V . ^ tm. ^ I Cite Otspatrh-Ncnts [rr | VOLUME NO. 52. "" LEXINGTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY,^ j^URCH 8, 1922. NUMBER 20" -MKETINC WAS HF.IjP $UB.TE( T WATERMELONS A meeting was hchl :it the court t house Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock in resiwn.se to a call issued by t'ounty Demonstration Agent Jas. W. \ Mheuly for the purpose of discussing the advisability of the lnrmers in tliis section planting watermelons on a large scale for shipment to the northern,markets. \ I Air. Rudolph farmer of tha extmi-i . sion division of flemson folb-gt*-was j present and explained the i?est meth]' oft of cultivation and the best variety *3l j or melon .to plant for shipping ptir\ poses. Air. farmer said that the ? land to 1-e planted to melons should I?e broken not later than .March, and < I after the danger front fn.sv had passed the land should lie laid off in j checks of SxlO t?r 10x10 feet and the seed planted itt the intersections. That, the land should lie eultivateil \ lightly for sometime and at the hist f plowing cow pesis sowed. Thtit the hay harvested after the melon rrop \ had been gathered would in some in\ stances pay the entire expenses of 1 both crops. Melons should be for- j ] tili'/tcd with 7-grade, and the Tom | Watson variety was the best for ship( ping purposes. Mr. Farmer did not .advise going i into any one thing too strong, but said , 'tile farmers should diversify. grow some of everything that would bring ^ A profitable price. That truek grow ing was no more of a gamble now than cotton nailer bell weevil eomlii * tiuns. The sentiment of the meeting was< demonstrated when conditional pledges were asked for as to how ^ much acreage would be olaiiied in! t melons. Practically everyone present agreed to plant front one to five i acres. Mr. Farmer said that undet ordinary conditions a carload could t l>e expected from every two acres, i :(nd that the average price a car last 1 year was $1.25 f.. o. It. shipping point. Y JjLr. Farjper advised thO gathering i that if niofbns were to be marketed j- -"^Hiceessfully and at the best prices. those going into the business would ; db well to join the slate association <>[ watermelon growers which is now i,' b6fng organized. A meeting of tin J state association will l?c hehl in Den-1 a mark next Monday, March lit. ant'| < Messrs. D. E. Efird and J. A.j Barre were selected at'the meeting tr attend the state convention and ref port tlieir findings at the next meet) ing of the people hero, which will bo held in the court house Saturday, j -March lit, at 4 o'clock p. m . Mr. Farmer said that 1.300 ears f of watermelons were shipped from S the small county of Allendale last ? year, and that in most eases good prices were obtained. All those interested in the ' project I arc requested to be present at lite J Oil LIU- 1 .H n . tf CARTFULY C (/XFKHENCK ON OILBFRT CIRtTTT The second quarterly conference for W 3S22 will be held at Pond Branch or ?fxi Saturday. Man li 11th. 1022. j Rev. J. It. 'P. Major, the prcsid* |5> ing older ,wlll preach at 11 o'clock! j a. it). After preaching dinner will bo' | served on the grounds. [ The business session will be held i L after dinner. j All church ofiicers are expected ml I] be present, with full reports. I ilKV. 1.. W. JOHNSON. I I DRAT 11 OK MRS. Il\ 1,1, B _____ ^ Mrs. Lewie Hall died at her home! B last Friday shortly'ilt'tor noon. I had been in gooiL health 'and her o I death eair\e as- a^. groat shock to her F faniily and frlfyds. she hejng taken B #1 iqbout 1 o.'plu?l$ and died an hour or'l so jiifterward;vMrs. was in r ;".j ?h e:'44th year of her a'tP, and besides I* B a husband' she hTtVOir.three,rohiltlicn . i.V ; ') Her remains were laid to rest in i ; ' the, ..ia-xiiifttOJli* ocpjet^l^ SaMfrday-uf- | ternoon, the Itev. Mr. WalJjicp offK-' 35m minting, assisted by the Revs." launder-!" $3 'burke and NVhittcn. I J>R. ROBFBTS A rTi;\l?fNt;-" i'ir. II MASONIC COMMCNH ATIO.V | Ht I- 1 ])r. (r. !*'. Roberts left Tuesday! night to attend the IX.Ith annual com -1 munication of the grand lodge. A. K.. i M.. of South Carolina, which opened in Charleston tills morning for a two-day session. He will return Friday morning. Dr. Roberts is ! tyorshipful master of Lexington todse. i rTAXIVW" v<; TIME EXTENDED TO Jl'NE. ' I . A joint resolution was passed .by the general assembly extending thie time for paying" taxes until June 1, 1922. The bill was passed sometime" ago. but Ihe governor vetoed it. and then both houses of the legislature overrode the governor's notion, and the bill is now law. "Following is the ' bill as passed: '"A joint resolution, to extend the time for the paying of state and eounty taxes for the year 1921 until June 1st. 1922, with certain penalties. "Section i . Fie it resolved by the general assembly of the State of South Carolina: That the time for the payment ol taxes Fcr the your 1!>21,| 1>i 1 extender-p Juno 1. 1!'22. with tile followfi. Q0 M\s: Aihl for taxc.^j paid daring Jafu;, per rent.: j during February, two . ' dur-l ing March, tliroo iter ectit 'Vll/M, " ' April, five per rout.; during ^ per cent.: anil on taxes paid after | Juno 1st. eight per rent.; and that! said penalties he not cumulative. Aniij immediately afu r June 1st. 11122. the county treasurer of the various counties of the State, respectively, shall write up executions for all unpaid taxes and hold the same until September 1st. I!i2: at which time they shall turn over to the sheriff for collection till unpaid executions. And any delinquent taxpayer shall have the right to pay lisi taxes, covered by such execution, to tile treasurer tit any time prior to September 1st. 1!?22, without tiny additional cost, other than The penalties herein provided j for, and the usual one dollar fee tillowed the treasurer for prcpauug and issuing executions. And the treasurer shall he entitled t? credit for sueli ' executions on hand in his annual settlement with the comptroller general . "Section 2. That the payment of taxes any time within the time herein provided shall lie deemed and taken as payment within time allowed by law apd any oiuj paying, .taxes within said time slial Ibe allowed to "volt* io any general, primary, municipal registration, or special election thereafter during 1022." SO.Mi: Tl ltMI'S. It must Ik- handed to I*. I!. War n?T and W. I'. Warntd' t'<>r tin- fitn. turnips they have been plneing on tlu Columbia market recently. I'oth nl these gentlemen hnvc proven that they ran raise something rise of market atilr value beside rot ton. Itutn baggas ran l>e raised profitably as evi (IciicimI by these gentlemen. Mr... W. 1*. Warner was in the treasurer's nffiee reeentlv and paid his taxes, something over $ !:?. 00. and said in banditti; the money to the treasurer, that was tin- result of one load of turnips sold on the Columbia market at $1 ,7a per hundred. Some of his turnips weighed six pounds. A little more diversified farming on the part of our people as praetieed by these farmers would tend lo make otii people more independent of the boll weevil . ('Ill I'll'' K 1-11.SO TO I'l.OKll) \ . Chief t'lrts. II. Kelso l"ft Wednesday night for .laeksonville and other points in Florida, where he will remain for several week.-. This trip Is' an annual even with the ehief. He will return to Lexington for a short stay before going north. Mil. S. Ii. ItAW'l. II.!i. -Mr. S., I,. Kawl, the popular eoilrt erier, wtCs taken to the lluptist hoSpital in Columbia for an operation, (.tist rqpoi'ls aif-'e to the effect Ibai he IfUlobisr Cine.-/ ' "v.- > - o .. < vi,.\V*vr (hikik?krcfcV*i u-./tH'Ju- 'pul>lie- .Is normally im iUsl to- . >K? *' ..... ' SJtUyjld a negro play f'Stii l; to Your' Word < Jul." at f'liortikfo srhool next j iiiU-JWiliiii'. Maj^li ./.j.. at .N o'eloek . A ; STtiali .jm!mWJflfnr" ffT wHI he e)v?,iuii;i"l-[ a n'd' "refreshments served. I sinoino dots.-.We wish to announee tliiit there wfll !? :i lish ftv v mul ..I Imi- n ...nun I rftents at t'hor oh 10th of this month. The public is cordially invited. We arc'very sorry to know tltat Mrs. Karnest Shumpert is very ill. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Drayton Spires visited at the home of Mr. Shellie I.ewis last Sunday evening. Mr. Forest Jefeoat and family dined with his father. WAT Kill N't i FORD NEWS, - : a The health of our community is fairly good at this writing jVe are glad, to raiy. Caleb and -Mrs. Lewis arc all smiles tonight. It is a bouncing big boy; All are getting along nicely. D. <'. and Mrs. Kyzcr visited the letter's sister. Mrs. C. B". Lewis, for short while Sunday morning. Thos. and ' Mrs. Barefoot j fo? your dog, but tlien there is that tit, to he paid for. Why not tat; the! men too, so we eould tell who has i paid his tax. and who hasn't, its we understand that is the reason wl?> the dux has to wear his label. We think that if the legislature would pass sueli iin act it would pi farthei towards helping the county treasurei collect tjixes than to extend the time, for we feel satisfied that not numy would want* to go it* company wearins a brass tag dangling against a fried shirt. A word to the wise is stiffieiwit. ' *, ' lilTKItAltV SOt nCTV I'llOliUA.M . ! I Following is the program ot tin . l'almetto Literary society. Lexington | high school: 1. Recitation?('nke Harmon. 2. Utiles on I'titpiettt?Thelma Hendrix. ". Jokes?I Jen l'ricc. I. Composition?I burner Hay I Oxner. ft. .Musical Selection?Thclnia j K leek Icy. ti. Current Uveitis?Ambrose liar-I mon. j T . Leading?Willie l.ois Smith. [ S . Debate: " Resolved. That "Wood-| row Wilson is a greater man than I I tJcorge Washington was". Affirma-I tivc speakers: Amy Frank low. Odisi Harman. Negative speakers: Chris.j Kaufman. Urnestine Lorick. 0 . Class Criticism?Until Sox. i >7. 17iTiiinut i ii in?i' la 11 k i in ves . 11. I'onimcdiiiii Holies?Mary Wal-' lair. 12. Musical Select iun?I'dondcllc ; Hariuait. orr.MNi; \ si/rrrss. I i The opening of the lied Arrow Fill-; ing Station Friday evening was. not i only a nice social affair, hut a grand : success in face of the cnelement ! weather. The I.miies Improvement i League's net receipts were tjfJG. 00; for the benefit of their cause. Mrs. i Humphries was the winner of the! five dollars in gold for selling the! first fjve gallons of gasoline. Mt'. .Simon Uouknight is the station' manager and art mechanic who will | b'l^.-rtgtjlj"; to ..serve courteously the! public at any arid till times for'their) wants. .The station has, since its I optpLitm. hivjn iilvi4't?j\v.' Ha-^'td/ed, n j; which lite proprietor feels grateful ' ttndo'. fanrhlly^, Sunday! v Mr. and. Mrs. Carlisle' Furrtt.k i also Mr. Ernest Williams and Miss Jimmie Inablnot were visitors at Mr. Willie Itucker's Sunday night. Quito a number of our folks attended Sunday school at Calvary last Sunday. Come again folks and let's have a bigger and better Sunday school. HONOR UOIili <8& j l^ix<;ton school! rciow is ^iveiflhe honor roll of the I.exington high jffioul for the month or Febr^y,. 19*: First gra^j?^?ntn Thomas Wingard. Ooocl6^l^8rfett. Augustine Sox. Advanced', f irst' grad e?.M; i rees t a Hook. nfruiHO j^u|on. Second .grade?^Ruby Callison, Sidney I.ee Steefufi .111., .1. ('. Shephard. j Jr.. Dorothy \\^nirurd> fpl. ! ' # t ' i mi 11 . Uuvall.l Addttie Kijjthorfh^ 'Oihbs. .lns? pliinei Iliiriiinn, ; VlriftljlfcTOitM'umti, Myrth j Hy brand, Mlldrl'iS" Hy^ram!. Klliese I Found, Mury $ut\Pricc?. (JointlK- Uob-j i-rts. Suedelle 9h4Kl)*, Fula Mae Slice.! Flossie Sdx. Uev.Js Steele. Fourth _ grKt!B???-Zelu CnuKhtiian. I Christine Hfct'inrai Mu&Iie ! !F*n-; drix, Alargure^pfts^ahl. 'Grain- Shealy.j Charlie Mutthejjrs. Arthur Oben vfasrliain . ' ; Filth grnde-^^Cuthni iiit- Caughman., lively 11 CaughfftAn' Sarah l)ivln i'. I ' 1 ' | *? Helen ohiMisqluitny * Sixth grafle-t-Wisef Cntighmnn.' .lames Drtdier.J Flunk Powell. Sewnth _ i^'ttWS?Li'onu Steele, Coritie Fields," I'elie Kleekley. i Until Shoaly,. lSlgAnnr Shearouse, I Vermelle llendrlxy Kighth grade?Section one. Uiithi (SeorgO, Daisy HttU. .Minnie K?se j llarnian. Waller Aullti. Seetiun two: I Thelnia IdeekteyT jAlurlon lioof. Satn ' Corley, Uarririgih-.^Y'ifigard. . Ninth gride?-Virginia Kvans, Annie Frunkluw. CjQriee Harmait, Krnestine ' LtHrii'k . Tenth grade??Gladys llarnian. An' i nette Meotzo. 'Anij|e .lulisi Clark. Kdith Hoof. ^ Kleventh grade-^-vNola i'riee, .. .*/& . ? .m is* iMM?zm\.s. |A|iisi(' t;inss- -Anna l.ce Corlcy. Vfrffifeifi Nipper, Hetllah , Fox* Wingard. Iiuth (k'oiKf, Flossie Sox. Steele, Evelyn (.'a ugh man, Eleanor Hook, Catherine Ct^ughmun ]:iu](|c Meetze, Sarda')reher. Mrs. R*of'? M'JJfi Cluss?Walter Hutto, fri'i i.icitf* Harold. Smith. Christopher' Kaufman, l.ona Itclle Kleekley, .lamps Droller, Helen j Obenschain, trernldinc Cleorge. Sara Hampton Kaminor. STATK TKACIIKHS .MKKT The program of the State Teachers" Association has just come from the press anil It. Marts is mailing them out to the teachers of the state this week. The program is a forty page bulletin. in it will be found! general information about the railroad rates, hotel nrurngements, etc. About twenty pages of the program are given over to the advertisements of school supplies, etc. which will he of interest to teachers. There are almost twenty departmental programs, all of which will be of interest to teachers. There are almost twenty departmental programs, all of which will l?i carried out on Thursday and Friday of the Association. These departmental meetings have manv practical :im< 1 helpful subject* for discussion. The fjenera! Sessions \ will he held on Thursday evening, Friday Noon. Friday evening, and aSturday morning. On Thursday evening l)r. T. K. Johnson of Lansing. Michigan, who is considered one of the leadinj educators ol* the middle west, and Dr. K. <*. 1 hooks, who has gained a wide reputation among Superintendents of Education of the South will he the speakers. Friday at noon Dr. Henry D. Phillips. Hector of Trinity Churt;h will speak on the subject of High School <\thletics. Dr.'Phillips was formerly president of the S. I. A.' A. and haa a wide knowledge of inter-selndHsric athletics. SuporUvWi^Jeht .),. E. Swearingen will speak also at ; meeting on "The-. O.ytlopk foi; 1922-1923'.pii Friday evening Dr. Hugh S. oVl&tiH. Fiohi ^rfcreturjfc^oY N:?t?' nv?'." Saturday morning a business sesstyut will he held. * amkicicajn i'a:(.ion will ?ive minstkix soon. The Lexington* post of the American Legion is preparing to put on tt minstrel at the high school auditorium at an early date. No delimit date has been set tor the show, but it will probably be given the latter pa rt of March . * ? ? t ! BATKSmiRG NEWS. 1 * * Love Wise, a negro charged with | entering the Fjrst National bank | building last December was arrested in Florida last week and brought back to this state -by Sheriff Roof and lodged, in the Lexington jail. IJouuregard Bowens, a brother-in-law ot Wisejconfessed that he and Wise committed the robbery. The Botvvn boy is only about 14 years of age and as he hks made two or t^rcc different statements already the people are not inclined to attach very much importance to what he says. Some ot" the stolen goods were fout\d in the possession of (he boy ancl immediately following his arrest hi- made it confession implicating his brother-in-law in the'robbery with hint. Wise in the meantime hsid moved to Fh rida and it was upon the confession < t I Sower: that a warrant was ^ssnetl for Wist;. It Is reported that Wise denies having any conncetii.it with the robbery. Mrs. Daniel .Miller was taken sud-. denly ill last Sunday and was rushed to the Is'esvilie Infirmary for treat' m.ent. Magistrate IS. It. Steadman left Fritlity of last week for an extended visit to his daughter. Mrs. Fontelh Kennei ly of Sttvaunah. Chief of I'oliee l>. I. Kirklaml is I ' r attending L*. S. court in Florence tlii; i week as a witness in the l.andy liipiot I case sent tip front litis county. The faculty ami students of Sutnmerland college attended preaehini service at the Hate.sburg Itaptist church Sunday morning. ! , lluteshurg lodge No. 1I1S A. F. M. i?-?ll a..1.1 , n.> ri'Kinar communication next Friday evening at s o'clock. | Kaoh inombi'i' is requested to be present. Dr. \V. 1'. !'t liter man made tt tsipess trip t ;i"<,lii>ld last Weditesday. Tltc^ Sabbath school .organized liy 'the Lutherans 'of Rutcsburg a few v/'.pk.^ ago is growing in at .e akitve at every meeting. Mrs. VC- ' Lma-m.tui} -has -?Uatge o^thc a li d bible olasr. Mr. l.effie C. Shvaly. a g/j..-.: ate of Newberry e't lle;,i ami ear, 'rr on route 3 from this offi, e is tile c'Relent superintendent of tier school. lOf forts are being n:ade tt, or:,..?:rzi a Lutheran church it: tliis i.hvii i the near future. leu . >1. If. Rutland returned last week from Liienton where he had gone to p.i. i ot'M some pure bred Inns. He has already shipped two ear tools of hogs from this town this season. | air. I.. .Merchant will move his J fain-.x this we 'I; to New Rrookland where accepted work on the ! police tot'.-e. Mr. M . ! . manager of the j Ralesburg I leverage stnd Ice company 1 made a business trip to Columbia Tuesday. Tile total enrollment of the llatesj burg graded school for this session j litis reached ill-l. I'rof. S. A. (lenes I is nrincipstl of the school. The reeent hetivy rains have pt<' j our roads and streets in an stint;' l impassable condition. | nomi;tiiin<; on iiii? bi t r.s( .\i?i; | ' Cleveland. .\lurch t<.?I i Sawicki today refused i< i j tin* scoic of men who vhefore him. ^arrested nd when found car' half pints oi whi^ j pockets. "Many respectj little around wi* j icki said. "It"! utnl I can't st ! the .riKhi to I person is kr i more it ma* Ihit : when, carried in I ferent." I A V is t J IWI [ Wo j will I |? -M I" I 1,1 no tit h ?u fa tiiiitly I | I'AH) TinI'nior. with u TAX COIil.KCriONS CJOOI) IX FKmil-AKY. During tht* month of February County Treasurer \V. J. Smith collected $34,403.13 in taxes. In'view of the fact that the county had heavy obligations to meet, the officials made an appeal to the people of the county to imv 11 n n?H tV,/v . ....^..11. ? ? ,? ^ U|#i ?nu ua'uuvvc rcauii more than gratifying, and they were able to meet all obligations due. The total taxes assessed for 1021 was $327,034 .74, anil at* the close of business February 28. $234,044.13 had been paid in* leaving a balance to be collected of $03,200.61. The legislature last week passed a bill extending the time for^the payment of taxes to June 1. the bill being printed in another column of the paper today. Von<;ki:ssm\x fi'Ij.mku HAS i iii:K BOOKS: Wo are in receipt ol" the following letter from Congressman H. I*. Fuiiner which is self-explanatory: "From time to time I am having various government publications alloted to me and 1 would be pleased to distribute these to school libraries and am writing to ask if you will be so good as to mention this in your paper, saying that if those schools nnving noraries will write mo. 1 shall he pleased to put them on my mailing list for whatever books are available." I'l'.RSO XAI.S. Air. I*. F. Wingard