WEtNESDAY, DEC.23, 5 I PA TP e at snug 5~i TELL o wmpp,-r MvI'ert.~n:: Bureau (0 sprai where dv:- iz eo,?rz-st b' "C m~ade foi U. TERMS OF sUBs(RIFTION OneYear, in .vnce s1.~>0. or $2 the Expir-atiOn ofSix Months. Adverti.ements.-Ier Square, fi. sertion, $1.00. Each snbsegnent insertion. 50c. Contract Advertising at ret ertising in Local Cilunmi. 10c. Z-L Our Terms for all Transi;ent Ac tinements, are invariably in _Avance. Our columns are open at -:l times for expressiou of Opinions on ell subjectso1 p lie interest. bu we are not responsible the rizws of our correspondems Local Intelligence. Died in Manning Dec. 21st, Mi Dickson. wife of Mr. E. E. Die n. The death of this estimable La dy has thrown a veil of sorrow ove this entire community. Those wh knew her, appreciated her as a kind Wentle friend. Her husband has been 1-reft of a faithful wife. Her child ~en have lost a teuder, :dffectionate mother-one whose services never wearied in their behalf. She cheer fully smiled upon their innocent sport, and as willingly endured the rough places that necessarily result in the minagement of home duties. Mrs. [;Dickson was a christian woman, as such exemplary in her deportment, and in death "Without a siah, a change of feature or a shaded smile. She gave her hand to the stern Messen ger. And as n glad child seeks its father's a arms Went home." L Bankrupt-l he County. The causc ? SForlorn and Forsaken-County Commissioners. Requiem-no funds. Our College boys are home enjoying their Christmas vacation. Miss Sue Galluchat has given her $& Stephens scholars holiday, and is the Christmas. We were pleased to meet Mr. S. M. Graam of Mayesville, an old friend, en Monday. - We regret to learn that Mr. J. Witherspoon is quite sick at his bre. er's, Mr. C. L. Witherspoon's. . Mr. Jno. W. Huggins left Manning on #st Saturday for Texas. Depre eating his leaving, at the same time, we wish him fortaie's favors in the jome of his adoption. Miss Lula, daughter of Mr. D. W. Elderman, is home enjoying the holi days of the Greenville Female Col lege. Mr, W. L. Johnson, of Stiefrs Pi no House was in Manning Saturday. Rie-"Carolina Mills" of Charleston were well represented among our mer chanta last Friday, by their popular drummer, Mr. E. G. Wallece. Sanfta Claus has attractive quarters Mrs. Edwards. Cupid stil shooting. Married on Wednesday the 16th, at 'eBaptist parsonage, by Rev. L. D. Mr. Walker to Miss White. Again on Tuesday the 22nd, at the bides mother's, by Rev. La. D. .Bass, Mr. Ardis to Mr. McLeod And to be mairried to-day, at the resi~ence of the father of the -bride, Mr. Mimms to Miss Eugeria Ridgill. The number of these happy events, twaining of two hearts, our pleas record, should banish into the byss of eternal oblivion that jarring cadnce hard times. That we are raspering is indisiputable. We are requested to announce that ere will be preaching at the Baptist irhSaturday -and Sunday next. 'temembers of the Church are re ~uesdto attend an important Church ueeag on Saturday morning. or some unknown reason the early al of yesterday failed to bring the Charleston papers. A sore disappoint met to the readers of the .News and Co~rier interested in the proceedings the Legislature. The cause would be interesting. 'Wen a girl can read her title clear o mratrimiony'S share, e bids farewell to every fear And forgets to bang her hair." Thanks of the editor to Mr. S. Wol viskie for a complimentary box of Nitsch & Kuhn brand of ciga'rs, re tly arrived at his saloon, which are drare and delightful odor. Mr. S. is ular Saloonist and generous to ai He proposes to present a large umber of these cigars to the Manning onental committee to be raffled. "Step right into the parlor and ake yourself at home," said the 9 dar-old son of the editor to his sister's young man. "Take the rocking hair and help yourself to the album.u Een Louise is up stairs and won't be down for some time yet, she has o nphe up her form, you know, be' re going to press.". We have been' informed that Miss Lula Hudson, one of the gifted and accopished lady teachers of oui town, has given a final dismissal tohei school. We are confident Miss Huct son's patrons are loath to give her up. She has attended to her school wit b n 'ng energy-winning for hersell bation of her patrons, and e of her pupils.. -. rumored that Miss Mattie Rlut e has ofiered her services as teach for this sebool, to be assisted b' v. La. D. Bass. Miss Rutledge is duate of the Greenville Femnal< College, and her scholastic 'attain epts pre-eminently qualify her fo: e high position left vacant by Mis The fall sessloi of the .anmiu.n Academy closed last Friday evening with an interesPig exhibition. TLe Academy building was filled to its ut most capacity, and for two hours the crowd was kept laughing with numer OUS recitatious, dialogues, charades &c. After the exercises were over, the students held a recention, in which teverybody- was cor(ially invited to participate. It was a delightful even ug for the occasion, and the crowd seemed to enjoy themselves hugely. SAlteriss are now suspended for the Christmas holida.vs until the fourth of Jauuarv, when the Academy wmii open witlh renewed energies. L. Th ltest. Married on the 2!-ti inst., Mr. Ebe nczer Sweet to Miss Jane Lemon. How httno'il\v extreces do ucet, In *.a ntd ELbenezer; SSe'.o lo 1:,er sonr but w .an ne s 1leno squezer.-.1si.1'e~'r. Pop:d1ar. Messrs. Edel Brothers, wholesale to bacconists 0f tichmo.ud, Via., have an enviaule reputation amoing our Man ning mercaLts. The popularity of he "Fannie Edel" tobacco, of which hev are the sole inanufacturers, sold v ~Messrs. Levi, LoyNiis and others, is idence s"Lieient to establish the as rtion. They also manufacture the lebrated Stonewall Jaeksou whis y sold at the saloon of S. Wolkovis and bv i Sehwarts. Mr. Sol Edel i'gent of the firm is well known appreciated as a courteous gen an. Enemy to Dogs. are informed that on the night 6th, two pups belonging to Col. S Billups, and a "cur" dog the sole p -ty of an old darkey were killed a en eaten by an unknown ani is marvelous beast with the cat appetite, we extend a cordial ine in. Here he will tind food in Ce, and be allowed the piivi Ieg the town. Ti 'itor of thle Dpalch on his Iett, .us ?-Some Correspondent, we p . e an old maid, seuds the follo piece of cockroach killing poeti his otice : rdn't mar.ry an ed tor, -1l you the r.mztson why taLi. meddles in everything, eal lit. lie, lie, lie To t ding genius of this wilting feminiz niunm, the following is submi:t - the editor: yW !r't marry oi old maid. 1 yv.n the reason why nek so long and inngy, W 'raid shed never die. Frank e'ssunday Magazine. For J, - beginning the Nine teenth Vol , is a biiliant holida-y number, a ding in text and piet ures appro te to the season. It opens with teresting and instruc tive essay o 'iristmas Carolb." Dr. Talmage's on is on "Christmas A meri. > there are several Christmas e ew Year's stories and poems, all fi illustrated. Perhaps the article th ill attract the most attention is " istoric America," by the Rev. Geo. ider, with twenty two illustrati There are many' short and tim icles. and the full page pictures autiful and nu merous. The lar serials, "Love's Harvest," and ' ttante Days" go o, at d the E~di Depa~rtmnents are ful and -omnple Published by Mas Fm LESuE, ~5 and 57 Park Place, New Y , at 25 cents a number-, or $2. ear, postpaid. llarrah I for le's ~not The following e Jubilee pro granme for Thur and Friday of Cristmas : Dec. 24. Fro o'clock to 12 o'clock. Hot sup barbecue, tur key, chicken, pig, ce cream, lem onade, cakes in abu ce &c. Grand 'Panoramic views o oPe, Palestine, and Egypt. Many .s exhibiting the life of Christ. fine steel en gravngs of "Ten:1 s in a Bar Room" by Rev. J. hrews. Ad mission free. At 12 M. grand n ascension contaning a game co Speech by Re J. Howard C r. Christ ms day at 11 o'clock ., lecture on European tratvels by I. E. Broad us, with an exhibitio European scenery while in Euro At 12 M. a g-and 'Christmas dinn t 7 P. M an original poem froma J. Howard Carpenter, tihe poet pre ou Chnist mas. At 7.30 P. M., " of Ages," by ten boys anci girls. P. M., "How to make Love." young man. Meals to be serv -il hours. Iar Tim#e: I have e ded to write something this we r your paer; have at last decid wrnte upon the idea of "though -stahz It was not until w.ithin vears that the best authentic 'ut or IDante was in the possessio. -sad niirers. Antiquarian stud were' puld by a statement of a Ital .1ian writer, to the effect that et: Inent artist, Giiotto. had pain por - Itrait of Dante- in fresco, som in 'th Bargeilo Palatce in Flore several cuthliusiaJst ic ad mir the 'poet determine-d to make Thiu search for this picture; for. n Co was known to exist within tha t whiceould at all answver to quireents of Giotto's fresco. iv jforty years agto, three gentlem 1 taed permis'ion from the ' 'overnment (no easy thing ton i tese5 days) to make the ne search for 'this fresco. Their wee rewarded by discovering a in wich the valued painting w tirey covered up with a coat of wash The whitewash was re wit. great care, anid the picture found to be kept ini a remarkabl Sstate of preservation. Not only sjthe mahteus -ark iniured the ni it had been a means of preserviug it It was a positive advantage. For i the picture had not been tuus coverei up and preserved, its colors wouk have faded much in five hundred year besidcs being exposed to almost cer tain destruCtion froI vandalism When the fullness of time was coen the picture was disclosed to the worlk in much of its original freshncss and beauty; and the result is that uow every admirer of that remarkabhl Christian poet is cnabled to possess a fine likeuess of his strong and be'auti fal face. Hidden things are not always lost Sometimes tho are actua!!y preserv. ed by being hidden, an the revel a tio: will some day come, diteloig- mi ue which was supposed to have pa-;et out of existence. In the lonluv calmm. bers of the soul, many t Wall is illuii nated with the fresco of soime reimlm berance, of which the knowledge is losi for the time being. It is covered witt other thoughts and cares. But. the fresco is not erased. It is only hidden forgotten. Some day the,outer casing will be removed, and the picture wi:. stand out as fresh as if it were just put on. Divine Providence makes use of this fact. Our 3ins are not forgotren. We try to forget them. We whitewash them over with pleasures or busiuess. Tlime produces its eifect. They pass nearly out of our own memory, while our friends forget them entirely. We flatter ourselves that they are some how made upor done away with. But they are not blotted out. They arc only so shut up in the secret chambers of the soul that they shall be ;ept fresh for the day of disclosure. Thus it is that God is able to mualke tile re worseful vengeauce of the soul upon itself so vivid, so powerful, so unex pected, after years of Supposed quiet aud peace of mind. The unexpected revelation to oue's self of a sin com mitted lovg ago and since forgotten, is like standing face to face widh the judgment of God. This truth has also a comforting side. These facts, which are forgotten but preserved, are not all sins lying in wait for the oppartunity of remorse. So:ne of thein are acts of kindness or of consecration. Tuey are perhaps undervadued, and therefore readily forgotten. Bat they are like frescoes of transcendent beauty. I mean such things as mlnistering to the least among our Lord's brethren by giving food and drink in their need, comfort ing them in sickness, svmpatuiizing wial them and helping then when suf fering (in prison or out of prison) for their sins. These good deeds, small in themselves, are readily forgotten, both by those who do them and by those who receive the benefit of them. This is partly because their real im portance is not appreciated: as a fres co by Giotto was not appreciated in his life-time. They are therefore cov ered over with other sorrows, other cares, other deeds of kindness. Yet they are not destroyed-they are not wiped out. They constitute in the human soul a treasure of greater value than Giotto's noble work. Not to speak of God's bock of rememnberance, they are treasured up within the soul itself, and in God's own time they will be revealed as a source of everlasting joy. When God shall reveal these good and bad deeds which have for so long a time been covered up), the tirst ex elamnation will be, "Lord. wimwa! when saw we Thee ?" When~ did we this noble, or this vile, work in thy sight ? But the reveihdion will make itself evident; and in this sense, as welil as in others, men's wor.:s ao) foilow them. How well this also illustrates the value of Christian teaebing to chil dren ! What a beautiful lesson it car ristt) SudySbo eachers, and to parents, and to others who long t~o con fer an immwortal benetit upon the chil dren. The child's mind receives im pressions readily. Your instructions form the picture within his mind. He does not always appear to remember. Sometimes you would little suspect what a picture he has bidden away within the recesses of his mind. What you say to him is apparently forgotten as soon as the sound of you~ voice hlas died away. But it is not destroyed; some crisis in life-it may be after years of neglect-will bring back these things to his heart with wonderfali freshness and power. Ther wll;he for-.thelfirst time feel the Mul power of- gra'titude to those wvho took great pains to impress upon him right thoughts, true feelings, high aims, at a time when it seemed as if all this were labor in vain. It is often said that life is short the Psalmist makes it very brief, ever bu a shadoiw. Counted by the yeare we live, it is a short lhfe we live here. Blut ifln memory how many times w< live it over. So, if we have so live& that the memories of the past art pesmand. our mnemlory continuc pact, w have made the short lift laug bylivinug it over so many times Besed be God for the gift of muem orv, and for the faith that memory~ wil go with us into the immortal life and that even in the spirit home wt sha'll remembet)r the pleasant scenes th'e good deeds and the loving friends of the earti:ly life. Be not incredulous, then, I entreal vou, my readers, to the fact that mene orv is a field to he cultivated, fron: eih you may reap rich harvests 0: prcofit and comfoit. SEEP2LESS NIGHITS. mafle miseram'l be that: terrible con;;h. Shilon's Car is-h THAT HACKING CO17UI cain be Sc quickly cured by Shailoh's Cure. We guar antee it. For sale by J1. (. D~inkins & Co. CR~OUP, WHiOOPING C )UC n aad Bron chitis imme-'lia'tely re t-!ve I by Shilob's Cur, For sale by J1. G. Dink ins & Co. SCATARiRU CUR.ED. heati and s'::et breath secured, by Shilon's Catarrh R~eme dy. Price ~>0 cents. Naval Injec-tor free 1Fon aiJG.IDinikins & Co. Wholesle Crocers, Wines, Liciuors, Tobac co, Segars, &c. No. 153 & 155 EAST BAY, (IL IRL ESTOX, S. C. Ang. 1L PROPRIETORS OF THE SWNTER SHOE STORE, Z. .4ELPETFULLY ASK TiE PEOPLE and Clarendon Co., to inspect t , fore visiting Charleston, us t::*v fe.l eontdent that they can do as well th e al the latest styles. T :Iv pai speeiu attntwn to a ),ex arti de v LAIAES D)Ni3ULA and CAMEL EPAIL) JiUTON 1UTS, w1iCh are of the miiost durable Lemather, known to the Trade also to their Genlts $2.75 and S'3.00 Calf Skin Shoes, in -ntion. Lace and Congress. They cannot be excelled. As they are well knowvn to vo- all, they need in introduction. They h::ve so a nice line of TRUNKS and \ALISES. March 11 RmS. A. EDWARDS OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, Maiming, S. C., Confectionery, Fresh Fnits, Vegetables, Nuts, &c., on Laud :.nd arriving daily. My Bakery Depart ment is Completu with bread and pastry. COME AND SEE ME AND BE CON v;ne.-d that my prices are low and that I cran aot be: undersold. -ALSO, Both light and heavy and always fresh. . Canned Gools in endless variety. Country trade solicited. I thank my friends and patrons for past t avors and ask a continuance of same. pz' Remiember the place opposite Court house. .Dec 17 ESTABLISHED 1843. Furnriture ! Furniture !! Now on hand a funl Line of fine and cheap Furniture hat as Low Prices as any House in the State. Next Grand Cntral Hotel, CoLUxnIA S. 0. Ml, N BERRY, PI.A.NOS, GRANID, UPRIGHT, & SQUARE. The superoity of th~e "Stef Pianos is r*;co iz c~e nd aicknaowledg'ed by the highecst usicaln utorites, and the de mand for the a is as stadl ncreasing as they ara bccomning more extensively known. HIGHEST HIONORS Over :111 .Anericaa and many European rivals at the. Exposition Paris, 1878. Ibve the I'ndorsement of over 100 differenit C!ages. Seminariesand Schools A s to their durability. They are perfect in~ To'ne,.*Work mansnip and Elegant in A pvarance. A iar.y ass'ortment of second-hand Pian Genera.1 WVhoes:dle Agent for BURD IETT AuND PALA(:E ORG~ANS. Pins and Qrgnis Soldi on Easy Enstallme~nts. I'lanos taken in Exchange, also thorough lv reired. ~' -Send for illustrated riano or Orgail Catalogue. CHAS. M. STIEFF, No. 0 North Liberty Street, Apr 15 Bl.armoro, Mn. The most popular Weekly new aper devoted toscienco. mechanics.cngi-eerin.svoersb.n Iventions and pat ents ever publih. Everyflum ber illustrated with splendid engravings. This bictofurnishesamostvaluiable encyloeis finformation which no prson should be wit.out. The poularity of the SCENnTIFIC A M~rZCANI I such thtits circulation nearly eqasthat of all other ipers of its class combined Price. 33.h0 year. iscount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. UNN CO. Publishers. No. 36tBroadway, N. Y. A~~I~~ S 3unn &; Co. have ~U~~4Ealso had Thirty S the I atent Office and have prepared *more than ne tunded Thaj n ited ittes and forein countnes. Caveats. Trade-Marks. Copy-rights. securing t'oinventrs theiygt in the United States Canada, Enga. France. Germany and oher foreign .countries. pre pared at'short notice andon reasonable term.. Information as to obtaining atnt cheer fully given witbout charge. Had-boos of information sent free. :Patents obtained threugh Munn &; Co. are noticed in the Scienti.O -Americau free. The advantage of such notice is well understood by all persons who wish to dis pos ofteir pttets. / O.OfieSIm GREAT EXCITEMENT Was Produced In Maining and is Spreading All over CLARENDON, AT LO0U IS LO(6"Y NS' Practical explanatian of what he meant when he announced that the INAUGURATION would take placo in October. The People are learning that he meant the Lowest Prices EVER BEFORE INOWN IN THE COUNTY. He did not buy his goods early while the prospects were so flattering for a large cotton crop and good prices, but he bought at a time wben GRAND BARGAINS could be had, and this has given him Superior Advantages both as to the Prices and Class of Goods. Ladies will find a good assortment of-Suitlngs, Striped, mi'zt and Criss ,Cross patterns; various quaint wears, and pretty styles ; Boucle Cloths, En glish Serges, Scotch Chiviots, Londou Kyrles, Si:noui Batistes, Bourettes, Scotch Tweads, Plaids, Corduroys, and some Black Goods at Low Prices. Ladies will also find Jersey cloths ; Stockinettes; Hosiery, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Corsets and a splendid lot of Long Cloths, Homespuns, Domestics. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes. Trunks, Valises, Very fine line of all wool goods For Men and Boys-very cheap! Ladies, Gents, and Boys Boots, Shoes and Slippers. I have a.$2 Shoe, soft, well shaped and as durable as shoes that are sold by other houses at $3. Call for Loyns' walldngfast Shoe. And Hats and Caps that can't be beat for quality and Low Prices Hurrah! Glorious!! The news of the INAUGURATION of Low Prices at L . U ys'., of his brands of Finest Flour, Sugar, Coffice, T e a, Hams, Bacon, Rice, And all the necessary articles. You will-always find at my Storca well selected line of Hard ware, Crockery, Saddlery, and I have Cigars and Tobacco of the best known Brands in the world, and my whole stock was Bought after the decline in cotton. at low figures, and of course I can sell lower than any Merchant who bought while the pros pects were bright and prices high. CALL at my NEW STORE and you will be convinced that it is THE PLACE FOR BAR GAINS-None Can Beat LOUIS LOYNS, . Oct. 21st. MANNING, S. C. THE WINNING CANDIDATE! 30'S. A. RI( BY 'Em Is the man who fills the bill Of the people who have a will All vacancies, needs :md wants to fill. With judgemnent and care. Yes I am a Candidate for the patronage of the people, and I am not afraid of Competition. I fearlessly assert that I can show to thie Peopl1e of Clarentd.OnZ The most complete line of BF~rIFCI, DRESs GOODs ever offered in this market. silk mixed Suitings, Cashmeres, Berber Cloths, Combination Suitings, Calicoes in new and beautiful styles. Flannels of all grades and colors, Full line of table Damnaskc. Towelling, sheetings, Long Cloths, Best Lawns, Irish Linens, Laces, Embroitieries, Zephyr Shawls, Collars, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, best titting Corsets, and Notions. Hats and Shoes. Ladies, Gent. and Childrens, in newest styles. Try a pair of Tuo C 3ATxD JanRs Mwcs $3. shoes, Shoes made to myown order, ad you will be pleased with the oem Ful Line i.' 'in, Broadeloths, Cashmeres, Jeans and vooleni Goods, bought low and to be sold low. READY MADE CLOTHING, -Splendid line for Men, Boys and Children. GROCERIES A full and Complete stock, bought in the best markets, and to be sold at small profits. I keep best Flour, Hams, Bacon, Rice. sugars. Syrups. Molasses, Coffee and Tea. Canned goods of all sorts. Saddles, Bridles, Harness. Hardware, Crockery, Plantation Tools. And the BEST TOBACCO. My Clerks will not only take pleasure in showing my large stock of goods, but they are instructed to sell them at ROCK Bo0 rr')i prices. I knowy thai cotton is low, and I shall not be slow to sell below any othor house. I wil give highest cash prices for cotton. Don't Buy 'Til You Try STONO PHOSPHATE 00, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTABLiSHED 1870 MANUFACTURE Soluble Guano, (HIGHLY A3DioSIATED.) Acid Phosphate, Dissolvedl BoneC, Ash Element, Floats. Keep denays on hafor' .sae Genuine German Iinit, (Potask Sakls,) Imported direct from Germany, for the Company. A high gradie of Dried Blood, G~roundc Fish Scrap, South Carolina Marl, Cotton Seed Meal. FOR SALE BY M. -g.ei 3LANNDIG, s, C. LUMBER!! LUMBER! 50,000 Feet on Hand. All Grades. FROM 25cs, to $1 PER HUNDRE The very best, and cheap as the cheape4 can be had at the mill or I will delivei a M..nning. Apply to C. M. DAVIS, or A. IVIZ. At Mill, Mannimg, SA Interesting to Both Sexes. Any man or woman making 1o than $40 weekly should try our on moneymaking business. We w Agents for our celebrated Mwann DEAN SPINAL SUPPORTING CoEs ; &1INN our SPi NAL SUPPoRTER, SHoULDER B2 a AND ABDOYINAL PnoTECToR CoMRBTW (for Men and Boys). No expeiienes required. Four orders per day gt. the Agent $150 monthly. Our Agen#S report four to twenty sales daily. $6 outfit free. Send at once for partism lamrs. State Sex, Sp LEWIS SCRIELE & C. 390 Broadway, New lad Sept 9th. T1LA 3R T co SOCir, Gmn nd Loc sith MAIN ST., COLUMBIA., S. C. : REPAIRING :ALIORDES -DONE AT- -PROMPTLY SHORT NOTICE ATTENDED TO. Mrs. C. E. Reed, MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. Ci =T.T.T rmr In all its Branches. Hosiery, Fancy Goods, Notiona, Ladies Dresses, Children and Infants Dresses. Jersey Jackets and Underwear. Bridal Orders Promptly Attended TO* B. VISANSKA, Watches, Diamonds, Clocks ad Jewelrj, Pianos and Organs on easy Installments, DVLEA Rx .u.L XNtDS Or Musical Instruments and String, MAI N STREET, Next door to Central National Bank, COLUMBIA, S. C. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Repairing done in both branches. GEO. S. HACKER & SO MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASA, BLINDS, MOULDING BUING 3iTEmTAJ Office and Warerooms, King opposite Cannon Street,. Charleston, S. C~ Sept. 16th. LEGG &BELL, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, w x~x.I5t, s. on We haVe just received a ne1V suply of the FAMOUS T~J& NESSEE WAGONS, aad BUGGIES of all Kinds, whih we will sell low down. GITE US A CALL. Sept. 9. NOTICE. PERSONS DESIRING to INSURE their LIVES will apply to W. P. DURANT, Agt., MAN NINt6'NA. C. IWAVERLY HOUSE, CHAR~LESTON, S. C. First Gass in all its AppointmentsL RATES, 81..50, $2.00 AND $2.50 Excellent Cnisine, I..rge Airy rooma Electric Bells. IJOS. PRICE, Proprietor. 7.rIIotel Centrally Located. A. G. CUD WORTH, Agt* 155 MEETING STREET, opp. Charleston HoteL Manufacturer and dealer in Saddlery, Harnes, C&'ba, Whips, Saddle Hardwark &c. Keco. constantly on hand an extansiveq and well .kleeted stock of everyting in this lince. Ami MaInufacture goods to order ef short not e Oct. 14. &M SdchwaZ s ~ ~ Sa15on, 3 Manning, S. C. I drink my Bear I demie