t-4O endab 4Dtems. VOL xLmI. NO.f- N -.WBERY. 8. 0. FRJJAY uosr to906. 'TWIOE .A. WEEK, Si 50 A EA R. JONES WANTS TO SPEAK. e And Lyon Disagree-The State Campaign Meeting Enliven ed at Chester. reenville News. Chester, Aug. 7.--About, four hun dred people turned out to hear the speakers today. Col. John T. Sloan, for governor, was the first to ad (ress the crowd. To show the effici eney of the (lispeisary system, the colonel cited the faet that the aver age am1outtt of liquor -1dran1k per Capit a in the whole United States is $17 .whereas in South Carolina, the aver al-e amlount consumed I per capita i. only $2.98. ''On the 28th of August when Ansel advances with his battal Ions under two bainters,, Dispensary an( 'Prohibition,' I will charge hir with cavalry, shouting 'Charge, Ches ter, Charge; on Stanley, on !' and An sel's forces will go down in disgrace funl defeat. It is a sad thing for a man to fight under two flags. COL. Martin F. Ansel was greeted with lo(I applause whent he an noune ed that he is agaiiisl the State dispen. sar. al il favor of local option be eween prohibition and (lispensary. Mr Aniisel threw several hompilets at th adies, who seemed gtreattly pleased. Senlator Cole L. Blvase took up a ool deal of his time tearing up ''An el's double joinled platform.'' Whenl e hda runt it through his shredder it ats scarcely recognizable anl]dih eople lolully shouted applause . Mr. lease made out ''no ease' 'agaiinst e dlispenisary antd Ie believes there a combination (if the prohibitionists fid the highJi license people working make Mr. Ansel governor to get hibition, which will prove a snare d a delusion. Then the high Ili se crowd will say prohibition is ai Ilutre let its go baek to the old bair teml. oice-''How will flint be possible er the constitution?'' nswer ''You will see tile har room '8isthng with nud1(e pictures. yonl i1l hear enticing tmusic, anid tle fasei tinlg click of lie poker chips.' !Wlenl Aisel spoke lie had the crowd t Blease strely took it awayv from NIVhenI Mr. E'(dwards got up there ust have beenl at fire lown tle street, or many of tihe people fied as if inl rror. Mtr. A. C. Jonles says lie is afrai(d at C. C. Davis has been matde at apegoat for others who might. have stified. Mr'. Jotnes assumes all re onsibility for the testimony given y C. C. Davis, before the investiga ing committee. The Hon. R?ichard 1. Maiing male clear presentation of his Views ot] (lueationt and the (lispensary. If elect d governor lie will go into office ree from anti-election promises. At lie close of his speech Mr. M anning ot. enthusiaetic applause. *Thle Hont. Johnt J. MIcahonIi made(l ni (eloquenIt appeao~l totr civie' imtprove tent Iitn busliness, atgl'ientur le, endea-lI ion andto politics. 'Te auidienice paid areftul aittetion to htis w~ords, and hteerecd him strtenuioutsly as lie closedl. Mr'. .Joel E'. Brutnsont believes that Ir'. Mainiing's chanitge to the (is enisatry is a deatIhbed ('onver'siont b)e autse of the exigencey ofI p)olities. His trong ap)peaI for prohibitioni received1 applause f'rom a tir'ed audience. 0Only three of thte governior catndi dates were received with applause: .essrs. Anisel, Blease anid Manniing. For a4tor'ney gienerg'l, pJ. Fraser Lyoni spoke first. He said the investi ating committee shielded no witness .s and did tiot make a scapegoat of 'C. C. Davis. jMr'. A. C. Jones, canididates for gov erntor, ar'ose in theo auidienice, ando stid: ''Mir. Lyon, why did not your com mittee require Jud(ge Carey to tell what lie know?'' *Answer by Mr. Lyon-''The whole ommittee irequiire Judge Gary to tell rom going on the stand.'' Continuing, Mr. Lyon said lie wvottld all before the e' mmittee any wvitness r. Jones woutld point out as kntow nig facts miateirial to thre investigating. r. 1Lyon askedl Mr. ,Jotnes very' ploint edly if lie know of an Iy sneQh witntesses It'. Jonise not giv'ing a (Iefliite ( replv, It'. Ly~ot wats satilin~ ighet ont withI its speech(l wvhaen Mr t. Jones' tookt theo 'loot', antd elews eitd Iihnec fort ali ex-' Innnatiom County Chairman John M. Wise rul ed hini out of order as lie would be taking up Mr. Lyon's time. Mr. Jones insisted on speaking, anyhow, an( there was considerable disorder. Mr. Wise, from the stage-''Take yotir seat, Mr. Joines.' Mr. Jones paid no attention, and re. fused, as he said, to be howled down. (Nobody was howling, however. oily laughing and cheering at Mr'. Jones expenVse. Iland callin.g for Lyn.'') Mayor V. 1. 1ardin stood up1)oni thc plaft for, anIId with a wave of his lon I armn commnandedl 'Mr. Jones, to be seat edl, that order. mi-ght be restoredI. Mir. Jonies still stood npy), bi,dding. defin111 to tle audience. and insisting kmlj speaking. Mayor H-lardinl called the llieff of police to take Mir. Jones out; if l wouwl not hush. Two policemen walk. C(d up to Mr. Jones, but did not arrest him, as he had just then took a no tion to sit (own. J. Willard Ragsdale 11111de a waril reply to Mr. . Lookinl st raig at Mi'. L'oni, ie- said " Mrl. Lyon ask: von who Will tle g'r1afters vote Ior; I ask you w%.Io wv'ill lChicco ald the lid ti-er law-hre.king gang voit fo?Ithinlk M1r. Lyonl is grafters: pie.'' Mr. agsdale gave a version of I his legislativle record, showin.g 1he good work he hlad done foi' tle people againlst, oppressive corporationls. Thei crow(l yelled for Lyon aind Ra'sdale, -iving strenuous applause to eachl. Mi. IIagsdale stated that Mr. A. L. Gas tonl, from Chester, at Imemiberi oi th investigatinge cominittee, had not tak en eight I dollars per day as, Mr. Lyon ha11d. Mr. Lyon asked Mr. Gaston, as Mr. RIgs(hale sat down, if lie had ever ex Pressed nll opinion against some of tie eommit tee t aking pay during t he sessionl of the le-islatunrc. Answer, by Mr. Gaston-" I recog nlized it as 1 matter of constriltive right, an(1 I refused to take it.'' No Disagreement. In the report of the meeting at Yuokvilie in, The state yesteiday in rv.-ari to tle Jones and LyoII in11(e (lent it is said that Mi'. Jones explainl. (I tle Chester episode, saying he was Ilot arri'ested and! was only trying to explain a mat1ter to Mrl. Lyon and] Mrl., I'onl (i( not iimderstand. He says they are goodI friends. Attorney General Moody's Motion. A few years ago, before the Austra lian ballot system was in use in clec tion primaries, Attorney General Wil liam H. Moody, who w-as then a law yer in Haverhill, ereated no (lnd of iaiiseieiint, by a remark that was im Ime(liately turned to a joke and which has elung to the cabinet member evev since, accord1iiig to tie Boston Herald. In those (lays the ''slate'' was us ually made out before the eaticus of the party leaders, and in this )aRItieu anr case Bill Jeffers had been select'd to preseit (te ''slato' for the IIsseI1 biled voter'ls. I was21 new business for JefferIls. anud lhe became a trtiftle ner-I vonis when lhe securedO( the floor. I Ie had1( a list of inames of thle delegantes in his hat , which lie held in his hiaid as he stoo up( tioI( address05 thle chiaiirman. But, in his ner'vous pl ig'ht, lie semed unable to r'eadl the names, aind still. ness5 ri'gnLIed tor' a few moments while lie end(eavor'ed to gatini conitriol of his vocal organs. Mr. Moody was standing in the reai of the 'oom, aiid aftter some time had been wvasted1 b)y Jeffer's in trying to gain his power of speech, Mr. Moody addriessed the chtai', saying, '' M,r. Chaiirman, I move that the list (of names in Bill Jeffer's hat be nomi nated,'' and( it was,~ amid sulpressedl laughter. What Was Really Wanted. Youth's Companion. One of the hundreds of thousands of goiod persons who 'ead the Companion without subscribing for it wrote re cently for a copy of the paper con taining an article on ''Women in New Zealand.'' No such article could be found in the files, but a little corr'es pondence disclosed the fact that the ar'ticle which lhe really decsir'ed wvas entitled ''A Paradise for Dumb An imials.' We doi not pretend to explain th'e conntl'tion in his mind beCtwecen the t wo) tit les. l"vein a man) w~hoi is color blind kniows when lhe's feeling 1)1lie. NEWS OF PROSPERITY. Death of Mrs. Lillian Ruff-The Sorosis Club-Personal and Otherwise. VPoS)I'ity, S. C., August 9.-Mise H NVa'i Wilsi. after very pleasant staY il ml town, left vedlesday for c0liun! inl fr-11ii vlert sie will o tc China (GrOve, N. '. .Nlesses. Jas. 1). 11nther, (orf)ltuml bil. .tid ioH ert .utilier. of Atlanta, ( I., 1 r visitinl.-I) t lii. pari ts thlis wvvvk. iv. NV. A. 1nt1z adi wife, of SIatvsbttn_'. N. C., are in itown. Pas. t0r 1.Utz is on his way to the Tennes see syni%tod niow inl sessiont at St. Tlioimas church 'nelar Chalpin, S. C. Mr. aid Mrs. J. M. Counts, of New berry. have been visiting relatives in town and vicinity. Mlisses Lula and Addie Rickard, of L011n1 IAIXneC, are visitinl" Mlisses Laucy aiid Lal"age WN'heeler. We are glad to weli-ine A. T. (Her ry)I Mayer baick nuain. lHe has been enjoy- V ei bllree s b f (.exiiitio and lishling In Sahmla river.. M r. r.. n i II is 1 amn , a1f, At hmna will re01t,ral 111vilir 11(pille t(iday vite I vaei' ti spent wit hll Mr. Ilar (11n's parvltit. i'. 4-41. 14,0 ) .li1s returntledIl f41n hlis vacain and4 is ''h1me'. ain at H lwkin's Blss. Alrs. Lizzie (oinest f'Iof h aria, i: visiting Iler daludhter. Mirs. E. O Ars. J. ma. Cemis returnIoed frmo at ery ejoyable trip to relaives i S.1luda counlty. I)vpIlty Sheriff Smi ithl , of saluda was in tow\n omay. hulnting" ull' witnesses in a S lta shlooting scrape He has hewil warrants or tlem amn c1atrie4d his mnil back wit e him. I?ev. M. . J. Krtphsr hlas beel asI sistinig M\r. J. . Harmon in a serit f mneetinS lt St. Mark church, Sa ItIdacony Ants. Brown (nee Sallie Boient) is "n a Visit to ier sister tiis weik. MrliS llr nvilwlp makes the 'oldol state h(er homie. Messrs. a teisenhlleimler, of Nortl Cardolna, anld Virgil sease, of I,illtb muintait, spent several days wit'i eir Mlassmate, Jwn. P)at W iise. Th e sorosisi iat ieeting tomior ro0W Will vary thle programmec some. wiat and will hold a debate: Resoi. ved "''at tIere would bo more haps piness inh it world if there were ne education.' Affirmative, Miss Delh Bowers and .rs. F. is. Sct hug11mpert Negatkie, rs. C. T. Wyhele and MrIs J. S. Weieler. History of import. lint colleges in soliutl Carolina, is Helagiln. WVe wonder if the proverbia order will prevail in the descussion ti thev question. M'rs. Kate Bwray, after visitinga h ratives Sing town, returned to hev het i h oreal e on sednesday. Misses reie ank l, fthiel nt andsMayoHalyinSmer ofa Connhi thae bneenyl)i visiting Mtvs. the cit and atendn hrhsevcso u t,aev abou 24 yla, atme pastori woil, reachmndrac, Mhrch onllun. Mray mornin, reAgust 12th, snt 11 herrest to S.hoer sis' Mstn h.e sohn, laee a Prasperity,is weeks hMeises A itsee n perfol water before pu ti one ut Idy coplexion r ford bit su d Io Ilae lo let if to-nigh111 It's ai tuisanet tloo for raih-ond di y alwais naes ouht look g my an tie i (ears o lel thanli yout realN' are."' ok" D)o you Ilse tha t sin imit e I trie eit onle, but I don't care for- it. ] seemed to make mi y skin hard ad dr s' I like this better than anyt.hing T' Ily tried Vet. Vonl o tuht to ,-et som mft (Tr( porter:) "Call melt al, 7, pleasi he( porter. TholughI I don't expect to cto" my eyes Pll nighl. But (here are hr< t i lle woIle 1) ,W0 1( il Ille( eat, a loI if, I doll e4 tov he (I 'essiig roo1*4lil) a llnd ( d hil I 11 ter will et (iessell ill tfir I to et. brvaklifast. It tales so l(rI. I . se i stIil' n aillle'l (11 -terl u wll havvell o orot Io t is the slree ist I in I - Ywt ? N'I-. ii 't e'ail Io ill ve ,,t' Why He Paid Her Fare. Isl New Y(irk Sun. til- "There is t Womn'lh uop t in the ro onl i ith. e t litat h ant a he rare, lie. said ii t conductot to the 1man1 inl II I- bauk set' "t1llten't I he'place her. I " Perhaps el t..ive youl a pointer pe. said thle helpful mlall. ''Pick (1ut 111 )t1 1wollia t il l tl a ll e. T lt is ile ate ast wrinkle of thie femial sreet r v pi ate. leadil"n er liiblihol-s Ilew: paer :li antI 1 '. InI into Ilt(i lit v it 1 ou(t, dtate. lverlyN'body ot yn to tloh. 0is tricks. tllt 110w wuo.illld thlat beats In' .wa hIas to anti somliethinll. to hi e It is 1 ruil, so she riddtIles wittli hetg pills. [lhe PrIesenllY the cond(Ilelor. reportedl forI. i Tlhat worki. all rigt'' he sai ifec 'she ownledl up. She( Saidl youi woud oupaY Ifor her." \'e!'' sode(I the nuhlu mI t A'' Vh a ve to do wyit iwt.. ' per ''liEvery' t hinl", apparlenlyN. 'Khe hai [is, penedil( to look backi and1. Said she klw myuand4 11ha1 it wouldII he all righ1 Thlere shte is nlow, shiandinl.. up1 a11 1ry 110dded4 at You. Kn)ow her,I?'' ing ''Yes,'' saidl lt(-nn weakily. ''S1 it y Women Travelers Drop Mrs. and Mis li- lnti t e last rew ytears woie nle- whethe ltma-rrietl IIr single, wheit regi melrdat lthe hoh-ls uisuially wrotv the(. naies with Itle pr(fix of .\lrs or Mi: ro' 'k AIa(e customl, however., amT01 o, WOMV Ive leavellin.g it Itlonie is to place it1an1loi i' olit' register not oily without Ii ne prix, bit without spellilng out II _it. first A met. As a result oft' this ne ikte f2ad, ttr perhapsil it is ia fashtion, ol eer at a hitetl uniltess lie is ani 4expeiti 'ff le (te liotel tlterks, whlo kint it' able4 ti exphiin why this ittw style so ptrevalent amon)4g thle womtten. TPh habhit oft dtropping (lie prefix 1s 11 id- dutlged in alt'selber lby (lie commnne Of' 'ial travelin-r womalun atnd the fema cir. tourists. Notwadatys ablouit (lie ti ?at wiomen who putt the Mrs. ott a hot, atn register are' those who ar'e aloiig i ys. years atid have b)eetn miarriedl a lon all -time. lHis Text. nk Some years ago, says the Kanss lit, City St ar, ant Autrtorat preaceri inauj th. turnted the practice of having LI ful echildrent quote their Sunday Scriptu al texts as they tdropped their Sunda; rmy school pennies ini the contributtion ho a On (lie fir'st Suinday untdetr the ne a plait a little shaveri came and stai ied ' 'The Isordl love th a cheer'fud gi ver, it? and in dtropped his penny. ' 'Chiarii ne0. shaill cov'er multitude of sins,'' and me dropped the inext. ''It is mor'e leCss to g.ivye than to4 re'ccive, '' qte-t1' 1 in third, andii s) (41.. ror41 Juist thlen wvalked lil a little f'tllo et with44 Sth um ~;ni takle u. remnaniti s mo1 - a d n i hub1o I AT JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. I . c Press Party Please and Pass Resolu el tion-Old Virginia Hospi tality. ) The lress party, while visiting Nor I folk, passed some resolutions in ap F preciation of the courtesies extended v by file inamigement of the James e town E'xposition. We take pleasure n in printing.. those resolutions herewith. s Thy wvre adopted by (lhe Imlembers - oI, thev party wIlde attending a b.1 anl I git whIih was liI endered,41 tle Vexll' . itinists a1 the Pile Beaehl 1lotel. t Resolutions. cd Virginia hospitality is known the woI'ld over, but the South Carolina 1 IPress association has Iiever had it t brought more forcibly to mind than r. ihe treatment accorded them today. e We believe more than ever in the abil ity of Virginians. to use the poet's I, xpressionl. "To speed tle parting Said welcome the coming guest. e A gentleman hears lie stamp of t sutch wherever seen, and a Jamestown If exposition gend1lianl needs but little e time to prove tle justice of' the title. c The South Caroli Press associa lionl hails heenl reateud like prinees lo Il day. 1ni (he en trt inmeniilit accorded e llivie lcs beil of' the highest. degree of pefectin.lTe comittelle of (lho .1aiesown exposition Imlade us feel un11wor1thy l ol' the ateIitions shown us, 1n41 we wish lo put oiurselves onl Ie coni iofferii.- raliil ackiowledg Inv it o' fth( saimle. Thl e .111ilaestown Vexpoitionm dt-servessuesasmsr ed Iy the ollicers who arl.f. in ebarge, an1iid w\e avline noted the fact 1hat tie 11spects 1 o41r siecess Ire g(Ireat, ill I vliory. crt anIld the scieives should eve., he prl-ptu ill t ('41 . we wit ish to say thai tille .1.111lestown exposition s4 taids ftior someiltii'g higher tha11n InallY ot hers it has beel our pleasuire Ill visil. Iu'iniml is to bev (oIaI'lgd o .1.iteslown does this; historyN. is to ho Illadl, e ialei--la e t w does 1. this: ml proper appreviation ol' the d --reat evet it w\islhe.s Ill Ii-per m1lnat seems t14 have ben ina1g:1arcaled tiln 1. .leal11spiciouls vlelllstillevs. 'T'h)e SIIb CII 'olina'i Press lissoeia i-. t \i\o wish1)s to exteilo thle 1 II manage wv mIent ol' the .hu11neslown exposili,. hearly v Wm)d cheer, and heirty wishes d fI' sutles: -The ref"ore he it resolvedl, First.--That tilie tianlks of this as le SoViaitionl are due. an11d the same aro hlerehv extenided tI Ihe matinagemeil, lf the exposition, parti ublirly Io thle s. genilleen who have Iet us todaly. w, -ecd.---haI'li I lotiomable A. L. S Itlin, chief, 11 the1. :-enleral P)ress r Bilrea., an llonorably U. II. sexion, ChieI of tihe Dvpatient ()I ons" sl's c aid special evenlo, Iogether with (11 1411i-1able Chas. 11. Prall, superinl I e tenldeint lof' the gromlils IIIId eiginieer i iinhag1, and lnorlable C. It. Keiley, chie 4of th. Idar n u .f pre. -a s menda111tio lof (IIhe2 Soulh I( Caro'linac Pre'ss i..15asso'clion t hat eachl and4 everyI~ memii is her'~i o he nespbaper friatern,ity iln s .Soiuth C'arol'inac aidl and~ abet the -. Jamiiesto)wn e'xposit ion mi (eery way03 in ..his l)pwer'. e l"ourthl.-Th'lat thle necws c'olumln of y the ne(wsp)ap)ers ini SouthI Carolina be sI open to Ithe publicity commit tee of the ni .JameIstowni explosilin and1 114 glAstly.-Th2lat the niewspaper's, as mor'e dlirect reprei'sentdt ives of the4 seuitimnent of thle people of a great state, (1o maintain, and1( lhe same is .s hereby of'fereud, that the people 4of .. South Carolina extend hearty greet e ings to Virginia and good wishes for -the suCCess of the .Jamestown exposi pr- tioii. .(Signedl.) wv N. (1. Osteani, '' J. RI. McGThee, y Commnit tee fr'omi SouithI Carolina ni Pre'ss Asso~cation. ('t achn Plausible. CahlcS1andar'd and Times. w " 'Wha ci ' s it thle peuot sa1id was. sorsov's : In of \iorrow'?''