VOL. II. MANNING, CLARENDON COUNTY, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 1886. .5. OLD TDI 1 RCALLED. A Membe-r of Etimare Cabi't T-ila The 1;,t i muber of M1J* ardFilmore' a: t Hon. A. H. H. Stuart, of iau;ton. Y.L. Lo 78 years of :!. :n-! a li ce lion of - "h mf:oday. A porte~r for th:- Yrw Yorkfu A & press mtz himn 11:,0 othezs day at i: - Fifth Ave:u. ht.weh w:. :-.t tcndance r :b h -:n :f the trus tees of ti.. Puwiv inn1.''f 'm he is one. a Md :, stooped v. . . ?amal, clan shaven fac : e "Teiv can n:>Ve" ':111oVm mmo ry w li. I ,;v.( i v:,- Se t:.rv of ;:1 interior frt.u 1I w -8 "e"t in to the cabi .a :-er .F m became pres . o. cou.e were Daniel We '- . :: of: .' a-i died in S.- -:n. 1 id. e ceeded by 1E .w:i re--e's Corwin er u r.rt- Grauy Caaries M. Co..rA, - c,::'--r :; Gov. WiimA. Gar:,ur;Jh Nathan . life,0; 1:V., IS~mse general. 'dr. Gr A~ a _inngt for vice rd -: . . a r signe.d. J,: P. K-a, of Mary lan1d, then. wen:. ,u theo ;:leket in h1:1m plac. .OLi lln t ih e. I a Io i leit. Lr. C air u.s t&_- last to die, some tive years . "How (o -our s"taesimen of to-day Compare Wi .i thoe 'yu m "Taere are no me., ', it) rakw Clay, W er, am: was tie g-re:te-.t pr.c e . ::e. :ni I, Webster tueg..d. de:,:ater dra tor; and'Cainuun :a no-t profouad political philos er. Mr. C:.y yi:id a personal ciq aux t::.t en:, b.id him to con'troi neary iv- vrnmve wiio came un der his inliu ~uee. 'Mr. F...i.:ore was a very able man and ;a a mind1u perfect ly jaianced. I don't thinl" 1haL pu)b:iC ooiniio nas done j:stice to his great a'uiiitw- . He w.as a otatesman of it resou'rces, and' aiways had suilicieut power to meet exigeneits of whatever nature. I knew imm weii in coupeMs in 1842 and oit-:n heani it reiuirked that nem-as born for the leadership of the hiouse. "As vice presideznt hesi.:eeed to have every quaiity to c..ntrol a:.d dignify the position. I1 was a muci presi dent. He brought with Lima to the cabinet meetmius a more thorough knowledge of t,. tri.)es ani (estions to be diseusbed.thai:i va ;osessesed by any memtcr. -A ii it an he was tae most considerate and : abe man it has ever been my g od . fortune to knor." If thb-re was a purer man or more unselti-h pa:riut I have yet to learn his naue. .lDauiel Woester was not only one of tle grandest orators and duuaters, but see:aily ire was most captivating. .Ls n.it was supero, his words of wisdoui and his il.w of spirits perenniad. At his o'r a Louse he was a most deiiiuh::ua hot, and rvone coad exceed his Liospitali:y. His very pres .eneggaveie to every conivivial pairty. Lue often ained W I me a:d I wit him. So l4ne'v INta trou.y in his private as wed1 -s his ! .'I dfe. I stood by i .id .e wav lie .::I the cor ner-s&one of the e.:p1e1 muhth fraud aud comn't moie a ttrited to men in id..:- pation :- now. Tne a great degree. . A. to inow the e~ov ernment.:a r are c. l:eed w in not been tity to itna in'y lenigth of time lor:.rV '. c..r. Idu I ~ctuld writeway oi:mes about the. men and ENE'dvea:s u.'t..: oX. w'. ay. ~ New H Isame. '. O'd Sitesi. There are, no dout~ manny personls DOW living in Romec who have beneath them the resi 1i'ace of some gentlemian of the Mliddle A-.4 uner waich. per hosis the homei o'f a R >man family of the time of the.Cx'carsi and this may of :tnother Ro.man hou.,e. whi'.h wa~is consid:ered a ood phterie to live in some five ot'six~ hund..rci years beore. It must be at very saitisactoryv thig when one is goingi to bui.d a house, to fiud i->eueith the grund some good sub,:annal al.lls wh'ic~h will make ex cellent -.foud;tion's. It very often happens tha.t t' ese reains of ancient buildina.s are . uh of lar.r -tones, and are firmer 'ndt mer" ." soti tha.n the houses which arei er ectesi uonm them. Tihere is "no ther si , hiowever, to this matter. and th rm ...''' of o:4 build ings are frequently L. y muent~. in thme way 0f those who .v~ t.o crect. new houses, foi it~ do. to:. lay occur that the iaue ent walls. are in the right platces, or' of a .s:it able kind, to serve as foufidations :or the modern build ing. Thenc they have to be dug up aniltaken out, which is a great labor. There is a ha~ndsomc American church in Rome. W'.zen this was buit, the work was made 'vry exp~esive by the difficulty of gettin ri of portions of "3is5, arches, :oum. and vaults w.hieh se E~m::.s had left behind them, never tainkinz that in the course of ages there min!ht be suchi peCople as Amiericans w.no w.oauld. wish to build a chureni here. - ri ; I:j. .mkn in a.rz 1 ?xraeseo coninue one of the heaithiest eti's Oin te world, withz an annual deatht rme. of 19.LCi m'er to sand, Wdii is loiwer -thair the death rate in-:-tirteen foreizu? eities and eleven Anw.-r can eiie seiceted for comfl. rigo- a ha to s:ty. of foreignm cit..' . ' o'~n L.:00oo, 2llncester, BucIuos A &c' ce ' , 1-2. B 'I-:i.t Berlini, M.luch, ~ I itaoncub: and of Amerieca'u .f iN iv Yo,rg. Iosou Ni.ts.burgh. E(.: * n,- t.Lois Savau.na . ai - ad. A mii' -:\ . 1 i: who h::d been th v.2 i . Ii va 'swhlier, went in to er. "" g :e :.L iromi memory thirti -::. : . t ot 11:1i bien Pt ou as u'y a by toe thumb til df t:.e .aier ea.iho. hc dn THE PRESIDENT AND THE PAPRA. A Criticism of Clevelacd's Criticism of Certain Leading Newspapers. (-rom ithe Charlotte Obcerrer.) A few days ago the President wrote a letter to Mr. Keppler, one of the editors of the New York Puck, in which he took occasion to say that the newspaper of the present day was wiltully mendacious. The denial of the assertion is being hurled back into Mr. Cleveland's teeth from a thousand presses, from Maine to Mexico. It was an unfortunate exprecsion for the President to use if he really meant it. Wayland, in his Moral Philosophy, asserts that there is much more truth in the world than falsehood. In the everyday newspaper there are a thousand truths, where there is one misstatement. Indeed, as a rule, editors, correspon dents and reporters endeavor to get facts and publish truths. A newspaper writer who would do anything else ought to be, and would be, kicked out of the editorial room of any respectable newspaper. We do not know what Mr. Keppler did, nor do we care, that called forth the caustic letter from Mr. Cleveland, We only know that Mr. Cleveland ha. gone out of his way to assail the whole press of the United States. He is the last man in the country who ought to do anything of the kind. The newspapers made iim Governor of New York, aud The newspapers made him President of the United States. The cartoons, of even Puck, were largely instrumental in determining the final result which placed Mr. Cleveland in the White Hou-e. An election always is, or ought to be, an expression of popular sov ereignty, and popular sovereignty in America is but an expression of pop ular opinion. A political election in this conntry is therefore, when successful, a regis tered maiority of the voters who have deliberately come to conclusions as to men and principles, as they are pre sented by the press. We well remember when nearly two years aso-the managing editor of the Obserrcr wrote down the names of about fifteen gentlemen who were at that time regarded as probable candi dates of the Democratic party for the tresideney. The merits and demerits of each name was discussed and name after namine was scratched from the list. The name of Grover Cleveland re ained. Ile was unknown to the public. He had been sheriff of Erie county, lie had been mayor of Buffalo, and He was the Governor of New York. There are three thousand sheriffs in the United States. There are several thousand moie mayors, and There are thirty-eight Governors of States in this country, and there was little better reason for nominatina Grover Cleveland. because he had been sheriff, and mayor and was then sitting Governor, per se, than any of the six thousandl other officials to which we have referred. But the Democratic newspapers thoutght we could win with Cleveland at tie -head of the ticket, and they went to work and put him there. The politicians fought and kicked; but the press won, as it always does. Mr. Cleveland was nominated, and Mr. Cleveland was elected Hie was made a candidate by the newspapers, and He was made President by the news papers. When \Mr. Cleveland goes to sling ing his caustic irony around he ought to remetmber that "whom the gods would de->troy they would first make made," and that uinder the new dis pensation wvhile the old Roman myth ology has been relegated to the shapes of the past, the newspapers ot the United States are even more powerful than the "destroying" gods two thou sand years ago. SENATOR BUTLER COMPLI3IENTED. The Kzmdly Commients of a Leading North ern Newspaper. The New York World recently pub lished a very complimentary notice of Senator ButI r., of Socgth Carolina, which will ,~ read with pleasure by every Soutgarolinian. The World says: Senator UC. Butler is certain to become ver omninent in the debates of the next two or three years. lie is one of the able; t and clearest-headed men on the Denhocratic side. lHe has never taken ve3-v much part in the debates, butveit has spokenm often enough to show that he has unusual powers as a ebater, wvhile he has that aggressive qtt ity and steady courage which are so ecessar-y to make a auc cessful leade, lie is very quiet and rentle in his 'anners. He is one of he best bred en in the Senate. He would never begin a quarrel, but would be the 1 .st man in the world to run away fro nie. He has had a number of ver rn tilts with Sena tor Edmnunds i executive sessions of the Senate. said of him that he has held his very wvell against the savage thru f the keen-witted Vermonter. Th ator is very near ly filty years ol e was educated as a lawyer-. H a leg in the war f the Rebell'on, e he rose to the rank of a majo rat in the Con federate army, as one of the arliest of the~ So ni men to accept the results of -th-e and has always been a conservati He was one of the few white crats in South Carolina who oppo he Black Code, which his State lature -adopted soon after it was- dmitted to the Union. He has at been a peace maker between the ike factions of his State. Through isan mnisrepre sentauion for a ti was made t( appear in the North leader of the whites at the Hamab assacre. Ye' it was clearly sho rwards'that he went there only- the - fighting began and in the i :ts of peae Throtugh his persona rts alone, reat many innocent were saved. G;ENERIAL NEWS ITEMS. Facts of Inter;t. Gathered from Various Quarters. -The Ch:,rle-ton cotton seed oil mill has suspende!d operations. -A heavy fall of snow in England has delayed railway trains. -liss Kate Bushardt, of Peak's, had her arm broken by a vicious cow. -D. 11. Day, a well known citizen of Atlanta, svas killed by a passing train lait week. -Five-sixth of the Irish people, ac cording to Ilerbert Gladstone, are fol lowersof Parnell. -The failures for last week were 336-the largest agregate in any week since Jan uary, 1885. -The Richimiand Whig has been bought by acompany, and will be pub lished a a Denocratic organ. -A tire in Mobile, Ala., on Friday night destroyed $160,000 worth of property. Insurance $110,000. -The postoffiee at Jacksonsonham, Lanca,ter cauty, was recently robbed of several dollars in money and a quan tity of stiamps. -At Jackson, Miss., the Democratic caucns last week nominated Messrs. Walhhal and George for re-election as United States Senators. -Gen. Jabal A. Early is described as a tinui of venerable appearance, his long, white beard reaching to his waist and'his bent figure indicating the rapid advance of extreme old age. --It iz prett c!ear that the Irish question is still far from a satisfactory solution. r-otwithstanding the sanguine anlicipations in which Mr. Parnell aad his lieutenants have been indulging. - The Legislature having made pro vision for the new jail in Lexington, and part of the necessary funds being already collected, the county commis sioners will take early steps to erect the building. -The Virgiiia House of Delegates has appointed a committee to inquire into the cost of building a new State House. It is proposed that this build ng hall be of granitequarried in Vir ginia by convicts. -A sixteen-vear-old girl, highly es teemed in the Creole circles of New Orleans, sank down dead while waltz ing on Saturday evening at a reception in that city. She had previously been in apparently fine health. -The Galvest on News calls attention to the fact that while tributes to the memory of "Bob" Toombs have plen tifully come from all parts of the coun try, none has been dated from Beau voir, Miss., the home of Jefferson Davis. -The salary of the Fren::h President is $120,000 a yen.a, vith an additional $60,000 for household expenses, mak inua total of $180,000. M. Grevy, who has just been re-elected for a term of seven years, is uow seventy-two years old. -Ice men along the Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers are preparing to gather this winter's crop. If all the Maine houses now enipty be filled, it is said the crop will be the largest ever gathered in that section-fobting up far above 1,000,000 tons. -A petition for the pardon of Sher man Walkup, colored, of Lancaster, was recently gotten up for presentation to the Governor, but on conferring with the superintendent of the peni tentiary it was found that the convict had been released by death. -A cave-ini occurred at Boston Run near Mahoney city, Pa.. last week, and a block~ ot houses went down out of sight. The families living in the houses made a narrow escape. At last ac counts the surface was still caving, and five n-.ore biocks were expected to go dewvn. -F riday last, January 8, was "Creuk. Day" at the New Orleans Ex po-ition. The ceremonies of the day incluided everythingr re presentatire of the Creoles, ~speeches by prominent Creole gentlemen, and vocal and in strumnental muasic by the best Crer munciianzs. -Miss Sarah Althea Hill, plaintfiff in the celebrated Sharon divorce case, Iwas married last Thursday morning to D~avid T. Terry, ex-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California and Miss Liill's leading counsel. Mr. Terry is known ini connection with his dnel with Senator Broderick, in which the latter~ was killed. --In the cattle convention to be helo this month at Denver, Colorado, the basis of represntation requires that a member miust own 50,000 bead of cattle to -ecnre a seat. This occasions great dissatisfaction among the cattle men with limited constituencies, who are thus deprived of a voice in the pro ceedingsa and are left out in the cold. I-A sinuglar suit has been decided by a San Francisco justice. The plain tiff, Os'car Schlamn, sued to recover d9 damanges for contracting the "bai'ber's itch" at the shaving saloom of Solomon Cohen. After hearing the testimnony, Justice Burke said it was doubtial whether the disease was con hiate at Cohen's place, and he gave hmaverdict. --A Richmond, Maine, the suddm cold has caused the ice to jam and the Kennebec River is full of ice from five to tenl feet thick for from seven to ten miles. Trhere are thirteen ice houses there with a capacity of 550,000 tons, and thousands of laboring men de pendent upon the ice industries for employment are waiting anxiously for the jam to be broken. He Got His Title from Slidell and Mason. of xxrJanuary 6.-The Clerk ofthe Virginia House of Delegates this morning received a letter from W. Green, of London, under date of De cemiber 21, in which the writer says: "Do mne the honor of informing me what steps I ought to take to obtain the reissue of the commission of hon orary major granted me towards the close ot the Confederate War by Messrs. Slidell and Mason, in consid eration of the inventiotn of a projectile torpedo, and whether I may now claim the further recognition of the rank in the United States army." The Clerk of the liouse will reply to Mr. Green and refer him to the Secretary of War Origin or a Fani'nn E-xpreso. The reviewer of Mt. NleMasterssec ond volume, in the last Dial noticed his error in attributing to Judge Mar shall, instead of Col. Henry Lee, the authorship of the well-known sentence concerning Washington: "Frst in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." The cor rect reading of this famiiiar quotation is in doubt. Marshall, in his --Life of Washington" (vol. V., p. 767). prints the proceedings of the house of repre sentatives and the resolutions read on the death of Washington, in which the sentence first appeared. Tihe last clause there reads-"and first in the hearts of his fellow citizens." Col. Lee, a week later, used the sentence in his oration before congress, and makes it end with "countrymen".instead of "fellow citizens." The "Annals- of Congress" (1799-1801, page 204) re ports the resolutions read in the house, and ends the sentence with "country men." The "Annals," however, was not a contemporaneous pubiication. having been made up more than twen tv years later, by Gales and Seaton, fiom such materials as they could find. its wording of the resolutions is so un like that given by Marshall and other contemporaries that they must have been reported from memory. "-Wash ingtonisna," published at Baltimore in 1800, is a compilation. made up soon af ter the death of Washington, of puilic resolutions, testimonials of respect, and orations. The resolutions read in the house there appear in precisely the words quoted by Marshall, except that the sentence under consideration ends neither with "fellow-citizens" nor "countrymen," but with "country" (page 110). Two pages later, the same resolutions are given as adopted in the senate, and the sentence again ends with "country." Gen. Robert E. Lee, of the confederate army, was the son of Col. Henry Lee; and in the life of his father, 1868 (prefixed to the reprint of Col. Lee's "Memoirs of the (Revolutionary] War in the Southern Department") quotes, on page 51, the sentence, and ends it as Marshall gave it, with "fellow-citizens." This state ment might be regarded as authori tative as to the reading, if Gen. Lee on the next page had not spoiled the in ference by saying: "Bt there is a line-a single line-in the works of Lee which would hand him over to im mortality, thou-th he had never writ ten another: 'First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen' will last while languago lasts." The question is unanswered "In what form will it last?" We ven ture to express the opinion that Col. Lee used, on different occasions, both forms; and hence either form is cor rect. He was an ardent federalist and devoted military and personal friend of Washington during and subsequent to the war. His grief at the death of this dearest friend first 'took form in his own personal loss; and then, as a Virginian, in the loss his state had sus tained. While in this frame of mind he wrote the resolution read in con gress, ending with "his fellow-citi zens"--which to him meant -Virgin ians." Having later been appointed by congress to deliver an oration on Washington, as an expression of the grief of the nation, be again used the sentence, and gave it a broader mean ing by changing "his fellow-citizens" to "his countrymen."- 'he Dial. The Donkey Wouldn't Bray. Once upon a time a donkey fell into a deep hole, and after nearly starving, caught sight of a passing fox and im plored the stranger to help him out. "I am too small to aid you," said the fox. "but I will give you some good advce. Only a few rods away is a big, strong elephant. Call to. him and he will got you out in a jiffy." After the fox had gone the donkey thus reasoned: "I am very weak for want of nourishment. Every move I make is juast so rnuch additional loss of strength. if I raise my voice to call the elephant I shall be weaker yet. No, I shall not waste my substance that war It is. the duty of the ele phant to come without caliing." So the donkey settled himself hack and eventually starved to death. Long afterward the fox on passing the hole saw within it a whitened skeleton, and remarked: "IfWbe the souls of animals are transwigrated into men, that donkey will become one of those merchants who can never afford to advertise." The Vulgarity of Fine Writing. There is a sad tale of a leading-arti c-writer whose editor had views of style. The views were that the same word must never be repeated in an article. Now, the word "grouse" oc curred twice in the same paragraph. "What do you mean by this?" cried the angry censor as he scanned the proof-sheet: "grouse twice, and in one paragraph, too?" "Well, they are grouse,' said the impenitent scribbler: "What else can I call them?" "Call them! Why call them the feathered denizens of the moors," yelled the edi tor with a feeling for style, and proba bly that article on the Twelfth must have been one of the most curious, by dint of periphrases, that ever charmed the leisure of the top of the omnibus. London . aIturdau Jlevieso. W. F. B. HAYh'swoaTH, snmter, s. C. . 8. DDKIYs, Mnin . c. HAYNS WORTH & DINKINS, ATORNEYS AT LAW, XAMNGxx. S. C. .TOHN S. WILSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, XA3NINe, 5, C, jan2t . E. SCOTT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, NANNING, S. C. feb-25 A. LEVI, ATTORNEY AT LIW, MANNING, S. C, rtarv Puhlic with Seal. Mehl8 YOU CO U.LD NO U 0. % IF YOU WOULD Be more fashionably dressed than in one of my Four-Buttoned Cutaway Cork-Screw Suits. Not only is the style the most pop ular for street and business wear, but the material is elegant in apearance and mod erate in price. I have all the leading styles and novelties of season, such as .quare Cut Sacxs, One and Four-Buttoned Cuta ways in fancy worsted. Cheviots and Cas simeres. Phince Albeits in diagonal, worsted, cork-screw, whipcord and granite. My assortment is large and greatly ad mired for beauty and fit, as well as the make and trimming. It is necessary to see these goods to appreciate them. I have also a line of Gents' Furnishing Goods-for assortment, styles and prices cannot be equaled in the citty. Also a well selected stock of Hats and Gents' Fine Shoes of every style that beggars de scription. When in tle city call and see this magnificent stock of Gents' Outfits, and I am sure you will be pleased with the result of your inspectioc. AL orders addressed to my care will re ceive prompt attention. Respectfully, .L _NARD, COLUMIIA, S. C. Wm. Shephed & Go. 128 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES -AT WHOLESALE - AND RETAILU --o - Tinwares, House Furnishing Goods, Potwar-e, Kitecn and Stove Uteiisils. W Send for Price List and Circn lars. TO THE PEOPLE OF CLARENDON Co C. M AY H EW & SON.' CR)UA1BIA AND ORANGEBUIRG. WORKS. Manfaeturers of and Dealer-s in all kinds of AM1ElICAN and ITALIAN MARDLE WOIHK. W Granite Quarries near Winns boro, South Carolina. Country orders pr-omptly attended to, and designs furnished on applica tion. Jan21 DRY GOODS CARPETS FALL AND WINTER 01 If you need any New Dry Goods, New Carpets, New Mattings, New Shades, New Rugs, New Oilcloths and New Gent's Furnishing Goods, then & MEETim is the place to buy them. They have the largest assortment, and the prices they guarantee to be lower than any othcr House. Their European and American buyers re port that they have purchased a large Stock and Superior Quality of Goods at very low prices, they bar ing bought them before the recent advance. The following are a few of the many bargains they offer at present : One lot of English BROCADE DRESS GOODS at 20c. One lot of Changeable Dress Goods at 20c. One'lot 3-4 Wool Cashmeres at 11c. One case 6-4 French Dress Goods at 25c., worth 75c. These-goods come in combina tions. 500 pieces of the Iatest Novelly Dress Goods from 12y to $1.25. One lot of Real French and Italian Black and Colored Silks at "5c., $1, $1.25 and $1.50. These goods are imported by us, and other houses pay more for them at wholesale in New York than we retail them here. . One lot of Black Surahs and -Radzamas at $1, would be cheap atq $5. One case of Black and Colored, all-Silk 'YrPl vets at 97c., better qualities in proportion. Good Standard Prints at 4c. and Sc. Best Quality Fall Satcen Chintz at fc. 0-inch fine Ginzhams at 7c. English Cretonnes aL le., worth 35c., latest designs. One case heavy Brown Canton Flannels at One caso extra heavy Brown Canton Flan nels at Sc. One case Superior Brown Canton Flannels at 10c, 2%e. and 15c. . Good standard 3-4 Brown Shirting at 3%c. Good standard 7-8 Brown Shirting at 4%c. Good standard 4-4 Brown Shirting at 5c. I0- Brown Sheeting at 17c. 10-4 fine Bleached- Sheeting at 20e., 22c. ano Blue all-wool Flannels at 19ce., 25c. and 35c. We guarantee that these Flannels are 10e. pet yard cheaper than they can be bought at any other house. A good Jersey at 69c. An all-wool Jersey for $1.23. A full new line of Gents' Fall Undershirts and Unlaundried Shirts will be sold at a great saving to the purchaser. Another lot of Gent's Unlaundried Shirts at 47c.,59c. and 69c. Cannot be duplicated in any house for less than 75c. and $1. A new line of Tweeds and Cnacsimeres, very ceap, direct from Saxony. 200 pieces of Yac Laces from 10c. to 50c. per yard. We have them in every color, plain and tinselled. A nw line of Beaded and Steel Laces ; also Black and White Beaded Fronts. A new line of White Laces, very cheap, in all A new line of Antique Tidies at lie., worth A new line of Black Goods. Something remarkable in Handkerchiefs. 5 dozen 8-4 Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs at $1 per dozen, worth $3. Other Handkerchiefs in proportion. 100 dozen Ladies' regular Balbriggan Hose. Silk Clocked, at 23c.. also Ladies' Brown and Fancy Balbriggan Hose at the low price of 23c. 00 dozen Children's Imported Hose, fall styles, at 17c., 19c., 23c. and 33c. The following goods, which were slightly d~maged by the late cyclone, will be sold re gardless of cost: A lot of White Blankets at $1.90, $3.i0. $4.05 and $5.90. The Blankets are worth double the money. One lot of Ried Twill Flannels at 25c., worth One let of fine Bleaching at 5%c. CARPET DEPARTMENTs 1,000 SMFRENA RU.GS, in all sizes, at less than the cost of the raw material. W't bought these goods from a manufacturer for net cash, who has been pushed for money. One lot of full size Smyrna Rugs at $3, worth New Carpets received and continually ar riving in all etyles. Fine Ingrains at 25c. and upwards. Extra Supers at 65c. and upwards. Fine Brussels at 65ce. and upwards. Four and five frame Body Brussels at $1.10 and $.25. A new line of Velvet Carpets at 37k, last year's price $2. 50 pair of fine Dade Shades, new patterns with Spring Rollers, at S9c. each. On lot of Hassocks at 25e. Counry Merchants will do well to examine our Stock before purchasing their Fall bills. All retail orders promptly aptended to, and samples sent on application. Parties ordering goods or samples will please tate in what paper they have seen our adver tisement. ol Illirlilill & Illoic INSURANCE AGENT, MANNING, S. C. Dec 17 W. E. BROWN, Physician & Surgeon, Offers his professional services to thep of Manning and the surroundinx countlY. SJ5. tended 1 roznptly night or day. Offce at Drg Store. J. C. H. CLAUSSEN & COs, CHTARLESTON, S. C. W. A. Reckling, A. IT I S T, 110-MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Portraits, Photographs, Ste reoscopes, Etc. OLD PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED. Sept 16 EDE L BROS., RICHMOND, VA., Manufacturers of Tobacco & Cigars, And Wholesale Liquor Dealers. FOR 881181, umis181f1 GO60, WALL PAPERS, CORNICES, CORNICE POLES, WITDOW SHADES, LACE CURTAINS. Call at the Leading House Inthe State for thee itind of goods. J. H. DAvis' Carpet Store, COLUMBIAs. C. Several new designs In Tapestry, Brusesbo#y Brussels and Wool Carpets selectedeqpcsl Jor the Fall trade niave already &a Med and*r ana others on the way. 1,000 Smyrna Rugs And Mats. all New Patterns, also a fn sele. tion of Brussels Rugs and Mats. *tCocoa and Napier MattingS, new stock JdA In ~ioe. 9z~ CAN'T BE BEAT THE DRIVEN WELL MAKES IT EASY to get Water. No Well Cleaning. Cheap I Drale! CALL ON T. C. Scaf'fe, SUMTER, S. 0. JACOBI HOUSE, FLORENCE. S. C. M. JACOBI. AGT., PROPRIETOR. W2L'.very Stable in connection, Feb 5 COL.EMAN'S HOTEL; Kingstree, S. C. MES. S. A. ST, JOHN,Sole Proprieress. Board a:2 per day. The Hotel has recently.. been thoroughly repaired and 'rifurniishiid with all modern appliances of a first-class hotel. Saloon, Billiard and Pool Rooms and Feed Stables. The proprietress re turns thanks for the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed. and will continue to mamn tain the high character which the 1iotel has always enjoyed. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Coluznbia, S. 0. V. H. FISHER, Prop'r. NOTICE TO FARMERS. I respectfully cail to the attention of the Farmers of Clarendon the fact that I have secured the Agency for the Corbin Disk Harrow, Planet Jr. Horse Hoe and Cualti vator, Johnson Harvester and the Conti nental Reaper. I have one of each of these instruments for disniay at my stables, and will take pleasure in showing and explain ing their utility. No progressive farmer can afford to do without these implements. WV. K. BELL, Agt-, Apr15 Manning, S.0O. Notice ! I desire to call to the attention of the Mill Men and Cotton Planters of Clarendon, that I have secured the agency for this County. for the DANIEL PEATT EB. VOLVING HEAD GIN. Having used this Gin for several years I can recommend it as the best Gin now In use. Any Infor nmation in regard to the Gin will be chese fully given. I can also supply the people of Clarendon with any other machinery which they may need, at the lowest piees. Parties wishing to purchase gins will fnd it to their interest to give their ordE'r early. W. SCOTT HARVIN, May 5 Manning, aC ratsWPAIR Te abom advertiser to eoa 'AD ER'? he es zme* fomtion1he reuires, while frhim whow meet isey rquirement, or carn bessd stpcea tedtions have enissued. NESPAPEREODD RTISD G BUE . mlO--,t ce 9,-atinaHa.ran aiow York