re, "H. BlUany, f "Fourth Assistant Postmaster Geni oral." - 100,000 bonus votes will be fiver with oach $14.00 in cash subscription j bUHlnoas turned in during the extend, r-d period. CJET HuW'ilrMEN M ftbON 2UTER C1UMK. $?. v Rurul jL X* Mi thrift e , Freshley and | Lown did & piece of work Sat- H urday nitftyt they took Into rus-I " tody hfjrtfo'avmbn just this side of Brook find in about 30 minutes aftte'r the -.cnxxie'.-Had been committed. -j C1 When ?ifelui*nui? from Columbia >wT... a 1 about d?H Saturday afternoon. Mr. A. w T." Martlh, w)w lives about a mile j{ from Bropklan^ was hold up and beat c( about the' head and face by three younir wftfte, m?n, and robbed of some ^ clothing: he.had"J?ttrchased in Oolum-j ' * I ' n bia and also-a small amount of cash. I I Mr. wa^jrondered unconscious| rrom tiifc bloWch stick being used forth* attftcU', Rural PpIUjiujien I'ri shiny and ^ I/own we?'o in the neighborhood at > m . 10 the time, and 1 til less than 30 minutes had th? nv'n under arrest, the victim und a negi'b tvijdavas near at the tinio? ! ? . ? , ; .'I j Identified jthel'; men. They wore ^ brought to l-exfifigton and lodged in I Jan. ' i i| preliminary Was hold Tuesday af- ;i| tornoon before Magistrate Sim I*. ? Hendrix, ?nd trfo three were bound I over for tho January term of criminal ^ court, bond being fixed at $1,000 each, j,, I The-men are clirrged in the warrant (ll j of assault and lottery of h high and :i| aggravated^,nature] and highway rob- u, bery. St> far xh<^y have not given the j, bond ani ' '.*.. 4i Front time to tiAte the editor re- 4>' , ceivos some mighty go say 4a*y?Vtn*v*" i nhould win the blue i*bbdft?/''f?o??i*?l.\? we have/ had several f?nd.*dar * vegetables. and{ sew eonrirs.aJttrtttnAist's./* I I'orth with swe?rf pbtatfwstv-*nn,"he*1t . % the band." Mr. I>arth?'?Mv??gl?? < i?m our office .Monday :u. num-Wtr <*i" r. hbofJ' Porta Itican pdtatoes. fatfHMVdWln weight from Tour to 11 ;dth.n ^ i and more cannot ho saidCjJWlfctrixt*?*;' :i, ington county can -grow?*Jt?>X 1 ?i Til A VKS(?? VIVti /AT' * MO>wfiWitiiJJUH ; o 'taK? Ml> a"" sunnsot- V ? vice and an address by -'a - prominent ? layman. A hearty welcoh?'e*-is Riven' **' to-all to be with us in alt thl?se ?*18 Af-' *1 I vices. v-*. Kr- b 11 CIVIC IiHAOUK TO ^ , ; BK OI^G WI/iF.U . f'i, j All ladies o? the town are invited to ? be present at a meeting at the home I of Miss Klcanor Worrill Thursday afI ternoon at 4 o'clock, at which time a ['civic league will be organized. All ( ladles interested are expected .to at- e , tend . ,j i T. > "inn ninRcrs Teacher (to class in natural his- ^ tory)?What kind of birds are fro- ,l quently kept in captivity? Tommy?Jail birds. A Substitute i If you can't got away for a vaca> tion, you can get the same feeling by etaylng at home and tipping every s third person you see. o * '! 1 ' 1 / IXiKO KILLS XKGltO SATURDAY NIGHT. Dozicr Wise, negro, shot and killed Jehard Thompson, another negro, ist Saturday night about 10 o'clock, t the home of Wise, where a barbeje supper was being served. and imlodlately after the shooting Wise kmc into Lexington, about two miles, id surrendered to the shoriff, and as lodged in jail to await trial at the Lnu.try term of ? general sessions >urt. It i? said that Thompson went to | ic lse nomu Saturday night in an toxicated condition and started to tso a "rough house," and o?t being illod down cut two negroes and was t turn killed by. Wise for his wrong olngs. Ah brought out at the eorofr's inquest. Wise shot in self-do-' i nso. i The only eye-witness to the tragedy | as another negro, Who also received t cut from the knife of Thompson. >*ise is being held in the Lexington unty jail to await trial. The. followng is the testimony given L the inquest conducted by. Coroner r". C. Weed Sunday morning: Banaruta Wise, being duly sworn, lys: This drunk man came in the ousc and cursed; I asked hint uot to irse. He said he did nob-give ad... l>6ut nil of us s i- o* b. Wise sked bint why he acted this way. He rew knife. Hosier Wise grabbed both Is hands. Thompson said I am going > kill you, and cut Wise. I grabbed hotnpson and jerked hint away, and loved him out of door. Thompson lid he would cut me. T ran away at lis tima and was in rear of house hen K"un fired. I don't know who lot Thompson. Her ltananna x Wise. Mark. Yandy Felder, beiiiK duly sworn,": lys: I was here when shooting took 1 laee. . Richard Thompson asked eorjee Rites what the'h.... he was leaking to him for. Uitua said. Ain't e good. buddies? - TUo?pfoii-iAidv noua good;b"utftfy*tb ariyt?dy. I don.'t ffive a il. . . ." for none *- y t> . i, . fyyou^s.vj. . s.of b. .... I told-hini not i kc> on l-hat way; 1 tlion went into ityhen. #0n<|; I heard Wise tell him to lit out t in- ^oursinK and respect the omen folksy. Wise's wife ortlered (Jioippson out of the house, and I ^i J?j,tti. totf?vu,t out tlie fuss. He went avk i;i,)th?jvhouse and continued the ursity^o-J^ipd left llie house when ihr ??4U> VWrttl'-' This happened about ^ ai',9. o'clock . 1 did not see ;h#jinpK<>n0dyaw knife. We were ntV-MJin,u y,Jj^fl>ecue suiiper. ? 4.#(,l?iftned) Vainly Felder. tr.. bring tluly* sworn. , 'Vjyerj-, all in tin- house when i^ss st?.rt?i*l.i Raw] brought Thompson 1 ut Thompson wont hack' i T|)onipsi)H hiid hand on; 1 ' ' I IV'.' BiiW' started erying. to back away ' from I 'fcpnil.?ti^hrjtWl Thompson started af 6-kwWiM^ not.see anything in ''u>rvhiVW^>g^ndS.ime ivne said. >on',V-i}?ilii' ' nnnpsou hurt,: htm." aitd Sk'.i >?? ^ d - T.I e > i e. 11 s f > n-"- a till ThontpW ,{nade l'or Wise's "wtt-e.*l">rvi> i. I "stafted to the Wal&A. Wi'fj-'nvoti.psptt. at the doorJl\y, hpuKis and 'ho out ' UMfAviltyyYt.ffrni.Ce--whoa 1 mot hint at he door^if^liad my bactfti>' tht>m exaoCu-uum?t lie rut on me Whoh th'e" firsts hSUMPi.-Htfre'tf: i'iIt nod Hrthiful'and j rss iWwhfn first shot tvas l'lre'd, find) t'wr-Baid, C.... d I ' RiH' o?-23??ic*hdjupsnn fell. Thompson eut Wise efbro W^ftt^ shot' him. This impelled abo-ut; 10 o'elook . I was the nly other one in house when shootig-rteetjrred'i, ' V-v His ? tieorpre I.ltes. ' Mark. Oeorge >Rawl, being duly sworn. ays: I was.on porch when fuss startel. Wise's wife asked me to take 'hompson out of the'house, and I rou>eht him-out on porch. lie went ack in the house. Thompson cursed nd cut Wise, and I left then. This Is 11 I know about it. His (}rorge X Rawl. Mark i Dr. (r. P. Roberts, being duly worn, says: I have examined the body f Richard Thompson, and find two ?** ??? ?'I I 11 r PQFfH^AK LECTURE , II KitK DECEH?ER 5TH . . Leon Palmer, General Superintendent of the South Carolina Sunday school association, will Rive a popular le.cture at the Lexington school auditorium on Tuesday. December 5, which will be of especial interest to Sunday school workers, and the public is cordially invited. During tho past twenty years Mr. Palmer has lectured In Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia. North and Soxrth Carolina, Ohio, Illi <, I nois, Wisconsin and New York. He has Riven special series of lectures at tho University of Alabama,' the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Wlnthrop College. Blue Ridge Christian Worker^' Training Conference, and the International Training School. Bake Geneva. Author of "Lesson Building," oditor of "The Sunday School Promoter," and contributor to current religious and educational publications. Among his best known lectures are*. I ' "Over Fools' Hill." "Secrets of Success," "Where Did We C?et Our-^ Bible?" "The Bible, us Good Literature." "How to Double Your Sunday School," "The Big Boy Problem," "The Teacher's Power," "Religious Education and American Democracy," "The Rights of the Child;" "Building Christian Citizenship," "Tho Clial- . lenge of the Present Crisis,"' "The Best Paying Business on Karth," 'etc. MOUNTAINEERS WILL V " ' 7 y v VISIT LEXINGTON. . . ,v". ?- m I 'rMbntagllonl (The Mountaineers) are scheduled to move oh Lexington on the evening of Ftrlday, December 8, when" they appear at the school audtiorium sis the third attraction on - *m the- eureht lyceum cotitfte. . * A9 th'eljf name Implies, this is a compuny stapnch and sturdy in eharacter. BfecgUffir tj^'thifl they bring to their en t rrtiirtlAfn b? a sprightly atmo?- " pfae^e" and gofldfellowshlpv 1 -' ' " '' "The pfognini opens with a theme of * is so vividly presented that tho ' V e.udlencc can easily follow, in mental picture, the' native Mountaineer at' play, hear his sonps and see his Instruments of music. Italian Is a synonym for all that is best in musical art. Italian, is a synonym for all that is best in musical art. The fame of these musical and music-loving people has spread all over the world. The entire five members of the J'Montaglioni Company are Rifted, professional musicians and The Piedmont Kureau, under whose direction they were secured by the local Lyceum Committee, is happy to present them to the Lyceum public. SF,NN-"BO*kni<;UT . Married at the Methodist parsonage in Lexington, Sunday morning. November Sth. Miss Viola Scnn. eldest, daughter of Mf. and Mrs. W. (J. , .... Scnrt" to Mr. Leo Bouknight, son of .... . , ; Mr, an*l Airs. C. M. llouknight, all, t{..y : of-.-HobnoAT community. fie v.. H. , A... .. , ..Whitten.:officiating.. Scores of thefj-, . . .. n H-uiin -v-sirjiu; coegraiuiutiops anp '.ll" best Wishes.. AT (UlinOKEK KHIOOIi. * - ' : . :-r. ; I. c *.. There wiljbe a. Thanksgiving- pxct.-t?? ".c -oise_ at Cherokee school,'. Wednesday. \ evenjng, November 29. beginning at :' 7o'clock. After the exercise. the- . , laidlcs _ School . Improvement league wilj .serve an oyster supper and tU'Ulsh fry, I-'ollqwirig this there will be an , old tiipe caky walk. Refreshments will be served during the evening- Everybody is cordially invited. ? gun-shot wounds on left side; one just ' under the collar bone, one inch to the left of sterno clavicular articulation. ' Tho Other on left side of head, taking off about the upper half of ear, entering,-brain. Either wound was.sufficient to cause death. .(Signed) O. P. Roberts. M. f>. ?t Tho* following composed the coro 1 ner's jury: T>. B. Clarke. *