-AlN MANNING, iIAEjj'I)-%' NO. 42. .C. VDESA.S" VOL. 11.CLRN)N()NT .(jqWINSDY EPTM R2)18. TILE IAlT1EL71UIF i H.i ii tli'S. HOW BOB AND ALF I'ALOI CA VA S - iN G TE . N N t-' "F. Triumphal 1'rv;:rr of Fraternai Can t!nt - Peculiar Fe:ures of the No'.! ::. cusbing i'ohtties .Arm iL. Arm and d ht, in Dueta-.-Their Persona-' Trait% m M tppx-ar aMe. (SpciaL to *he Nw Trk WZ . NASHVILLE, Tenn., September 23. The remarkable gubernatorial canvass in Tennessee has made the particLPints in it the most prominent men in the State at the present time. lobert and Alfred 4 Taylor are the two oldest sons of thim Rev. N. G. Taylor, an old and well known minister of the Northern Metho dist church, who has lived tie greateriz part of his life in the extreme north western counties of the State. and bee-n actively engaged in farming and preth< ing. He is a pronounced prohibitionist, but only stepped into politics c" e, when, he was elected to Congress from the first i district, and succeeded by Rodeiiek Random Butler. He has since lived t quietly, and neighbors tell of him that he does less preaching during an oi' year than when one of his sons is ranning for office. Robert and Alfred are bothL en of stalwart mould and goo ! intellect. . Physically, they are both striking, both heavily built, but "Bob" is ful'y eight inches taller and of much more com manding presence. Their heads aica large and well made, and set firmly on their shoulders. Alf is of very stocky s build, and not much over five feet, while his Democratic brother will measurc fully six feet, and weighs considerably ever two hundied pounds. The eyes of *both are black, those of Bob full of fire ' aud sympathy, while those of his broth er are more quiet and less piercing- b Their eomplexions are the same, swarthy, but the character of each face is given t by the eyes. 1 In disposition they differ greatly, Alf being phlegmatic and thoughtfu, while t his elder brother is lymphatic, inagnetie, fond of telling jokes, of whilh he has a great stock, always being able to kmock out argument with a funny stoi y. This makes him the more poplr of the two,,e regardless of party niations. His in- 1 fluence over the crowd is wonderfal, and a his election to Congress ina stra g Be- a publican district, which never be fore orl since sent a Democrat to Congress, is stil talked of as the time when "B1;ob" ' Taylor fiddled his way into Congress- t] 3oth brothers are accompli:hed fiddlers and already fiddiers are being broughut 14 in as a post-oratoricalamusement for the curious crowds that gather aber.. them- t Until yesterday the spealing has beeni in Republican strongholh, but at Tulla izoma the first Democratic strionghola was assaulted in East Tennessee. Both a: were treated with the utmost eourtes. n Yesterday, however, there was some dis- h position to guy the Repub:hean cand- i date, which the Democratic brother 1 silenced by rising and saying: "The ma that insults my brother insults me." d At McMinnville to-day tiny werej greeted by the largest audience ever " gathered in Warren county, and were It listened to with the utmost attention. 1 Partisans of each had made the most ex- b .tensive arrangements for the reception, s, and the opposing cavaleades formed and d escorted the brotliers to the hotel. I Roses, red and white, were worn by I ~-erybody in McMinnville. It is strange, jn by .the way, that the white rose has be- i come the Democratic emblem. A pecu- e lia ch cteristie of the brothers would i seem to dietate the reverse. -As men- I tioned, both have swarthy complexions, c: both are extremeisly sensitive, but when i sensitiveness is toiched they are affected ex-'. ,pposite. .Bob turns red, fiery t] red, in th. face, whih' Alf gets ashy pale t] when wounded or angry5. aTi mght, for the second time during the can.iisst they slept under difierent roofs. Tns1 p was due to arrangements made by h i respective committees of recephton They both arose early this m'ornn. i Alf too a spin of three miles into theo country before breakfast, while BobI sauntered out into the grounds of the hotel and finding a retired seat under a reading maple surrendered himself to 1: early morning air. A few minutes t: and Alf sped by behin'd a fast stepping t< trotter. "Hello, Alf," exclaimed B3ob- t: "Hello, Bob," exclaimed Alf, as the Be-. publican disappeared around the corner-.a After a leisurely breakfast the brothersa held an informal reception, and at ten o'clock boarded the train for 2JcMinn- i ville, occupying the same seat and am-y bating arm in arm. They glanced over l the morning papers. At every station i a crowd was augmented by excurbions,r and by the time the train arrived at Mor-a rison every seat was occupied. The in jese interest which the campaign has excised manifested itself all along the gne curious countrymen, eager to see the brothCrs, peered through the cara windows at e'ery station, while the plat forms at the depots were packed withr partsans who chcsZted their respectvee candidates, Bob was now enjoying his stronghold and his name was on many lips. The11 peculiar enthusiasm this man arousesy manifested itself at every turn. It is 1 spontaneous, irrepressible and remarka-a ble, without parallel in the hi.story of i; Tennessee. The features of this 'novel and great debate, for great it has been i in the fullest sense of the word, flashes from town to town with lightniing rapidi ty. In no section has this been imorei strikingly demonstrated th~an in tha l which the brothers are now traversmg. ~ Democrats arc excited to fecer heat over 1 the brilliant campaign of their leadler, the fame of which has found its way to other States. Republicans and Demo. I crats agree that never have Republican doctrines received a better ecsposmocn I than is made by All Taylor. The duel of brothers grows more cx-', citing, but is still upon the 1:road plane 1 ,f principle, not personality. At Mor-1 rison three Democrats, fresh from ineir: countryi homes, walked up) to the Demo .cratie ad' and presented him with garlands of yild Ilowers, da'.ses ane roses blending >with violets and helia trope. B3ob was touced by the tribute, aud with "God bless you," bde them farewe1l He framed a buttonnier from: the blossoms and wore it at McMinn .ville. .A+.30 the party arrived at McMin-. viie. A magnificent reception awaited the Dmocratic nominee. Democrats shouted themselves hoarse at the pres nene of their young leader. They rushed into the car and half overpowered him. ?hey cheered him and patted him on ho shoulder. They called him "Bob" ma called him Governor, and half pulled aid half carried him out upon the plat iorm, where wasa strugglingmass seeking :o spetk to him. Finally the procession iornmeti. and through the streets to the L)tel it was a triumphal march. The peaking was well attended, and both utracted the favorable comments of their )artisailis. NoLw artians. No new points were devel S either. At Dayton, in Rhea county, which is lcidedly close on a full v:>te, hundreds urued out to give the rival brothers an 1 >vation. Bob Taylor wore the white ose and Alf the red. The cue has been taught up from place to place, and now Lman's politics may be seen by the color )f the rose or rosette which adorns the apel of his coat. It is a reminder of the entests of the houses of York and Lan aster, only in this case the single house >f Taylor is involved. The gallant Bob, >estes this decoration, looms up con pieuously in his now famous white felt at. It goes faithfully with him every vhere and shines forth prominently as he white plume of King Henry of avarre before the battling French hosts t Ivry. WOMEN AS FARMERS. Few of Them Who Are Succeeding in Agri culture in the South. (F.om the Phihdelphia Tim.) It is not in the West alone that women re successful as farmers. In the South Iey are engaging in this busincss, and ome are doing well. At A-, in my wn county, on the Eastern Shore of Iaryland, at least four ladies are en aged in agriculture, and if they are not rowing rich in these days of low prices, ach is making a good living in an indc endent way and doing quite as well as er neighbors, the gentleman farmers round her. Three of these ladies are -idows, living in the country that they mv raise their children away from the nptations and confinement of life in >wn. The husban,d of one of them died 2 debt, but the earth had not settled bove him before his brave little wife ad resolved to keep the farm and try to ay that money, and in eight years, by lose management, she has done it and ow has the place and the stock clear, ad under her care her boy and girl are rowing up in health and usefulness on Another has been a widow a longer me; from the farm which her husband 4t she has educated her children, giving em advantages beyond the public ools of the country, built an excel nt house, improved the land, and now -ith one of the most desirable places in c neighborhood, as age creeps on, she ; resting somewhat, while the sons 1 hoM she has reared cultivate the land, ad one daughter has charge of the dairy ad another the poultry. "They have ianaged as well, if not better, thn their usbands possibly could have done" be ig the verdict of the entire neighbor ood. Another of these women farmers as never married. When her parents ied, leaving to their six daughters but ne small farm, she, then in very early -omanhood, instead of selling out and iking her younger sisters to town to arn trades or stand in stores, and so ecome more easy victims to the con amption of which their parents had ied, bravely took up the burden of C ianaging the farm and keeping them on and bravelv has she succeeded; and, ow when most of them are useful wives a other homes, she still lives in homely Dmfort at the old place, keeping its reside bright for those of her sisters ho, by reason of widowhood or other banges, may wish to come back to it. )id the mother of the Gracchi accom lish more? While these women all give sir personal attention to the details of eir business, and attended to poultry d dairy themselves, they have not at mpted the cultivation of the land, de ending on hired labor to do that. )oubtless they have many cares and~ uities, know miany a weary hour; but 2 what way can a support be made with ut care and weariness, especially if there [ould be children to raise? I have no argument against the West. ts abundant opportunities make it a Lud of delghtful promise, but this see ion offers immunity from the long win- I mrs of the West, with their long-eon inued snows--which must be a serious .ugbear to the woma~n who wishes to tte;u4 to the feeding of her stock bundant transportation, convenient arkets, and moi-e zbundant labor. It Strue the negro is not so relilie ats thef hite man of the North and West, but1 . can be hired for half the money and not near &o exacting in his require 2ents. All through Southern MIaryland mad Virginma, indeed all of the Southern ~tates, is much land which cian be ought very low, many places with ~uildings on them. It is true when the rice is low the land is generally thin ud the buildia'gs out of ordr; but the mad improves redily under kind treat aent, and whitewash and a general1 leaning up soon make a wondrous hange in a neglected old place, as I n'w from personal experience. These laces arg inviting fields for fruit and egetable raiseg ai-ymng, bee and ultry keeping or gene-al Xarmmig, and lrady the advance guard of tile womain armer~ is on the ground and at work. In addition to those mentioned there a widow over in Dorchester 'who has ilanted her land in peach trees and is ~ aid to be rcaping a good income from t. Further up the peninsula are two enmarred sisters, who are known as >eah farmers. Down in somerset three. die, who love flowers, are raising ses and other plants for sale, and toubtess many others all througrh the oath are making a support from' land. :noticed in a late paper the advertise aent of a lady am Virginia who has eggs or sale. I suppose she is sb:e energetic v-oman who has gone into the pouiry msiness. I know of a bright little wo nan who engagred in that business in Iissisippli somei years ago and lid well t it util a covetous bachelo:: in the ieighborhoo'd persuaded her to give it ip to marry him. Let me~ not be under; ~tood as advising all women who nmust yarn money to turn farmers. Far fronm t. Those who have not love and fitness or it will be very apt to fail, just as many men who attempt it fail; but those who read '4'armer Finch" in one of last ~-avrHare' hna .een how she sue ceeded on the few acres when her fathe had failed, and so I believe that man women are as well suited for this calinm as the majority of men who engage in it. "Far better," says a liberal-minde man farmer in our midst. "She is mort afraid of debt. She has not the samt temptations to spend money outside o home. She is not so easily discouraged. She better knows how to economize in little things, and then you know when a woman wills she will." To these requi site qualities we must add strength of character and love of home. If she have all these, and feels that she would like to try the farmer's life, then let her come to our Southern land, if she so wills, and buy only what she can pay for. Far better only five acres all paid for, and with something to improve it, than two hundred, with a debt hanging over it. Indeed, I am inclined to think the "lit tle farm well tilled" is the right thing for the South at present, especially for the woman farmer, who comes here from other sections. She may not grow rich as fast as her sister who goes West. In deed, I doubt if she ever will be rich, as the world thinks of riches; but she may know abundantly the true life of one's own vine and fig tree, under softer skies md a milder clime, where all the rates )t living are lower than North or West, mud she can have the comfort of near aeighbors, schools and churches. Her ife will lie in quiet ways; but if she set .he example of a carefully managed husi 2ess, a well-ordered home, a well-trained ,amily-if under her care neglected lelds be slowly changed to blooming >rchards, or fragrant clover lands, while >ver her home roses and vines clamber, md her bees drone, and her busy liens dng through the long summer days, she nay well feel that she is of use in her lay and generation; as surely a public >enefactor as he who makes two blades >f grass grow where only one grew be ore. H. Easton, Maryland. ".A. JOIENsON, TAILOR." Grenvine (Tenu.) Letter to rittsbur, Dip.t. h.) We walked along the narrow sidewalk aid finally came to the main street of own. My guide pointed out some relics Ls we passed along and we crossed the traggling thoroughfare and descended gentle declivity, at the foot of which )abbled a little stream. We halted in ront of a little one-story house. A Vir ,inian creepe" mingled -its vived green vith the mildewed white paint. Over he door my eyes saw a legcnd on an old iece of paintless board, which was all prung and weather-beaten. Some strag ling, old-style letters, scarcely dociph rable in their faded blackness, met my aze. Only three words, but those three vords had once convulsed a hemisphere. hey were an embodiment of possibili ies; an epitome of the power of intel ect over surroundings; a story of match ess power, and a perishing record of mperishable brilliancy. This simple egend was as follows: "A. Johnson, ~ailor." The lettering is rude and was evide: y done in pay for a pair of jeans made >y the tailor-President for the village ign writer; indeed, the village tradition uns to that effect. Here at that very rindow the humble tailor sat sewing then his townsmen came, in 1828, to .pprise him that the signal honor of be ng Alderman at Greenville had been iven to him by his appreciative fellow itizens. No need to further trace the aree-r of the illustrious Andrew John on, seventeenth President of the United 'tates. The old house is in good repair, :ept so by the Mayor of the city, and he villagers have a thousand traditions ad anecdotes to relate about the house ad its distinguished occupant, one of rhich will serve to close with. "Mose Green wuz a character round bout Greenville, en' wuz notorious for >win' every one oi the store folk on dain street. Shiftless-that shiftless hat he'd tote his old musket along Main treet with his clothes falling often him n' never keering, sah, so long as he had drink in his gullet. Mose hed a mis'a le old yaller dog which wuzn't wuth hootin' at. Wal, one day Mose wuz >owerful hard up fer some jean pants n' he traded oftf the dog for three yahds f cloth. How tu git them made, Mose tin't kno', en' ez he had no wecemin olk he 'lowed he'd git Andy tu make hem pants. Meanwhile the yaller dog ed gnawed the rope ez he'd ben tied rith en' kim scooting back tu Mosc. "Mose wuz in high glee en' 'lowed ef i could got them pants made by Andy' z cheap ez he got the cloth he'd be~ owrful lucky. So he went down and ~ot Andy tu measure him fer the pants. 3ut Andy knowed Mose and said ez how e'd tu plank down in advance or there'd >e no pants. Andy talked so perlite het Mose he thought ez how he'd trade het dog agin. 'Andy,' sez he, 'there's he most powerful coon dog in the :eounty, en' ef you'll du a good job on hem pants I'll let you hey him.' So Lndy he buckled tu en' made a powerful in pair uv pants. Wal, sah, Mose then ~ot intu them pants then he whistled hat mis'able purp away en' wuz a pair tv pants ahead. Andy, though, he evah sed nthin?'. Twuzn't his way." A boy who is polite to his father and nother is likely to be polite to every one; se. A boy lacking politeness to his arents may have the semblance of ourtesy in society, but is never truly >olite in spirit, and is in danger, as he ecomes familiar, of betraying his real vant oi e-tesv. We are all in danger >f living too muceh for the outside world or the'i rnplression which we makea in. ociety, coveting the goed opinions of S"'e who are in a sense a part of our elves, and who" will continue to sustain Lud be interested in ns, wtwithstanding hese defects of the deportme'nt and raracter. We say to every boy and to Nery gi:--, cultivate the habits of cour csv'and prop~rie' at omeC-in the sit-' in~g room and o the kitchen-and you wil be sure in other p~laces to deport poursch ini abeooming and attractive anner. When one uins a~ pleasant smile md a graceful demeanor, it is a satisfac :ion~ to know these are not put on, but :hat they belong to iihe chamater, and re manifest at all times and under aill ~ircumstances. lIi-.end of "Much obliged. "Tak. >r' '"Thaniks aw~fully much,' the Anglo hudes about town now say '"Bahclden," or 'Very much beholden to you." It's the '0SINS FUR' AUTUMN. 1 rrERN oF 1.:ElY !NTRE-T TO THE FAIR -EX. NoveIles In Eat4. aad O4d Ve Deoriflr lon ,:ets-Sona:ethi::::. en i s.kiltng. Etc. New goods for early fall wear con time to 1c displayed daily and present a number of novel fabrics, somc of which are as brilliant in color shadings as the richest tints seen in the autunmal foliage. In all wool fabrics many uiet tones are shown, varying with stripes with dashes of color. In raris plaids and checks promise to be the latest choice to com bine with plain materials, but here stripes appear to be the most popular. One striking feature in the fall modes is the extreme "mannishness" displayed in the styles. This is not altogether new, but this season promises to be carried to a greater extreme than ever before. The question of becomingness to the wearer is not considered. Fashion is so potent that there is rarely any discrinination exercised in the choice of what to wear. However, if the style is antagonistic to a refined and conservative taste, it is a trifle modified if countenanced. An admixture of tints is to be decided lv fashionable this coming season. By slow degrees the universal adoption of black and dark tones is being given up, Swhich has made so many social gather ings of late years so gloomy of aspect. Excellent coloring is displayed in coarse interpleated basket cloths-black, white, I red and brown intermixed-and in the Alexandra cloths with boucle stripes red, yellow, blue and red, fiecked. Other woolens are in plain colors and also with tufted stripes, which, placed horizontal ly and perpendicularly, form a check. Then there are cloths with spots between the stripes. Plain material comes in the same shade to combine with these in costumes. Zebra cloth is solid, plain and striped in such mixtures as gray and blue, blue-brown and green. Parisian fashions have always a certain following, so some tweeds have been brought out with large plaids of blue, brown and red. Serge, which has hitherto been con sidered a plain material, is now advanced to a decorative fabric, with broad velvet and chenille stripes. A very beautiful cloth aisplaved is of a petunia shade, with a very broad stripe, quite a quarter of a yard across, in plain and fancy frize velvet, showing convolvulnses in shades of petunia (a red purple) with leaves twining around stripes of a dark and light tone. This material is very costly, and only appropriate for a handsome carriage of visiting toilette. wHlAT'S NEW IN SKInTING. It is always difficult to find anything new in skirting, but the winter petticoats will be remarkable for their brilliant coloring. The perpendicular stripes are two inches wide, in red, yellow, black, white and grav'. Some of these have a line of herring-bone weaving beside each stripe in vellow. Most luxurious are the cardinal satin petticoats, lined with flan nel, with a very little elderdown between the two thicknesses. These are ex quisitely quilted in tine diamonds with a handsome border, the edge finished by a pleating of satin. Pure woolen fabrics in shades of leath er and biscuit, with tiny specks in a darker color, form some of the prettiest demi-salson costumes; the skirt is pleated in rather wide box pleats, each one orna mented at the edge with an applique em broidered design of Indian or Persian eharacter. The costume is completed by a tunic and jacket, or by a polonaise fastened diagonally from the left shoul der under a band of applique embroide ry, eontinued round the right side, which is draped like a rounded panier.'- The left side forms a long tunic draped with leats under the embroidered band edging the right side, and fallngin a long point a little to the left of the cenrtre, and draped again far back on the left hip under a bow of wide ribbon. The back breadths form a pleated and puffed drapery, bordered down the sides and round the edge with an embroidered applique band. Many novelties are daily appearing in millinery, each new bonnet or hat being more eccentric than its predecessors, for odd styles are certainly the most popular at present. The latest Parisian novelty is the "pine cone" hat, in perfect imita tion of a gigantic fir cone. This hat is always trimmed with ostrich plumes or tulle of the hue of the pines. Many of the prettiest bonnets arc composed of crepe; even those intended for the win ter season are composed of this fragile material. Of course they have an inner lining of thin silk and will be reserved more especially for evening, alternoon. teas and reception wear. R~ED THE FAvORITE COLOR. Rled is a favorite color for everything. It has been popular in Paris for the past six months and now promises to be equally fashionable here. It requires time for Americans to become accus tomed to decided novelties, but when they do the extreme of using colors promiscuously is generally adopted and1 this will likely prove the ease with the bright color that is popular; beautiful and stylish as it is if worn with discre tion. "A red bonnet, made of crepe, has a flaring brim stading up well above1 the face, with a wreath of poppies be neath it. Tihe trimming upon the out side consists os a ladder up one side mad3e I of pearl-edgedl ribbon.-1 Chenille is applied in various ways. Many wire bonnets are covered with henille of diilerent colorings, twisted in and out, the ironts piointed, the backs turned back. 'Astraehan bonnets are t new and will be in demand-not mader of fur, but of imitation woolen Astrachan in all colorings. These all have the plain turn-back coronet. The great novelty of the moment is that bonnets are niado of tw o colors. For example,a red crown, vwith blue sides auid th~ I. turned-back coronet blue. The color inirs in this kind of 1bonnet are prinei aly brown and gleei, brown and red, brown and beige. Horseshoe sunken crowns are. as far as can be seen at pres- t ent, likely style of the coming seasm The ribbon is folded jad crossed over this crown, coming forward to form the stgs.e Many ofhe new felt hats have' high-pointed or :mquare crowns bonnu with velvet, a bow tied in the front. A NOVEL 1O2NNET. A novel bonnet is made of gray v-x vet, of the shade resembling an (I( phant's fur; the crown is covered v.i silver braid, gradually shading off to ti:e same coloring as the velvet; the fr.nt stands up very high, and, is decorated. with a large binch of pink azaic:a. strings of tulle the sune shade rs he flowers. A stylish bonnet is made of black beaded tulle, with very high coronet; in front a high bow of red velvet, itl U large bunch of red and black cherres and foliage falling over it; beaded tulie strings, fastened with a handsome jet pin. Steel, gold and black beads are fash ionable in fringes as well as embroidery; gold beads especially arc in favor for dresses and small vestments. One of these, of gray cloth, has the cohiar cov ered with a fringe of line goki beads, and Uie whole of the plastron is covered with gold-bead fringe. 1;ead embroidery is used for everything, the plain and colored bead:; both being used, the effect in many and in fact most cases beig gorgeous. Passementerie consel ts are to be a feature of the coming season; these are exquisitely beautiful, and cor respondingly extravagant in price. Rib bons form an important part in trim ming; bows are used upon everything, and an entire trimming six inches wide is made to edge evening and dinner cos tunics, formed of very narrow ribbon, like a'bobbin, loop up'on loop. making a thick mass. Rosettes are made of the same ribbon, to correspond. DIESS TEDIINGS. Bands of etamine, embroidered in cross-stitch with silk, are employed in trimming matinee ond morning dresses made of suali and foulard; revers col lars and cuffs are embroidered to corre spond with the bands and form a very pietty trimming. Lace of all kinds is extensively used for trimming. Lace embroidered with gold bullion is very elegant to trim dinner and evening dresses of black lace, silk or satin. Vel vets for trimming are strewn with tiny flowers in bright colors. Galloons and braids of all kinds are the most fashionable trimmings. They are plain or heavily beaded. Complete sets of the beaded ornaments are made to correspond for trimming par .s, vest, cuffi and collar. The weight of some of these, if elaborate, is truly appalling. Natural fir cones, very small, are intro duced as pendants on jet galloon; go1l is also used with jet. it, however, must be of the very finest quality, or it has a common, tawdry appearanee. Fringes of silver-gray seeds mixed with steel beads and ornaments to correspond are shown to use upon gray wraps. TIes are new, stylish and very expensive. Large steel, gold or jet balls are worn on the ends of ribbon bows. Suede gloves still continue fashiona ble. When will glace kid gloves return to favor? Suede is very well Jor morn ng wear, but certainly glace kid looks better for dressy costumes and eveing wear; but fashion is a stern autocrat and must be obeyed, so no change is yet to be made. The tan color of the kid is yet the first choice, but black and var us shades, matching the costume with which it is to be worn, are shown for hose who prefer a match to a contrast. Four-button gloves are the length most ised for general wear. For evening the Length of the gloves and number of but ons is regulated by the purse of the wner. There is a slight disposition to se some of the pale tints so long dis arded, as well as the tan shades. Stitch 2g black and colors is seen on many of ie new gloves. A WARNING 'T) T'rATOI'v The ejection of the sisters and grand eices of the late Mir. Tilden from Gray ,tone by the executors of his peculiar 'ill is probably only the becinning ofa og series of events bordering upon andal to result from that document. hile there can be no doubt that the secutors are within their legal powers ed perhaps their legal duties in order g 3Mrs. Pelton and children of that dy's son to find another place of abode nf five days' notice, neither can there be av doubt that in consideration of the rgic relations of the late Colonel Pelton o 3Ir. Tilden awhich arc public and otorious) such a collision is one greatly > be deplored and shouild have been! voided if possible. The truth is, that 3Mr. Tilden's will vas the crowning example of a procrasti- 4 iation which always perplexed and often 1 lienated his associates, both in business d in politics. Hie possessed a mind of sxtraordinary ingenuity, capable of pro und thought and intricate 'plotting, at sadly lacking in executive determi-I iation at critical moments for action. e planned a beneficient disposal of the julk of his great p)roperty for public ises, but never was resolute enough to )ut the plan himself into operation, and id shifting it to the discretion of three ~entlemen, whom he took especial palin > fortify against own kindred, but took '1 0 pains to constrain to carry out !hs urpose at any definite time or in any lefinite way. The subject is a fair one for public >mcent and criticism, in consideration f those uses declared in the will in vhich the public has a distinct interest the amount of several million dollars, though there may be may be no legal eans of enforcing that interest. It dds another to the imauuneral e w..rn ugs to men of great propgya: i ,enevolnt intention' to do their go. ~orks "while it is yet day~" an the ca eselves supervise the excuion 0 i heir projects.-N.~ Yi. rld. Mr. G. P,. Newco .bint: einploye of the ~ortheastern halou CLIn.;)y. re. hat the foliare on1 mny 'f th resl led by the water w.hic sp.u:ed up ro he sand craters..n.th. it f the. cn :ake. ile examineda the coutr inu.s lately cast of the'raI' Id ik las .*a-m iiw bra, (!:(- Doub nad the Draf 'Walk, Taft mnd Henr. A long ine of people in their second hi ho.od and many colored folks filed through' the cemetery at Greenville, N. J.. vesterda to the "faith cure" cam: meeingc . The lame, the deaf and the bl iironic pIiralytics and promiscu ous invalids marched in the grotesque pr~ oesion. The invalids were blithe, the pa-ralyties capered nimbly along, gay enough to dance oii the graves, the deaf thought thevcouldhearthe crickets, the blind that they could see, and some of the more enthusiastic negroes imag ined that they could fly. Every one in the procession believed in miracles. All had come from various towns in Con nectieut, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey, and sonic had traveled near lv 500 miles. The camp meeting was held in the grounds of the "Mount Zion Sanctuary, an ordinary, two-story house, whose outer walls are painted with scriptural quotations and sentences bearing on the "faith cure." It is claimed by the "faith I cure" people that a woman of the name of Antoinette Jackson had a direct reve lation from God, and that she is the only person in modern times and since the Hebrew prophets who was ever in direct communication with the Creator. About 500 people were crowded in the tent yesterday afternoon when Mrs. An toinette Jaekson, a very healthy looking woman, opened the devotions by saying that she had once had curvature of the spine and neuralgia of the brain. She had been healed by faith, which also cured her of a desire to go to the opera. She said that she had given herself whol ly to the Lord, and it didn't make any difference to her now whether she had a new bonnet or not. At this reference a colored man in the camp meeting cried: "Praise the Lord." "Banjo Bill" arose and declared that his entire family had been healed by the faith cure. One child that had been helpless with spinal disease for thirteen years had been annointed and was now able to skip the rope. Another had been cured of pneumonia and a third of malaria of four years' standing. As for himself, he had been cured of a desire for strong drink of eighteen years' stand ing and of '. desire for tobacco which had run for thirty years. A middle-aged man said that faith had cured him of playing pool. He used to drink half a gallon of whiskey a day, a: d had never opened the covers of a Blible until he was 37 years old. A col crcd man got up and said that he had been cured of chicken stealing and of .anging around ivatemelon patches. bince he had been healed by the "faith cure" no turkeys had ever got tangle.' up in his clothes, and he had never lost his way and run into a smoke house. Another colored man testified that he couldn't hear a fog horn until he came to the camp meeting. He had wrestled with the lumbago for years, and came to the first meeting full of doubt and cov ered with plasters. Now he no longer needed any plasters and the lumbago had gone off. A fat and jolly woman who would probably weigh 300 pounds, got up and said that she used to be so iat she couldn't walk. Putting her trust in the "faith cure" she asked the Lord to take away some of her fat. Since that time she had lost thirty-five pounds. "Raven't we a right to jump and hol ter*;" said she, bounding up from the dioor; "if we didn't tell the way we feel we'd bust asunder." A woman lieutenant of the Salvation Army said that she had ruptured a lung while speaking at an open air meeting. flhat lung had been wholly healed by~ the "faith eure," and she could now shout as well as when she was a sergeant. Many devout people testified in a simple md sincere way that had been cured of p-ave bodily ills by the faith cure, and oointed to their "friends and kindred ~resent who had been unable to walk mtil they had been healed through aith. No collection was taken up, bnt most >f those present dropped coins into a lOX at the door. "Rev." M. D. Han ~ox, an u nordained preacher, who pre ided over the camp) meeting, invited all >resent to join his new "church of the irst born' and to leave the Babylon of he modern churches, if the latter would lot allow them to belong to the two :hurches at the same time. A Poo~r Farmier% Boy. Speaking of Kentucky elections some :urious stories come to me in regard to he Hon. William Preston Taulbee, a anember of the House who represents the nountainous regions of Kentucky de cribed in Charles Egbert Craddock's ovels. Taulbee is a long, lank, cadav rous, smaooth-faced, sallow-complexion d mnan, thirty-five years of age. He has )lack eves, dark, hair, and sort of a 'rontier~air about him. He is a man of ome ability, and the Congressional )irectory says that lie prepared himself or Congress by studying for the minis rv three years and for the law three. He ias John~D. White's old district, and chereas it is an open secret that White tsed to buy his district, Taulbee was lteted on the grounds that he was a >oor boy and a man of the people. It is aid that he made his poverty his plea or election on the stump, and that muong the favorite sentences of his tump) speeches to the mountaineers were ueh as the following: "I would have he !'eople of these mountains show the mei that a poor boy can go to Con re. I would have the nobility of rce kow it. I svould let the Queen '.N .in. know it. Aye! I would let 2e 0'narchs1o the vworld know that 1e~n in' Kentucky one man is as oud ' anothr, and that a poor farm .' bo) can~ be elected to one of the ihe onices the land." A good deal' Sthe electioneerinlg in the Kentucky iounain is - done by talking at the r esrad :od private conversations. * *':tativ Taulibee, it is said, never 1. .:ed an oppfortuniaty to pass of mak -* a ot or of imressmlg his co:_;t'ita. as y~th th simlici of tis nature: ud~ Iai.t)i.-Washingtja Letter to the mye . : '1 oerb~-t in a new~ dresn. - th .ys to adopt :1 modern' .. Nn- o Evil was im ul * . h .,,.e~nn l desiredto be aholy rar:bt uon convalecence he was heard o) rema:rk~ that his' pius aspirations had] .mlcu ;-lo inocnous tiesuetude." PICTURES OF STRANGE LANDS. WHAT THE TRAVELER SEES IN THE HEART OF RUSSIA. The Gilded Towers, Gorgeou% Churches and Splendid Palaces of Moscow. (Letter to the Davenport Democrat.) The other sights consist of churches, palaces, and treasured things within the Kremlin. This is the old time fort walled stoutly about. This was in early days the entire city. Here were the palaces, churches, the troops and arsenal -the heart of Russia. Here lived the czars, the priests, the generals, the sol diers. Here within the church was all the treasure kept-an old-time oriental custom of the pagan age; here, too, were people judged and executions held-here the heart and central strength of Russia. As the city grew more walls were added, but the old Kremlin walls were kept in tact; and now, as you enter there through the holy gate, beneath the emblems of the church, you must remove your hat so does the emperor-so all his subjects -all who visit here. The palace here is very grand-has many rooms and lofty halls aglow with polish, glass and gold. To take yoti through these halls, and rooms, and cor ridors would be to travel for miles and miles and write for months and months. They cover many acres-filled with furniture and curious things; with beds and bedding-