- 1 1 .V ~ . NEWS OF BROOKBAXD. ' ? -?I>ecial to Tho Dispatch-Nows. .. Brookland, Dec. 14.?-"Christinas at Rosmary Castle,'* a cantata, will be tgiveb by the pupils of the third grades of the Brookland school, taught by Mrs. J. V. Roof of Brokland and Miss Plumer of Columibla. Other grades will assist with numbers bearing on Christmas. Tho entertainment will be given on Friday evening, December 19, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. The school will closo from December 19 to January 5 for tho holidays. Brookland Bapatlst church contributed $8,600 to-the Baptist seventy-five million campaign, or $3,600 .in excess of its apportionment. The Sunday School of the Brookland .baptist church will give a cantata "The Liord of All," just before Christmas. ^ ^ ^ \ j DOTS FROM FAIRVIEW. Mrs. Fannie Kyser and Miss Ellen Kish spent Wednesday in Batesburg .shopping. \ Mr. Clifton Rish spent several days in Batesburg on buslenss during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Able. Mr. and Mrs. Abe I-Iall motored to Columbia on business Thursday. , Our school is progressing* nicely under the management of Mrs. Suedella Oswald of Lexington and Miss Nellie Turner of Saluda. There will be a box party at FairtliERR S SALE. ; estate of South Carolina. County of Lexington. Anna Jones, ot al., Plalntlfrs. vs Ann Burgess, et al., Defendants?Couft of Common Pleas. By virtue of authority vested in mo by Order of the Court in the above entitled Cause, I will sell on the first Monday in January next, the same beii.g the 5th clay of said month, before the court house door at Lexington, 8. C., during the legal hours of tale, to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to wits "All that piece, or parcel of land, situated ! : Lexington County, containing. one hundred acres, more or less, it being the southeast portion of my present homestead as follows. On tho South by.Chinquepin Creek, East l?v Cunnalian Branch, North by lands now owned by Felix Burgess and then from a stake corner of Felix Burgess' field to a large hickory standing beyond the old barn house*, and from said hickcry to a point in Chinquopln Creek known as.the Fox lands." Terms of sale: Cash, purchaser to pay for papers, revenue stamps and recording fees. ( H. L. HARMON. Clerk of Court. Dec. 10ti:, 1919. Notice of Election it i..< ' - - :i ? i?tatc of South Carolina, County of Lexington. An Election having been ordered by Governor R. A. Cooper to be held in requirements with the law governing said election upon the question of annexing a portion of Lexington County to Newberry County described in a proclamation issued by the Governor of South Carolina to be held on the 6th day of January, 1920 at which election the electors shall vote "yes" or "no" upon the question of annexation. The following Managers pre hereby appointed to conduct said election at the precinct named below and to canvass and declare the result and return the same to the Commissioners at Lexington Court House, South Carolina, immediately thereafter. The first named Manager is hereby declared Chairman and is requested to .secure ti e boxes from the Clerk of Court's office at i/cxington, S. C., and return the same together with the number of votes east for and against the said annexation and the total number of votes polled dtc. That only those residing within the area affected, as described in the governor's Proclamation, shall he permitted to vote at said precinct in the said election. Pols will open at 7 o'clock in the morning and close at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Boxes may be secured any time on or after the 3rd day of January, 1020. Managers of Election. Peak?W. M. Wilson, chairman; W. H. Epting! J. Owens Chapman, Charles E. Stuck, clerk. Chapin?P. B. Fulmer, chairman; John J. Caughman,' N. E. Shealy, Q. H. Shealy, clerk. Efird's Store?C. E. Mutthews, chairman; Ed, Shealy, Jabox Fricjc. M. ^L. Whoe'er, clerk. W. H. WITT, T. H. RAWL, A. S. PRICK, Commissioners of Election for l exington County, South Carolina. Eexlngton, S. C.. December 1st, i&is. -^fag FLAWS AND OTHEI : ?- -,u. . ? view school house on Tuesday night, the 23d, proceeds to go for school. Hope that every ?nc may come and enjoy the evening with us. Mr. I}. G. Able, Mrs. feuedella Oswald, Miss Nellie Turner and Mr, Eltson spent the .day In Lexington Saturday, while there attended the County Teacher's Association. The weather has been very cold and disagreeable in this section for the past week. Mr. John Hayes of Alabama is visiting friends in and around SteOdman for some weeks.?. 1 ? J - !! JSPI 1 Ijp *# <$: x rd-ccl ??>* * ? < ? ! ??* J(* ??: rings Ne\ "Sail ( \ FIE new Three-Point Springs of Overland 4, by instruction and design, p ngers from ordinary road j twistinrr swainnor nnrl ?-bl "J '-'t, lerfully lessened. The 1 seldom reach you. Ther { to bodily fatigue after lo rhe spring of Overland nds of a 130-inch Spring t comfort and road stead possible only with car:; of md great weight, yet Over! ght weight and economy ; ich wheelbase. \ ^ > ' . ^ " K! #:.w % y ence of ihc President regarding the matter leads to the belief that thg Federal control of the roads will continue, after the end of the year and until Congress has had ample time to pass the pending railroad hill. No direct statement to this effect has, come from the White House, and no information Is obtainable aa to when the President will send to the 'capital the special message regarding the railroads which he promised in his general message at the opening of | thn present session on December 2. ' 1 It is clear that the members of conIT ?' - V Ijft i. 1?1 III nil? I -i-iarri.'Vi'i?iiCa ? /' .*; - N ' ) / ce-Point n Overlan Dver The Can til ever Thre their special the car frc rotectcar and blows. 1 oits. Bump- upkeep c< vibrating' are r>? , dIows of the , Eqm] o wi and comt e is less ten- Lightin * ng rides. < , 4 attached at 250,0 bast give the stiength a iiness hereto- record, long wheel- See C land 4 retains Ask for be advantages of Roadster, - v ' Prices f. c L 16b incfi ^Wheelbasc IXttHEHBflHHMHNMiHHMl iTKltl?RISK HARDWARE OO.. .. T.c* A. WICSSINGEIt,. CIu ERLANI) BATKSBTJRG CO., But " 1 " j:1. 1 "Tv : "gitm do i?ct expect /the President, to I carry out his purpose, announced t some tjme ago, to return the railroads to their owner* on January 1. and the leaders in both Houses of Congress would prefer that such action be-postponed at least until June 30, 1*20, the j end of the present fiscal year, thus , giving ample time for-the adoption of ^ 4 ^carefully-considered permanent rail- ( road .legislation. 1 , ?? m mo Henate yesterday : on the Cummins bill disclosed strong j opposition to that measure, and con- i sequently all hope o? passing it be- I ? -iir V-* .' *' V-"vlf<-S -.-./A' ?****?>. .' ' f " Cantile\ d 4 Seems Roads" . \ e-Point Cantilever Springs >m the hammering and wear [hey lengthen its life and )sts. pment of Overland 4 is dep< >lete from Auto-Lite Starti to Tillotson Carburetor. 00 miles of test have ma nd enclurnnri? nf thi* -t V * . )verland 4 at the first oppoi iokiet. Overland 4 Touring $845; Coupe, $1325; Sedan, >. b. Toledo. lofftoa, S. O. ' .pin, S. C. ^'F5SB Mbtwrgr, s. c. 1 -X V V" raSHs?r *' .r^ ' js v'. '' V eagle, f'he bifr biV-d measured seven ' II ?" I I :W 1 r, $845; jg ,$1375. M : 9 r,II * *1K$Pe w - I? ' # !v %iP? V '* 1 -