fiOME GUARD COMPANY ' i TO BE ORGANIZED Newberry is to have a home guard j mpany and application has been j aade to the governor to make the mpanya part of the third regiment i ?late troops. A meeting was held the ther night and the following per- j I Mas signed the petition which has: keen sent to the governor asking tno , l^ermission 10 organize aim lu yan. of the third regiment State troops.; Another meeting vill be held Friday j night. Mr. N. C. Toole has beon ac- i live in getting up the organization. X. C. Toole, E. H. Kibler, B. V. Chapman, E. B. Purcell, Nathan Morris, W. W. Cromer, . N. S. Holmes, r -T. H. Clary, ? .T A T^pfprsnrt T. R. Summer. "j E. M. Evans, Jr., D..J. Burns, - C. H Williams E. H. Summer, J. R. Clary, O. T. Feagle, , : T. K. Johnstone, B. A. Dominick Gilbert P Voigt, W. C. Wallace, H. M. Bryson, W. H. Sterling, R. H. Wright, T. E. Davis, T. P. Wicker, R. A. F^asle, 5 J. E. Stores, J 0. Havird, * H. D. Adams, j M. 0. Summers, - Oscar R. Shimmer, ' Pore C. Scurry, Thomas A. Fair, R. M. Lominack, 0. K. Brown, G. L. Robinson, R. JVI. Tidmarsh, H. D. Havird, Pope L. Buford, t Jesse B. Mayes, Ralph B. Baker, H. O. Swittenberg, J. Y. Milam, E. M. Suber, H. A. Feagle, ?W. B. Wallace, W. T. Brown, * Ci* -V pHBnHHBRHHHHHKBBHBBBHBa 1 ?-? I Wake \ We are at wc help and is a If you can't fis Plant vrsur ?.cr I you can: Econo agance. Save your mor safe. B. C. MATTHEWS. H. T. CANNON, Ass W. R. Reid, Jr., \ ] J. E. Paysinger, L. F. Fischer, j 1 J. C. Goggans, Jr., i C. C. Schumpert, E. S. Werts, 1 O. H. Johnson, D. D. Brock, Jno. B. Setzler, Young M. Brown, M. L. Bullock, H. T. Cannon, C. D. Bushardt, Hunson L. Buford, F. R Fellers. _ , I Jno. W. Robertson, H. W; Sc-humpert, R. D. Smith, Jr., Jas, R. Leavell, Jas. G. Brown, W C TTWoll . > W. JUCV1A# R. C. Hamilton, R. G, Parks, H. B. Wells, R. L. Hutchinson, GfO. M. Sibert, Jr., John Nance. E. S. Dickert, t r v; j v. v/., ! i Temporary officers elected at meet ing Wednesday night: Captain. X. C. Toole, 1st. Lieut., R. H. Wright, 2nd. Lieut, B. IV. Chapman, 1st. Sergeant, R. A. Feagle, Chaplain, G. O. Voigt, THE SESSIONS COURT The court of general sessions adjourned siilce die Wedneday evening at six o'clock, after transacting the following business since the last issue of this paper: The State vs. John McCollum, drawing and writing check with no funds to pay, continued. Hiram Hurst, assualt and battery with intent to kill and carrying concealed weapons; pleaded guilty and sentenced to twelve months in county jail at hard labor. John Rock, assualt and battrey with intent to kill and carrying1 con- ! cealed. weapons; pleaded guilty and sentenced to thirty days or a fine of j i ^aia. (No bill in case of John M. Jones, latter charge and sentenced to thirty days or a fine of $40. Paid. ?-Tnr"^n Ni^Jols, John Powers an3 Bishop Hutchinson, malicious mischief; continued. Drate Bailey, obtaining goods by Up! Wed ir and Uncle San ailing for it. ,rht, you can do other s in wheat. Grow , ? is mize?uuc out aii w ie^. Put it in our B w' w * /? President T. K. JOHf t. Cashier W. W. CRC false pretense; not guilty. Jerome Morris, violation of prohibition law; peaded guilty. The sentence was three months or $200; which, however, upon the service of one month or the payment of $75, was to be suspended. Paid. T 1 i vi;^ i^evi ri. ureen, ousirucung pu.uu<; i highway, continued. Tom Turner, assualt and battery! with ii ten * to kill and carrying con7 I cealeu weapons and shotting into dwelling house; not guilty on first count, guilty on second and third counts. Sentence to six months or $100. Jim Burton, housebreaking and larceny, two cases; pleaded guilty an-i sentenced to two months each. T\.. ..m'n n r* 1 m r% 1 l^uagt; juuusuu, uomg auimai r?iluout owner's consent; pleaded guilty and sentenced to three months and fine of $30. Colie Bobb, assualt and battery with intent to kill and carrying conceaed weapons; tried in his absence and found not guilty. Will Butler, murder; court directed a verdict for mansaughter. Sentence. two years and six months. The below aupeal cases were thus disposed by this court: Town of Prosperity vs. W. L. Mathis; dismissed. Town of IWhitmire vs. Julius Wallace.. Jr.. and Theodore Sheatleworth; continued. \ Town of dewberry vs. Melvin Kemp; dismissed. Town of Newberry vs. George Benson; dismissed. 3 ? oi'mii for Declaration. ! I The State, | Washington. Der. 5.?-Congressman { | F. H. Dominok, who oprosei the re^o- ! | lntion declaring war with Germany | and who voted asrninst the draft hill today issued a statement in whi^h he praised the mes^a^ of the president and declared t^at he.would vote for war with Austria. "My position for onposin* th-> war j at first is well known." said Mr Dominick, "but tbot time has pas^e**. are now in t^e war and in it to win and we ran take no backward -ste">. j r,\Te must stand by every move that is made toward victory now, that we are in thi?5 wnr and T shall vote for the war resolution as to Austria. I was ! moved to enthusiastic demonstration j when the president asked for a declaration against Austria. That country lias been interfernns with us enough and it must be stopped. The president read a great message and one that breathes the spirit of patriotism/ Drs. J. . KiDard of Ninety-Six and T T"> T'V, ~r\f A nrlorcAn WPr' I James ft. i nunuouu \ji nuuuv** .. ?. today commissioned first lieutenants in the Dental Reserve Corps upon recommendation of Congressman Dom* inick. P H. McGowan. I . TAX NOTICE. Natice is hereby given that all tow.i ; taxes now due and not paid must be | paid by December 15 for after thai j date a penalty of ten per cent will be ! added to all delinquents. By order | of the city council. .T. W. Chappman, Clerk and Treasurer. 12-4-lt. i i REGISTRATION JiOICE. Natice is hereby given that the books, or registration are now open for the city election to be held on the 11th of December, 1917. All person in order to vote must secure a registration wrV??>-kV -fa jet nvorDmiioitD tn C^rilll^dlC WiLIV/ii lO a C* V4UAU4VV ?w voting. By order of city council. J. W. Chapman, Clerk and Treasurer. 12-4-3t. ITli^ Pa i JL il^ V/U of Statement of C Loans and Investi Liberty Loan Bon Overdrafts Secur< Cotton in Ware Overdrafts Secun Unsecured, Cack nn Kanrl anr V/IAU1I VX? IlMklM Capital Stock, Surplus and Profi Deposits, We call your attenti diticn of cur Bank, s vancement We w; know that the cardl SERVICl r*i - 11 _ : rjease can on us i will always find a h' ! ittft EM K& >4s^ uv i? _ bate Court for Newberry County, S. 1 C.. en Tuesday tne 1st day of January 1918, at 10 o'clock in the foreno?* and will immediately thereafter ask J for my discharge as executrix otf said 4 estate. fl ALMA E. SEYBT. fl Executrix. >0TIPE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ^ I will make a iinal settlement of th* estate of Lula -A. Summer in the Probate Court for Newberry County, 5. C., on Wednesday the 2nd dat January 1918, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon and will immediately thereafter ask for my discharge as Guard j ian of said estate. J. W. Summer, Guardian. I December 3rd, 1917. n. . ; /*r? h unri isiness Home is n Time :urate record of your xpense" should be kept a Checking Account and \e and pay all your bills 1 have a complete record le and Expense together t for every bill paid in eled check. king Account $ 1.00 ) 1 INGE BANK . jrry, S. C. : the People" .J x\ Bank c. nber 20, 1917 1 * >1 )0 $805,362.61 )4 !7' 66,410.31 63,997.30 $935,770.22 I - $ 50,000.00 - 91,089.98 - 794,680.24 $935,770.22 :ement of the concus growth and adswberry County to Bank is ER VICE! n any way. You lelping hand. ~ J .H? JL ? M MJU.UK i You Right" | I