ingot I will Dry A' There dise ii If you that I sectio Don't Fo MANNING MAY CET COMPANY OF STATE DEFENSE TROOPS Editor of The Manning Times: Some time ago it was being advo cated in the State, that while the State Militia was in the national service, it would be well to form a regiment for home defense. Governor Manning went to Wash ington anL took up the matter with the War Department, and as a result he dlesignatedl Col. Henry T. Thomp son to organize in the State a regi ment of South Carolina State Troops. The (lay after Governor Manning appointedl Col. Thompson to organize this regiment, I was in Columbia, saw Col. Thompson and told him that I was quite sure that the people of Clarendon County would like to orga nize a company of State Trops here. He statedl that requests were coming in from all over the State, but that if there was any possible chance to do so, he would like to have a com pany from this County. Last week I received the followving letter:, "Headquarters First Regiment South Carolina State Troops. H-enry TP. Thompson, Colonel, Comn mandling (Lieutenant-Colonel of Vol unteers, Spanish-American War). Nov. 7, 1917. S. Oliver O'Bryan, Esq., Manininig, S. C. Dear Mr. O'Bryan: You spoke to me.( some time ago about organizing a company of State Trrops at Manning, and I am writing to know wvhether it wvoulhl suit you to have me visit Manning and look over the situation with you. What (do you say to some day toward the latter part of next wveek ? Please let me hear from you in regard to this matter as soonl as pos5 WATER PUMPS WATER ANL. NO RUNNING EXPENSES I f~j Iou have ra SPIG PowrNo WiLL, Pces. oney worth or moneyw back, I intend closi he people of Saturday; N offer my Ent pqq S rSi will be noth: returnable. want to save carry one of n of the State rget the Ope IOS. S. sible, addressing your reply to Flr ence, S. C. Yours very truly, Henry T. Thompson, Colonel, Commanding." I immediately wrote to Col. Thomp son that we would be glad to have over next week and look over the situation. Those eligible to become members of the South Carolina Troops are persons from eighteen to forty-five years of age. The State Troops would be subject to the call of the Governor and the President at any time, for dluty only wilthin the limits of the State. They could not be sent beyond the borders of the State. These Trroops would (do the service in the State that has heretofore been other wordls, they are. troops for home defense. We should by all means have such a company here. With several large saw-mills in the County and for other reasons, it seems to me that wve wvould be losing a splendid opportun ity if we did not take adlvantage of the chance now given us to have a military company here. I want every person in the County who would like to join the company to immediately notify me, either by letter, 'phone or telegram. It is very necessary that this be (lone at once, so that I can show Cal. Thompson, when he comes next week, that wve have a sufficient number of meni, in the County wvho will join the com pany. It will take about sixty-five men. I would adlvise the young men in the County wvho are subject to dIraft to join this company. It may he some time before they are called into active service, andl in the mean time they could receive some military training which wvould assist them when sent to Camp .Jackson to secure better positions in the army, and otherwise be of great benefit to them there. According to my understanding, the Government wvill furnish uniforms and equipment. None of the offleers have been se lected and all of this will have to be (lone when the company is organizedl. What I dlesire at this time is for the young men of the County who wish to join this company to imme diately let me knowv, and I will ad Children Cry FOR- FLETCHER'S C ASmT OR I A. ng out my bu this vicinity 4 >vember 17th, ire Stock-of 4otions, hoes and 'RId ing charged d money, this i the best Stock ning Date, S DICK1 vise them the (lay Col. Thompson is here, so that they can meet and talk with him and be fully advised as to what will be expected of the company. I trust that there will be a ready re sponse and that we will have no trouble whatsoever in organizing a company of South Carolina State Troops in Clarendon County. S. Oliver O'Bryan. Manning, S. C., Nov. 13, 1917. ---- FOR MEN ONLY. Throughout the United States the call has been made for the men of the Nation to support the3 war work of the Y. M. C.' A. What is that work ? The answer is found by looking over a great army camp or naval station, both at home and at the front. The Nation arms the soldier and sailor andl sends him to fight. If he is wvounded or taken sick the army (oc tors andl the Redl Cross minister to him. But if he is a stalwart, vigor ous fellow abounding in vitality, what dloes he find when off (duty? After the strain and confinement of the camp or the trench where (does he relax ? The Y. M. C. A. offers him a place or relaxation, a place of wholesome A DANGEROUS8 MISTAKE Manning Mothers Should Not Neg lect Kidney Weakness in Children. Many children have weak kidneys. An early wvarning is bed-wetting. Often followved by backache, head ache, languor. 'Tis a mistake to neglect these troubles, To blame the child for its own dis tress. Seek to check the cause, Save the child from dangerous kid ney ills. D~oan's Kidney Pills are especially for wveak kidneys. Manning parents know their wvorth. Mrs. J. S. Bell, S. Boundary St., Manning, says: "A younger memb~er of my family had weak kidneys after a fever, ie had (dizzy spells .and the kidneys acted too frequently, causing much annoyance both (lay and night. I got Dean's Kidney Pills at the Dickson Drug Co., and they relieved the trouble." Price 60c, at all (dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that Mrs. Bell had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y-a. siress at Alc Bome bona-fid and lasting v Hats,( urnitu Luring this Sa s your opport :s of General] ATURDAY, SON, surroundings with boks, magazines, games and music. That is for our boys. Men crowlcd together need this atmosphere of cheer and good fellowship. Clarendon County is asked to do its part for the boys. Uncle Sam's sol diers and sailors, but even nearer to us, for they are our own boys now. Rallies will be held throughout the County as stated below: Sunday. 3:30 P. M.--Summerton School House. 7:30 P. M.-Manning Baptist Church. G. T. FLOYD, Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Office Over Hirschmann's Store. LOANS NEGOTIATED, On First-Class Real Estate Mortgages PURDY & O'BRYAN, Attorneys at Law, MANNING, S. C. J. W. WIDEMAN Attorney at Law MANNING, S. C. Offices Adjoining "The Herald" Bldg. DR. J. A. COLE, Dentist, Upstairs Over Weinberg's Corner Store, MANNING, S. C. Phone No. 77. W. C. D)AVIS Attorney at Law, MANNING, S. C. DuRANT & ELLERBE, Attorneys at Law, MANNING, S. C. J. H. LESESNE, Attorney at Law, MANNING, S. C. IR. 0. Purdy. S. Oliver O'Bryan. PURDY & O'BRYAN, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. .MANNING . C. )lU, I m going. e Bargains. Lntil Decembe aps, C re, c'os' le, and no me unity. You all Verchandise NOVEMBER Icolu, S. Monday. 7:30 P. M.-Pinewood Methodist Church. 7:30 P. M.-Paxville School House. Tuesday. N. 7:30 P. M.-Sardinia Presbyterian Church. 7:30 P. M.-Turbeville Methodist Church. Wednesday. 7:30 P. M.-Andrews Chapel. 7:30 P. M. -Oakdale School House. At each of these meetings promi nent speakers will present the Y. M. C. A. work to the audience. Dr. Thomas L. Bolgdr, religious workers at Camp Wadsworth and Secretary Rankin will be in the Clarendon County Campaign. Two sailors and a soldier will al' 'b attend the rallies. Let everybody '' md these meet ings. Clarende- ways does her part; she will x.,it fail now. These meetings are for men only. J. K. Breedin, Publicity Chairman. PRIVATE MITCHN WRTES Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 7, 1917. Mr. I. I. Appelt, Manning, S. C. Dear Sir: As a private in the United States Army I have had the privilege of en joying some of the things that the "Young Men's Christian Association" is providing and dloing for the soldier boys. With its large hall well fur nished with seats, desks, writing ma terial, musical instruments and dif ferent games, also the movies, it is at once a parlor, a club room andl a church for the boys. I feel sure it is the means of many a mother hear ing from her boy who wvould not hear if he had to provide his own writing material and desk. It furnishes some of the best sermons by some of the best ministers in the country, and all of its amusements andl entertainments are clean and helpful to the boys, morally andl spiritually. It has cer tainly meant a great dleal to me. I feel that I cannot say too much in favor of it. This building is only one of 450 buildings serving the American soldiers and sailors in our country. Hundreds more are in ope ration or projected for American overseas forces andl for our Allies, Italy, France and Russia. To Cure a Cold in One Day, ak LAXTlIv ERMOuIin . It stop B pt 4n t0 r A Begin . r25th rchan know in this 17th, 1917. To continue this work in America and overseas until July 1st, 1918, the sum of $35,000,000 is required. " e you know, this association is kept upT by voluntary contributions. To raise this money a nation-wide campaign is to be conducted from Nov. 11 to the 19th. I can't write a letter fit for you to publish in your paper, but! I want to ask your editorial support.; To the one who v'ants to do some thing for the soldier boys, I would like for them to have this associatio held up for their consideration. Hoping this matter will have yoid hearty support, not for my own per sonel benefit, but also for thousands/ of boys who for the lack of good wholesome amusement .and entertaird ment will insist on being ontortaine possibly at the cost of their soul1 I remain, -Yours truly, Jos. D. Mitchum, Military Branch Co. "E" 51st, Inf. Chattanooga, Teni Death of a Colored Man. Theodore Harvin died at his homn three miles west of Paxville, la Wednesday evening after a brief 11ll ness. Hie was about 55 years of age. Besides a ,omber of sons and dau'gh ters he leaves a widow, Rebecca Her vin. The funeral services which wei~ in charge of the coloredi Masons, which order deceased was memb were held from Mount Zero Baptia ehurch, Rev. Mose Parson preachin" the sermon. Interment in Moiun Zero Baptist cemetery. ADVERTISE IN THE TIME Whenever You Need a Gotterat To4 Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tastel chill Tonic is equally valuable a General Tonic because it contains. wellknown tonic properties of QUINI and IRON. It acts on the Liver, riu out Malaria, Enriches the Bl~ Builds up the Whole System,60C BOUGH Highest Prices Pai~j SEQ ME AT Hirschmiann's Stork Harry Steinhea