VOL. IJL MANNING9 CLARENDON COUNTY, S. Cog WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY1I 186 O 0 A Reminiscence of Bar -arbor. Three maidens went sailing anl daintiy ires ed One bright summer day as the sun wenl down: And for a rich yachtsnian och analh 'wat While their mothers wtod '-ck'-:- :: out of the town. For maidens must marry and nhers art deep. And men to escape them strict watches must keep Where the Harbor Bar is moaning. Three 'vwthers stood anxiously out on the se .1j That Zgernoon as the sun went down. And their words were sweet and their snales were bland As they covertly watched for the yachtsmen brown. For moers must work, and mothers nust soheme. And all men are wary and not what they seem Where the Harbor Bar is moaning. Three SaIdens all seasick and ill as can be CTwss evening then and the sun had go::c downu: Three yachtsmen, all laughing with ill-sup pressed glee. Were bringing those maidens rigbt back tc the town. For men will laugh, and women must wee4p, And maneuvering mothers must sometiles feel cheap So good-by to the Bar and its moaning. -Life. m&OW I WON MY WIFE. It was towards the close of a sultry day in the latter part of July that I 0iind myself saunterincr, rather aim lessly, out into the suburIs of ni native Ihad chosen, as if by instinct, a shaded avenue for mv stroll, and was enjoying the little breath of air that was playing idly with the dense sluggish foliaa overhead, when I came unex pectay -upon a little cottage situated a little way from the road. The giounds were tastefully laid out, and there was a dainty bit of velvety lawn in front and at one side of the house. Involuntarily I paused to take in the pretty picture,9an as I stood leaning against the lawn fence, I caught the sound of female voices. Then~ I ( cowered that they proceeded from a omal grove at the side of the cottage. There were four persons in the chat se-ng group, seated almost out of sight from where I had first stopped. There was an elderly lady, and a young girl of probably sixteen, and two young ladies of about eighteen and twenty-two re pectivelv. The elaer of the two was a blonde, and though possessed of a fair face and good figure, I dismissed her fron iny scrutiny almost instantly as I caugh. sight of the other. This one was a study upon which my mind as well as my gaze dwelt, to the exclusion of the rest of the group. She was of medium height-she was the only one of the fair quartet standing -perfect figure. rather inclined to slen ernes, and with a face that would always command more than a casual glanee. It was the work of but a few moments to take a mental picture of this charm ing - and I also added to this crime the theft of a bouquet of the odorous honeysuckle. Casting a lance at the pretty cottage, Isaw a small piece of paper tacked to a verandah pillar, upon which I deei hered, with the aid of a glass. the fol ( legend, written in a small fe male hand: "To le't: enquire within." Tmmediatelv I wanted to hire that cottage. Not that I needed it, or had any earthly use for it; but a sort of in sane desire seized me to get possession of the nest that held the beautiful bird, under the ridiculous and~ illogical rea soning, or rather lack of reason, that the bird, of course, went with the nest, in a business way. I had put my hand upon the '~arden gate. when I suddenly discoverA. lyin jinon the verandah, a large New.found land doo, who raised his mnssiv'e h.-ad :,s4 loofed at mue inquiring'ly, andi I ianeied, a little belligerntly. I ihave a mortal horror of (dogs-that ~is, other people's dog-and particularly 3oose dogs. So I hesitated, and as I saw no way' of attracting the atten- ion of the group without shouting to thnm, retreated like a coward. 'There was Cave Canem written all over the house for me, and even for a closer view of the fair creature in the garden, I weuld ottake the risk of the dog. No; I would stroll out that way :iaai the next day, and I would get Jenny, my married sister, to come with me. "To look at a cottag~e!" said Jenny im astonishment, when I' asked her con pany for this purpose. "What in the world do yon mean?" "Oh, it's such a lovely little nest. thought rd secure it in ease I sinoul~ get married, or anything of that kind.' "Don't you think it would be more I:' the line of variety to secure the wif first?" she asked.'knowing that I had no~ in view as vet. "it is asort of'Toodles idea." I ad mitted; "but I'd like you to see it." So we went; we saw, and I was con quered. We cuquired within. Jenn.2 was captivated with the cottage ant grounds, and I-there was only one soh: tary object in the whole premises that. saw sufficiently well to be able to de. scribe it intelligently afterwards. "Did you notice, Ned, how admirnola the rooms connected, and how spae: was economized everywthere?" "I didn't notice particularly," I sait rather abruptly, thinking only of th rooms as connected with the super1 central fiure-Mary Anderson, as w. learned Er name was--and of th< economy of space only in the light o: the immense space that there was a present between us--Mary and me, "And what a beautiful tint of browt the cottag was painted!" she added. "Beautiful, beautiful!" I said. lookmn dreamingly out of the window, an< thinking of the exquisitely lustron: brown eyes. N~edP" said Jenny suddenly, startm;~ -o 'tof a dream in which I was pic tar-ag- myself and Mary as the occupant of ~ ~tag, without knowing actualll whether the house was painted brown o: renor painted at all, for that mwAa-r Ned, do you know I don't believe yo ,have the faiatest notion of hiring the -house; nor do I believe you kuot whether the cottage contains two room: -or ten, or whether there was a front o: -back door or windows to it." I met her concentrated gaze of incred ulity and her provoking smile with As hi. -as. meant for an mmjre< and md::-na' one: b't I felt that my hy -.o I said nothing .r bout it the'. x Uw y o'ly I ela('psed lnce J.. *jd'i ioned over the prei is.,t'o -::er, nthr. snceJenn had lA e he) over, while I had-but no t:.v; d fys ,f'tr I was at the T regoup)of femnale janitresses .howed me over the house igain, the elder .t, tl mother, pointing out to me ' th 'naenieces aniOd praising them; .m. . loo i always ,t Mary. who .. -t'pr .it the holie. d 1l th.' oid lady said about he r:::. etc-., while Mv eves took in iioth:n:.. nd my wonled Eeart assent Icd *o noing exert _Mary and her love, - io uo h of a fanilv have you, i > i!1to1i: id Mr.s. Anderson inci d l iehwxing tle neat bed .tood in the upper hall surrounded be th ree yotung idies, and the nihr stoo at the (toor of the iront Non :.t all," I replied thoughtiles.sly. F pair; of astonished eves of var ionts hius were fociusct'd upon me in stan tuv. Tht' -r4v ("es Of the elder woman seemln.to~Pi'Cee my subterfuge. but I turned to tie liquid brown eyes for re lief to .ind Ii them a puzzled expression only. -Thein you are contemplating nar r:Ige? qutioned Mrs. Ander;on. - ' I sa boIdly, still :i'-ing at pretty M111ary. w') turili a:-.-, acer eves. I think th-. lae wlt s-i m very well," I addd mechan:callv. .'ni then to mlyself: -it would be para~L-. f: r n:' witlthat girl to share it!' "And could you decide the matter soon?* asked Nrs. Anderson. "It is ge.ting to be quite annoying to have so many people running in to look it Sover. riust be. indeed." I replied. "She i ncuds ime. of course, in the annoy Iance" I mentally added. "I will take the place," said I suddenly, with the foolhardy reservation vividly in my mind-,f Mary will remain and be its mistress. 'The latter had turned away from the little group. but not before 1 had seen the niserable tears start into the dear eves. She was evidently pained at the thought of leaving the pretty nest. What should I do? "God knows I don't want her to leave it," I thought. I would take the wise sister into full coniidence. and she would undoubtedly pilot me through the trouble. i Before leaving . had managed to add anothier crime to my sins by stealing from the center tabfe a daguerreotype of Mary. just as she appeareT to me in the ar den. dress. hair, and all. Iintended Ifaithfully to replace it again upon the table as soon as I could have a copy tken. -So you are deep in the mire. Ned, =nd want me to help you out-eh?" said I enny with a mock-serious face. "For sliame! to conie to a woman, too. You w'ho rofess such a contempt for their sIsist an.C e." I **t'a only a babe in this sort of busi nes.- T confessed humbly. --And, as a babe, of course, you need a woman s tender care. You shall have it. Ned. I'll do all I can for you. but don't be foolish enough to suppose that gir lie around loose, waiting~ to be pic1.ed'up by the first man who comes J unv was as good as her word. She r, 'muiek and close acquamnta.ce wita the . dersons~and through the reading o certttfn cabalistic signs that wouild have been unintelligible as Sanscrit to me. had discovered that there was "a possibility of success for me," she I w'as surprised and delighted one afternoon tolind Mary at my sister's house when: I went there, and - I deter mined to know my fate before she left. "What a beautiful picture you would make!"~ I blunderingly remarked, She blushied like-a rose, but said nothing. 31y sis ~ter smiled approvingly and soon fte left the room on some pretense. I went over to where Mary was sitting, and sai~d: "You will, no doubt, despisa a thief: and a man who goes throtugh the worl uttnder false pretenses. But such iste iman before vout." She looed surp~rised and shocked at tis; but I drew fronm my pocket a faded bt stl fragrut bunch of honeysuckle ad held it close to the one she had pinned upon her bosom. --A very small theft, and readily for given, she' said, smiling. "The ar'~'e mates." I said; "that is, th tiowers- wish theC owners were." TI dep color beg: n to run riot in her cheeks' now. --~A h'ere,'' I said, '"is the poor sub sitm fr-h- origin:d that I have also .4toln anu'd kept close to my heart, as a souvenir ot vou, 31ary," producing the itre I ha.d taken from her. "And besdes, I added. as she made no re ply . save the silent tell-tale blushes wiceh spok e volumnesto ir..y heartt "be 'ides, lI'usd false p~retenses. I (lid not wan' 'n omuse when I -inouired with i' av'ur home. It wtas only you that I ' wait0d d I ha~Ve gone and made a fool oft myself. I have got :s. Touse on mym hand'. but I have nosif to occupy --li t you tolid maimia that you con teia.:.d :'ria't,." she suggested bit'wa a -. l *ai the dark. I i: d4 only yo -n vi..ary: and novw '0, vWet.' nl con. t t to g0et me out o tue scraip it would be all rirht yet." idnt su -ihe woultd. but when I'' c l c:resi::in;.- hand in .: -ule -t.Wrm,.site put the hiui.-im .myi hands and I -. -' ..ew- togtherm: "i1ates now, both' t- ilot, : msI teir owners." We 0:r~e wem ve :.oi3rs. Anderson about dnsi. antdi selml: "We have decided to move into the cott;;e as soon as it wa'~l be convenient for votu." "'e:" queried the o'!l-ady, fixing her rey eyes upon01 me mqmurmngir, " Yes," 1 renli-d: -- anm goon to be married-that is, withm your consent," I aded hesitatingly. "Whtat has mv eonsent to do with it?" she asked in sturprie. "A great deal. It i~ your daughter -Mary had gone ,'her imother, and was nestling her head upon the mater Is~ in : -- r -v . - I-"e Par~~~an-:%" N.: r -- - e sloop with sxe-:rd ' hor oy the ism.3-:vo--l- Ihe T ~ i . Ti- -. L-d- hn :-a : :210 h r - : . l iV.2 g n ' i-1w1 M, h:1 (I~ hid~cc co :nu*ch :.il- n a :!ste l thouI h he a hu tm im nt liRe tatr.:x a. H-.a' I th a r wo !:I: 1. f . r Ign,- h- pm l in :. h-n. to d her ani incur. what -,* :: As h came upove liv t ie (t- ie till thn unkniown to himl - !.iLdhmw t traditional n - 1 ' perado, and sl t t ., n cif himuself :mdlt m . n answer to Lord Jon' iThat he was on :: n ' : : l at Boston: vOd Ina r d* iim the farer to carry tw) 7--V-.4 adone ptir. I'h(r ) 1tv beke :t;c,-,tl h re turntedl o- --cnt :i or'! r 1 6-mi ? G: diner (4r .:: ! :: -, :.: ba c ckt the island. T1-6M mri~ Kn e sumntd it :- by sem'xer'z: 'hre a reoue-st that mr U:bcO .on board at on(e, -:.1 :- sheep with im. This z .Ia 1- the ae quanftanc:-.Gc-wdin.. mty :-': thcourht: but he cownli T1icreupon Kidd promptly ritienotl ::rcait:mee into in timaer'ind att.ked hn f h could spare a barrel of eer Ld J.1hn once more proved neighorly. : fmoitd that he oul spare the e1 er. smng two of his men ashore . fetci it. While waiting for i r:-trrn. I got out front his cart . o damaged Bengal nliEn.l - 'r.rn .Id vahited fabric in its . r;-t - .0 wh tlc he I pli into a ::t'nd r -quet G ar dnr to take a a present to his wife. It Is likely ennuih 'h: the cnptain, seeag in hearty 1wd Jo.hn. 0- a r sucli thnds l:rkucen so-e of h:cIty-Shil ling rim. or three-d -ipouid Ma delra to be ta,,td. amin. 't :any rate.wareIcd i.i.1 p o ine.ed gener osity ior -.n :b -.t :I quater of an1, hour' ie prisen ted ] Lrd o. ",e 1;1e with some nil'in for h's own use. W hen the men cam back wit the barrel of cider. 'ie ave thi four pi-evs of gold for their troubA-. Furtherniore, after wettngt r-ady to sa'i, he oiered to pay for the cide: but Gnrd;ner protest(d that he was suffi*ent.y r'warded by the present to his wife. They parted at h't; and Kidd. gallantly ring a salute of four gunis, stood for Block Island. --His purpose in lingering im these waters was to get rid of his sucspciieIOus freight before froing to Boston. buring the .tar- near the island two New Yorz sloops took ofi par: of his cargo; and three days later lie rturned from Block Isiand in compacny with anoih-r nefar ious sloop. which relieved hinm of chests contai..n1in rolate and gold and other good<. This time Kidd again sent for Gardiner and connin'ed to his charge a chest. a box of gold.: buurile of quilts. and four bales of goods. The box of gold, as Ga-rdiner afterwards solemflnlv eposed, was dti ed by it'.dd fxr Lord i Bellonot. All 1 tr-asure and m1er chandise was buried in somei, swampy land near Cerrv larbor, besid' Home gpnd, wvithin ac inile of t1.:e-'c~ maner-liee, to be kept focr Kidd or his order "-If l'enli fr it andlt it i- gone, Kidd declared to Lord John, 'I ; wi tak~e your head or your son's. 'An Ol1 Ieat." Tere was one paithieticxneide.nt con nected with the i.ht. A mnt~x namdtO Clough had serve.d three year.3 in th:c Eleventh Matssachusetts, andx Etad th repttion of beinz ani e-xcellent soldieri a favorite with both onh::orS and meni and doing his duty faith fully in all po-. sitions. At the exp~irtiion of his toric he re-enlisted, and was given the eu tomary fculough of thir-ty d:ays. Wheo he returned to the regimen't li~s nate seemed to be chainged. Fromt a cheer ful, companionable mnani h becamne : chronic grumbier, and at 1lt was gener' ally recognized as a -be t. His o'. corades bore his altered dispositie for a while, butt finally he' wa-s let alou with his growlings. 1His olitr. at I:. sspectd hint of a determniton to . When his comlpanty star -d into at Iighlt tlhe question would be. "Wthereoi Cough?" and lie generilly had to bV hunted up and ordered im.o th'- r-tnk.4 On this occasion hie was severely wound ed, being shot twice. Hie wras br-orghl: out on a stretcher. which his lieuxtenan had sent in for him. and while wvaitice for an ambulance the oiir went up t.. the wounded man. With a return co the old-timte lire, Clough said, -Lieuten ant, have I done myc duty?" "Yec. Clough, like a maxn:" to which hec 1-c plie'with a touch of bitterness: "-Won der if the' boys are eni:~ iid with ikl danend okl' uLes now?" The bo:4 crowded ar-ountd antd tried 1to encLouratt him. no0w ashamed of their former chas fng, and he smiled faintv and said "Good-by, bovs." as they 'earried himi awv. 'That night the tired, broke! body wats otut of pain, and - -Od CGoug' was be:.ond the praise ccr blame~c. of hu man jt'dgment.-The Statc. No Show for the Hairpin. The wife of an engineer on the Wecst Shore Railroacd. a mocst agreeabl~e little woma,. wexnt to New York yesterday hopping. anid came up on the train of hic~h her husband drives the engine. At Newbrghi s:h took a sea t in the en gine and rode front titer.' to Kingsr.ton. 'or that distance the train rs wvith reat sp-edc. at inter-1vals fully a. ile a iinute- When': shet reachied tis city her friends, who wetre th."r t'o 'st her, n a hco-us u:re'.cd: "a ca. nowa did yoi ec .v t?" -(4t:- said she "it wa s ipendd. rea:l exeitig. but i haven' a airi ini ty hax:ir.' Thce j.ar ei th nvine had a a alte airpinsc out. s that her hai~r xxcunuonx hon ;ulcders. he sas she don'1t wondera th eng-ine. usually kee-p their hair eut a -da rabbit" fashion.-Kingston (l. Y.) rman. IN A DISSE'TLING-ROOM. A Mlysterious Snore from a Body-A Str:arc- Experience. "I have be'n for the past fifteen years engang-ed at my present business and I need not tell you it is not one of the most pleasant occupations in the world. I have had some terribh> experiences during that time. and if I were to relate sone of them to You you would not think them credible. 1 spend most of the day and night with these 1dead bodies, and now ili at I have grown accustomed to it I do not mind it much." The speaker was Prof. James Walsh. superintendent of the dissecting-room in the New York University Medical College. and the arwe~r (was given in reply to the re portcr's query. . The professor con tinued: 'If von wish to hear an experience I had. let me see. about fifteen years ago, I have no objection to telling you. but follow me up and I will show you the very spot where it occurred, andperhaps it will help to refresh my memory some what." The reporter followed the professor up a long winding stairway until he came to a door which was locked. The pro fessor took from his pocket a key. and h- -gapplied it to the lock,the door flew op n disclosed a long, wide room, in which lay upward of two hundred "cTdavers" placed upon marble slabs. The stench that came from this room was of the most inde-scribable character, and the reporter instinctively drew back to catch his breath. -This is the dissecting-room," added thie professor, "and it gives you some idea of the character of my work. it is here I spend my day and night, and you will at once admit it is not a very pleas ant way to spend one's existence. It is over there. just at that slab toward the left, that the experiences occurred which I will now relate. "I was then a new man, and did not feel quite at home as much as now, and, though it is well nigh fifteen yea-s since it happened, it was so forciblyi mpressed upon my mind at that time that I shall never forret it. The students had all gone, and I was alone in the dissecting room. The hour was about 12 o'clock and I had remained to fix up the cada vers for the morrow. The associations connected with this place at such an hour are enough to fill the mind of a less nervous person with apprehension. About two hundred dead bodies lay on the slabs all around, and at that time a screen hung from the top of each slab to the ground so as to conceal the debris during the day. Not a sound broke the stillness of the dissecting-room, not a ripple ran through the big building, when all at once. as I stood near the slab, I heard a loid snoring sound pro ceed from a cadaver. "I could feel the throbbing of my heart. and I stood rooted to the ground. I could not move if I tried, and the muscles of mv feet seemed to give way under me. The cadaver raised himself up on his back and looked and grinned at me in a most agonizing manner. A cold sweat ran all over my frame. I seemed to be lifted off the ground, and in another moment I was thrown pros trate on the floor. I never believed much in ghosts, but at that time I could not explain this extraordinary pheno menon. -I lay in that position I know not how long, but anyway when I recovered consciousness it was morning, and the liht was streaming in through those windows. With the return of day I plucked up fresh courage and went up to ascertain the cause of my scare of the previou; night. The cadaver lay in the very~ sam positbi in which it h'ad been ~laced~ by me, and I put my hand on the face and found the coldness of death there. I raised up the cloth that cov red the lowver part of the slab and there found the cause of my feeling of the pre vious night. A student lay on his back on the floor in a profound slumber, sleeping ofl the eff'ects of the night's de bauch. This ait once explained the whole secret awvay, and the nerv'ous prosration~ I experienced was wholly due to my ardent imagination. I got over all that, however, and now I inves tigate the cause of any unusual noise sinee that nighLt Of course you can readily understand the nervous pertur bation was wholly induced by th strange noise that was produced in that place at such an unseasoniable hour, and that explains away my feelings with regard to the erect position the cavader was supposed to assume. Such an ex traodinar-v occurrence might result fatally in rimnyv cases, for the nervous sstei in one who is a firm believer in supernatural visitations would receive a shok from which it would never in all probability radlv, and I have known many peo'ple whlo wvere rendered insane by just such an occurrence. It was a lsson to me. however, that I will not readily forget. So much tor my first ex periencee in a dissecting-room. "-N. Y. Hcrald. A Liv ing Barometer. It is a well-known fact that several of our smaller animals are so sensitive to 'halges from heat to cold, and from dry to moist that they foretell those charges amtie time in advance. Inl the Sm ith soniani Institution's list of animals valuable to man, the tree Loadl is mentioned as an excellent wea th errphlet, an~d I can testify to its po..er of foretelling the change in the weather. I have in my possession a paper-weight in the formi of a bronze frog supporting on i5s back a glass tube with a bulb at the bottom. Some months ago I was fortunate enough to catch a tree-toad, and having heard of his ability as a weather-prophet, I put him in'to my o'lass tube and made from matches a miil ladder so that he could climb up or down within the tube. I soon found that the approach of a change in the weather was always noticed by the little pr-'soner, who climbed toward the top whenever the air grew moist or before rain, and as in variably descended toward the bottom of the tube in advance of the coming of dry weather.--St. Kicholas. When the king of Portugal was in Enlndl Quee'n Victor:a presented Ed win L:and'seer to; his majesty as a painter whose works she had been collecting. .A, Sir Edwvin." e:-elaimed the king, "delighted to miake yone acquaintance. I w- maym very fend oif beasts." The Latest Suggestions About Waltzing. If the observation cf social waltzing in New York and Europe for more than forty years proves anythinz whatever, writes Allen Dodsworth in "-Dancing and its Relation to Social Life," it is that the method of holding which is pre scribed below is to-day, as at the begin ning, adopted by all who may be no ticeable for refined manners and move ment. The gentleman approaches the ladv. offering his left hand-one who is an fait will at the same time make a slight inclination to bow. The lady places her right hand in that of the gen tleman, who then extends his right arm in a direct line to the side, the forearm I bent so as to form an acute angle. In this angle the lady will plaeo herself, with the center line of the person oppo site the line of the gentleman's right side, both persons on parallel lines, not forming an an le. In this position each will be loo -min over the other's right shoulder, andby the lady turning her head slightly to the left the effect of the group will be greatly improved, and prevent all possibility of taking each other's breath, which7is rarely pleasant, and in the case of a youno man directly from the use of a meerschaum is "posi tively horrid," as many ladies have re marked. The lady, if not too short, places her left hand, hooked, upon the gentleman's right shoulder, the fingers appearing in front. The right hand of the gentleman should rest very gently on the lady's back, as near the waist as possible, so as not to remove the up ward pressure of the elbow directly un der the lady's shoulder, as this is the lady's support and must be held with sure but gentle firmness. The hand on the back should rest very lightly, and on every possible occasion should be slightly raised, so that the air may pass between, as in some cases the close con tact induces perspiration and may leave its mark upon the lady's dress. Both persons should be slightly bent forward from the hips upward, so that the shoul ders may be on y three or four inches apart, the distance increasing down ward; this leaves both parties free in their limbs, so that any contact of per son or knees may be avoided, and should be so avoided as a most serious mistake. The gentleman's left hand, holding the lady's right, should be ex tended downward in a line with the body, the hands three or four inches dis tant from the person, the arms forming a gentle curve from the shoulder down ward. No weight is placed upon this arm; all the guiding and changes must be governed by the elbow under the lady-s arm. It will be found that this grouping will be perfectly modest in appearance, no more contact of person occurring than in a lady's taking a gen tleman's arm for walking'. In conclu sion, let it be remembered that purity of thought and action may be as conspicu ous in waltzing as in any other situa tion of life; that the gross waltz grossly, the vicious viciously, the refined and innocent innocently and in a refined manner. Fashionable Dress in Java. A lady who has been visiting in Java writes to the Missouri Repubtican: As soon as we got to the house our hostess provided us with "sarvengkabaya" to put on. This is the native dress of the country, and is worn by ladies all through the heat of the day, being light and cool. It consists of two parts; the "sarvena" or skirt is about four yards wide, in one piece, with one seam. It is drawn tightly around the waist without a wrinkle, and folded over iIn front in one or two great folds, and tied on by a sash. There are many kinds of "sarvengs," almost every district hav ing some special way of making and or namenting them andl waere a stranger would see no difference, a connoisseur at a glance distinguishes between a Ba tavian. Samarang, or Solo pattern.. In some places they are woven, sometimes with gold or silver thread, in'others a rich pattern traced in wax on fine cotton or silk. The process is called "battiok", and these are the fmnest. Sarveng-making is a great industry amona' native women, and they are of alI" prices, from one or two guild ers to fifty and sixty. The wives of chief and high born natives make them as a pastime to use themselves or give away, and often trace a story or legend on them. One such I saw repre sented in a most intricate pattern, the tree of life and its branches. The "kabaya" or jacket is made on the na tive pattern, and would not, I fancy, find much favor in Paris and New York, but it is loose and comfortable and in keeping with the eastern looking dress. Finally the feet are bare, but to keep them off' the ground slippers are used just for the toes. The slippers are ex quisite in beauty and finish, and must excel even those far-famed crystal slip pers of Cinderella's, which we dreamed about and envied in our childhood. They are madeo of velvet or satin of any color, rie~y embroidered with beads and sii'r or gold thread in close pat terns of leaves or birds and finished off with' hio'h gilt heels, which tap, tap, cheerfufly as one walks about these silent Indian houses. The embroidery of these slippers is done chiefly by Chi nese women. We could not at all man age this dress at first, and my sister and I insisted on putting on the sarvengs on pushing all the fullness to the back, and in this way making them look like ill made under-petticoats, and quite spoil ing the picturesqueness of the dress, How Mr. Hendricks Wished to Die. Mr. Hendricks died as he wished. "'I recollect,"' said Major Stealey, a person al friend of the Vice-President, "when Senator Morton was dyinog in Indianap olis. For three dlays and thr-ee nig'hts he lay in indescribable agony. Standing under the window of niis house we cculd hear him from time to tinie shriek out. It was almiost more than one could bear to listen. About that time I was talking of this caise with Mr. Henidricks and he dwelt for some time upon the different kind of deaths. Hie thought this long sufferinig was greatly to be de plored aund said he did not believe he would die in that way; he thougtht that ~when the time camne he would go quick. 'If I have one wish~ above all others in this world,' said lie, 'it is that I may be spared linogering agony and that I may is enya. Y&ehnd his wish." A ROMANTIC STORY. An Episode in Which Morocco and rhls Country Take a Hand. One dull afternoon in the month of September last year, Abraham. a hand some young Jew, presented himself at our oilice, and stated that lie was about to sail that evening for America. where he had previously resided for some time, thereby becoming an American citizen. The object of his visit was to so.icit our assistance in drawing up a power of at torney in favor of a friend, also an American citizen, in whose hands he desired to leave his interests at home during his absence. The document was duly signed and -witnessed, and the vouth that same afteinoai left his n: live shore to seek lys forwmie in the. far off land of his adoptiotf. . 0 . After the lapse of a f;We gantls the friend who held the power of attorney called to ask our advice tnder the fol lowing circumstances: Abraham, before he left, had fallen in love with a pretty Jewess maid named Leah. and pro posed to make her his wife; but as she was the daughter of a poor widow with other children, and as Abraham had to seek his fortune in a foreign land. it was agreed that they should become be trothed and wait until Abraham earned the means of providing a home. Leah and her mother thought that when she Was out of sight Abraham might change his mind, or that some fair stranger might steal away her lover's heart: It was therefore deemed advisable that she should bind him to his enoagement in a bond of $400 and when the matter was proposed to him lie said he had no ob jection, provided the bond was made equally binding on either side, which was accordingly done, and each was duly bound in a penalty of $400 to be true and faithful to the other. Sureties were found on either side, the surety of Leah being one Moses, who made light of his suretyship. Scarcely, however. had Abraham reached his destination when a rich Jew from Algiers visited our city, and went to the Jewish schools, iii which Leah was employed as a teacher. He was much struck by her modest demeanor, as well as by t'he ability which she dis played in the discharge of her duties. einquired who she was and soon af terward called upon her mother and proposed to marry her. The widow told him of Leah's engagement and bond, but the ardor of his love was only in flamed the more by these difficulties in the way of his desires. He reasoned that Abraham would soon forget her, that he might die or fail in his attempts to ac quire a fortune, and that she had better secure a home and a fortune when she had the chance. In short, he generous ly offered to provide for the whole fami ly and pay the penalty of $400 besides. Leah at last yielded to the tempting of fer, and the pair presented themselves to Rabbi Mordecai Ben Geo for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements for the marriage. The rabbi objected, on the ground that, to his certain knowl edge, Leah was betrothed to Abraham. Thev new lover was not to be thus balked, and lost no time in securing passages in the French steamer for Oran for him and Leah. together with the whole family, and a few days later they steamed away to the cast, after, it is stated, having deposited $400 in the hands of the rabbi. Abraham's father appealed to the rabbi, who said that nothing could be done until he received a power of attorney from his son, and then the father called upon Abraham's friend to ask advice, and, to his joy found that he held the very document he required. With this they both re paired to the house of the rabbi, who looked at it, and to their dismay pro nounced it useless because it was written in the English language. The United States consul and consul general were appealed to, but said that, as it was a matter of Jewish law, the question must be left to the discretion of the rabbi. Negotiations wvere then entered into withi Moses, who comipro-. mised the uiatter by the payment of half the bond-viz.. 820;0, We have not yet heard whmat cinct has been produced up on the mind of ALraham, but they say that a candle is never so easily lighted as when it has just been put out, and perhaps in a mail or two we may hear that Abraham is on his way home to choose another of the fair mnaidens of Tangier.-Morocco Timecs. Many of the old railroads im the South in existence in 1l80 have~ been purchased since by syndicates and vast ly improved and cemended so ams to de velop new 'm:rr or muake new con nectious. . Besides this, however, nmanv millions of dollamrs have beecn expe~nded inl buiing ne~w roaids, and a wn.ru impetus has been given to the d.velop ment of the resource.; of thL mih. The increase ini miilefa;e aloine in [ive years has been j.:323 miles. Th~e smallest in crease of any state has been in Mary land-fortv-two miles--and South Car olina comes next ini smallness wi-hm 136 miles. Virginia shows an inwcase of 794 miles, which is exceeded by only two states, Texas anud Arkausci'. New York milk-dealers comuplair. that the farmers water their milk "just as much as it will stand to come within the limit of the law, so that the hard-work ing city dealer has no room for further watering." CAN'T BE BEATS TE DRIVEN WELL MAKEs IT EASY to get Water. No Well Cleaning. Cheap i Darable? CALL ON T. C. Scte SUMTER, S. C. JACOBI HOUSE, FLORENCE. S. C. M. JACOBL. AGT, PRoPRtIEToRI. I w-L:very Stabe in connection. Feb 25 F. IN. WILLN INSURANCE AGENT, IeMANNING, S. C. WMs Shepherd & Go., 128 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. STOVES, STOVES STOVES -AT WHO LESALE AND RETAIL' -o - Tinwares, House Furnishing Goods, Potware, Kitchen and Stole Utensils. Wr Send for Price List and Ciren lars. J. C. H. CLAUSSEN & C1 Ni Mry r l M iy Factory, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. A. Reckling, .A.RTI S T, 110- MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Portraits, Photographs, Ste reoscopes, Etc. OLD PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED. Sept 16 EDE L BROS., RICHMOND, VA., Manufacturers of Tobacco & Cigars, And Wholesale Liquor Dealers. GRAM CENTRAL HOTEL, co1Lmznb1a, S.; C. V.1H. FISHER, Prop'r'. NOTICE TO FARMERS. I respectfully call to the attention of r he Farmers ot Clarendon the fact that I la ve secured the Agencs for the Corbin I ek Harrow, Planet Jr. Hiorse Hoe and Cuiri vator, Johnson Harvester and the Co,!i nental Reaper. I have one of each of t Lin'e instrumentS for disnlay at my stables, :,,d will take pleasure in showing and explain' ing their utility. No progressive farmer can afford to do without these implements. W. K. BELL, Agt., Apr15 Manning, S. C. Notice I I desire to call to the attention of the Minl Men and Cotton Planters of Clarendon, that I have secured the agency for this County, for the DAN!IEL PRATT RE VOLVING HEAD GIN. Having use.d this Gin b r several years I can recommend it as the best Gin now in use. Any infor. maton in regard to the Gin will be cheer fully given. I can also supply the people of Clarendon with any other machinery which they may need, at the lowest prices. Parties wishing to pturchase gins will find it to their interes: to eive their orders early. W. SCOTT HARVIN, May 5 Maninig, s. C. F. B. HATNswoaTH,. Sumr r,'C HAYNSWORTIH & DINKINS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MAN~NING, S. C. JOHN S. WILSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, DAImNING, s. C, jann1 3. E. SCOTT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, MAN'i!NG, s. C. feb.25