TIMMAN1NING TI~S.I WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16, 1885. B. S. DINKtNS, Editor. With this issne. the Tixxs has started on rs second year. The success of the paper t., the present time has been gratifying in aeed, owing to the kindly assistance and Pnerous patronage of a best of friends, to whom we return our grateful acknowledg Ments. Heretofore we have intentionally refrain ed from alluding, in any manner, to the re missness of those of our readers whose sub Scriptions are unpaid, and Aven now from a tender regard for their gs, we hope, that they will consider our new year and t* harvest season a sufficient excuse. Our terms, as are well known, require the money in advance of the paper; yet. ther3 are many ,hW bave been thus far indulged, and our kuprise will be great if they do not make basteo settle their arrears, and pay in ad vanea for the coming year. A strong petition has been forward ed to the General Assembly urging an increase of the salery'of the Trial Jus tie at Manning. The reasons for this reqat,asstatedin the petition, are mferitoius, and, we are sure will meet the aproval of our Representatives i both Houses. It is safe to assert that, four-fifths of the work of these Courta is done by that officer. The duties of the incumbent are, therefore, so great, that he is shut off from enter ing, with any expectation of success, every other.field of labor. Yet, as it now stands, compared with the work eured, the salary is a mere pittance. 1is of paramount importance that the Trial Justice at Manning be capa ble and efficient, and to secure this end, the office should at least afford a aport. OUR ADVERTISEBS. The Christmas holidays are near at land. The busy housewife will soon e looking around fora market of her lking-iWhere she can purchase the 1egion of presents for the little folks, -.nd the numberless nicknacks to con the family larder for the ap g festivities ; the worthy sire beginning to wonder where he can 6mb. profitably procure those neces . sZ N tantia to carry him through anoter year; and even the lackadaisy mat is casting aboutfor some 'ring attractve to lay out his spare MOney on, as an offering to the gentle -alinea of his affections. We deem the approach of this gala a fatting occasion to present to e readers of the Tnus the cause of -i hliberal patrons of our advertising nmn. -'We desire to impress upon X - the country traders the importance of oing to Manning, their own town, S edtheir money. oar- interests Sneparably connected. and both a ieial prosper or grow poor R lthe town increases in aimutd much will country prop nuanced in value. 1%1t apart from thiss our merchants are more ibn enros n the inducements e-"offer for the, cntry trade are-ecan be found a ready and profit mbar~kt for the fay produce, 'as ~as ampleopportunities'for trade. Were then is te economy in spend gtwo.thirds of one's money in rail omdisre'and hotel bills, when you uflneqeps~ good advantages at' e ~bst city can be foundbaIlrger 'abtter stock-of merchandise, more agnelnd attenfive clerks, than in e iney establishment of Moses vi Years of experience, together with hisability to reach the Northern Nasrket, have enabled Mr. Levi to .oigete successfully, in prices and seieisy of goods, with the merchants :ofour Southern cities-Read his two .hlna advertisemnent and behold the Vpsesame" tohis marvelous pros Next cornea tb stylish brick build. IngfLouis Loyn&. Here the con noissur wBi find capacious facilities to satisfy his most fastidious 'wish. Mr. Loyns has studied the needs of -is tr.de, which is apparent on an ex minnaon of his stock. Then on the corner stands Rigby's, inothtof those successful merchants whose goods are in keeping with his high sanding in his trade. There you will receive in commodity egnal to the value of the money given. f yon are looking for Christmas toyafor theittle folks go to their friend, Mrs. Edwards. We can no better describe the attractions to be 'ound there than inthe happy prattleI of one of these youngsters, "Pa Santa G Caus dmn come at Mrs. Edwards'." And lastly, we take pleasure in rec ommending the drug house of W. E Browr & C., tkept by Dr. W. E Brown. This gentleman, though a nw comner, has already won laurels as a successful practicioner. These are home industries that de serve and demand our patronage. With them we must ascend or de ud evenly the scale of prosperity. We hope at anearly day to see our people awake to the error of enriching other people and other lands, at the POVE YU . There is a Spanish proverb which ;ays, "too much prosperity makes most men fools,"-auother, "have money and you will have kindred enough"-and another, "poverty is no I isgrace, it is better living on a little, than outliving a great deal." In these brief sayings much wisdom may be iscovered. There is no circumstance in life considered so humiliating as penury and yet it is no degradation to be poor; a poor man is not less worthy than a rich, neither should he be less respected, and yet he is so. Why ? The power of the world is either embodied in wealth or wisdom, and without some moderate portion of wealth the powers of wisdom are seldom made apparent. Poverty has been the companion of the wise, from time immemorial and although the most intellectual among nankind, are those best calculated to devise meax;s for accumulating riches, they are uni versally the most lethargic in the em ployment of the means. Goldsmith in his Vicar of Wakefield, has most admirably and naturally described the effects of a generous spirit, and care less habits regarding money matters, and yet who took less forethought for the morrow, than Oliver Goldsmith. One of the seven sages of Greece ob served that no condition in life is so felicitous as a state of mediocrity, and another philosopher remarks "that a state of affluence is equally productive of disquiet with that of indigence." But all the authority we might quote wCud contribute but trivially in mak ing the pour believe their condition equally felicitous with that of the rich. The daily laborer at mechanical pur suits, unless possessed of a peculiarly benignant and contented disposition performs the orders of his employer with unwillingness and envy. Poverty is rendered intolerable for many reasons, the poor are deprived of a thousand advantages of liberty which the rich enjoy; education which is perhaps the greatest blessing that can be bestowed, is denied them, if their minds are naturally capable, their scintillations are checked for want of this proper channtl to bring them in to a favorable requisition. Among some of the ancients a system of gov ernment was adopted which rendered individuals eminent only for virtue, but every member of the community had an equal chance with his fellow. all -the seminaries were public, and all the honors conferred according to the merits of the competitors at public ex hibitions. Orators and poets compos ed, and recited their productions in public-artists, painters and sculptors, exhibited their workmanship before a committee of unbiased and just judges. He that excelled in any par ticular branch was awarded honors accrding to his deserts and imine diately received the station in public estimation, which his abilities assign ed him. In modern times it is not so, merit is superceded, either by wealth or intrigue, the man who is most ac quainted with fraud and gifted largely 1 with impudence, is the one most apt to succeed, the consequence is, self-in terest actuates the larger 'portion of mankind; wealth is power and all seek t becomie powerful through its intlu ence. Principle in most cases is talk ed of only as a well to conceal fraudu aat motives. Heedless of the cries of their less fortunate brothers, they stop not to help; him up one round of the ladder, but rather give him a shove down, and struggle on to see who shall be uppermost, the means used are not always the miost hbnorable, but "no matter," cries the contestant, "the end aspired to is obtained." MEs. CHAS. LINING, Charleston, S. C. Ithas Sared my Life. I have been suffering with scrofula for the past four years. For two years I tried various remedies pres.:ribed by a number of the best physicians. They treated me for what they called a fatty tumor on the neck. This prov ed a delusion, as the rising, which had assumed a fearful shape, broke and commenced to discharge freeley. In 883, being convinced that the af fliction with which I suffered was of a scrofulous nature, I was induced to try Swift's Specific. I was growing desperate, atid wanted a speedy cure, and as the S. S. S. did not act as promptly as I thought it should, I was easily persuaded to quit it and try an other preparation. That did me no good, and I changed to another con taining potash and mercury, and that came near wrecking me. My life wa despaired of. Almost disheartened os ever seeing a well day again, I was in duced to go back to Swift's Specific It was my only hope. In December, 1884, commenced a regular course. It was sometime before my system vielded to its influence, but when it did I began to improve at once. I had become so weak I could scarcely walk, but unde? the influence of S. S. S. my general health has greatly im proved, and I feel as well as I ever eain mylf to-day. The scars alone reman t tel o myformer sufferings, every other evidence of the disease havig disappeared, and I can honest ly say that S. S. S. has saved my life. GaREE THoMrsoN, Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 8, 1885. For sale by all druggists. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseas es mailed free. TE SwI~r &iPrceme Co., Drawer 3, Attanta, Ga., or New York, 157 W. 23d St. C. Bart & Co. IPOlTEIRS AND WHOLESALE DrAERs IN FR UIT 77, 79 & 81 Market St. CHARL ESTON, S. C. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shilon's Cure is the remed fry. Foi nhbhvJ. G. TDinkins SIILO'S ViTALIZER is what vou need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizzinless1 and all Symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by J. G. Dinkins & 0 FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Conplaint you have a printed gnarantee on every bot le of SHILOH'S 'Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by J. G. Dinkins & Co. SHILOH'S CURE will immtediately relieve Croup Whcoping Cough and Bronchitis. For sale by J. G. Dinkins & Co. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guar teed to cure you.' For sale by J. G. Dinkins & Co. WHY WILL.YOU cough when Shilnh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 ets., 50 cts., For sale by J, G. Dinkins & "HACKMETACK" a lasting and fragran perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by J. G. Dinkins & Co. A NASAL INJECTOR frce with each bot le of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Prico 50 ents. V). sale by J. G. Dinkins & Co. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Prics, 25 cents. For sale by J G. Dinkins & Co. I L& B. S. M. H. GOLD WATCH OFFER EXTENDED to Jan. 1. Important to Piano ,5Buyrs. 0u'r GOLDWAC UV ESNIR OFFER extended an oither 7w.nh. To Acids, Kainit. Cotton Seed Meal. Bottom Figures, and First-cia Goods. Sept. 16th DONT OREAD HIS. :0: WE WARR A NT LONG MAN & MART EZ'S GUARANTEE PREP RED PAINTS To last LONGER than any other Prepared Pa .t or any Paint M1ixed by - Pure White the m o s t Lead, Pure ex perienced Linseed Oil Painter from . and Pure T-irpentine. If after any reasonable length of time it e ould be proven otherwise than guaranteed, we agree to repai such property as has been painted with it, at our expense, ith such White Lead or other Paint..as the property owner, select. S. WEISKOPF, S Agent. Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, GLASS ? 325 King st. Chaarlesj 3, S. C. N. B. Constantly on hand a full suppl-t of strictly pur PARIS GREEN. ______ WITH BUTTONf OLE - 0 mor0 " .LN3WMHO' J.V DRUGS, E ifCBO S, AND Of' E-very Desc iption. Paints, Oils, Window Gilasse, arnishes, and Putty. TOILET AR~T -L~ES of every kind. Also a Coniiplete and F Assortment of Lamps, Lanterns, Soaps, e~rfumery, Stationary Paint, Brunies, Etc. WPrscriptionls and Family Rieceipt1 arefully Componnded at any hour. W. E. OWN & C0, SApr 15 4 Manning, S. C. 'THE~PALACE ALO7WW Foreign and Domnestic LiosWnsAe and Beer. The finest Liquors and Segars, dispensed th"TePlc"Brb polite Bartenders. Billiards and Pool oni Ft-lsTae. Plain and Fanc-'ns 'THE PALACE" is located in the New B i g, adijoining Court House square.Marcii4