--r atctio OneOn Pages 1Wto 8 PagesU1,92-~ VOL. XLII' MANNING, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7.192 Seto One---__---_ JOSEPH TOLBER ' FOR U. S. MARSHAL National Committeeman Nominated by -Harding NO ACTION YET TAKEN Committee Takes Unfavorable Action On Orangeburg Postmaster ship. Washington June 6.-Joseph W. Tolbert, Repiblican national commit teeman and State chairman for South Carolina, was today nominated by President Harding to be United States nmarshal for the Western Federal Dis 'trict of South Carolina to succeed C. J.' Lyon, the Democratic incumbent. The nomination of J. W. Tolbert suddenly followed the decision of the President not to send to the Senate the nomination of R. R. Tolbert, of Abbeville, brother of the national committeeman for the marshalship af ter having R. R. Tolbert under serious consideration for a number of weeks. The White House evinedtnly decided that confirmation would be too diffi cult. Senators Smith and Dial said this afternoon that they had not de cided what they would do with re gard to the Tolbert nomination but .tney had asked the judiciarv coun mittee to withhold action on it for a v'hile. At the same time the President v as sending the nomination of Com mitteeman Tolbert to the Senate, the Senate committee on postofli'<.3 was taking unfavorable action on pt the nomination of B. J. Mixcson to be postmaster at Orangeburg, Mr. Mixron has been understoo:d 'to be the personal representative of' Tol bert in that section, and has been acting as postmaster for some time. When Mr. Mixson was nominated for postmaster, Senator Dial op posed the nomination and charged before the postoffice committee that Mixson had on two separate occa sions conveyed to Miss Singletary, Democratic holdover postmaster at Bowman, the suggestion that if she would pay him a sum of money he would see that she kept her office. Two postoffice inspectors reported that the facts were as Senator Dial had stated and the committee today voted to recommend the rejection of the Mixson nomination. In the civil service examination which was held for the Orangeburg postmastership, Dr. . A. C. Ligon, for seven years the Democratic post-, master was No. 1 on the list cer tified and A. D. Webster for seven teen years the Republican prede cessor of Dr. Ligon as postmaster, was No. 2. Mixson was third. Wheth er there will be another civil serv ice examination for the office or it will be filled fro mthe present eli gible list is not known. ATTORNEY PLEASED AT WARD EVIDENCE White Plains, N. Y., June 6.-Dis trict Attorney Weeks registered satisfaction this afternoon when Mrs. Walter S. Ward left the stand after having been directed by Su preme Court Justice Morchauser to answer certain question. put to her by the grand jury in connection with its investigations of the shoot ing of Clarence Peters by her hus band May 15. Although Mr. Weeks declined to disclose what had taken place at the examination, it was understood that Mrs. Ward had been questioned concerning the card party which was alleged to have been held in her home the night of the shooting. 'Earlier in'the day it was reportedJ that she had declined to answer questions as to what time her hus band returned on that night and how he looked. At a conference in his chambers, Justice Morch auser wvas niCderstoodl to have ruled that while she might plead privilege if she wvere questioned concerning communication a passing between . her and Mr. Ward as man and wife, she would have to reply to queries concerning conversations at which a third person was present. Very Much Pleased 'I am very much pleased,' but I . can not say wvhat I have accom plished," said Mr. Weeks at the close of the session, when adjourn ment was taken until Thursday. It was learned from other sources, however, that the county authori ties regarded the court's ruling as a material aid to the investigation as it would permit questioning of Mrs. Ward concerning events pre ceding the shooting. The day's recess, It was under stood, would be utilized to permit deotectives to check up on certain phases of today's testimony. Besides Mrs. Ward, seven wit nesses were heard today. They in.. cluded two other members of the Ward household--lulu Barrows, a nurse and Amy Mild, the cook but nothing could be ascertained as Let's I SUCH A LOVEL.Y WATSON RENEWS ATTACK Washington, June 6.-Senator Watson, Democrat, Georgia, re newed in the Senate today his at tacks on Secretary Hoover's. admin istration of war relief organiza tions and charged him with 'having aided in efforts to overthrow Soviet and restore the Czarist government in Russia. He asserted that Mr. Hoover had caused a shipping board steamer, commanded by Capt. James B. Martin, to transpor' a cargo of military motor trucks nd supplies from Bordeaux to thd northern army in Russia to be used in Gen. Yudenitch's offensive against the Soviets. The steamer, Mr. Watson said, was loading for the United States when the commander received a message cancelling the return home and ordering him to reload with army supplies. To substantiate this statement, he said he had what ap peared to be photostatic copies of the cables ordering the Russian shipment. Referring to the recent White House statement in defepse of Mr. Hoover, Mr. Watson inquired why the Secretary was above criticism. He also reiterated the charge that Mr. Hoover had not published de tailed statements of the war relief expenditures, and also that allega tions that food- intended to go to stricken people of Europe had been permitted to decay on wharves or in vessels through alleged lack of proper administration. NOMINATIONS HELD UP Washington , June 6.-The Sen ate postofflee committee failed aj;ain today to take action on the nominations of postmasters at Sa vannah, Dixie and Tennille, Ga., op pos it ion to whose confh- 'mation has been made by Senat >r Watson, dem~ocrat of that State. It was uin dlerstood that ten days; was given by the committee for presentation of for'.hor evidence in the cases. l'er.naal objection to the names, Jack Curran, of Savannah, J1. B. Crane, Dixid, aml L:.wson Pritchard, Trenniile, was said to have been pre aentedl again by Mr. Watson, but nothing came from' behind the closed dloors of the committee room to indiate the sentiment of the committee. Ordinarily, however expression of personal opposition by a Senator has been sufficient to cause the rejection of any Presi dential nominee. The three appointments were in volved in the recent controversy between Mr. Watson and Senator Phipps Republican, Colorado, a member of the committee, which culminated just outside of the Sen ate chamber with a threat ,by the Georgia Senator to employ physical force in (ealing with Mr. Phipps. The committee sesison today , how ever, was said to have been devoid of heated words. NEGRO CONVICTS KILLED - Raleigh, N. C., June 6.-Two ne gro convicts were shot and killed by stuards when they attempted to escape from the Wake County road camp about four miles north of the city shortly before 10 o'clock to night [ave a June WE -0 DYNAMITE CHARGE UNDER STREET CAR No One Injured-Officials Have Been Unable to Find Guilty Parties Columbia, June 6.-An attempt, Arccording to statements by officials of the Columbia Railway, Gas and Elec tric Conipany, was made early this morning to wreck one of the street cars of the company by the placing of a charge of dynamtie on the track. One truck was broken and nearly all the glasses on one side of the car were shattered but no one was injur ed. The detoifition was heard several miles away. According to the officials of the company the Colonial Heights car,, operated between that suburb and the city, when it was making its first trip this morning at 6:30 o'clock encountered a charge of dy namite laid between the guard rail and the main track on a curve just north of the State Hospital for the Insane. About a foot and one-half of the track was torn up and one of the wheels of the front truck was shattered. Neither . the section of track or parts of the shattered wheel have been found officials say. The car was operated by L. T. York, motorman, and J. H. Eargle, condu. . r, neither of whom was in jured. There were no passengers on the car as it was making itseinitial outbound trip. About half a year ago the regular employes, motermen and r .ductors, of trie local trac ton line went on a strike for re newal of their previous contracts which was refused by the company. The ears were not operated for about a month when outside car men, with the exception of about four of the local union men re sumedi their operation. Two cars were attacked which were operatedl by officers of the company and strikebreakers, resulting in the ar rest of a number of union men and their sympathizers who were put under heavy bonds. Since that time there has been practically no disturbance and the cars have been run on regular schied ule. Union men tonirght deny that any o~' their nur. be; wvere inm'licated in the attemnpLl weren of I!?a car to day and st at' plainly that they are not at all satisfiedl that a charge of dynamrite to blow up a cur had been p1Ced 'on the track.. Both county and city peace offi cers have been working on the case thioughiout today but they* had rnot, so they claim, eben able to gather a clue. T1he alleged attempt at dynamit ing has cau'sed no cessation in the running of cars which have been keeping their regular schedules througohut the day. For the past several mot: for mer street car operators and others have been driving "jitney cars," which have materially' affected the patronage of the local traction company, particularly among labor union sponsors andl their sympa thizers. Washington, June 6.--Submarine chaser No. 201 has been sold to H. HI. Dickson, of Charleston, for $2,100, it was announced today by the Navy Dearftment. dding v OPYQRI6G-T *QZLi,'I; , s..trctti AT WORK ON WAR FRAUDS Washington, June 6.-Attorney General Daugherty announced to clay the creation of a new division of accounting-investigation of the war frauds section-and the ap pointment of James Cameron, of New York, as its head. At the same time the acceptance of a post as special assistant to the Attorney General by Meir Steinbreink of New York, in connection with aviation contracts, was also announced. Meantime the special grand jury now hedring the lumber case in volving a contract made by the War Deaprtment with the firm of Phillips & Stephens, continued . its deliberations under the usual shroud of secrecy, John Lewis Phil l-iph, Republican State chairman for Georgia, is at present under $25,000 bail in connection with that case, notwithstanding that no indictment has yet been returned. Mr. Cameron, according to the department's announcement is "one of the most prominent investiga tors in the country in the field of general accounting." "le made a national reputation in 1907 in the investigation of the Pennsylvania State capitol frauds at Hariisburg," the statement said, "his reports forming the basis of the criminal and civil actions subse quently taken by the State and upon which recoveries were made of upwards of a million dollars. He has made his reputation, almost wholly in the field of fraud inves tigations and will bring to the De partment of Justice perhaps the largest experienc of this special line of work possessed by any pro fessional accountant." AGAINST WILLINGIIAM Macon , Ga., June 6.--Testimony to the effect that the Willinghami Warehouse Company paid si divi dlendl of $10,000 in January, 1920, wvhen its own hooks showedl the company. to be0 insolvent by $700, 755.68 and that another entry as far back as 1916 voting, an alleged asset of $60,000 when the actnal fig ur~es should have been a loss of $65,000 for that year was brought out today in the second (lay's trial of Richard F. Willingham under fourteen indictmnents, charging lar ceny of trust. DISCOVERED) GOLD FIEl4DS Vancouver, B. C., June 6.--George Carmack, reported dliscoverer of the Klondike gold fields, is dead here of pneumonia. Ho was born in Contra Costa County, California, September 4, 1860. Ho kept twenty-two nuggets from the first two pans of gold he washed on Bonanza Creek, in the Klondike. These nuggest were made into a golden telegraph key, which was presented to President Taft in 1900 and used by him in opening the Alaska-Yukon Exposition in Seattle. JUDGE RICHARD A. BALIINGER Seattle, Wash., June 6.--Judge Richard A. Ballinger, who. was Sec retary of the Interior during Presi dent Taft's administration, died at his home horo tonight. Hie had been Ill for twoays.e COURT CONVENES HERE IN MANNING JUNE 26 Court of Common Pleas convenes in Manning on June 26th with Judge John S. Wilson presiding. The following are the jurors: J. H. Dukes, Summerton R. E. Hodge.Alcolu T. M. Young, Manning W. W. Brailsfoi-d, Jr. Manning D. J. Witherspoon, Alcolu J. J. Robinson, Turbeville R. W. Wheeler, Sardinia M. L. DuBose, Manning J. W. Beard, Turbeville J. T. Powell, Alcolu W. G. Grooms, Manning G. E. Green, Turbeville E. M. Watt, Summerton W. L. Burgess, Manning J. E. Tennant, Manning H. P. Mims, Lake City D. C. DuBose, Gable J. H. Hodge, Alcolu E. N. Green, Turbeville W. D. Flemming, New Zion H. M. McIntosh, New Zion T. M. Dukes, New Rion D. P. Dukes, Turbeville B. L. DuBose, New Zion M. J. Davis, Jordan W. P. Drose, Wilson P. H. Belser, Summerton B. B. Broadway, Summerton M. S. Stukes, Manning H. W. McFaddin, Gable W. T. Snyder, Manning S. E. Hodge, Manning J. B. Brogdon, Alcolu .J. D. Daniels, Alcolu M. C. Ilodge, Alcolu A. S. Thompson, Jordan. ADDITIONAL LOCALS We call attention to the card of Hon. Julian H. Scarborough of Sum merton, announcing his candidacy for the Senate. Dr. and Mrs. Herman -uggins and son of Pomaria, are visiting at the nome of their mother, Mrs. George Huggins. Married last Saturday by J. M. Windham at his home in Manning, Mr. Richard Abulla Bailey of Gable, and Miss Macie Luella Resister of Sardinia. Misses Minnie McFaddin, Fannie Lou Sauls, Sarah Lesesne and Mrs. Webb Sprott left Monday for Rock Hill, to attend the graduating exer cises of Winthrop. Miss Georgia Sauls is one of the graduates. Tomorrow th'e McColl high school team will play Clayton, N. C., team at Darlington, for the championship of North and South Carolina. Thomp son the wonder boy and undoubtedly the greatest high school pitcher we have ever seen will pitch for McCall. And what we can learn Clayton has an excellent team, in fact, they must be good to win the championship of the old North State. Darlington prides herself on having the best park in the State. George Stallings owner of the Rochester International team personally supervised the mak ing of thic park a.id it is a'! th" Dar lington pnc'ple claim. bet's all go to Darlington toniorrow and boost Thompson and the McColl team on to victory. Keep the championship in the Palmetto State. UEFUSES TO LEAVE OFFICE Pr'king, .tune (.-Sun Yat Sen, President of the Republic of South Cl A. %i I ref ,i i , r . and thus clen the way for Wu Pel Fu's plan to reunite Ch'. ..! a u one govern ment, accordling to ad vices received from Canton. Sun contends that the Canton adlminis tration represents the only legal government in China. The head of the Southern Repub lice has persuaded many members of the original Republ~an Parlia meat to remain at Canton, andl Wu Pei-Fu in his role of director of Plans to heal the rift between the North and the South, now faces a secondl split in the old1 Republican Parliament unless he can establish a new President at Peking wvithout delay. With many members o fthe o1(1 Parliament yielding to Sun's argu meents to remain at Canton and ap proximately 300 members assenm 1)10( at Tientsin, wvhere they recent ly dleclaredl for Li Yuan Hung for President, Wui Pci-Fu hurried to Tientsin todlay to urge Li to pro coed to Pek'ing and assume the Presidency. Wu is undlerstoodl to fear the pos sibility of Sun calling together members of the original Republican Parliament who are in the South and thus strengthening his con tention that he is the only one legally elected Chief Executive. On the other hand, Li, who the nilitarists forced out of the Presi dlency in 1910, is saidl to have no inclination to resume that office unless ho can do so with a unitedl country at his back and support of the old parliamentarians now at Canton. 1N V. z HENRY FORD READY TO WORK ON SHOALS Prepared to Sart Operations in Few Hours IF HE WINS IN HOUSE Another Bill Introduced Calling on Congress to Accept The Offer Detrott, June 6.'-Henry Ford is prepared to begin work on the de velopment of the Muscle Shoals wa ter power and nitrate plants upon a few hours' notice should his offer to take over and operate the project be accepted by Congress, it was learned today from sources close to the manufacturer. Acceptance of his offer, it was said, would be followed immediate ly by the dispatch of telegrams to various parts of the country that would initiate the Detroit manu facturer's plan to create an indus trial center around -Muscle Shoals that would be the "crowning achieve ment of his career." Asset to Public Mr. Ford believes acceptance of his proposal and' fruition of his plans. will prove the worth of water power and that an enterprise like Muscle Shoals can be made to be come an asset to the public rather than a liability. The project, it was pointed out, will, under Mr. Ford's plans, have paid for itsdlf before the lease expires. \V. B. Mayo, chief engineer of the Ford company, has returned to De troit and M.r. Ford no longer is per sonally represented at Washington in connection with the shoals proj ect. No plans have been made for further negotiations with Congress, it was stated, because Mr. Ford's reply to the counter proposal of the House ni.,;ary committee was his final statement. Another Bill Introduced Washington, June 6.-(By the As sociated Press).-Another bill call ing upon Congress to accept with out reservation the offer made by Henry Ford 'or development of the power and nitrate projects at Mus cle Shoals, Ala., was introduced in the Hour. today by Representative Almon, Lemocrat, Alabama. The only difference between Rep resentative Almon's measure and that introduced yesterday by Repre sentative Wright, Democrat, Geor gia, is that it provides that the $7, 500,000 authorized by the Senate for continuing construction of the Wil son dam shall be agreed to by the House and used to carry out as far as possible the provisions of the Ford offer. MicCOLL VS. CLAYTON Darling ton, .June .-E ythigis in readiness for the big game Thurs day, when Clayton,, the North Caro lina champions, battle with McColl, ':e Set:'h Caro'ina 'hampions, for the high s hool championship of the two Carolinas. 'Th. gi tee has been wide ly advertised and the largest crowd that ever attended an athletic contest in this section of the State is expect ed. The grounds have been put in ex eellent shape. All places of busi ness will he closed for the after noon. ' Te Chyion m Will arrive in I)arlington Wednesday at no- ., and will work out on the field during the afternoon. A crowd of rooters will aceon ytnV the team in their automobiles. (Chi ytonl has plaIyed twenty games this seasoni, winm lg nineteen of these. In the semi linals they won from Raiileigh, Way. ett eville and Gohdsboro. They de fented WVinaston -Salem for the chamapioeship at Chapel IT ill. Soule, their pitching ace, has strtuck out as many as twvenlty men in a' in te innling ga me. While eaich teami is to) furnish one nirie, no0 anl niouncemeint has comne from Nor X th CaXrolina as to their select ion. AMMUNITION IS SEIZED) Tralee, Ireland, June G.---t was statedl today that wvhen the Ameri.. can steamler Seattle Spririt was held up by a British torpedlo boat de' stroyer four imiles wvest- of the F'enit County Kerry pier' , a search of the vesset revealed fort y-two) barrels supposed to contain lard. The barrels were consigned to the order of the Manhattan Lard Comi pany at Cork. It is dleclared that when they were openied each barrel was found to* contain 10000 rounds of rifle and machinec gun ammuai tion. The torpedo boat dlestroyer, which has been waiting three days out side the bay, took the barrels aboard. A dispatch fromi London on Mont (lay quoted the press association as saying in a message from Tralee that the Seattle Spirit, which wvas bound from New York for Fenit, had been held up by a sloop and a. large quantity of ammunition in barrels seized. The dlispatch adldedl that the Seattle Spirit wvas then hbethed at FennIt'river.