% SEVERE FIGHTING IX SOUTH RUSSIA. Paris, Nov.- 29.?An official statement from the Soviet Government at Moscow indicates that most severe fighting is in progress on the Volga tront, where the Bolsheviki have cap ; SUMMONS. State of South Carolina, County of Lexi>on.?Court of Common Pleas. Panama Real Estate Company, plaintiff, versus Annie D. Wynne, Dime Savings Bank, Cititen's Bank of Charleston, Hanover Real Estate Company, Charleston Savings Institution and T. 5L Mordecai, Defendants. "To the Defendants above named: Ton are hereby summoned and. required to answer the complaint in the above entitled action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the same on the subscribers at their offices in the Palmetto Bank Building, Columbia, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof upon you, ex ' ?? * Ua Antr ft# DlfoVi CDrvinO snd UU9i>C VI Mre ?<*J v* ^, If you tail to serve your answer as -aforesaid, the plaintiff herein will apply to the Court for the relief pray.ed for in the complaint. Dated at Columbia, S. C., 1st day of November, in*. DePASS & DePASS, ' .? Plaintiff's Attorneys. NOTICE. To the Defendant. T. M. Mordecai, in- i dividually, and T. M. rtfordecai j trading and doing business under j the style and name of Hanover Real j r- Estate Company: Please take Notice that the Com- j plaint in the above entitled action has j "been filed with the Clerk of Court for j Lexington County. < DePASS & DePASS. ' i Attorneys for Plaintiff, j November 20th, 1919. j wngm m hTaJ 91A si h wn m Ifl ?OWEy BACK 1 1 11 without question if Hunt's Salve fkJl &il? "* the treatment of Eczema. f 8 f yrf TWter.Rinfworm, Itch.etc. Don't ' / t >J. 11 become discouraged because other V t'l treatments failed. Hunt'tSalv* has relieved hundreds of aueh SB&&9 cases. You can't lose on our Money Bmcft Guarantee. .Try JBrajnjjgg it at our risk TODAY. Price 75c. sSF'SKeP For tale locally by \ HARMON DRUG COMPANY. I W. E. Hi Fire and Auton m* Repres . ' V-' Liverpool, Lon J V I LEXINGTON, if . y A ?dHHHH^DDRir1W fcuMUiZ9HBB 111 iUWUJiSUl ixIWU. AVZZ We have just received 60 to % % all sizes from 1-8 to 4 in G JBiacK. Kave also some two or thre Let us hear from you. COLUMBIA 823 West Gervais Street m _> r -1 f I. ' I Mm LfkJ 1 ; '; "r Commencing Sal our Ginnery will i Friday only for tl If season. , . i ? I AvmrrfAi 1 LiCAIll^iUl I la LEXiNGTC I- fl m i ggp%r i tyred Dubcvka, ISO miles southwest of Saratov, with S00 prisoners. The statement claims that the Bolsheviki have annihilated thre regiments of the forces of Genral Denikin, leader of the anti-Bolshevist armies in south Russia. The advance of the Bolsheviki continues rapidly in the Omsk region where they are approaching the western shores of Lake Cham. General Denikin's statement today admits that the Bolshevist offensive in the direction of Astrakhan has caused him to retire considerably. Your Money Back If Rat-Snap Doesn't Come Up to These Claims. RAT-SNAP is absolutely guaranteed to kill rats and mice. Cremates them. Rodents t killed with RATSNAP leave no smell. Rats pass up all food to get at RAT-SNAP. Their first meal is their last. RAT-SNAP comes in cakes. No mixing. Cats or ; dogs won't touch it. Three sizes, 25c, j 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Harmon Drug Co. ASPIRIN FOR HEAOACrit | Name Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin?say Bayer VJMpflP Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin*' ! in a "Bayer package," containing proper | 3irection? lor lle.ulaa ic. tnn?st Bti'.o. Xetiralg r,, Lumbago. ami Bitcimatisip I Name "Bayer" mear< genuine Aspirin presv " i by physicians for nineteen vt-jLi> {i'!t iv tin boxes of 12 tablet'! cost ie.* cents. Aspirin is trade root* I of Bayer Manufacture of M?.noueet:cI aeide?ter of Salicyli.u-oid. ' If Your Eyes Need I I attention, or the glasses you are using i are not just right, consult our eye j sight specialist, it costs you nothing. ! And if necessary will fit you to the kind of glasses your eyes require. A. J. GLAXON, at Tapp's Department Store. Cor. Main and Blanding Sts. Columbia, S. C. imphries lobile Insurance tenting don and Globe South Carolina BaoBBBBOBnnBnmnnMRaMB ?ns of pipe and at present have lalvanized and from 1-8 to 8 in e carloads of Iron in stock. i , SUPPLY CO. COLUMBIA, S.C. | ICE ' I turday, Nov. 15, 'un Thursday and le balance of the t i Mfg. Co IN, S. C. I B; .^kAKOUND THE "WORLD 'WITH Qj]\ JPm AMERICAN BED CROSS, \ In the Arctic Circle. ii? \} E?Mi 1 ? ' - - s''' f> * -v / . '\V'^ W- ? W&&M r %. a L.ULUMB1A, S. U. WITWinWITWIT'V nd Bank kland, S. C.J Directors: ?hv?r. K. W. Shall. L. S. TrottL P. J. Wtui&gat. y Board: I HaIL Jas. A. Summ#rs?tt. Ford Cars . Supplies e and Full Line of j :rew Plates, Chisels Cutters I Kinds of I s and Greases I 5 SOLICITED. 1 I r Charges and 1 Satisfaction __ 8 iwrance Inc. I RETAIL DEPARTMENT 8 o Merchants on Request j 1